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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 14, 2010 11:38 am

I have a question regarding of how pilots get around in Felarya. It is vastly different then how pilots get around on earth. Eliminating Air regulations since Felarya has no official controlled airspace.

My best bet of how pilots get around is using “dead reckoning” or “pilotage” but those effects are pretty limited. As I don’t have any knowledge if Felarya actually has magnetic poles so that pilots can get around with magnetic navigation. As for fixed positions or landmarks, they might not be there the next day due to how Felarya gains and excesses land; making it difficult for pilots to remember how to get to a certain destination by memory or improvised cartography.

A system that could be set up is by having a radio transmitter emitting low frequencies or some device like a VOR in populated areas/locations. Then pilots who choose to equip their aircraft with RDF/ADF capability can use triangulation to get near/at their destination.
As for the whole system, a village or town would have their own signal transmission ID. Example: Negav- NG-765.00 CT (Assuming it has something like a control tower or VOR station).

Only problems I see are people or beings that would intentionally jam radio signals. Thunder storms with a lot of ions and other stuff that interfere with signals; and the probability of the location and its radio being gone from the continent or world on coincidence.
If this hasn’t been put into detail yet, then this could be a good example on how fliers get around Felarya in a….Semi safe and accurate way.
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 14, 2010 12:28 pm

Doc wrote:
I have a question regarding of how pilots get around in Felarya. It is vastly different then how pilots get around on earth. Eliminating Air regulations since Felarya has no official controlled airspace.
For the ones that can afford it, there are Guide orb systems for aircraft. (If they have an aircraft I'm pretty sure they can have afford guide orb).
Also, I'm sure there aren't magnetic poles.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 14, 2010 12:30 pm

If there is a magnetic pole, then it's probably at the Pyrale Mountains due to the geomagnetic disturbance there.
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 14, 2010 12:39 pm

Sean Okotami wrote:
If there is a magnetic pole, then it's probably at the Pyrale Mountains due to the geomagnetic disturbance there.
Well, around the Pyrale Mountains you could use the disturbance for navigation.... I think. but I don't think it's strong enough for a magnetic pole. 2 are required to have a magnetic field that spans the world. Also it would have to be a mostly postive or mostly negative disturbance for a field to work
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Roaming thug
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 14, 2010 1:04 pm

Quote :
For the ones that can afford it, there are Guide orb systems for aircraft. (If they have an aircraft I'm pretty sure they can have afford guide orb).

If i had an aircraft I'd use the radio. I wouldn't want a flight of flying preds using their "sense" to know where i am, and so i can have the higher initiative.
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 14, 2010 1:50 pm

Doc wrote:
Quote :
For the ones that can afford it, there are Guide orb systems for aircraft. (If they have an aircraft I'm pretty sure they can have afford guide orb).

If i had an aircraft I'd use the radio. I wouldn't want a flight of flying preds using their "sense" to know where i am, and so i can have the higher initiative.
The only flying predator that has the sense are fairies and I'm sure they don't fly that high. Anyway the aircraft variant doesn't emit the beam of light, so it's undetectable. (that is, it adds nothing that makes the aircraft more detectable).

I haven't released the idea for the aircraft variant, it will come when I post my jetbikes idea.
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Shady Knight
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 14, 2010 1:54 pm

Anime-Junkie wrote:
Doc wrote:
Quote :
For the ones that can afford it, there are Guide orb systems for aircraft. (If they have an aircraft I'm pretty sure they can have afford guide orb).

If i had an aircraft I'd use the radio. I wouldn't want a flight of flying preds using their "sense" to know where i am, and so i can have the higher initiative.
The only flying predator that has the sense are fairies and I'm sure they don't fly that high. Anyway the aircraft variant doesn't emit the beam of light, so it's undetectable. (that is, it adds nothing that makes the aircraft more detectable).

I haven't released the idea for the aircraft variant, it will come when I post my jetbikes idea.
It's entirely possible for a Sphinx and Harpy to have the sense. Not all of them may have it, but some might.
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Great warrior
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 14, 2010 2:00 pm

Sean Okotami wrote:
It's entirely possible for a Sphinx and Harpy to have the sense. Not all of them may have it, but some might.

Indeed. I think you locked in too hard on the named examles AJ. The wiki entry makes the statement as inclusive, not exclusive - other races are capable of having the sense, not to mention some members of those races listed are unable to use the sense.
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Felarya cartographer
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 14, 2010 2:23 pm

aethernavale wrote:
Sean Okotami wrote:
It's entirely possible for a Sphinx and Harpy to have the sense. Not all of them may have it, but some might.

Indeed. I think you locked in too hard on the named examles AJ. The wiki entry makes the statement as inclusive, not exclusive - other races are capable of having the sense, not to mention some members of those races listed are unable to use the sense.

I think its important to focus on the examples. Keep in mind, the current list was made by Karbo in response to people giving almost all preds the "predator sense." (and exaggerating its strength)

It is primarily limited to nagas and fairies. Nagas, because its the magical equivalent to a snake's heat sense, and fairies because they are highly sensitive to magic anyway. The only other species mentioned to have it was deerataurs, but I think its because they are very magical as well.

I'd be more concerned about harpies with an aircraft. Fairies are not built for high-speed, high-altitude flight. Harpies are. They outpace propeller driven craft in normal flight, and could catch up to a jet if they are able to attack from above and get into a high-speed dive. Not to mention that since they are based off birds (more specifically, birds of prey) I think its safe to assume that their vision is likely fairly extreme.

Aircraft are just risky in general. You'd need a constant line back home to keep your fuel supplies up...and taking off and landing would require you to either build a runway, or use a VTOL craft. VTOL sounds nice (and it is certainly the most viable of aircraft types to use in Felarya), but they are very slow and very vulnerable when they transfer to vertical flight. Anything could make a grab for them then if you aren't careful.
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Shady Knight
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 14, 2010 2:34 pm

A few individual predators with enough proficiency in magic could develop that sense. It's entirely possible. But we digress here. What are Sphinxes built for in flight? Endurance?
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Great warrior
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 14, 2010 2:40 pm

The wiki entry states 'some', not 'limited to'. That is implicit, not explicit, and if this is in err, it should be forwarded to the correction thread and fixed.

I would imagine any aircraft that actually originated from Felarya would resemble something more like the airships Sylvana, High Wind, Sierra, or the airships seen in animes like Escaflowne, rather than a propeller or jet plane we know today. The latter examples would most likely have come to Felarya, rather than being used there. Necessity is the mother of all invention, and air travel is a form of power. Granted, with Felarya's fixed ceiling, you have to be careful there as well. Just how high does it reach? Are we talking blimp, passenger liner, or Valkryie/Blackbird altitudes, here?
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 14, 2010 5:59 pm

aethernavale wrote:
The wiki entry states 'some', not 'limited to'. That is implicit, not explicit, and if this is in err, it should be forwarded to the correction thread and fixed.

I would imagine any aircraft that actually originated from Felarya would resemble something more like the airships Sylvana, High Wind, Sierra, or the airships seen in animes like Escaflowne, rather than a propeller or jet plane we know today. The latter examples would most likely have come to Felarya, rather than being used there. Necessity is the mother of all invention, and air travel is a form of power. Granted, with Felarya's fixed ceiling, you have to be careful there as well. Just how high does it reach? Are we talking blimp, passenger liner, or Valkryie/Blackbird altitudes, here?

If we are talking about the SR-71 Blackbird; that thing flies on what most people consider the edge of space and at Mach 3 (not much is going to catch it) however at that altitude you will probably be expelled from Felarya itself. I'd think the max altitude would be below the stratosphere; around 25,000ft to 30,000ft . Any higher and the air will be too thin and cold to breath, though as Felarya does not behave like a planet its atmoshpere could be entrily different, however if you can breath normally at 30,000ft the air pressure at sea level will most likely crush you. I thought advanced indiginous aircraft would resemble Ornithopters, just a thought tough.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeThu Jul 15, 2010 5:59 am

I think pilots should just stick to befriending harpies and using them to navigate the skies.

Call it impossible, but they have a better chance of that than safely using a propeller driven rust bucket which might attract harpies by the dozen.
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ravaging vixen
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeThu Jul 15, 2010 11:49 am

Quote :
I think pilots should just stick to befriending harpies and using them to navigate the skies.
50/50 chance of that happening, considering your one of their favorite foods.

Quote :
Call it impossible, but they have a better chance of that than safely using a propeller driven rust bucket which might attract harpies by the dozen.
If you want to live on Felarya, then u might want jet propelled or similar. Otherwise u would have the chances of being clipped out of the sky from predators. Flying is risky in general, but it has awesome benefits if u can live to fly the next day.
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 16, 2010 2:28 am

ravaging vixens wrote:
Quote :
Call it impossible, but they have a better chance of that than safely using a propeller driven rust bucket which might attract harpies by the dozen.
If you want to live on Felarya, then u might want jet propelled or similar. Otherwise u would have the chances of being clipped out of the sky from predators. Flying is risky in general, but it has awesome benefits if u can live to fly the next day.
Indeed, I don't think a harpy could catch a jet going half of Mach 1 (612.5 km/h or 380.6 mph).
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Felarya cartographer
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 16, 2010 4:12 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
ravaging vixens wrote:
Quote :
Call it impossible, but they have a better chance of that than safely using a propeller driven rust bucket which might attract harpies by the dozen.
If you want to live on Felarya, then u might want jet propelled or similar. Otherwise u would have the chances of being clipped out of the sky from predators. Flying is risky in general, but it has awesome benefits if u can live to fly the next day.
Indeed, I don't think a harpy could catch a jet going half of Mach 1 (612.5 km/h or 380.6 mph).

It'd be close. The average pred can surpass 100mph in a run. Harpies would need to be able to fly 2-3 times faster than that in level flight to not look like they are crawling through the air. In a good dive, I think they'd be pushing supersonic. I think a jet could just outrun them in level flight, as long as they harpy doesn't get the jump on them and dive bomb them from above.
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Shady Knight
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 16, 2010 5:19 am

And there's still the Lamina Harpies which are among the fastest harpies in flight.
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Veteran knight
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 16, 2010 5:34 am

rcs619 wrote:
Anime-Junkie wrote:
ravaging vixens wrote:
Quote :
Call it impossible, but they have a better chance of that than safely using a propeller driven rust bucket which might attract harpies by the dozen.
If you want to live on Felarya, then u might want jet propelled or similar. Otherwise u would have the chances of being clipped out of the sky from predators. Flying is risky in general, but it has awesome benefits if u can live to fly the next day.
Indeed, I don't think a harpy could catch a jet going half of Mach 1 (612.5 km/h or 380.6 mph).

It'd be close. The average pred can surpass 100mph in a run. Harpies would need to be able to fly 2-3 times faster than that in level flight to not look like they are crawling through the air. In a good dive, I think they'd be pushing supersonic. I think a jet could just outrun them in level flight, as long as they harpy doesn't get the jump on them and dive bomb them from above.

(maybe I'm a bit out of topic, but talking about pred's speed ...) Are you sure that a pred can go at 160 Km/h (the equivaklent of 100mph ), I mean, sure there are big, so in proportions they have to be fast, but still, if they can go that fast, it makes the scenes of predators chassing their preys a bit... unrealistic , if you know what I mean (cars rarely go that fast in the motorway ><)
And is also know that, in proportion, smaller animals are faster than big animals, so maybe it also aplies to preds. (when you compare an ant movemet to an elephant one, the ant is definitely faster)
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Felarya cartographer
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 16, 2010 6:05 am

Atlas wrote:
rcs619 wrote:
Anime-Junkie wrote:
ravaging vixens wrote:
Quote :
Call it impossible, but they have a better chance of that than safely using a propeller driven rust bucket which might attract harpies by the dozen.
If you want to live on Felarya, then u might want jet propelled or similar. Otherwise u would have the chances of being clipped out of the sky from predators. Flying is risky in general, but it has awesome benefits if u can live to fly the next day.
Indeed, I don't think a harpy could catch a jet going half of Mach 1 (612.5 km/h or 380.6 mph).

It'd be close. The average pred can surpass 100mph in a run. Harpies would need to be able to fly 2-3 times faster than that in level flight to not look like they are crawling through the air. In a good dive, I think they'd be pushing supersonic. I think a jet could just outrun them in level flight, as long as they harpy doesn't get the jump on them and dive bomb them from above.

(maybe I'm a bit out of topic, but talking about pred's speed ...) Are you sure that a pred can go at 160 Km/h (the equivaklent of 100mph ), I mean, sure there are big, so in proportions they have to be fast, but still, if they can go that fast, it makes the scenes of predators chassing their preys a bit... unrealistic , if you know what I mean (cars rarely go that fast in the motorway ><)
And is also know that, in proportion, smaller animals are faster than big animals, so maybe it also aplies to preds. (when you compare an ant movemet to an elephant one, the ant is definitely faster)

Its already been established that preds are not limited by conventional laws of physics. They move around as if they were normal sized. A 70ft pred can easily cover 20ft in an average stride. Hitting 100mph in a full-on run would not be that hard. And yeah, any scene where prey outruns a pred is unrealistic =P Your only chance is the use the terrain to evade them. Jump into a giant bramble, or duck under some roots, or something. You won't beat them in a footrace. Ever.

To give you an idea of it. Take 12 steps. A pred could walk from one end of a football field to the other in between 10 and 15 steps. This is only taking bipedal preds into account. Tauric ones WILL be faster (slug-girls aside =P)

Because of the dimensional properties of Felarya, preds are very quick and agile for their size. Its almost as if they're normal sized and humans are treated as being tiny.

Last edited by rcs619 on Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:14 am; edited 2 times in total
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Shady Knight
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 16, 2010 6:10 am

Even though their movements would be sluggish and slow from the prey's perspective, they are still giants and can cover much more ground in a single step.
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Felarya cartographer
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 16, 2010 6:16 am

Sean Okotami wrote:
Even though their movements would be sluggish and slow from the prey's perspective, they are still giants and can cover much more ground in a single step.

I don't think they would be slow from our perspective. Going by the manga and stories, they move around like normal people...just bigger. Real physics don't hold them back. If they did, Crisis would sound like a bass drum when she talks =P
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Shady Knight
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 16, 2010 6:23 am

We did have discussions about the language how the giants don't blow out our eardrums. Also, if they are as fast from our perspective as ours, this would make them dastardly quick from our height. Just like in real life, from a bug's perspective, we're slow and sluggish, but from our perspective, we're quick. Also, a manga is a collection of still images. I think it's impossible to convey slow movements from a prey's perspective and fast movements from a pred's perspective without adding 100% more fluff to the panels. From the stories, it's pretty much just a cut corner's method to keep the flow going and there are hints of sluggishness. For example, when Crisis reaches down, the prey has time to turn around and try to run away. If all the speed was in real time for both, the prey wouldn't have time to even turn around and evade.
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 16, 2010 6:40 am

rcs619 wrote:
Anime-Junkie wrote:
ravaging vixens wrote:
Quote :
Call it impossible, but they have a better chance of that than safely using a propeller driven rust bucket which might attract harpies by the dozen.
If you want to live on Felarya, then u might want jet propelled or similar. Otherwise u would have the chances of being clipped out of the sky from predators. Flying is risky in general, but it has awesome benefits if u can live to fly the next day.
Indeed, I don't think a harpy could catch a jet going half of Mach 1 (612.5 km/h or 380.6 mph).

It'd be close. The average pred can surpass 100mph in a run. Harpies would need to be able to fly 2-3 times faster than that in level flight to not look like they are crawling through the air. In a good dive, I think they'd be pushing supersonic.It'd be close. The average pred can surpass 100mph in a run. Harpies would need to be able to fly 2-3 times faster than that in level flight to not look like they are crawling through the air.
I don't think it'd be that close.
rcs619 wrote:
In a good dive, I think they'd be pushing supersonic.
No, terminal velocity does not allow supersonic dives. Supersonic would probably kill them. The sound barrier was called a "barrier" for a reason.
rcs619 wrote:
I think a jet could just outrun them in level flight, as long as they harpy doesn't get the jump on them and dive bomb them from above.
A jet will definitely outrun them in level flight. For diving, only a novice pilot on an aircraft with no countermeasures* would really be taken down.

Also, a diving harpy colliding with a jet... Messy, to say the least.

* Smoke emitters/smoke grenades and flares. Stuff not to hard to find in Negav

Last edited by Anime-Junkie on Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:03 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : misspelling)
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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Pilot Navigation around felarya. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 16, 2010 7:47 am

With all this confusion, it's no wonder people don't fly that much in Felarya. They should seriously considering tunneling their way across the continent.

Last I recall there were few dangers found in the soil.
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PostSubject: Re: Pilot Navigation around felarya.   Pilot Navigation around felarya. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 16, 2010 7:59 am

*Tunneler Worm erupts out of soil, followed by an Ice Wyrm.*

Ya... I don't think the underground is much safer either, Pendragon.
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