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 My post-rapture, left behind ideas

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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 02, 2011 10:04 am

The Ruins of Lorraine

Many years ago there was a marvelous city located in what is now called the Miragia Forest. This city called Lorraine was originally built by humanoids many times larger than the humans that moved into the city after it's original occupants mysteriously vanished. The humans inherited Lorraine and an enormous crystal structure that emanated a power they did not understand. The belief grew among the Lorraineans that the immense, flat, and hexagonal crystal structure was a creation of the Gods put in place for the protection of the city. It was a period of time when the giant hybrid predators had not yet come into dominance over Felarya. The only threat that the Lorraineans had to worry about were the humans that came from a city to the west who showed great interest in the crystal structure. They claimed to know exactly what the structure was, though the construction material was different from what they were use to and quite obviously not from that area of Felarya. The westerners insisted that they would put it to better use than the Lorraineans would. After refusing all offers from the western civilization the Lorraineans soon found themselves at the mercy of an insurmountable army. During the invasion, the crystal structure was damaged and mysterious power began seeping from the large crack in the structures surface. Like a violent storm, the mysterious power destroyed both the Lorrainean people as well as the invaders from the west. As legends go, a Guardian sensed the chaotic energy released in the land and attempted to seal the crack; the power flowing through the giant crystal structure was cut down but in the end it could not be fully contained. It is said that the Guardian's investigation of the cause of the event led her to the civilization that lied in the west. After seeing the great power in their possession and their willingness to recklessly wield it, the Guardian tore the civilization asunder in a single night. Since that moment, the Guardians have been more vigilant in watching for unexpected threats to life and order in Felarya springing up. Unfortunately it came too late for the city of Lorraine which lies in ruin, deep within a forest where a mysterious power runs amok.

(Just wondering if I can get some feedback on the idea for the Philosopher's Stone and the Artifacts that I updated. Both are on page 4. If they're overpowered I would like to know. Thanks.)

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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 03, 2011 6:43 am

Resurrecting the... Location: The Crystal Light Caverns (Formerly Luminous Caverns and Illuminated Caverns)
Danger: Normal
Inhabitants: (In work) Possibly Chlaenas

The large crystal formations that litter the landscapes of Iracal Island extend deep into the caverns below, illuminating them with light from the surface. There would be enough light for a colony of humans to survive without having to create light sources during the day, but there are also many areas that the light can not reach and may provide a hiding place for dangerous predators and even Darkness Elementals. Treasure hunters can enter these caverns in search of the abundant gems they are said to contain. Be warned however, the cavernes connect to the sea so it is not unthinkable to find a Chlaena lurking. The worst possible scenario might be to find a visiting Succubus in these enormous and treasure filled caverns.

(I may put a civilization of some sort in the Illuminated Caverns.)

[More Minerals of the Shimmering Sea]

Mineral: Frostlite
Rarity: Precious

Forged under extreme pressures when an air pocket gets trapped in ice, Frostlite is a light blue crystal that practically glows with magic. It is said to endow the holder with water, wind, and ice magic. It is most commonly found inside icebergs. Depending on the size or number of Frostlite in possession of the user, the power bestowed magnifies; it becomes possible to create a wall of ice or a tidal wave up to 100 ft (30.4 m) high.

Mineral: Iracal Crystal
Rarity: Abundant

One of the most conductive materials in Felarya, Iracal Crystal is exceedingly good at storing and transmitting energies; energies such as sound, light, heat, cold, electricity, and even kinetic energy. Energies can be stored for months or years before it fades or is discharged by an outside force. The 50 to 80 foot (15 to 24 m) high monoliths found in the area resonate melodiously in high wind and stay charged with sunlight throughout the night. Because the crystal doesn't grant the holder any power it is not very sought after by explorers, even though it has many uses. To innately magical people, such as those that reside in Torin, the crystal is very much appreciated as a medium to manifest the magic within their bodies. It's also used to light buildings, power machines, keep food cold, and craft weapons and artifacts.

(Damn, I really should start proofreading)

Last edited by gt500x on Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:21 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Now called the Crystal Light Caverns)
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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 05, 2011 6:34 pm

From your mention of your mineral Frostlite in the Seas of Felarya thread I was wondering if you wouldn't mind me incorporating what you have put here into my rewrite of the Imorieth Tundra. I will of course give you all the props for its creation but I just wanted to make sure I had your go ahead before I go about bandying it about in anything I write.
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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 05, 2011 6:38 pm

I started to put "Attention walkingbyself" in front of that idea so that you'd know it was for your use. I was actually making it for your city in the Iceberg. Go ahead and use it as you see fit.

*Updated the entry on the Great Storyteller and added him under to my description of the Torinians under "Architecture" and also under "Culture."
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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 09, 2011 7:43 am

Location: Area 15
Danger level: Low

On the shores of the Akaptor Desert is a heavily armored armed military base occupied by group of humanoids with unknown intentions. The true nature of their appearance is unknown because the people of Area 15 wear high tech suits that cover their entire bodies. These suits are said to nullify dimension instability and allow the humanoids of that society to walk on the sands of the Akaptor Desert. There was one particular rumor that a dead soldier had been recovered by a tribe located in the desert. After his suit was finally taken apart the people of that tribe saw what they described as a "grey skinned humanoid male with large black eyes."

Their intentions are unknown but they seem to be searching for something in the depths of the Shimmering Sea. They have a heavily armed fleet of ships at their disposal. Given the legends of the fantastic battles that took place their between beings of mythical proportions, it is highly likely that these humanoids are in search of something in particular from that time period.

They have been known to provide a service for people wishing to transit across the Shimmering Sea, for a nominal fee. But one shouldn't expect first class service; it's been said that the accomadations are only slightly above awful. Most will gladly take an uncomfortable cruise across the sea if it means they will reach their destination safely. The ships go back and forth between the smaller military installations on the shores of Iracal Island and the Imoreith Tundra. But why these humanoids would go out of their way to interact with other Felaryans is a mystery. They are known for asking questions but not answering them.

Last edited by gt500x on Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2011 4:26 am

"we come in Peace" XD

Some nice ideas there again, I especially like how you are coming up with new developpment for the Torin city Smile
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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2011 2:46 pm

Lol, looking back at the Area 15 idea, I do feel it's kinda silly. Well that's what happens when you let the imagination wander a little too much; things get wierd.

I'm happy you found the development of Torin interesting. I admit it's something I've been neglecting but I have to go with my muse. There are alot of unknowns surrounding the city and its people that I should take care of as soon as possible, especially now that I know the imformation might prove useful to other members of the community. I'll work on it right after I'm finished letting my mind wander.


Thanks for reading. Inputs are always welcome!

"Update to Torin's Chronology":

Here's the original page... IF... anybody wants to see it.

Last edited by gt500x on Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:08 pm; edited 10 times in total (Reason for editing : Name change... Nemesis > Nemesi)
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2011 8:19 pm

^ Holy fuckin typos Batman ^


The Harpies of the Charon Oasis (Idea modified... again......... and again)
Danger Level: High in flocks, Moderate alone
Occurrence: Rare

The savage harpies that originated at the Charon Oasis in the Akaptor Desert have seen their infamy rise within the last century. At one point there was a single flock that was fairly typical but they took a distinct turn for the worst after the death of their dominant member and chaos ensued. Out of desperation to keep their flock strong amongst fierce rivals they dared to mate with the Terror Hyenas of the Great Rocky Fields. The resulting generations of Harpies were truly wild and savage creatures, hardly resembling sentient beings at all. Their hair and feathers were ruffled and unkept, and they could barely put together an intelligible sentence.

Many have speculated on how high, or low, their I.Q. really was but no matter what the case may have been they formed a very formidable threat. Whatever they lacked in intelligence they made up for in tenacity and the dangerous quills hidden in their plumage that could be ejected at targets. These quills filled with paralyzing venom were an odd development considering the Terror Hyenas possessed poisonous claws, not quills; somehow this trait manifested in their offspring in a completely different way. When threatened, the Charon Harpies could make these quills stand on end giving them an almost porcupine-like appearance, although their quills are not quite as long.

They were very dependent on their flock and would almost never been seen straggling. As an example of how strong their flock mentality is, even when out matched none of these savage harpies would relent during an attack until the dominant harpy called for a retreat; they would all simply fight to their death. Luckily for them, their dominant member has never been killed first. The Harpies of Charon have also inherited the eerie laughter of the Terror Hyenas which they do almost uncontrollably when excited. Their color patterns usually range from brown to black and sometimes feature spots.

Smaller humanoids need only fear Charon Harpies if they are in groups seeing as how a lone humanoid obviously won't feed a flock. These harpies typically pose a much bigger threat to other giant creatures. They have no qualms about ambushing a lone centaur or even a harpy in mid-air.

In spite of the rumors of seeing Charon Harpy flocks as far as the Pyrale Mountains, the prevailing belief is that there is just this one flock which migrates around the Shimmering Sea.

(I hope there are Terror Hyenas in the Great Rocky Fields. XP I finally posted a description of the Charon Oasis on the next page)


Reposted from another thread... I'm only suggesting this next idea because I have a character in need of a defined sub-species.

Harpy Species: Lustris

Lustris are a giant species of harpy famed for their astounding beauty, generously said to rival succubi's, and their ability to lay eggs of various precious stones and metals. The key behind this ability is an utter mystery that keeps research scientists coming and Lustris fed. What is known is that these empty eggs are not a result of mating. They are still capable of reproducing and laying normal eggs.

There are several types of Lustris, the difference between each is reflected in the harpies' appearance. Oddly, or not so, they all have attractions toward a certain precious stone or metal that is produced by other types of Lustris.

The Golden Lustris have shiny golden skin, golden or bronze feathers, and blond hair. They produce golden eggs but are most attracted to the color of emerald.

Platinum Lustris have pale skin, and greyish-white feathers and hair. They produce eggs of platinum and adore sapphires, or jewels of deep blue colors.

Ruby Lustris seem to have a perpetually rosy blush either on dark or light skin tones. Their hair and feathers range from pink to a darker, redish-pink. They lay ruby eggs but love the color and shine of platinum.

Sapphire Lustris have varying shades of blue hair and feathers. They lay eggs of sapphire and are attracted to the warmth of ruby's color.

Emerald Lustris have varying shades of shiny green feathers and produce emerald eggs. They have a strong attraction to gold, and because of this, Emerald and Golden Lustris tend to become lovers; only when looking to mate will they actively pursue a male.

A common trait of most Lustris is that they are usually very greedy and antagonizingly vain. Though this is not guaranteed to be the case when dealing with Lustris raised away from their arrogant mothers. But just like the others, even those transplanted Lustris love to adorn themselves with amulets, earrings, and other trinkets. They go to great lengths to take care of their bodies; literally spending hours washing their face, combing their hair, polishing their claws, and lustering their feathers. This extreme obsession with their appearance often draws sarcastic comments from less meticulous species of harpies.

Lustris can be found all over Felarya but mostly in area they see as beautiful; areas such as a beach, an oasis, or a temple where they can hoard ancient treasures. The seasoned treasure hunter knows that sighting a Lustri means that chances are high of finding valuable treasure nearby, especially the eggs of the Lustri. A human caught by a one of these harpies has a small chance to escape if they can bribe the harpy with jewelry made from their favorite precious metal or stone. There's even the possibility of escaping by flattering her or giving her beauty tips, but then the latter has also been known to backfire.

In the end, there's only a minuscule chance of survival if caught by a Lustri; these gorgeous creatures are thoroughly convinced that eating humans provides vital nutrition for keeping a full and healthy figure.

Last edited by gt500x on Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:48 pm; edited 2 times in total
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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 22, 2011 8:42 pm

I hope these ideas haven't already been suggested. I can't search the entire wiki. Feedback is most welcome to help me fine tune the ideas... I'm almost begging for it.

Landmark/Phenomenon: The Great Arch (also known as The Path of Anemoi)

Stretching across the sky high above the Shimmering Sea is a marvelous illuminated jet stream resembling a sparkling white river in the sky. As with rainbows, the Great Arch is an awe inspiring wonder that one can't help but to stop and admire, especially at night. A variety of airborne fauna swim in its stream, high up in the atmosphere. While the Great Arch is believed by most to be a jet stream that has somehow become saturated with magical energy, many cultures attribute more divine qualities to its origin. The Path of Anemoi is an alternate name derived from a legend told by Heseodorus about a heroic wind elemental, and has gained popularity in many parts of the world.

Rough Terrain fauna

Hypogryphs (also spelled Hippogriffs)
Threat: Moderate

Possessing the head of an eagle, the body of a horse, a front half covered in feathers with the wings of an eagle on its back, and tail feathers; the hypogryphs are the majestic steeds of the sky. They typically stand only moderately taller than a similar animal, the thoroughbred horse. While most of the population can be found herding in the wild, many have been domesticated by humans and elves over the years. They are very fast runners and high speed flyers. For trained riders, the Hypogryphs are the best form of transportation available. Because of their speed, they are often raised for sport. Hypogryph racing always draws large crowds of people at arenas who are looking to satisfy their thirst for fast paced action, as well as those who enjoy a little gambling. They are also staples in gladiatoral contests, especially jousting.

Threat: Moderate

Resembling an elephant sized bovine crossed with a bear, groxum are mean but trainable beasts that are used in farm work and transporting heavy loads. The males feature large ram-like horns on their heads that they use to push over large objects such as boulders and trees. Groxum have claws that help traverse the mountainous regions where they typically reside. Their big appetites are usually satisfied by fish, insects, green leaves, and berries.

Kouniglos (also known as Nommy Rabbits)
Threat: Medium

At first glance the kouniglos looks like a typical hare. At second glance, the observer finds him or herself in a fight for their life. While their small furry bodies and long pointy ears will surely compel most to try and take one home as a pet, experienced hunters know that the only cute kouniglos is a dead one. The factor that makes the small animal so deadly is not its top running speed of 80 km/h, nor is it the tenacious nature of the creature. What makes the kouniglos deadly is that it hunts in droves. While one may be seen alone quite often, it has the ability to emit a high pitched chirp to call its drove which is usually scattered about but very near. The observer has a one minute window to silence the "caller" before a number of kouniglos in the 20's and 30's close in on him or her for a meal. Like little hopping piranha, the kouniglos will strip a humanoid down to the bone in a mere matter of minutes. This is why these vicious eating machines became known as nommy rabbits.

Threat: High

The senmuils are distant cousins of the skunk and look very much like them without the blanket of flowers that they camouflage themselves under. They are very timid and gentle creatures but by no means helpless. The cowardly senmuils are among the most feared little critters in the land because they will spray a perceived threat with a strong smelling liquid that spells certain doom for the target. While the liquid in its normal state has no smell, when exposed to air for more than a minute its scent intensifies to the point that it can be smelt from kilometers away. This scent is said to be absolutely irresistible to predators and actually trigger their instincts to hunt, meaning that even disciplined predators can become overwhelmed by the mouthwatering aroma. It won't be long before small predators and giant predators alike will be closing in, looking for the source of the appetizing smell. When a member of a exploration team is sprayed by a senmuil, the team will find themselves having to make a difficult decision concerning the sprayed person.

Last edited by gt500x on Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 23, 2011 10:44 am

I like those Kouniglos remind me of Monty Python and the holy grail. And the "beast" at the end which decimates them. Razz Indeed never allow its cute looks to fool you and remember to keep a holy hand grenade with you at all times around these things! ahaha Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 25, 2011 9:28 am

About those nommy rabbits... I just got an image in my head of people with guns, chainsaws, and melee weapons desperately fighting them off. XD

Thanks to all those that provided me feedback (though I'm still a little bummed about the failed Witch project).

Thanks anywayz!


For those who care...

My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Locations

Civilizations in and around Iracal Island so far...

(1) - The Laikos of Arimas Piinu (west of Rainbow Mountain)

(2) - The Elves of Atomata (in the valley between Rainbow Mountain and Mount Litocoro)

(3) - The Torinians (on the summit of Mount Litocoro)

(4) - The Helicon Centaurs (on Helicon Island, to the south of Iracal Island)

(5) - The Gigan-meras of Gaieochos Island (off the east coast of Iracal Island)

(6) - The Sitnaltans (east of Gaieochos Island, halfway to the Felaryan mainland)

(7) - Area 15 (the shore of the Akaptor Desert)

...and yes, I do plan on finding a way to use all of these locations in stories... as long as real life doesn't drain what's left of my free time.

Finally, anyone interested in using any of my ideas are free to. I'M JUST PUTTING IT OUT THERE. I'm not saying they're good ideas. I'm just saying, if you want to use any of them, be my guest.

Last edited by gt500x on Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 02, 2011 10:59 pm

(Well, I guess I have a little left in the tank. A little something for Heaven, Hell, Angels, and Demons)

Location: Asphodel Island

The Island of Asphodel is a land of tremendous size where balanced souls are taken by designated psychopomps to remain until their true natures rise to the surface. Souls may remain here for hours, days, or even months until they prove themselves to be inclined towards either good or evil. The island has nothing to offer, featurewise, other than a vast expanse of grey sand. There is nothing for the souls that arrive at Asphodel to do but try to be on their best behavior. When standing in the center of the island, one can see both Heaven and Hell on either side of Asphodel. One can sense the overflowing joy and love behind the golden gates of Heaven, and one can sense the despair and suffering behind the nightmarish gates of Hell. Naturally souls attempt to "be good" in order to reach Heaven but the island has ways of bringing a soul's true nature to the surface. Be it visions or interaction with other souls on the island, little tests and trials will slowly tip a soul's balance towards good or evil. At that point, patiently waiting psychopomps from either Heaven or Hell will sense the shift and swoop in to claim the newly sorted soul. Anyone enduring this sorting process needn't bother pretending to be good or evil; there is simply no fooling the senses of the surrounding Hosts of the Underworld.

Rogue Angels and Demons

In short, Rogue Angels and Demons can be described as unaligned supernatural beings of the Underworld that have chosen to not abide by the laws of Heaven nor Hell. A theory on the origin of these beings suggests that while most Angels and Demons are typically born with their respective Holy or Unholy affinities, a very small number are born without a definitive affinity. They have the luxury of choosing their affinity, or side, and can strengthen it through years of dedicated training. Some have been known to completely change their minds and switch sides, even after centuries of working towards building a Holy or Unholy affinity; these beings are often referred to as Fallen Angels and Ascended Demons. In the most uncommon case scenarios, Angels or Demons born without a definitive affinity will refuse to choose sides at all; opting instead to roam the Upperworld and Underworld independently. This path is frowned upon by the Hosts of the Underworld even more than "Ascending" or "Falling." Those that choose rule themselves are branded as Rogues and are subject to be killed on sight, thus they typically roam various realms as discretely as possible.

In the past, Rogues have caused both Holy and Unholy psychopomps a great deal of trouble. Being that Rogues have no particular "tastes," they will devour any soul that they find wandering unclaimed regardless of the amount of light or darkness within them. For natural beings that possessed balanced or neutral souls at their time of death, Angels and Demons will allow them time to "sort themselves out" before taking them to their appropriate resting place in the Underworld. The psychopomps designated to collect the balanced souls have had their hands full with keeping the Rogues at bay. Countless battles have been fought to defend souls of all affinities from their threat.


(The 3rd time's a charm! I'm determined to find a way for these witches to nom people. XP)

Witches vers 3.0
Danger: Moderate
Occurrence: Rare

Mistresses of dark magic, these cannibals are a nomadic class of humanoid women that carry a tradition of using powerful magic to prey on other humanoids. Witches are typically human and are very careful not to draw the attention of law enforcement. Whether by artifact magic, rule based magic, or alchemy; they have been known to shape-shift, disguising themselves as small black cats to become even more elusive. Because of their magical abilities and cannibalistic culture, other Humans are reluctant to consider Witches part of their species; they are looked upon entirely as predators. It is popular belief, that the only way to kill a Witch and ensure that she remains dead is to burn her body to ashes.

The term "cannibal" is actually used quite loosely with Witches. While they do indeed eat other humans, they don't typically do it in human form. Witches have developed extremely effective shape-shifting magic capable of turning an average size girl into a giant anthropomorphic feline, while keeping a strong presence of human features. They have been said to hold this form for days and even weeks as they travel from place to place. Witches have developed such a powerful magic ability because of the nature of their upbringing. From the day a future Witch is able to speak her first word as a child, her mother will begin immersing her in the world of dark magic. Rule based magic spells, wild magic spells, and alchemy are all contained in the pages of the books that have been passed down from mother to daughter since the first Witch, Otrera of the Oiriopata, began the tradition centuries ago. Many pages are added with new spells as time passes.

The stereotypical image that people have of Witches wearing a tall pointed hat and riding flying broomsticks are actually not far from the truth. The Witches do wear this sort of attire, but only for special meetings or rituals. Normally, a Witch appears in the typical image of "the girl next door." She could be little Suzie, the daughter of Nisael, the donut shop owner. She could be Mary the nun at the Temple of Tsuzeth; there's just no telling. Because of this, some cities or villages have been known to carry out Witch trials. Many innocent girls and women have been burned under the suspicion of being a Witch. As for the flying broomsticks, they are among the various artifacts with magical properties that the Witches possess.

Witches are also considered to be part of a religious movement, or cult. While there are several divisions, the largest group claims to be carrying on the true teachings of Otrera; they await the return of Khaos the Trinity Goddess to Felarya. It is their firm belief that Khaos will bring the destruction of this world and the "birth" of a new, which the reborn Witches shall inherit. For them to ensure that their culture is carried on, they will find a mate and remain with their mate until a daughter is born. The Witches ingest a potion that ensures only female offspring will be conceived. Sometimes a Witch might have up to three girls before she decides that she is done with her mate. After doing away with the father, the mother will take her daughters and raise them into full fledged Witches.

(Alrighty, feedback is very helpful. Let me know if this will work in Felarya.)


By the way I added a new Sacred Figure to the Torinian Pantheon... for those who care:

Last edited by gt500x on Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2011 5:44 pm

I have the terrible feeling this has probably been suggested before. Somebody let me know.

Flora: Neverlight Trees

Found in the Evernight Forest, the Neverlight Trees are objects of great fascination. Their origins are deeply rooted in myths and legends. One such legend paints a grim picture of their beginnings, suggesting that the Neverlight Trees sprouted from seeds of supernatural darkness that were planted during a large scale tragic event in the area's history. The Neverlight Trees are completely black due to their nature to absorb all light that touches them. Some speculate that the trees are actually made of that supernatural darkness. They grow very tall, even as high as 60 meters. This growth is rumored to be due to the Neverlight Tree's insatiable hunger for light driving them upward. This light devouring property combined with the intertwining branches in the tree canopy form an impenetrable barrier for light, ensuring that it stands absolutely no chance of reaching the floor of the Evernight Forest.

The Neverlight Trees are the objects of many tales and myths. Some adventures have said that those who touch a Neverlight Tree will have their very soul drained from their bodies. Others have said that the trees are alive and will whisper menacing threats to those who dare into the darkness of the forest. Just how many of the abundant myths actually have merit to them is something not many are willing to explore.

Last edited by gt500x on Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2011 9:38 am

Ooook. This is another one of those ideas that I'm going to touch upon in my current story but will not go to great lengths to express completely as I'm sure it won't be very popular anyway.

"The Guardians' Grievances"

Those mysterious and extraordinary beings who possess power that few have the capacity to comprehend, they are not so different from the rest of us. Or at least that's what some legends suggest. In one of his most lengthy and controversial tales, Heseodorus paints a picture of a rare class of beings put at odds by greed, pride, insecurity, envy, unfaithfulness, and other such fallings. Heseodorus even goes as far to quote a smith Guardian saying, "The greatest threat to Felarya will not come from outside, it will come from the division between those that protect it. The invasion of the Correctors was the best thing to ever happen to us. It brought us together and gave our world a new lease on life." Naturally, Heseodorus was shunned in many places across Felarya for having suggested that the majestic Guardians could succumb to such petty grievances. He has been known to share some pretty tall tales, but as Heseodorus himself put it, "Is it really that hard to believe that the Queen of the Fairies could have had an affair with another Guardian at some point in her life?"

(I should add that I am NOT trying to develop the Guardians. This is only something that factors into what I am writing currently. Now, I shall return to my corner.)

Last edited by gt500x on Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2011 3:32 pm

Tobol Mountains; Landmark: Sorrow's Peak

Most commonly known as Shadow Rock, this mountain is strangely cloaked in a perpetual shadow. It's unclear what the cause is, as none of the other mountains are in a position to cast a shadow on the mountain. Shadow Rock is also unlike the surrounding mountains in that its surfaces are not quite as steep and features paths that, according to legend, were carved by a once prosperous civilization that was swallowed by a nightmarish darkness. Building upon the already impressive peculiarities of the mountain is what many claim to be the sound of sobbing that has been heard by countless adventurers traversing the mountain range. Many speculate that fierce winds from the west are the cause of the sound, but there are a few claiming that there is a more supernatural explaination.

Its alternate name, "Sorrow's Peak," was derived from a legend that was believed to have originated on an island in the Shimmering Sea. That same legend claims that the sounds of sobbing heard by travelers near these mountains are actually that of girl who's cries became trapped in time during a significant event in the area's history, and this event replays itself again and again; much like the mirages of the Akaptor Desert. It is also believed to be the location of a legendary artifact called the Sword of Knowledge that was crafted with a small piece of Philosopher's Stone in the hilt. Philosopher's Stone is a legendary mineral highly sought after across many dimensions and knowledge of its existence has spurred many tales. Adventurers travel to the Tobol Mountains in search of the legendary mineral, but few have actually done enough research to be able to separate popular myth from truth.

(In work: The Holy Diving Suit; never leave home to fight supernatural darkness without it. XP)

Last edited by gt500x on Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 7:40 am

wow so many interesting ideas here Razz
I especially like the neverlight tree ( which has clearly not been done yet ) , and the Senmuils. Very original and deadly mean of defense here.
I also would like to add the Gaieochos Island too. I find the base idea quite fascinating visually ^^

For all those ideas, do you agree with the disclaimer ?

Also * crack knuckles* I'm going to work seriously on Iracal island now Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 7:50 am

Correcting errors

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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 3:06 pm

The Tenebra Ruins
Danger: Hazardous
Inhabitants: Darkness Elementals, Ghosts, Wandering Nightmares, Night Terrors, Horrids
Flora: Neverlight Trees

Hidden deep within the Evernight Forest and surrounding the Tenebra Maze are the ruins of a once glorious kingdom. Everything from the businesses to the homes have been swallowed by a supernatural darkness reminiscent of that which fills the palace, now called the Tenebra Maze. The buildings and other remains of a prosperous civilization are all strangled by Neverlight Trees and vines. Creatures adapted to the darkness make their abodes in the neglected structures, hoarding the wealth of the lost occupants. Homes have Neverlight Trees growing right through their centers. The strange darkness fills the air with a feeling off despair that adds to the already eerie environment.

Building upon the chilling air of the ruins are the alleged sightings of ghosts that roam them. Some are said to be intelligent, while some are said to be residual manifestations. These rumored ghosts appear often as luminous silhouettes and occasionally as fully formed human figures with a subtle glow. In any case, they wander aimlessly through the ruins as if in a daze. It is generally believed that most don't realize they're dead. They are also said to be very fearful of adventurers, possibly due to the traumatic events that occured in Tenebra. All will flee and hide if they spot an explorer, but most will scream in terror before they flee. This scream is said to be incredibly loud and horrendous, making the hair stand on ones head. It also alerts the wandering nightmares to invaders of the once majestic city. Dozens of grotesque nightmares will be closing in on the invaders in short time. If one makes it through these haunted ruins, they'll be rewarded with the opportunity to explore the Tenebra Maze.

(In case its still not clear, I've been trying to imply that the Evernight Forest has two types of darkness. I think a difference is mentioned in the wiki but I'm going to take it upon myself to beat the dead horse and follow it into Hell so I can beat him even more. Ahem... The supernatural darkness that I keep pimpin' like a two dollar ho' is the darkness that fills the Tenebra Ruins and Maze. The rest of the forest is filled with your typical darkness. The elementals born in each type will obviously have different traits as a result. Also, I believe that any spirit that happens to make a body, or become an elemental, in Demechrelle's supernatural darkness will become enslaved to her; becoming part of her army of nightmares.)

Last edited by gt500x on Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:10 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 6:59 pm

(Note: This idea refers to the Wandering Nightmares and you may notice I make some statements about them that are not in the wiki. In a way, I am also proposing a change to the Wandering Nightmares in this idea for the Night Terrors.)

Night Terrors
Size: Varies
Danger: High

Occasionally called the Tenebra Abominations, Déméchrelle's Night Terrors are the generals of her dark army. Night Terrors are incredibly powerful beings. Like the Wandering Nightmares, they are able to go from a solid state with bones to a spiritual state and back; this way they are able to retreat into shadows and rejoin their Mistress at anytime. They are even able to join their bodies together to become something many times more horrific. A major point of diversion is that unlike the Wandering Nightmares, the Night Terrors are very intelligent and are able to shape shift into countless more grotesque forms than their primitive counterparts. They even have the ability to turn limbs into bony spikes and blades. While the Wandering Nightmares are typically limited to zombie or animal-like behavior, the Night Terrors are capable of reasoning and forming strategies.

Night Terrors are brimming with malice and are some of the only predators in Felarya that kill out of hatred alone. Most forms of magic are effective against Night Terrors, except for Light or Holy magic. The peculiar darkness that these creatures are made of actually devours light, much like the abilities of Defiler Angels. Given their rank, each Night Terror can summon dozens of Nightmares to his/her aid, if needed. They are the ones who speak to Déméchrelle in her sleep, keeping her informed of what goes on outside. They are the beasts that protect the sleeping beauty, their Queen and most valued treasure.

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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 09, 2011 7:02 am

Myth: The Serene Specter
Danger: Varies (Presume Moderate)

Of the many ghosts that have allegedly been seen wandering the ruins of Tenebra, one stands out for her beauty and regal grace. She is "the Serene Specter," also known as "the Queen's avatar." Unlike the other ghosts, this spirit is not limited to wandering the ruins; some have claimed to see her admiring the Chordoni Waterfalls.

The nature of this lovely spirit is uncertain. Some have suggested that she is a manifestation of Déméchrelle's subconscious, capable of acting independently of her giantess self. She is able to go between solid and spiritual states at will, meaning her body becomes just as tangible as a living person. According to the eye witnesses, the spirit has fair skin, a number of dark patches on her arms and the side of her face, long black hair, and wears an exquisite dress. This appearance may have been chosen because it's the way that Déméchrelle remembers herself, before she became was she is now. It's probably safe to assume that when Déméchrelle awakes, her avatar will rejoin with her; but it is very unlikely the Queen of Darkness will know what her subconcious has been up to. But that, of course, is still just speculation.

This lovely spirit typically avoids adventurers, as the tales go, but she will smile at the adventures if they wave to her and greet her. She has even been said to give directions to those who have asked her for them, but she warns adventures against entering the Evernight Forest. Stranger yet, there was an incredible myth circulating that a man had actually courted the specter for a number of years. Sadly, in the end that man broke her heart and had a terrible curse placed on him. Although the few that have seen her reported the luminous spirit to be very inviting, approaching her is highly discouraged. She is said to possess incredible supernatural powers that she uses to protect herself against perceived threats and is just as willing to kill apparently. But just who does she consider a threat? That is a question that may be best left unanswered.

Last edited by gt500x on Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:58 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Making adjustments for "5-Eyes the Devourer")
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 09, 2011 8:30 am

Evernight Forest Sub-zone: The Twilight Rim
Danger: Normal

Bordering the Evernight Forest and surrounding it on all sides, the Twilight Rim is home to many more types of flora and fauna due to the fact that their is still light by which to see, albeit very faint light. It is essentially a ring measuring many kilometers deep and is much safer in comparison to the pitch black forest that lies beyond it. One doesn't want to remain here too long though, because when night comes this area becomes no different that the terrifying Evernight Forest.

Fauna: Horrids
Size: 3 - 4 height
Danger: Moderate

Found throughout the Evernight Forest, the question that burns in the minds of most regarding these creatures is, "Are they monkeys or flying squirrels?" The answer is "Both." The Horrids have bodies that are ape-like with heads and tails that are squirrel-like. They tend to live in trees or abandoned structures, protecting smooth and shiny objects that they have collected. They often cluster or form large groups. With their shimmering blue eyes that glow in the dark they can appear to be a large thousand eyed monster staring down an explorer foolish enough to invade the darkness. They look like shooting stars as they glide from tree to tree, or tree to ground. While they are omnivores, they typically don't eat explorers. They only want the smooth and shiny objects that the explorers might bring. They are notorious for robbing explorers of their weapons and treasure.

Fauna: Terrorbreds
Size: 10 feet height
Danger: Moderate

These hulking horse-like equines are some of the fastest and strongest creatures in Felarya. The males are normally black while the females have a redish coat. They also feature horns like those of a rhinoceros, which they eagerly use to charge anyone who comes too close for comfort. They stampede through the Twilight Rim, usually groups of females led by one male. They are omnivores but not much for hunting large prey, they prefer to eat the meat of much smaller animals. They whinny, or sing, in groups at the first sight of light in the mornings.

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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 09, 2011 11:51 am

Fauna: Fangaroos
Size: 5 feet
Danger: Moderate

Hopping through the Twilight Rim on their powerful hind legs, the blood thirsty Fangaroos have a fearsome reputation throughout Felarya and, for the most part, are completely misunderstood. Yes, they do possess saber-like fangs and razor sharp claws that they use to make short work of their prey, but Fangaroos are some of the most friendly creatures in Felarya and most would know that if they weren't frightened off by their seemingly aggressive posture. When a Fangaroos growls and shows it's teeth, it's just their way of saying, "Hello visitor, wanna play some games?" Experienced adventures know that if a Fangaroo wanted to kill an adventurer, that adventurer wouldn't see it coming. Fangaroos have the magical ability to absorb all sound energy around them, including the sounds they make while hopping; this helps them silently stalk and kill a prey. If in the Twilight Rim and a Fangaroo growls before charges head on, just pull out a piece of fruit and greet the friendly creature nicely.

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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 09, 2011 11:53 am

Quite a lot of ideas on your mind. So you decided to move to Evernight instead of Iracal?
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 09, 2011 11:56 am

Yeah, until I'm done with my little Demechrelle myth. Speaking of which, I'm should be getting back to that about now.

I'll put the Bloodchucks on hold for a bit.

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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2011 3:03 pm

Finally decided to do something with this... I think it's original. Or at least I hope it is.

Akaptor Desert sub-zone: The Charon Oasis
Danger: Normal
Inhabitants: Harpies (Charon Harpies, Flare Harpies, Lustris), Brimstone Kenshas, ..etc

Beyond the "sands of time" and south of the Golden Titan, lies an enormous oasis with its own little peculiarities. The trees of the surrounding savanna all feature blue leaves with glittering surfaces. The cause of these peculiar leaves is speculated to be the pearly white water full of microscopic crystal formations. These crystals are believed to be harmless, but do possess mysterious qualities that have yet to be completely understood. There are also many precious jewels and minerals to be found along the shores that have washed up over the years. Some of the wildlife have adorned themselves with the precious stones and even made homes out of piles of the various minerals.

The most interesting traits of the oasis that keeps the scientists, mages, and historians coming is the apparent unnatural formation of it, and the belief that structures of ancient origin lie in its depths. Research has uncovered titanic weapons and artifacts that indicate colossal battles had taken place around the oasis many millenia ago, and that the oasis itself is actually a massive crater created during one of those battles. The theory behind origin of the water is that it flowed into the crater from the Shimmering Sea through underground rivers, picking up many minerals along the way. With the abundance of wonders found around the Charon Oasis with its glittering blue trees, one can only imagine what treasures, historical or otherwise, lie in its pearly white depths.

(Clarification of the Charon Harpies, they are barely sentient so I would probably put them in the category of "Rough Terrain Fauna")


Reposted from another thread...

Fauna: Brimstone Kenshas (Formerly "Brimstone Beasts")
Size: 30 feet (9 meters)
Danger: High (in packs)

Sometimes called "Desert Demons," this Kensha Beast sub-species is typically found around the Charon Oasis of the Akaptor Desert and they are the dominant predators of the region. They are called "Brimstone Kenshas" because of their golden yellow fur coats. With their relatively slimmer frames, as compared to other species of Kensha Beast, they are incredibly fast runners and high jumpers; skills that they use to swipe at harpies as they take off for flight. The Brimstone Kenshas do not possess poisonous claws. Instead they feature claws that heat up to the point that they melt and burn their prey like napalm. Naturally they re-grow their claws in very short time. When these golden yellow beasts swing their blazing paws, they burn a vivid blue. The melted portion of their claws burns into the slashed wounds of their prey and is nearly impossible to wash out. The intense pain of the inflicted wounds is usually enough to impair the thought and reaction time of their prey.

Brimstone Kenshas are normally found in the Akaptor Desert but there have been reported sightings of them near the Sandfall Maze. They hunt in small packs of about four. Most Brimstone Beasts are female; the few males are solitary creatures and are distinguished by a red coat of fur, but their blazing claws still burn bright blue when ignited. It has been speculated by some explorers that the Scorching Claws tribe of the Sandfall Maze have hunted or collected the claws of the beasts for use in their weaponry, but so far the Nekos aren't willing discuss the matter. The Brimstone Kenshas have shown that they are not very aggressive outside of hunting, so some explorers have managed to get quite close to them and observe their cubs roughhousing or trimming their claws on any hard stones they can find, leaving behind melted claw marks eerily similar to the color of blood.

Last edited by gt500x on Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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