Hmm, on a semi-serious note, now that I've given this topic a little bit of thought, I think that nailing down the actual, factual afterlife details is probably going to be difficult, and provide little payoff. Personally, I'd rather keep the nitty-gritty on the mysterious side, much beyond the fact that if you're
really bad you're destined for a postmortem 'date' with Menyssan.
On the other hand, the potential
mythology is quite interesting, and likely to be every bit as varied as that found among human society. What fairies imagine the afterlife to be is probably quite different from what dridders, for example, believe.
Now, in an attempt to make it seem as though I'm actually contributing, I'll just go ahead and throw out my poorly-thought-out, off-the-cuff thoughts on the matter.
Harpies:Due in part to the difficulty they probably have mating, and what little we've seen about them in the manga, I imagine harpies having very strong family ties. Thus some sort of giant family reunion, complete with incessant, good-natured bickering, seems appropriate to me.
them, a Valhalla-style afterlife, punctuated by fierce combat and feasting seems quite fitting. Interestingly, this view is probably very different from the one that was prevalent during their long gone Renaissance-type period of civilization.
Fairies:For some reason I see them having a less mainstream view, along the lines of: 'this life is only one in a (maybe endless) series of lives and universes, each time death marking the transition from one to the next.' Or something equally hippy-like. XD