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 Beginner's Guide?

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Shady Knight
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Temple scourge
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Beginner's Guide? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beginner's Guide?   Beginner's Guide? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2010 11:36 am

Problem might come form both sides. Look, my only means of promotion are both here and DA. Everytime I publish a new story, I post the link so people will have a chance to check it out. Do I have a lot of views? No, but that's because I had problems in the past with other stuff and people called me spammer... and then some people recommended me, others didn't, but it isn't like I'm forcing people to tell me how cool I am...

... But I'm not gonna whine about my life... The point is that it's true that we could make a larger effort in promoting lesser known artists, but there's also this part of the newbies and less famous people that, for a number of different reasons, don't work in making themselves noticed.

So it isn't just "they don't get enough propaganda from the better known members of the community", but they're also partly guilty if they don't make an effort - of course, many are trying their best and make an effort, it's bad luck, and not guilty, what doesn't let them go any further.

But myself? I prefer being an underdog for now. Sometimes it's a bit nice not being so well known. Razz
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Shady Knight
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Beginner's Guide? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beginner's Guide?   Beginner's Guide? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2010 11:37 am

This so-called effort is quite vague. A lot of time, a newbie just gets lucky. And this work of being noticed, I don't know how you do that.
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Felarya cartographer
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Beginner's Guide? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beginner's Guide?   Beginner's Guide? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2010 11:38 am

Can we try and get this back on topic?

This thread is about Felaryan newbies, and what they should be looking at, or where they should start. We don't need that to be a bunch of forum members complaining and bickering.
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valiant swordman
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Beginner's Guide? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beginner's Guide?   Beginner's Guide? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2010 12:05 pm

Well, I have one other thing to include that might help a bit... I found a good way to get engaged with people, and in return learn a bit more, was to join the chatbox when there were other people in it. It's not always all that active, but when it is, it can be a good way to start out and meet people. Although that's mainly just to fit into the community. With regards to how to start learning, that probably comes a lot from opinion. It's not like there's one big story and fits all the rest in chronologically. And I'm also sure it'd be pretty hard to manage to read every Felarya story ever written, more so if you include the non-canon ones. Once you get to know people in the community, they tend to guide you to certain points though, or tell you things that might help. People that have been here a while can answer a lot of questions.

So the general gist if you don't feel like reading it all is, try to meet people quickly; they can help answer questions and help you learn. The chatbox is a good way to do so when it's active. Introducing your own ideas into the community is also a good way to get feedback, which helps you know what's to be expected.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Beginner's Guide?   Beginner's Guide? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2010 12:11 pm

rcs619 wrote:
Can we try and get this back on topic?

This thread is about Felaryan newbies, and what they should be looking at, or where they should start. We don't need that to be a bunch of forum members complaining and bickering.

Sorry, I just wanted to end my part with my point of view, didn't want to go any further because that was all I needed to say. Anyways, back on topic...

About the chatbox, it depends on your time zone. It's a good way to know people in real time, but as I said, time zones can be problem, because it's not the same time for someone in France than for someone in the States. But if you can chat with some members there, that's good.

And stories, unless it's stated otherwise, are usually non-canon, even though a character might become canon. Not only because of the large amount of stories, but also because of how different they are and what they get right or wrong from Felarya. That's why a good list of authors might come handy, but always reminding that these are written by fans, not canon, though they're good to see the many points of view in the community.
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Beginner's Guide? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beginner's Guide?   Beginner's Guide? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2010 1:09 pm

Following on from Feadraug, I will speak of the points of view in the community. Or more correctly, what people tend to focus on when they write which reflects their view of Felarya.

Felarya fan-fiction tends to fall into one of a few categories:

  1. Vore Oriented.
    These stories centre around vore. The climax of the narrative is usually a vore scene, often detailed. An example of this is timing2's 2 part story "In the Belly of the Beast."

  2. Predator Oriented/Pred & Prey relations
    These stories do not centre around vore. Instead, they focus on predators or predator/prey relations. However they do often contain vore in varying amounts, as it is part of the world. The climax of the story varies greatly.
    An example of this is rcs619's The Fairy and the Wasteland story (Only one part out so far) and Athernavale's currently untitled series. The manga also falls into this category.

  3. Non-Vore
    These stories contain practically no vore. They centre around prey species such as humans and the interactions between them.
    An example of this is Cauldronborn24's Resurrection series.

You should some read stories showing all views. It's bad to get caught up in one and think that's what Felarya is all about.
One of the reasons that Felarya attracts so many different people is because it's more than just a fetish world.
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PostSubject: Re: Beginner's Guide?   Beginner's Guide? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 05, 2010 7:55 am

I may be reletivly new, but I recomend using different styles and using different characters of different roles. I usually use my character Rai, however, I do use other characters, some human, some not. I think it lets people see a cross-section of your skill.
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Beginner's Guide? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beginner's Guide?   Beginner's Guide? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 11:13 am

Feadraug wrote:
And stories, unless it's stated otherwise, are usually non-canon, even though a character might become canon. Not only because of the large amount of stories, but also because of how different they are and what they get right or wrong from Felarya. That's why a good list of authors might come handy, but always reminding that these are written by fans, not canon, though they're good to see the many points of view in the community.
That's why I coined the term "semi-canon", meaning that it has potential to be recognized, but isn't yet. A semi-canon character, for instance, could be referenced in another semi-canon story by a different author (with the permission of the original character's creator). This is to say, non-canon is a silly not-to-be-taken-seriously story, whereas semi-canon is done with the intention of possibly becoming canon. For instance, I'd consider most Felarya stories, including my own, to be semi-canon. But my old skits (which I plan on reviving) would definitely be non-canon.

Well, I've done my share of de-railing for today.
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PostSubject: Re: Beginner's Guide?   Beginner's Guide? - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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