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 Got some music you want to share?

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Dohoho, it slaps me on de knee!
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I found it very useful for sharing/finding music, thank you!
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Pfft. Lame.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Got some music you want to share?   Got some music you want to share? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 08, 2010 9:45 am

Then we have just what you need! This very thread. Want to share a great YTP you saw a few days ago? Want to spend 10+ minutes carefully hiding links in some of the words in your sentences? Just wanna find some new music that you might like, but have never heard of before? Well, this is the thread to do it!

Start us off? I just did. <3

Last edited by Irrelevant on Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:46 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixed a link.)
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Got some music you want to share? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got some music you want to share?   Got some music you want to share? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 08, 2010 9:59 am

We already have a thread for this...
(Yes it's old, but there's nothing wrong with necro-ing a thread like that).
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Age : 34
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PostSubject: Re: Got some music you want to share?   Got some music you want to share? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 08, 2010 11:44 am

EDIT: Crap. Anime-Junkie. Could you do me a huge favor, please? I don't think I can delete my first post, and thus, this entire thread until either you delete yours, or a moderator comes along and deletes this for us. So, to save a moderator the hassle, and to save quite a bit of time, could you delete your post, please? I think that might re-enable my ability to delete my first post, and take down this entire thread with it. Thank you~. And, yes, I already tried deleting this post before doing that, but the "X" didn't come back. This is more of a re-post than an edit, but, nyah.
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PostSubject: Re: Got some music you want to share?   Got some music you want to share? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 08, 2010 2:24 pm

You can't delete your post if someone has posted after you. >_>
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Age : 34
Location : -77.8461, 166.6627

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PostSubject: Re: Got some music you want to share?   Got some music you want to share? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 08, 2010 2:37 pm

Damn! I was afraid you'd say that. Ah well. Thanks for telling me that, though. ;o
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PostSubject: Re: Got some music you want to share?   Got some music you want to share? Icon_minitime

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