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 My post-rapture, left behind ideas

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Shady Knight
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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 17, 2010 7:56 am

Thank you. I like the Deceiver too because the character that she represents never had a chance to tell her side of the story. Its really unfair to her.

Hmmm. Brainstorming more ideas... I wanna come up with some flying fauna to make the skies a bit more dangerous
Edit: Unless I specify a location for a creature or group, the idea is open for use across all Felarya.

Species Occurrence Scale:

Very Rare... A one of a kind encounter
Rare......... Requires a bit of searching (or luck)
Common..... Can be found easily
High.......... Population out of control

(Note: I used a made up word "aero-buoyancy." It just means that these creatures have the natural tendency to float on air. I've also been considering using anti-gravity)

There are many flying life forms that are attracted to Iracal Island for reasons unknown. Some fly by flapping their wings and some do not require physical mechanics to become airborne.

Types of Flyers

Low........... Usually flying below the tree canopy
High.......... Above the trees, below the clouds
Super High.... Above the clouds, very rarely below


Dryash (or Felaryan Flying Fish)
Danger Level: Minimal
Occurrence: Common

The Dryash are photosynthetic Flying Fish that occupy the skies above the clouds. Their lives begin in the eggs that are burried in the Felaryan soil. They develop underground until they are ready to hatch. They egg then sprouts a plant that opens up to release the fully developed Dryash. The blue-greenish creatures almost instinctively know to head upwards to catch as much of the Sun's rays as possible. Their bodies are naturally aero-buoyant so they don't need to rest on land, they only return to the ground to lay eggs. Since they are also eaten by giant Angel Rays, they tend to reproduce in high numbers.


Aerial Jellyfish
Danger Level: Moderate
Occurrence: Rare

Much like the sea variants, Flying Jellyfish are translucent, making their tentacles very difficult to see even for avian races. They range in length anywhere from 5 feet to 30 feet and their bodies are also very light and durable. By heating gases within themselves they become airborne in similar fashion to a hot-air balloon. These creatures tend to float in schools which can resemble a cloud at a distance.
To flying creatures such as giant Harpies, their trailing tentacles loaded with stingers are more of a painful nuisance than a serious threat. But to creatures of Human size, they can be lethal. They typically feed on the Flying Fish in the sky.

(Flying Jellyfish are another reason the Torinian Humans should stay within the safe-fly zone unless they absolutely have to fly above it. The Torinian Harpies hate to see a human foolishly take risks with his/her life and would rather eat them before any of the outside predators do. As Helia would say, "There's no point in letting good food go to waste." )

Whoops: It's come to my attention that there is an entry in the Wiki for Flying Squids :<
Oh well, I think I'll still use these Flying Jellyfish in future stories anyway.


Angel Rays
Danger Level: Minimal (Moderate to giant creatures)
Occurrence: Rare

The Angel Rays are truly majestic flying creatures. They are most favorably compared in appearance to a Devil Ray but are large enough to block out the sun and swallow a giant creature whole, which they will do given the chance. They are rumored to have migrated from a gaseous planet such as Jupiter. The Angel Rays are photosythetic and can produce gasses at such a high rate that they become enveloped in a cloud if they remain in place for a long period of time. Due to the sheer size of these creatures, movement requires much energy so they don't spend many hours flying. They tend to drift with the wind most of the day and become almost indistinquishable from the other clouds in the sky.


Gotdam Dolphin
Danger Level: Varies
Occurrence: Rare

The Gotdam Dolphin is believed to have migrated from a sea to the far west. These Dolphins live in the sky but hunt in the sea by diving in and out of the water, the reverse of what most dolphins that leap out of the water do. Their length is typically aroung 35 feet ( 10.6 meters ) so they don't dive into the water for very long or they might become prey to the larger Mermaids. The Gotdam Dolphins are interesting not only because of their aero-buoyancy, but because they have the ability to bend light around their bodies and camouflage themselves. Occasionaly the Dolphins can be seen putting on rainbow-like light displays to attract mates. It is especially impressive at night.

The Gotdam Dolphins mainly eat air and sea creatures but have been known to eat land animals when they migrate over land. They have very playful demeanors and will play with almost any creature that doesn't see them as prey. Unfortunately, their style of play has proven to be a little too rough for small humanoids and some have been either seriously injured or killed. Some Gotdam Dolphins have even swallowed humans, not fully understanding the consequences of their actions. To them, the world is full of little "toys" just begging to be played with. This has caused the Gotdam Dolphins to be feared by veteran sailors and explorers.


Flying Sea Unicorn (need a better name)
Danger Level: Medium
Occurrence: Rare

The Flying Sea Unicorn gets it's name from it's resemblance to a Sea Horse, only with very large fin-like wings and a horn on it's head like that of a Unicorn. The Flying Sea Unicorn can grow up to 70 ft in height and have the ability to slip the limitations of spacetime in short bursts, much like a teleport. One second the creature will be flying at a seemingly safe distance then the next second they will be within feet of you. They possess strong suction by which they devour their prey, though not nearly as strong as a Rock Harpy's suction. These creatures typically make their homes in clouds and come out only when it's time to hunt or mate. They are usually white in color and their extravagant fins resemble a type of lace. It's hard to resist admiring these gorgeous creatures at a distance, but it's important to remember that they can be on you in the blink of an eye.

Updated 16 Apr 2011

Oumai Gaud (sometimes written Oumaigaud)
Danger Level: Critical
Occurrence: Mythical

Most believe that Oumai Gaud was nothing more than a creature of ancient legend. Some are convinced of it's authenticity. The mythical creature was essentially a gigantic flying squirrel, seemingly harmless in nature. But that seemingly harmless creature was said to have laid waste to many ancient civilizations and pushed sentient species to the brink of extinction. Furthermore, Oumai Gaud spawned many smaller variations of herself that immediately began ravaging Felarya. The spawn of Oumai Gaud have become known across the multiverse by one name, but according to experts this name was a result of an error in the translation of hieroglyphics on temple walls. The ancient writing describing the "creatures that would screw-your-world," was misinterpreted as "the creatures called squirrels."

So "the mother of all Squirrels" and her offspring wreaked havoc as they burrowed through the very foundations of cities to find their "precious," though no one is sure what the "precious" refered to. The Guardians of that time had to take action and managed to imprison Oumai Gaud in a magic box. This magic box was burried deep within the Felaryan soil and its magic caused a great tree to sprout above it. There was only one tale of Oumai Gaud being released from her prison but she was promptly resealed after a tremendous battle. Sadly, much of the records regarding this fantastic creature have been lost as vandels have badly damaged the temple walls. Recently discovered fragments of these walls have been put together to decipher a warning for future generations. It says, "Watch the little creatures that scurry below and fly above, for those little ones will quietly orchestrate the end of all."


Last edited by gt500x on Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:33 am; edited 30 times in total (Reason for editing : Typos, typos, typos... XP)
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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 18, 2010 11:12 am

[idea moved to page 1]

Lava Elemental: Monarch Fireflies
Danger Level: ?
Occurance: Very rare

Volcanic eruptions sometimes sprout Butterfly shaped Elementals that some have called Monarch Fireflies. The Fireflies had short lifespans and would initially destroy whatever they touched but in time something beautiful would grow there. Maybe a garden of unique flowers with legendary medicinal powers or a tree with fruit so sweet that men would kill for it.

[character bio moved to page 1]

Last edited by gt500x on Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:10 am; edited 9 times in total
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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 19, 2010 1:12 am

Rather late, and this is for all of your stuff, but I think its all quite good. I like the level of detail into culture and history and development of a kingdom or culture.
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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 19, 2010 6:55 am

Jætte_Troll wrote:
Rather late, and this is for all of your stuff, but I think its all quite good. I like the level of detail into culture and history and development of a kingdom or culture.

Thanks. Not all of it is specifically for this Island, I should point those particular ideas out from now on.

This whole Island idea came about because I was failing so hard coming up with any good ideas for the lands that already existed. It came down to me having to carve my own niche. I'll admit though, I do feel like I've gone a bit overboard with it.

Last edited by gt500x on Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Evil admin
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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 20, 2010 2:05 am

"the mother of all squirels" Laughing

Really great work on those additions ! those air-based creatures are really interesting. I'm going to add plenty of your ideas when I finally work on Iracal island Razz
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 20, 2010 9:33 pm

That would be sweet. No rush of course. I think there are still some problems in these ideas that need to be worked out.

Iracal Island subzone: Rainbow Mountain

Gets its name from the spectrum of colors that surround it due to sunlight refracting off the crystal large formations that cover it. There is metallic ore of several colors found deep within the mountain that the Elves of Atomata have tried to mine; each ore has its own properties that it is highly valued for. The Elves of the Atomata Valley are on the east side of the mountain while the Laiko Inus of Arimas Piinu are situated on the west side of the mountain and are very protective of it, considering themselves to be children of nature. Many conflicts have arisen between the Atomatan Elves and the Laiko Inus over this moutain on Iracal Islands western half.

Fauna: Giant Taurogryphs
Danger Level: Medium
Occurance: Rare (Previously thought to be extinct)

Sometimes spelled Torogriffs; it is uncertain where the Giant Taurogryphs originated from but there is a fair number of them that have herded together on Iracal Island. The Giant Taurogryphs are brown and white, bull-eagle hybrid creatures that average around 60 feet ( 18.3m ) in height. They are basically bulls with large eagle wings, beaks instead of mouths, and feathers covering the front half of their bodies. They are hunted by poachers for their solid gold horns and hooves. The Giant Taurogryphs are extremely powerful and possess excellent speed in straight-line flight, but they severely lack agility. The horns on their heads are very intimidating and can take the fight out of an enemy before the battle even begins. Like their name indicates, there are smaller versions of these creatures. It is very rare to see many giants in one place. The Giant Taurogryphs are moderately intelligent. They can speak the common language, but don't ask them to solve any complex word problems.

The Laiko Nation of Arimas Piinu:

Occupying the Arimas Piinu foothills on the western side of Iracal Island, the Laikos are an incredibly strong willed nation of Inu's that have survived some of the worst dangers the world has to offer. Battles with the giant Taurogryphs of the neighboring mountains threatened to destroy their civilation but they were saved by the heroic self-sacrifice of a Laiko shaman named Riphean. By giving up his physical body, Riphean was able to ascend to a higher level of exhistence and tame the raging spirits of the giant Taurogryphs. Since that time, the enormous Bull-Eagle hybrid creatures have been fiercely loyal to the Laikos and have faught beside them in battles against Elves, Harpies, and Sphinxes.

The Laikos have developed the ability to spiritually connect with the Taurogryphs. One Laiko warrior pairs up with one Taurogryph and work on their connection. During battles, the Laiko will ride on the back of the gigantic beast; they become as one and are able to know each others thoughts and feelings.

The Laikos are deeply spiritual and in-tuned with nature. They view the mighty predators that tower above them as beings to be feared and respected, not to be hated, even if a member of their family is eaten alive. These Inus also strongly disapprove of the Elves' building of constructs and giving them life through magic. To the Laiko, this practice not only wastes resources stripped from the land but it is offensive to nature.

(I'll update as more ideas come to me)


The Valley of Atomata

Walking and scurrying about the forests in the Valley of Atomata are a vast array of splendid Constructs. It is a mechanical wilderness of creations ranging in size and shape from a insects to 50ft giant sentries. These marvels of magic and mechanical engineering are created by Elves that have migrated from a land to the west of Iracal Island and now reside in a city hidden in the valley. These Elves have woven expression through arts and crafts into their cultural identity. Magic is also a vital part of their lives and is used to animate their creations.

These Elves take great pride in the quality of their work. Every detail of every artistic creation is finely crafted, even on the tiny insect constructs that scurry around the forest. The Elves of Atomata also have constructs that make their lives easier and some to make them more secure. Some of the Elven constructs are capable of reason, communication, and even showing curiosity; but none are sentient. The Elves are against granting any construct the ability to feel emotions.

These Elves have fought more than a few battles with the Laiko Nation over the mountain containing an abundance of valuable building material. The Laikos wouldn't allow the Elves to "rape" their land just to build more of their "abominations." The Elves weren't too fond of the uncivilized savages hoarding precious minerals and bad mouthing their works of art.

In these past battles with the Laiko Nation, the Elves of Automata deployed colossal constructs with the main body being Elven and some parts modeled off a the bodies of various creatures. The conflicts were brief but significant. With the help of giant Taurogryphs, the "primitive" Laiko gave the haughty Elves far more trouble than they had anticipated and forced a retreat. The proud Elves of Atomata never declared an official truce with the Laiko Nation but the two sides haven't threatened each other much since then.

Distrought over their inability to catch the tasty Laikos of the Arimas Piinu foothills, the Reindeertaurs sulked and resorted to preying on the Elves of the Atomata Valley. Upon learning of the Reindeertaurs craving for inus, the Elves offered to help them invade Arimas Piinu so that the Reindeertaurs could gorge themselves to their hearts' content while the Elves seize control of the foothills.

(I'll be thinking of ways to develop this group of Elves more)

"Atomatan Culture: The Smith Guardian":


Developing character ideas: Lemno (Young male Elf), Laelan (Female Inu)

Last edited by gt500x on Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:53 pm; edited 10 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 22, 2010 8:19 pm


Siren is a term that has become identified with the flow of magic through sound and those that practice it.
In years gone by, a Siren was identified as bird-women that lured mariners into shipwrecks with their enchanting voices. These bird-women described by the sea farers may have been Harpies since magic through singing appears to be innate to some, but the term Siren became increasingly synonymous with mermaids because of the occurance of these famous events near the sea. Recent discoveries have shown that a member of any species can channel magic through sound with sufficient training and a wide enough vocal range. It was decided, after much resistance from traditionalists, that the definition of Siren would describe magic flow through sound and expand to include all those that practice it, being added as a title.

Khamin Atasiero

Named by an ancient race, currently nicknamed the "walking skies," the Khamin Atasiero are unfathomably tall spirits that walk the Felaryan plane. Their heads are said to breach the limits of the sky. It is believed that only four of these legendary giraffe-shaped beings exist and they are extremely hard to find, even being as big as they are. Their bodies are light blue and transparent, and their graceful footsteps are so gentle that they couldn't crush a blade of grass. The Khamin Atasiero are said to consume the evil energies released in the world, which prevents the build-up from materializing into something that could threaten Felarya. The ancient spirits can not be harmed by any attacks dealt by one with evil intent, but someone acting purely on duty or without evil intent could bring one of these spirits down; an act that is ill-advised because the sudden release of concentrated evil into the area could produce regrettable results.

Whiplash Phenomenon

Experienced as deja vu, the whiplash phenomenon is caused by a disruption in the spacetime continuum as a result of dimensional shifting. Like waves rippling through water, these disruptions are constantly flowing through Felarya. The inhabitants of the world experience the effects as reliving a moment in time, ranging anywhere from 5 minutes in the past to years in the past, before being whipped back into the present. More extreme experiences have been reported, including rumors of people vanishing entirely.

One who realizes that they are caught in a whiplash could concievable alter the course of his/her future by making a different choice in the brief moment they have to act. But few are perceptive enough, or educated on the matter enough to know that the phenomenon is occuring.


Hmmm. It seems all I do is think of ideas. I suppose I should actually try writing a story for once. Not really my strong suit though :/

Last edited by gt500x on Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 22, 2010 11:31 pm

I think you should write a story. Sometimes its the best way of developing ideas - bringing them to life in a real sense. If you're intimidated at bringing your characters and ideas into a full-fledged story right away, organizing an RP with them can sometimes really help.

Still, I hope you do a story. I'd be happy to help edit if you wanted.
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 23, 2010 5:47 pm

Appreciated. I may lean on you for editing. The biggest thing that worries me is the critiques I'll get. I don't have much of a background in magic and fantasy, so the way I interpret it all may differ from the way everyone else here does. The role play suggestion interests me. I think I'll look into that after the holidays are done.

Last edited by gt500x on Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:17 pm; edited 18 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 24, 2010 5:53 am

Some more great idea here ^^ I like what you imagined with the Taurogryphs and Laikos. I'm definitely going to add some of your ideas for Iracal island Razz
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 03, 2011 10:57 pm

Charon Harpies with information relating to Torin:


The Winged Centaurs of Helicon Island
Danger Level: Medium
Occurance: Rare (Common on Helicon Island)

Moved to page 7.


Reposted>>Species Ideas

Reindeertaur Added Snow Dances

Preferring to reside in cold climates the Reindeertaurs have well adapted bodies to thrive in perennial frost. The snow-white fur on the lower half of their bodies is very thick and some even have fur over large portions of their humanoid torso. There are many more rumors than facts surrounding this Centaur sub-species, including fantastic tales of seeing the Reindeertaurs' antlers and hooves glow brightly just before the enormous creatures leap into the air, galloping out of sight.

Their antlers are seen as the most important feature on their bodies and they can even determine a Reindeertaur's social status. Affection between them is shown by rubbing the antlers on each other's heads. If ever you are about to be eaten by one of them, it could save your life if you are somehow able to signal her that you want to rub her antlers. It's not guaranteed to work, but it's better than doing nothing. They are also very fond of jingling sounds and may allow a prey to escape if they were to recieve a bell as a gift; so wearing bells to signal the predators of your presence may not be such a bad idea when traversing these regions.

As part of their culture, the Reindeertaurs are very social and family orientated. They are known to be extremely playful and love to dance in groups. These dances are said to bring snowfall, even on a sunny day. Inus are the Reindeertaurs' favorite food and they will not pass on the opportunity to dine on them, hungry or not. Humans, Nekos, or Elves have a fighting chance of not being eaten, that is unless the Reindeertaur judges that person to be naughty.

They are said to have an innate ability to judge character that is linked to their antlers. Depending on how naughty they deem one to be, even gifting the Reindeertaur with a shiny bell may not be enough to save that person from a one-way trip down their esophagus.

With the belief that their velvety antlers contain magical properties and the perception of the Reindeertaur as being naive, poachers have targeted them in the past. What most don't know is that while Reindeertaurs are naturally less threatening than most predators species, they can also hold grudges and display unbelievable cruelty towards those that have done them, or a loved one any harm. For those that defy the odds and get on the bad side of these normally peaceful giants, the Reindeertaur herd will initiate a manhunt that ends only when the humanoid perpetrator is captured. He/She is not eaten then, but carried away and never heard from again. Rumors abound of the unspeakable torments awaiting that unfortunate soul. There is even a saying among experienced travelers that goes, "Those that invoke the wrath of the Reindeertaurs pray for Hell's relief."


Mocking Harpies
Category/Titles: Siren (due to the fact that they use Sound Transformation magic)
Size: 5 - 6 feet
Danger: Moderate
Comical Threat: Critical

Mocking Harpies are know to range from small size to, most recently, giant size. They have colorful feathers and are normally found in jungles, or near tropical shores, though they have been known to seek out human civilizations and the small variety will settle in on occasions. They are very playful and possess the innate magical ability to transform sound allowing them to mimic practically any voice they hear and even throw it in a multitude of distances and directions.

Their favorite pass-time is pranking other species, especially humans. Whenever they see a single human or a goup, the harpies will carefully observe them, gathering amo before they unleash an tirade of insults; and they always know just to get under the person's skin. Sadly, these harpies are not above making fun of sick or even handicapped people either. Yes, it takes <b>very</b. thick skin to traverse regions that these maddening Harpies inhabit. Another way they love to prank humans in the wild is by mimicking them. After listening carefully to the human's voices, they will call out for someone in the voice of another, like a friend. Sometimes they throw insults while mimicking a friends voice to cause the humans to start fighting each other. Other times they will call out for help and lure humans right into the clutches of a waiting predator and laugh hysterically while they are eaten alive.

When all else fails, they will resort to the old <i>"echo trip,"</i> which is relentlessly copying every word that comes out of a person's mouth in a taunting tone of voice; something that can drive even the most disciplined man to try to take one of these Harpies out with whatever he can get his hands on. In cities like <a href="http://gt500x.deviantart.com/art/Idea-The-Torinians-186784596">Torin</a>, where Mocking Harpies are known to reside, their crude sense of humor has gotten them seriously injured in street fights and even bar fights. It's doubtful that even a guard who is trained not to move under any circumstances will be able to resist strangling a Mocking Harpy.

Flare Harpies
Danger Level: Moderate

Flare Harpies are a rare breed of Harpy that have an affinity for fire magic. Although they have been known to live in cold regions, most can be found in dry tropical climates such as deserts.  Flare Harpies typically have a light-brown or bronze skin tone, with white hair and feathers. Their wing span is very wide, which make them one of the slower flying species of Harpy, but they are very graceful in motion. Although Flare Harpies have an affinity for fire magic, very few know how to manifest it, and even fewer are trained with it. The simplest and most natural way most put their fire magic to use is by engulfing themselves in flames.  For those without great mastery of their fire magic, this fiery display is geared toward intimidating rivals to avoid a direct confrontation and risking having their lack of technique exposed.  

This fiery display has often led them to being mistaken for the legendary Phoenix. Flare Harpies are so rare because they are able to mate without producing eggs. When they do lay a batch of eggs, those eggs can take anywhere from months to a year to hatch. Their eggs shells have a shiny red coat with sparkling gold dust that makes them highly sought after by collectors looking to make a considerable profit, and by mages that believe the eggs grant the holder with strong fire magic. The problems that collectors face is that the Flare Harpies incubate their eggs in fire and hide the nests very well. These nests that sustain the fire are made of flamable material that is held together by material that is non-flamable. Out of a batch of three or four, only two eggs may hatch. They instinctively begin fighting each other to establish their pecking order. The surviving hatchlings emerge from their flaming nest to call out for their mother.

In general, maturity in a Flare Harpy brings the natural instinct to be the leaders of a flock and force out potential rivals. When they reach maturity the Flare Harpy challenges any Harpy in command for dominance. Losing the battle means they must either become submissive members of the flock or leave to search for another to infiltrate and take charge of. While Flare Harpies tend to make strong leaders, in the end they are also known for being willing to exploiting anything, or anyone for their own personal gain. They are respected more than liked by other Harpy species.

Danger Level:  Moderate

Centharps The offspring of a deerataur and a harpy typically have an earthy color schemes. They also possess the ability to use the ambient magic radiating from the soil to accelerate the growth of plants, though not with the same efficiency as their fathers. They tend to be more mild mannered than most harpies and have good relationships with Dryads.

Danger Level:  Moderate

Resulting from the rarest of unions, the offspring of an incubus and a harpy stands a good chance of inheriting exceptional beauty, an affinity for dark magic, and a VERY sharp mind. It has been suggested that the occasional incubus vacationing from his duties in the Underworld finds the company of harpies quite enjoyable, while the harpies are probably even more happy to see him.




Re-worked this idea.

Last edited by gt500x on Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:32 pm; edited 12 times in total
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 03, 2011 11:07 pm

Quote :
Signature traits of the Gorgs included featherless wings on their back, fangs that protruded from their mouths, and eyes that could transform any non-reflective matter they observed into solid gold.

sounds kinda like you just added some features onto a regular gorgon and changed it to gold and not a dull stone

Quote :
They ranged from human size to giant naga size and were described as hideous monsters.

Quote :
These Gorgs were said to be so beautiful that no man who gazed upon their face could bring himself to strike either of the four sisters down.

you might want to work on describing the differences a bit, because on one you say gorgons are all ugly and the other as pretty
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 04, 2011 6:41 pm

I'm not sure you understood the idea. It could be the way I worded it. Or maybe it's just hard to follow the way I twist and turn mythology that confuses people. I know my thoughts can be a little hard to grasp because what doesn't make sense to most makes sense to me, sorry about that. Its just me having fun. I did quite a bit of that on page one with my original idea for Torin City and its inhabitants.
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 04, 2011 9:48 pm

Yeah, granted the "pretty ones" were only 3 or 4 gorgons, but why them in particular? It's almost as if it's the exception to the rule, which may be fun for background info on the information about the race, but it still seems like they were born as a living contradiction to the race almost. I'm concerned about the consistency...
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 07, 2011 6:44 am

Well, let's just say that the descriptions of their species as "hideous" were subjective. And if those four sisters were truly needles in a haystack, I don't think that's being too inconsistent.


Reposted from another thread...

Oloonde Lakeland Fauna: Laelap Kenshas (Need help with a better name)
Size: 25 feet (about 8 meters)
Danger: Medium

Laelap Kenshas, or Laelaps, are semi-aquatic canine predators that typically reside around rivers and lakes. They are most distinguished by their shiny fur coats that appear either blue or green depending on the angle they are observed from. Their ears can be angled down and back when swimming. They have very long and flat tails, and webbed feet with sharp claws that they use to deliver electric shocks to their prey. Another interesting quirk of the Laelap is that they lay eggs, putting them among the few mammalian species that do.

In spite of the savage reputation of other Kensha Beast species, the Laelap Kenshas are actually quite tame in comparison. Most are solitary and would rather hunt smaller animals or feast on the eggs of other creatures after scaring them off. Occasionally, they will take on slightly larger mermaids if their size isn't going to be too much of a disadvantage. Their webbed feet and flat tail assists them in swimming, making them quite formidable if they decide to go on the attack. A common tactic they use when hunting from water to land is to lay just beneath the surface of the water while observing their target on the shore, then after getting within striking distance, they burst out of the water and pounce on their prey. If they miss with their initial strike, the Laelap Kensha can chase down their prey on land. Many foolish fisherman have been lost to these semi-aquatic kensha beasts, as they were unprepared to deal with a predator that was equally as fast on land as they were in water.

Last edited by gt500x on Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:56 pm; edited 6 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 07, 2011 9:11 am

Mhh nice work on those ! The legend of the Oiriopatas is intriguing Smile
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 07, 2011 9:46 am

Indeed, the Oiriopata are well thought out, it's a pretty good legend. One thing gets me though:
Quote :
race of mighty giantesses
So, were they an all female race?
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 08, 2011 6:30 am

If there were males, they probably had no civil right and therefore kept out of sight. I was kind of alluding to this race being linked to another race, or tribe, of "female warriors" without it being outright obvious.


Gaieochos Island

Located east of Iracal Island, Gaieochos Island is unique for the unusual nature of gravity there. Though it still pulls straight down by default, it also has forces that pull in other directions but only affects objects that are touching the islands surface, or surfaces touching the island's surface. In other words, it is possible to walk up the side of a tree or even on the ceiling of a cave. Once contact is lost with those surfaces, however, the default force of gravity will pull one to the ground in a hurry.

The Seidon Rises

The opposite of a waterfall, water flows from the ocean and straight up the side of this steep cliff. The Seidon Rises are a majestic sight but also feared for the ocean creature that occasionally wanders up to the falls. The Gaieochos, being named after the island, is a creature of mysterious nature. It appears to be living coral in the form of a hollow, spiked crab exo-skeleton with water flowing rapidly and crashing loudly all over it. The creature stands about 30 feet (9.1 meters) high and its giant claws are said to crush rocks with ease. Its creation and reason for existence are a mystery, but it is fiercely territorial.

Gaieochos Prison

This land of shifting gravity features one mountain. It is the second tallest structure in the archipelago, behind the Tower of Thesilea on Helicon Island, rising high above the clouds. A closer look at the mountain reveals that it is not a natural structure at all, but an ancient pyramid covered in vegetation. Inside this pyramid is a labyrinth of pathways that go in every direction. The mere sight of the inside can be extremely disorienting. To make matters worse, gravity is not equal in all areas. Walking into a room with a 200 foot ceiling, may actually be walking into a room with a 200 foot drop. Its important to remember that when in the Gaieochos Prison, technically speaking there are no floors, walls, nor ceilings.


Species Classification; Gigan-mera:
Danger level: Varies
Occurrence: Rare

Gigan-mera is a term used to categorize an unusual giant predator of which race can't be determined because its physical traits are so mixed, usually displaying signature traits from three or more different races. Their appearances vary greatly, so no two are the same. The Gigan-meras emerge most often from areas of high instability; such as Gaieochos Island and the Miragia Forest. Not all are born Gigan-meras, some appeared completely normal when they were born. It is believed that they changed drastically because they remained too long in an unstable environment that had the ability to bring latent genetic traits to the surface. There are discoveries of smaller versions and they have been classified as Hypo-meras. Unlike Demi-Chimera's, the Gigan-meras and Hypo-meras don't always have humanoid torsos. A Gigan-mera can have the body of a centaur, the legs of a lion, and the wings of a bat.

(While some have migrated to Iracal Island, most of the Gigan-Meras have come together on Gaieochos Island to form a tribe. They are typically shunned by all other species because of fear of their unusual appearance, which makes gaining trust difficult. Some of the Gigan-meras embrace their own uniqueness, while others act out their frustrations. Hypo-meras have been joining the tribe as of late, they are regarded by the Gigan-meras as family and are therefore not eaten.)

Last edited by gt500x on Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:23 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Moved the Gigan-meras)
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 6:08 am

I've re-worked these ideas some. There may be quite a few typos. I was pressed for time, as some of you might be able to tell right away. To clarify a little something about the Dracaenas, they are not related to the Gorgons of Felarya. The Dracaenas are my version of the Gorgons of mythology with a few changes to distinguish them from the Gorgons of Felarya, which I need permission from another person to use.

The myth of the Dracaenas

Driven to the brink of extinction by hunters, the Dracaenas possessed such an incredible magical ability that stories involving them spread far across the multiverse. Many described them as hideous giants with scaly humanoid heads and torsos, and snake tails starting at their hips. They were also known for having featherless wings in place of arms, sails on their tail, fangs that protruded from their mouths, and eyes that could transform any non-reflective matter they observed into precious stones and metals. Their serpentine bodies were not as long as some other serpentine creatures. The Dracaenas' bodies are geared towards flight, therefore are shorter and feature sails along their tails that spread wide at the end when he/she goes airborne. The Dracaenas rarely ever ate humanoids but were notorious for their aggression towards them. It may have been the Dracaenas acting out of fear of humankind because they were being head-hunted for the ability that their eyes had to change non-reflective matter into precious stones and metals. Although the extremely high level of training required to perform the transformations was rarely accomplished by a Dracaena, it was widely believed that all Dracaenan eyes had the capability and that any humanoid in possession of them could learn to use their power.

It was said that the Dracaenas' eyes had six levels of power that could be attained. At the first level, the Dracaenas eyes could cause organic matter to harden to the point of brittleness. It was very effective at slowing a moving creature down. But it took at least five minutes of direct focus on a target to achieve the maximum effect and was irreversible at that point. Few Dracaenas put for the effort to go beyond this first level as it satisfied a basic need for a defense mechanism against predation. It was also believed that Dracaenas put very little value into shiny objects. The following levels, two through six, brought the ability to transform matter into ruby, sapphire, emerald, silver, and gold. At the peak of the sixth level, the Dracaenas eyes' ability to transform non-reflective matter into precious stones and metals was at its fastest; in extremely rare cases being instantaneous.

Of all the Dracaenas ever mentioned in mythology, only three were born with the ability to transform matter. Of the three sisters, all but one of their names were lost in time. Her name was Alur. All three of these sisters were said to be truly rare specimens. So beautiful were these Dracaenas that no man who gazed upon their face could bring himself to strike either of the three sisters down. It took a warrior who was highly skilled at fighting without his sight and wearing full reflective armour to slay the youngest of the sisters. As legend goes, Alur's head was gifted to Thesilea, the Queen of the Oiriopata, who had the slain Dracaena's head forged into a magical golden shield. As for the fate of the other two sisters and the rest of the Dracaena species, mythology has offered many possibilities but none have been widely accepted.

The Legend of Astryon and The Golden Shield of Alur

Due to the magical prowess of the Oiriopata, The Golden Shield of Alur, decorated with the face of the mythical Dracaena Alur, possessed the power to transform any matter into precious stones and metals, as long as it could be focused on the target long enough to take affect. With that shield the Oiriopata were able to freeze their enemies in solid gold; it quickly became the bane of the Titan army, who the Oiriopata had fought many battles with. The shield was eventually lost by an Oiriopata in battle and found by a small humanoid named Pessinus who discovered the shield's ability to change its size to fit the hand of its owner, as well as its power to turn objects into gold. He then used it to become ruler over his home city. After the King accidently turned a loved one into gold, he carried the shield to a volcano with the intent to destroy it by throwing it in. But he inadvertently turned himself into gold when he faced the shield to curse it. The golden remains of the King were found by his people and placed in the center of the city, secured to a pedestal. The shield was nowhere to be found. It was presumed by the people to have been destroyed by the King before he was turned to gold. The peoples' many attempts to revive him failed time and time again, but always held on to hope that he would miraculously awaken one day.

Years later, somewhere in the archipelago of the Shimmering Sea, in a time when the world was being quaked by battles between colossal beings, an Elf named Lipari hid himself in a cavern for years to escape his gigantic pursuers. Of the many reasons the giants of the land had been fighting, he came into possession of one of them and had been guarding it ever since. He held in his hands the Golden Shield of Alur that few could wield without being corrupted by its power. There came a day when the master smith finished a great labor, restoring an abandoned construct that he named Astryon. It stood 100 feet (30.48 meters) tall and had a humanoid body with the head of a bull. Lipari taught the construct his values and asked him to protect the Golden Shield from those who would misuse its power. Astryon asked Lipari to hide the shield within its body. After much argument, the smith elf decided to proceed with hiding the Golden Shield within Astryon. Time passed and Lipari's fear of being discovered eased; he actually found a great deal of peace there teaching Astryon about life and the world. The elf would have liked to live peacefully in that cavern forever but fate wouldn't allow it. On a lovely and inviting morning, Lipari left the cavern for a brisk walk. He was alarmed by the slight vibrations underfoot that felt very much like giant footsteps. The long lived elf thought that his latest creation had disobeyed his command to stay inside the cavern. But a voice from above him dashed those hopes. Lipari turned to the sound of the voice and gazed upon the face of a kneeling giantess in shimmering armor, with hair long and luminous. It was an Oiriopata, one of the pursuers that he had so diligently avoided. The Oiriopata introduced herself as Semele, one of the least forgiving of her civilization, therefore she urged Lipari to divulge the location of the Golden Shield. The resilient Lipari refused to answer prompting Semele to pick the elf up and retrace the path that he unwittingly made leading back to the cavern.

Astryon heard the warning shouts of his creator and emerged from the cavern ready for the violent conflict ahead. Semele examined the construct; Astryon was very similar to the Titans she had engaged in battle numerous times, but there was something inexplicably unique about him. Whatever it was that set that construct apart was of secondary importance however, for Semele was sure Astryon knew the location of the Golden Shield that both the Oiriopata and the Titans were in search of. She raised her arm and pointed her spear threateningly. Astryon lunged forward to rescue Lipari, only to see Semele angrily crush the tiny elf in her hand and threw his lifeless body to the ground.

The enraged Astryon attacked Semele furiously. It was then that Semele realized the quality that set Astryon apart was its ability to love, and that loved fueled the construct as the two combatants leveled the forest. The day long battle saw Semele kneel in defeat at the fall of night. She patiently awaited her death but Astryon did not deliver it. Instead, the construct found the body of Lipari and marched off to lay its creator to rest as Semele watched harmlessly. Rather than shamefully dragging herself back to her civilization, the proud Oiriopata reached down and gripped the half of the broken spear that laid by her side, pointed the spearhead inward, then fell on it.

From there, the Titan called Astryon guarded the Golden Shield with its life from the many sides that came after it, especially the determined Oiriopata. Astryon never fooled itself into believing that it would successfully defend the shield forever, so it didn't come as a surprise to the Titan when it found itself cornered by three Oiriopata one day. The honorable Astryon suffered through its interrogation by the warrior giantesses. The Queen of the Oiriopata, Thesilea, decided to make Astryon the first prisoner of Gaieochos Prison on the nearby island. So it was locked away deep inside the massive pyramid, with its inverted ups and downs, and lefts and rights. There the Titan still remains to this day, thousands of years later, guarding the secret of the Golden Shield of Alur.


Works in progress:
- Chapter One of my first real story (the final two parts, 5 and 6)
- Bio: A Dridder character named Khlariklo

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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 6:25 pm

Yet another one of my air based life forms, continued from page #2.

Don't kill me over the lack of plausible explanations for how they actually fly and survive.
Quote :

Species Occurrence Scale

Very Rare... A one of a kind encounter
Rare......... Requires a bit of searching (or luck)
Common..... Can be found easily
High.......... Population out of control

(Note: I used a made up word "aero-buoyancy." It just means that these creatures have the natural tendency to float on air. I've also been considering using anti-gravity)

Types of Flyers

Low........... Usually flying below the tree canopy
High.......... Above the trees, below the clouds
Super High.... Above the clouds, very rarely below


Polari Formerly known as the Felaryan Starfish (Edit: I agree that the name needs work)
Danger Level: Low
Occurrence: Rare
Size: 6 feet (1.8 meters)
Flight Level: Super High Flyer

Received their name not because of their shape, but because they emit extremely bright light and can resemble stars in the night sky. The bioluminous Polari bare a strong resemblance to the Flying Fish, having very long pectoral fins, but the Polari are distinguished by their semi-translucent skin and are much larger. The Polari can be usually be found in their natural habitat high above the clouds, but do return to the surface to lay eggs in the soil, or for water.

The Polari are both photosynthetic and carnivorous, but feed mainly on smaller aero-buoyant creatures like the Flying Fish. They don't pose a threat to humans in a conventional sense; they pose a threat for humans who like to use the stars as a reference point to prevent from losing their way during night travels. The Polari's movement in the sky can have a team of explorers completely turned around and possibly cause them to wander into dangerous territory.

The life of a Polari begins deep within the Felaryan soil as an egg buried by its mother. The egg becomes a plant and sprouts above the surface. The Polari develops underground until it is ready to hatch. At that point, the Polari travels up the stem, breaks free from the large bud above the surface of the soil, then flies up to begin absorbing the Sun's rays. Unlike their cousins, the Flying Fish, the Polari don't reproduce in great numbers.

As a defensive tactic, a Polari can emit a flash of intensified light to temporarily blind an airborne predator, but this usually leaves them quite drained of energy. They are considered by many airborne predators to be a rare and very delicious treat.

Last edited by gt500x on Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 7:17 pm

Felaryan starfish is pretty good, however I reckon the name could be better.
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 6:45 am

Indeed, it sounds good but the name needs more originality. I'd go with something like Night Flutterer or Star Mimic
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 29, 2011 4:31 pm

Thanks for the feedback. I hope the name change is better.

Sorry for the bump. I revised this idea just a bit. Obviously, it's a little light-hearted.

Filed under Demons:

Agents of Hell, the Clowns are counted upon to retrieve the indebted souls of the living. Those living souls that have stolen power, been loaned power, or been done some other favor from the beings of Hell are retrieved by these dark repo-men. In other words, when dealing with people who refuse to honor their contracts, the rulers of Hell will "send in the Clowns."

The Clowns come in many shapes and sizes. Their odd multi-colored skin can resemble make-up and their hair smells like cotton-candy. Each have the ability to contort and compress their bodies to slither through openings the size of a mouse whole. When more than one Clown is required for a task, they will often car-pool, cramming up to 20 of themselves into a wind-up car the size of a shoe-box. They often arrive on the scene with creepy circus music playing from seemingly nowhere.

The Clowns are exceptional magicians and have many tricks up their sleeve for accomplishing their mission; many of these are harmless looking and further disguised by the Clowns joyous demeanor. The "Rabbit out of the Hat" and the "Balloon Animals" are some of their most notable, and unpleasant tricks to witness.

Unfortunately, many humans and the like also pose as Clowns for the purpose of entertaining, not fully understanding their actions. Most people do not know the story behind real Clowns, so these agents of darkness are able to freely move among the living without arousing much suspicion. Some Clowns have slipped out of Hell and went rogue in the past, taking souls for their own fulfillment until they were captured by other agents of Hell. If only people were aware of the truth about these Demons, they might think twice the next time they spot one at a circus or birthday party. Its also worth noting that Mimes are Heaven's answer to the evils of Clowns. Many bloody battles have been fought between the two sides, including the infamous "Massacre at Fun Town," the ruined amusement park that lies at the bottom of what is now Stillmoon Pond.

(Why is there an amusement park there, you ask. Well, maybe there was a city there once. It probably got leveled and eventually water flowed into the valley and created a lake. I dunno. XP)
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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2011 2:59 am

ohhh some very nice ideas here !

I really flashed on that Gaieochos Island and the Seidon rise idea Razz
This one in particular is just fascinating visually. It immediately creates some images in my head.
I'm soon going to work on Iracal island and I'm going to add plenty of your ideas there. Very nice job Wink
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2011 6:51 pm

I'm glad that idea turned out well. It could probably benefit from a bit more development.

I checked the wiki for an idea similar to this next one, I didn't see anything. I hope it's original.


(This idea has been put on the shelf until I can think of something else to do with it)

Last edited by gt500x on Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:34 pm; edited 10 times in total
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