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 Psyches and Psyons

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PostSubject: Psyches and Psyons   Psyches and Psyons Icon_minitimeWed Oct 20, 2010 10:55 pm

Derived from psychopomp.
My theory on the spirits that walk with us.

The Psyches:
These spirits roam both Felarya and the Afterworld. There is one or more Psyches assigned to remain with every person from their birth until their death. They serve asl escorts through this life and the next.
The top of the Psyche Order are called Psyons; they serve as the judges that will weigh the souls of the dead. If a soul is heavy with evil, they will be cast into Oblivion (or Hell if you prefer). If a soul is free from evil, they will gain entry to Paradise (or Heaven).

Some people have the ability to see and speak with Psyches. For a Psyche to communicate with their guarded person about their fate is merely bending the rules. The Psyches are instructed by the Psyons not to alter the fates of their guarded persons. For a Psyche to act on a person's fate or even bestow power on their guarded person is a serious offense. They will be dealt with harshly.
Some Psyches are will to face those consequences, for reasons unknown.

I'm not sure if this is the place for this thread. So I also listed the Psyches with my other character sumbissions in the character idea forum.
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PostSubject: Re: Psyches and Psyons   Psyches and Psyons Icon_minitimeThu Oct 21, 2010 1:02 am

This is the place for this thead.

How, to this idea. It seems really similar to psychopomps in mythology. Now I know that's what you based it off, but we've already got demons here that don't so much guide a spirit to hell as drag them there (for demons). Angels tend to collect spirits for their god.

Oh, a note on that.

In heaven and hell there are multiple gods and devils. Each is just a very powerful being that has made a few appearances to mortals in dreams, visions or maybe even the flesh. These people obviously go and spread the word of their god. The power of belief allows the being to carve out a space for themselves on the hell/heaven plane and make an afterlife (if angelic) or a hell (if demonic). Within this space they are pretty much all powerful, they can shape their afterworld any way they wish.
Then when their followers die, they are escorted to the correct afterlife by spiritual beings (angel or demon) that have been recruited by the 'God/Goddess' or devil. (Of course, if a person wasn't sure exactly which god they followed, that leads to a bit of squabbling between the escorts.)

I don't see your idea really adding all that much.
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PostSubject: Re: Psyches and Psyons   Psyches and Psyons Icon_minitimeThu Oct 21, 2010 2:26 am

well there is a theory put in place regarding after life : http://felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Hell_and_Heaven
Though it's still hard to grasp, the whole notion of after life is clearly abstract ^^;
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PostSubject: Re: Psyches and Psyons   Psyches and Psyons Icon_minitime

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