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 Kana'Uori Maples

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Join date : 2010-01-10

Kana'Uori Maples Empty
PostSubject: Kana'Uori Maples   Kana'Uori Maples Icon_minitimeSat Oct 23, 2010 6:51 pm

Large deciduous trees not native to Felarya. By some accident from other worldly beings, Kana’Uori pods found their way to the Felaryan realm, and have since flourished for several hundred years. The trees have ash-violet bark, with varying shades of purple for its leaves. The leaves attract, hold, and excrete large amounts of vapor found in the air; if one were to touch the leaf of a Kana’Uori, it would almost always be dripping wet. The most identifying characteristic of this tree is its sap; a bright, luminescent purple color (like the rest of the tree), it hardens a few hours after secretion, leaving large, pulsating “amber” crystals embedded in the bark of the maple in various places. Depending on the age of the tree, it could be devoid of all amber, or completely covered in it, resembling a slightly growing crystal tree. The sap holds the distinguishing property of changing the color of anything that ingests it purple. There are varying degrees to this effect; if one were to eat it in small amounts, they would turn purple for several hours at best. If one were to include it into their natural diet, they would turn purple for the rest of their lives. It’s curious to note that, while the Kana’Uori has been known to root in many zones, the maple is most famous for a thick, lush orchard, known as the Amethyst Grove, where the species is the most numerous. The reason why the tree flourishes in this particular zone is unknown.
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