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 The Run away

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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: The Run away   The Run away Icon_minitimeFri Aug 20, 2010 11:09 pm


Name:Jason R. Rejonn

Known as: Banished Prince Jason, Traitor, Freak, Monster

Age: 16


Height:6' 4”

Species: Vectur Normis High bread -Pure blood-

Orientation: Straight


Kin:Alfon Rejonn – Age 15 middle child- Richard Rejonn -age 13Youngest child-

Parents/Legal Guardians: Lusafer Rejonn -the father- Athena Rejonn (dead) -the Mother-

Sex: Male

Food chain:He is able to Digest Human food, But He Normally survive on toxic Plants or animals


Powers: He has Three phase or Three forms he goes into.

First Phase: Black Lines appears on his body, He is able to block or revers any damage by any solid attacks.

Note-He can not block or reflect any sharp objects or sharp blades !

Second Phase: His skin turns completely black with white lines appears on his body and four spikes come's out of his back, He has Diamond hard skin and able to block any attack. He can also control Electricity, He also can Run or fly in 400-560 mph.

Note- His armor has a weakness and also weak points !

Final Phase: His body is at Normal color No lines but he has Metal wings, He is able to Create portals to Go to different places Not different worlds or Demintions. He also can control manna to either create weapons or Create a Racoo Blast -Basically it is a concentrated manna that has been fused with his Soul to make a powerful blast of energy- .He can also heal hims self and others, His two main powers that he has are only used for Life or Death situational, He able to bring back the dead or Kill the living.

Note When He uses his portal ability he can not go to another world by him self, He has to have another Vectur Normis to help create a Portal to go to another world, or he has to use the Pentagon shaped Necklaces It doubles his portal ability, so if he is going to another world Alone he wold be able to cross threw and be at the world or Demintion that He has Seen in a picture in a book or he remember's a place that he has been to!


Weapons: None

Armors: None

Excretory: He wears a Sun glasses and a Light Blue Diamond Pentagon shape Necklace


Past: When Jason was born The elders new That I was a one of a kind Vectur Normis, Normally a Vectur Normis High bread New born would get the powers of someone else. But Not Jason He got Both of his parents powers, He has His mothers ability to give life and he has His Fathers ability to bring Death to anyone. There was a constant war Between the Vectur Normis and The Zxphedian, When Jason was 5 years old He was assassin to kill the Zxphedian Princess to be able to stop the reproduction of the Royal Zxphedian, Once Jason Team infiltrated the Zxphedian kingdom. Jason Team killed off the guards and it was Jason mission to kill the princess but He couldn't so he called a retreat.

When Jason came home and told his Father that he did not kill the Princess, His father was disappointed and He seances his own son to death. But His Mother pleaded and Beg not to kill him so His Father Changed his Mind and Banished Jason from the Kingdom and If he ever came home he will be killed on mark.

Note Pangia is Jason's Home world

Present: Six Years had Pasted since when Jason was Banished from Pangia and from the thrown, Jason have been Travailing to world to world to find a Home to call his own. But lately He had No luck because of his species Everyone chased him out of the world. But he has Recently found felarya and so far No one knows that he's a Banished prince. But he hoped that No one knew about the Vectur Normis.

*Most Important part about a Character*

Personality: He is Normally out going and a Little trouble maker or Prankster, But He is shy when it come's down to use his powers, The only time that he ever have to use his powers if he is in danger of any kind.


Clothing:He wears an Ice Vest to keep his body Cold, and also he wears a Black hooded short sleeves shirt with old Blue Jeans with blue Tennis-shoes

Note he is trying to blend in with everyone else so that he won't get suspected that he isn't human

Hair color:White

Hair style: Short

Eye colors: His Iris changes color based on his emotions

Skin color: Pale White

Skin Texture:None

Scars: He has a Large gash on his left arm, he also has a little cut on his right cheek

Tattoos: He has None

Missing Limps:He has No missing limps
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PostSubject: Re: The Run away   The Run away Icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 5:13 am

... Or you could just ignore everything I told you and you seemed to understand from our PMs. Oh, wait, you just did.

He does not belong here. Learn to spell. Yadda yadda yadda. You've heard it all before, and I'm getting tired of saying it as you nod appreciatively and refuse to change.

Seriously, I'm done. No more spam-level PM numbers about your characters. I see now the problem, and the problem is that you will never DO anything about the problems.

Keep him in your own darn world, Shin. Final message.
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Age : 31
Location : The Country of Kangaroos and Criminal Scum

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PostSubject: Re: The Run away   The Run away Icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 8:45 am

I agree with what Falcon said. Also, I'm going to request a mod lock this thread to prevent the hatestorm and flamewar that will come.
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PostSubject: Re: The Run away   The Run away Icon_minitime

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