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 Amethyst Grove

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PostSubject: Amethyst Grove   Amethyst Grove Icon_minitimeSat Oct 23, 2010 6:53 pm

Okay...I'll admit it, the idea from this zone came from the realization that Deeper Felarya sat right next to the Jungle of Perils. A predominantly blue zone right next to a predominantly red zone...shouldn't the inbetween be purple? Huh? Huh?

Kana'Uori Maples


Amethyst Grove

A thin fringe of that stretches along the borders of the Jungle of Perils and Deeper Felarya. The grove itself is only 5 miles across (on a predator’s scale, of course) and it’s not terribly difficult for one to pass the grove in less than the span of a day. The grove isn’t much of a secluded territory; rather, it’s an intermediate between two larger jungles, with flora and fauna from both territories residing here. There are only three characteristics that make the Amethyst Grove distinguished from the rest:

For one, the large numbers of Kana’Uori Maples that grow here, hence the grove’s name sake. What with all the glowing amber crystals from the trunks of the tree, the air is always bright with an ambient violet light, even in the evening. The maples grow in such close proximity of themselves that the moisture from the leaves make the air in this zone very thick and humid; frequently, one might think themselves to be in a huge rainstorm, while its likely only a Giant predator jumping from limb to limb, making the leaves shake off their water droplets (as there are thousands of leaves on a limb and millions of droplets for every leaf, it’s no wonder one might mistake it for a storm).

The most distinguishing aspects of this grove, however, are its inhabitants; there are is no indigenous species to this zone, although many may find themselves to be born here. Every creature born in the Kana’Uori forest is always purple; this has no affect on the species in question, and they are very much compatible with others of their species. The only difference is that they are…well, purple. Canopy Fairies, Scarlet Elves, Vortex Tigers, Dimensional Dragons….no species is safe. Even the vegetation, that is not Kana’Uori, is purple.
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PostSubject: Re: Amethyst Grove   Amethyst Grove Icon_minitimeSat Oct 23, 2010 7:10 pm

(Macdaddy is gonna love this idea.)
Quote :
The grove itself is only 5 miles across (on a predator’s scale, of course)
Can we use human measurements please? How distances scale for predators isn't defined. Since (apart from faeries and dridders and Chlaenas) predators lack civilisation, I assume they also lack arbitrary distance measurements. Instead, they'd measure how far something is by how long it takes them to travel.
Quote :
The most distinguishing aspects of this grove, however, are its inhabitants; there are is no indigenous species to this zone, although many may find themselves to be born here. Every creature born in the Kana’Uori forest is always purple; this has no affect on the species in question, and they are very much compatible with others of their species. The only difference is that they are…well, purple. Canopy Fairies, Scarlet Elves, Vortex Tigers, Dimensional Dragons….no species is safe. Even the vegetation, that is not Kana’Uori, is purple.
I kinda like this, Purple is a nice colour. I suppose they're purple because their parent ingested inhabitants (plant and/or animal) of the grove during development and it effected the embryo.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Amethyst Grove   Amethyst Grove Icon_minitimeSun Oct 24, 2010 9:00 am

ohh that's a great idea Razz
really original and I love those trees ^_^
I could imagine it near the misty glade actually. The area is already pretty blueish/violet, and is humid too ^^
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Amethyst Grove   Amethyst Grove Icon_minitimeSun Oct 24, 2010 9:53 am

Cool, a place where Sean is perfectly camouflaged. Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Amethyst Grove   Amethyst Grove Icon_minitimeSun Oct 24, 2010 11:55 am

Sean Okotami wrote:
Cool, a place where Sean is perfectly camouflaged. Razz

Tell that one to Veronique Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Amethyst Grove   Amethyst Grove Icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 5:55 pm

Well, it's a simple image, quite beautiful and entertaining to picture, with a charm all its own.
Of course, just really purple and really wet don't make for something you can really take seriously- but I still love it, we need some more of the cute places in Felarya.

I approve of this.
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PostSubject: Re: Amethyst Grove   Amethyst Grove Icon_minitime

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