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 Cruise on the Jewel River

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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

Posts : 219
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Cruise on the Jewel River Empty
PostSubject: Cruise on the Jewel River   Cruise on the Jewel River Icon_minitimeThu Aug 19, 2010 5:39 am

1.) No double-posting
2.) No Godmoding
3.) If one is to eat another, the prey must give consent before you digest or kill them.
4.)Have fun!

(The idea is a group of people takin a cruise down the Jewel river you can make a charactor for the cruise or a predator that comes for the buffet a suggestion for predators could be, fairies, mermaids or harpies but if you want to play the humans, elves neko etc etc then that is perfectly fine.)

The ship is roughly the same size the titanic was with hundreds of passengers onboard and about twenty floors in total, there is a glassless bottom room at he bottom of the boat so passengers can view the creatures beneath the water from a 'Safe' distance. The boat travels down roughly in the middle of the river and is very silent making virtually no noise.


Oma sighed she was looking into the waterthrough the pool a relaxed smile upon the elfs face, she sighed shaking her head slightly before she made her way back upstairs, she moved out onto the deck, laying on her deckchair, which rested by the edge of the boat, she had a pleasent smile on her face, watching the clouds go by.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Age : 30
Location : Omaha NE

Cruise on the Jewel River Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruise on the Jewel River   Cruise on the Jewel River Icon_minitimeSun Oct 03, 2010 7:28 pm

As the ship cruses the the water roughly

A white haired Kid (no older than 16) was leaning on the railing on the poop deck

"I really Hat boat rides sometimes" He said as the ship rock, left to right

The boy stands up and trys to walk to a bench, He looked up to look at cload tryin to keep his mind off of the Idea of him being on a boat.

As Everyone else were haveing a good time tolking to each other, The childerns Played Games while the Adults watched them.

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