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 My post-rapture, left behind ideas

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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 17, 2011 1:21 pm

Inspired by drop bears, weren't you Razz
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 17, 2011 1:33 pm

Actually no. I didn't bother checking the wiki before I posted this. Or is Drop Bears your idea? I hope I did't steal anybody's thunder.

Edit: I found Drop Bears on wikipedia. They do have some similarities to my idea. That's pretty hillarious stuff.

Last edited by gt500x on Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 17, 2011 1:51 pm

gt500x wrote:
Actually no. I didn't bother checking the wiki before I posted this. Or is Drop Bears your idea? I hope I did't steal anybody's thunder.

Drop Bears, thankfully, aren't from Felarya.

They're an Australian creature, and a damn deadly one too. I think they were the leading cause of animal related death there.... though knowing that place it could have easily been the poisonous spiders or jellyfish or snakes...
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 18, 2011 7:59 am

Mythical Creature: The Grand Echydin, Typheon
Size: 70 ft (21 m)
Danger: Critical (possibly Extreme)

Spoken of in only the most fantastic tales, this gargantuan version of the Echydin is said to gallop on the edge of reality. His mane and tail glows brightly with sparkling light. With winged legs, Typheon makes the air his ground. He could easily use them to streak across the sky like a shooting star, but it isn't necessary for a creature capable of manipulating gravity with the magical horn on his head. By increasing, decreasing, and directing gravity; time and space are at its mercy. In little time at all, what's far becomes near and what's near becomes far. A mountain is crushed into a singularity. Time itself seems to slow or speed up in Typheon's presence.

The mythical creature is, or was, no hero. His reasons for fighting were always self-serving. Typheon was spoken of in many legends as an insecure creature that tried to crush any rival to his own power. He was fiercely territorial and rarely left his domain for anything that didn't concern him. He is said to reside somewhere in the uncharted west, but it has also been said that Typheon was among the many mythical beings killed in past battles for the fate of Felarya.

Alright, this really is my last idea for a while. I know its a bad one. Hopefully I'll come back with something a little more respectable. ;-P

Anyone interested in using my ideas are free to.

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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 13, 2011 10:21 am

Yes, I'm still trying this. I'm intent on using this idea in my stories somehow. I think I've smoothed out some of the things that were bothering me over the last few months, but I'm still not convinced that the idea is better than it was the first two times I tried it.

The Legend of the Oiriopata (vers 3.0) They're back and badder than ever... in a bad way.

In the far west region of the known world of Felarya lies a batch of vanishing islands that was once home to a society of Elven giantesses called the Oiriopata. Famed for being as lovely as the sun's light at dawn and as fierce as the sun's fire at noon, these giantesses were strong warriors and excelled in dimensional magic. From under their wonderfully crafted helms flowed long, luminous hair. Hugging their gigantic curved figures was shimmering silk garments covered by plates of polished golden armor. The luminous hair was likely a result of the dimensional magic they specialized in.

Artifacts left behind by the Oiriopata suggests that they originated from a world called Nexus and were attracted to Felarya because of its dimensional peculiarities. It appears that they preferred to keep their power distributed among the Elven women of their society, while the Elven men had few civil rights, as hard as that concept may be for those of us in traditional societies to accept. Perhaps it was because of this culture that around the year 5461 B.U., the Oiriopata found it reasonable to make a pledge of loyalty to Empress Eteni and the expanding Elven Empire.

They enjoyed many years of serving as soldiers and sharing their knowledge of dimensional magic with the Empire, but their loyalty waned with the death of the Empress and the succession of her son, Emperor Tibon, to the throne. The following years brought growing displeasure with Emperor Tibon's policies concerning the use of the military and his overall rule. The Oiriopata edged towards dissenting more and more until the death of Emperor Tibon left the future of the Elven Empire in question, and the Oiriopata agreed amongst them selves that it was time to part ways with the Empire.

They headed west to make their home at what is now the archipelago of the Shimmering Sea. At that time, the island chain was a peninsula extending out from the Felaryan mainland. The Oiriopata created a gigantic magic clock that would regulate the peninsula's dimensional shifting, using components called Horae that were based in their cities and in other dimensions. This clock is rumored to be the cause of the thin field of unstable space-time surrounding the region.

The history of the Oiriopata remained relatively uneventful until a mysterious catastrophe befell them, destroying large portions of the peninsula and leaving an archipelago with many ruined cities and treasures to be found in the depths of the sea surrounding it.

Some speculate that these days were the last for the Oiriopata while others suggest that they might have escaped to their home world, Nexus. The only hope there may be of verifying truth behind the Oiriopatan lore is to ask the tribe of winged centauresses that currently guard Helicon island. There are whispers among members of the Scientific and Historical community that the Helicon Centauresses were charged by the Oiriopata themselves with guarding their most valuable secrets. Unfortunately, the few explorers that have returned from Helicon Island report that the Helicons aren't very fond of nosy people.

In the end, the fate of the Oiriopata may forever remain a mystery but the ruins and artifacts that they left behind will the be most treasured part of their legacy to historians.

Edit 1: All this is just me trying to set up an interesting background for Iracal Island and also explain how Mt. Litocoro was formed; a tall yet flat top mountain large enough for MANY giant creatures to make their homes there certainly doesn't sound natural. My explanation will be that it was shaped by the Oiriopata who lived there before their mysterious disappearance. (I'm going to discard all the ideas that I proposed for the Oiriopata prior.)

Edit 2: (I'm thinking about throwing this clock idea out as it probably doesn't mess well with the setting.) The giant clock is the product of combined dimension magic and technology. It's purpose was to control time and determine exactly which dimensions the region linked to, rather than just tell time. The giant clock looks very ancient and might be constructed of gold and Iracal Crystal. Components called Horai that determined the reach of the clock's effect in the region were basically four gigantic statues. They all sit on islets surrounding the big islands. I had considered making the Horai "living" statues so that they'd be able to speak or even move if provoked by adventurous sailors.

Last edited by gt500x on Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:17 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : clock update-- maybe dropping the idea)
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 13, 2011 2:12 pm

...and the spamming of ideas for Torin city continues... Feel free to tell me how bad these ideas are before I consider using them in stories. Names of characters are subject to change.

The Zoological Institute of Torin

The Golden Harpy Circus

Edit: Moved ideas to first page.

Last edited by gt500x on Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2011 2:10 am

Mhh I think this version of the Oiriopata works better Smile
The fact they were here before moving onto the islands mean they come less "out of the blue" and they feel more integrated in the course of event ^^ that giant clock is still a bit of a mystery to me though.. was it a magical artifact ? or something technological ?
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2011 10:16 am

Don't mind the title of this, it's not an accurate translation.

Ouranomachy: The War in the Skies (vers 1.0) A summary of Heseodorus' account.

Around the year 868 AU, the world was said to be without "form." Eras of war and bloodshed had left Felarya without order. In the eyes of the Sphinxes, those that call themselves honorable and just, a world without form will one day give rise to unbalance, and eventually collapse.

As if a singular voice had touched all their ears, the Sphinxes assumed the guard of the formless world, each vigilantly watching over "their own domain." They may have done some good then; smaller forms of life had a measure of protection under which they could build strong foundations for their cities. Nekos might have been the largest beneficiaries.

The Sphinxes had recruited a number of Centaurs to help in their efforts to establish order, but some were not so keen on deciding what was best for anyone but themselves. The Harpies tended to agree with that stance and didn't care for their new "landlords." They too were able to recruit a few Centaurs to their side.

In the minds of the Harpies, if there was going to be any sort of order, it was going to be along the natural course, "survival of the fittest." They jumped at any opportunity to assert dominance over other creatures, be they small or giant. Naturally, the Sphinxes interfered with the Harpies' attempted feeding frenzies on small settlements. Over time, these minor clashes increased in magnitude and frequency.

Around the year 1501 AU, the Harpies began the "organized chaos" movement under the leadership of a youngster notoriously known as, "Hyperia the Heartless." Hyperia's message of unity against the "self-righteous butt-faced fur-brains" being the only way to kill them all off spread to Harpies in every corner Felarya.

The Sphinxes caught wind of the Harpies' intentions to synchronize their attacks on their prides, and they prepared for battle. The opportunity to make a preemptive strike against the Harpies presented itself, but Sphinxes across Felarya chose to follow the guidance of Amon, a strong and wise leader from the west: "Courage is not eliminating challenges from your life, but letting them come and facing them with honor."

So the Sphinxes let the Harpies come and defended themselves fiercely. For years, "the sound of thunder echoed in the sky above as it opened and rained blood." This long war across Felarya became known as the Ouranomachy, or War in the Skies.

After the long period of fighting the Sphinxes with Hyperia leading the way, the Harpies became divided. Younger and more unruly generations led the break up of the unity. In 1768 AU, The Harpies were scattered and driven further apart by the Sphinxes, forcing Hyperia announce her surrender. She agreed to Amon's demands that she retreat to the depths of the desert and never show her face again.

A New Chapter

A few isolated battles between Sphinxes and Harpies still occur all over Felarya, but nothing like the significant battles of the Ouranomachy. The following is a summary of one on-going battle. Some of this is covered in Ourana's bio.

Hyperia spent the next century of her life trying to rebuild the strength of her flock. During this time she had two daughters, Hemeria and Ourana.

In 1777 AU, Ourana is driven from the flock by her older sister Hemeria. Ourana braves the perilous wilderness and travels north. Only days from dying of exhaustion, she is discovered by Amon who recognizes Ourana's likeness to her mother Hyperia. Instead of leaving the young Harpy to die, Amon did the "honorable" thing and took her into his pride where she could be nursed back to health, much to the dismay of some pride members.

Ourana had absorbed the culture of the Sphinxes and even fought beside them in minor battles with unruly Harpy flocks. In 1787 AU, Ourana was engaged to Amon's son, Jax. She was unquestionably a member of the pride, but ultimately there was something ingrained in her that would never be changed.

Less than a year after the engagement, Ourana returned home to face the chaotic mess of a flock that she was once driven from. Ourana unceremoniously took her sister Hemeria's place as head of the flock by decapitating her and disemboweling her mother Hyperia.

Ourana married Jax before the year's end. After half a decade together, Ourana grew tired of Jax's lack of ambition and decided that she would challenge Amon for the leadership of the pride.

After gathering the flock that she wrestled from her sister and mother, Ourana challenged Amon but he emphatically declined the challenge. Unfortunately, Ourana had no intention of taking "no" for an answer and ambushed Amon, slashing his throat.

A chaotic battle erupted within the pride, a battle which saw Ourana forced into retreat with her new flock behind her. The following years brought many more battles as the heartbroken Jax and his inherited pride chased Ourana across the Shimmering Sea to Iracal Island.

Ourana found a city of Humans with an effective army of warriors to use to her advantage. Eventually, the Sphinxes let up on their attacks in order to keep from taking the lives of too many Humans for the sake of revenge against Ourana.

Presently, the battles have all but ceased. During this fragile peace time, Ourana has grown stronger as has her flock grown much stronger, and larger. The humans that helped her fight off the Sphinxes have become stronger. They may no longer mere pawns to Ourana, they may be more than that. Undoubtedly, Ourana now has the power to take almost anything she wants, even the pride that chased her to the island. But given everything that she has gained up till now, she may not be so eager to risk jeopardizing it all.


Note: I don't proof-read, sorry for the errors

Note 2: Might be a good time to clear up one thing about Ourana. I don't think she's a character that will appear often in stories. She's mentioned alot but rarely ever appears.

Update to Bio wrote:
Ourana has been the central figure of authority in Torin for over a century. She is known among the Torinians as a ruler who's aura "burns hotter than the fires of Tartarus." It's very easy for people to be overwhelmed by this imposing aura upon meeting her for the first time, but those feelings usually subside when they hear Ourana speak in her suprisingly calm and soft voice. Having been raised by Sphinxes and absorbed much of their culture, Ourana has uncommon values for a Harpy and she imposes those values on her flock. While she could have been described as cold hearted and oppressive in her early years as ruler of Torin, the Torinians believe that she's had a change of heart over time and may even harbor regrets over her past actions.

Another Edit: Changes coming to the Gladitorium (on the first page under locales). It might be something completely different when it's done.
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2011 1:10 pm

Location: Iracal Island Subzone; Helicon Island
Danger: Normal
Inhabitants: Centaurs (some winged), other fauna

Helicon Island is a breathtaking sight for those who are fortunate enough to see it. Sailing south of Iracal Island towards Helicon Island, adventurers will surely notice an increase in current strength and speed. That is due to an enormous maelstrom, or whirlpool, that swirls around the island of Helicon. The waters swirl at incredible speed and slopes down at nearly a 50 degree angle. The cause of this high velocity maelstrom is a complete mystery. As dangerous as this maelstrom is, strangely, there are no shipwrecks to be found beneath the rushing waters-- that is if there is even a sea floor at all. The fates of those ships are as mysterious as the maelstrom itself. Some scientists have theorized that the phenomenon is the result of some kind of magical enchantment or localized dimensional rift, and unrelated to the gravitational anamolies that Gaieochos Island is famed for. Even given the other peculiar phenomena within the archipelago, it manages to stand out because of its sheer size and of the island that it encircles.

Helicon Island's vertical sides which would be completely submerged under water is visible due to the maelstrom's depths. Ancient low and high reliefs of astounding size decorate the sides of the island, depicting significant moments in the history of an ancient civilization. At its base and just above the sea floor, the spiraling waters crash violently against the concrete-like material coating that never seems to wear down. Corinthian-style columns extend from that base to the island's top side where lush vegetation flows over it's edge. Logic dictates that the only way to reach the island is to fly over the abysmal depths of the violent whirlpool, or scale the side of the island if one can avoid being sucked down into the waters.

Those who reach the topside of the island will undoubtedly be awestruck by nature's beauty and tranquility. Deep within that alluring world lies the well-preserved remains of an ancient civilization. Many treasures and artifacts are sure to be found there, and possibly answers to some of history's greatest mysteries. But while there are very few voracious predators to be weary of, there are many temples and unsual creatures patroling the island to protect them. There seems to be a form of enchantment on the island which puts the certain people, or maybe just the weak of mind, in a state of bliss and eliminates their will to leave.

Among the few natural dangers to avoid, the are very slow moving predators called Slodames who will take advantage of the "bliss" inducing enchantment. Climbing down from their trees, the Slodames move very slowly towards the delirious humans, stuffs them away in her maw, and swallows their prey in a drawn out process that can take up to 30 minutes. There is also a society of winged Centauresses to be aware of. No one is quite sure if their wings are natural or magical, but they have a warrior culture and believe fervently that they were chosen to preserve the beauty and secrets of Helicon Island.

(for reference)

My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Locations

(4) Helicon Island, to the south of Iracal Island

Edit: Slodames were a impulse. I haven't actually thought them through but I imagine they are giant humanoids with big sleepy eyes and furry hands and feet. They are a human-sloth hybrid basically. They're not all female, though the name might hint that they are. Anyway, like alot of things I do, I haven't thought it through. But I think I will later. Edit 2: I made a few changes to them.

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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 19, 2011 7:47 pm

Location: Shimmering Sea subzone; City of Sitnalta (vers 2.0) (#6 on the image above)
Danger Level: Low
Inhabitants: Humans, Water Elementals

Often forgotten in the vastness of the Shimmering Sea, situated east of Iracal Island, the aquatic city of Sitnalta is inhabited by humans that survived hardship and evolved for life underwater. It is a magnificent kingdom that has become legendary as "the city which was swallowed by the sea in a single hour." Legend tells of Sitnalta's near destruction during a cataclysmic event that laid waste to the surrounding lands, causing the sea to flood the valley where it eventually led to the formation of what is now an atoll. While many civilizations perished, the resilient Sitnaltans somehow survived the catastrophe. They survived, adapted, and even evolved physiologically; developing light blue skin, webbed feet, and fins along their arms and legs which makes them excellent swimmers. They're also able to hold their breath for very long periods of time and have the ability to sense electrical signals emitted by underwater bodies, helping them to recognize each other and potential predators. Whether all of these changes were related to the catastrophic event that sank their kingdom is the object of much speculation. Ove the years, the Sitnaltans have also become quite adept at crafting artifacts using minerals and treasures found in the ruins of sunken cities outside the atoll. Travels to these cities are important to the Sitnaltans because it reminds them of how fortunate they are that they survived the climactic event many years ago.

The city now sits at a depth of about 200 ft (61 m). The tallest of Sitnalta's wondrous stone towers stands about 320 ft (97.5 m). While above the water level, the people are able to walk freely along the stone bridges, or "streets," that connect each tower; some of those bridges sit only an inch above the water. When below the surface, the citizens prefer to remain inside the coral covered buildings that have been painstakingly waterproofed. It probably goes without saying, but being outdoors while under the surface is ill-advised. While the city does have nets and spikes in place to deter the many types of predators that might get through at the atoll’s one opening, there’s still a chance that a giant predators might be able to push past those defenses and unnecessary risk is generally not worth taking.

These days the city has carved out a niche as a port of sorts, welcoming ships attempting to sail to the archipelago of the Shimmering Sea. Unfortunately, for this to happen the Sitnaltans must put themselves at risk by temporarily lowering their underwater defenses and allowing the ships to sail into the atoll at its only opening. The Sitnaltans have benefited greatly from the ships paying in various supplies and building material, technology, and weapons for a relatively safe place to dock for a night or two. They offer rooms and entertainment at an inn that sailors have come to know as "The Barnacle Inn." While the Sitnaltans normally advise against travel to the archipelago of the Shimmering Sea, they will offer artifacts to sailors that aid or protect them from the strange phenomena that occur in the region; namely the unstable dimensional field that encapsulates the islands.

The city is also said to be inhabited by a water elemental called Ennosigaios. He typically takes the form of a giant centaur. It is said that Ennosigaios stumbled upon the city of Sitnalta many years ago while it was under siege from a chlaena who seemed determined to gorge herself on the entire population. For reasons beyond his understanding even till this day, Ennosigaios answered the humans' cries for help and forced the chlaena to retreat. The elemental was praised by the surviving Sitnaltans who then begged him to remain in the city. He reluctantly accepted the humans' offer and has been living near Sitnalta for the many centuries since then. Also filed in the "strange but possibly true" category, there have been reports of 2 or 3 "friendly" mermaids visiting the atoll on occasion and asking for access to the city. Some speculate that the elemental, Ennosigaios, may have reached out to the mermaids and managed to forge some friendships because these particular mermaids have say they have sworn to never eat a Sitnaltan. So far the people of the city have not dared to trust the mermaids and allow them into the atoll. Understandably, the visiting sailors hope that the Sitnaltans remain mistrustful of the mermaids and keep them out; especially taking into account a few incidents when sailors have gone missing in the region.

Sitnaltan Charms, Remedies, Tools, and Souvenirs

Blessed Pearls The Sitnaltans offer pearls that have been blessed to bring good fortune to those who wear them. The Sitnaltans are certain that their blessings have credance because they believe themselves to be a very lucky people.

Shimmering Jellyfish Stings The Sitnaltans have long believed that the thin field of unstable space-time surrounding the archipelago has no affect on the jellyfish of the Shimmering Sea, though it has yet to be proven. While the odds of being significantly impacted by passing through the field are low, the frightening possibility is still there and it prompts Sitnaltans as well as visiting sailors to take a few brief stings from the jellyfish to gain some of that perceived immunity.

Un-Sticky Slicky Icky Jelly The Sitnaltans will never tell what the secret ingredient is in this jelly, but few care to ask with the promise of being so slick that a mermaid's sticky tongue won't be able to capture you. Just one application of this jelly will last for three days and it's waterproof.

"The Barnacle Inn" Air Fresheners Most visitors would agree that this product does not "freshen" the air at all. In fact, they would say it smells down-right fishy.

Last edited by gt500x on Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:53 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 20, 2011 2:12 pm


Minor Race: Minotaurs
Danger level:  Moderate
Size: 100 - 130 ft (30 - 39 m)

The Minotaurs can mainly be found in plains, away from large concentrations of trees.  They can best be described as a human-bovine hybrid, more specifically a human-bull hybrid, ranging in height from 100 to 130 feet.  They are bipedal and have legs resembling those of bovines, with humanoid torsos. Unlike the original Minotaur of mythology, they have a humanoid head with bull-like horns rather than the entire head of bull.  They are generally very hairy and quite wild looking.  Some have hair covering 80 % of their body.  Minotaurs are omnivores and will eat small humanoids on occasion, but will not go out of their way to hunt them.  They have been used often as temple gaurdians due to their brute strength and uncanny dedication to tasks.  Even for giants, the strength of Minotaurs is astonishing.  Furthermore, once a Minotaur has set his/her mind to a goal, such as protecting someone or thing, the Minotaur will see it through to the bitter end.

In their environment, the Minotaurs are a rowdy and fun-loving lot.  The males have naturally muscular frames capable of withstanding tons of physical punishment, which is good because they can often be found roughhousing or battling for breeding grounds.  They are easily recognizable due to the horns on their heads and the many scars gained from countless duels with rivals.  They are notorious for their tendency to enter blind rages and destroy the vehicles of adventurers.  But this reputation actually due to a misinterpretation of their aggression.  Humans see anger, when it's actually just good spirited roughhousing in the eyes of Minotaurs.  The females, or Minotauresses, are a little more mild mannered in comparison but that does not make them any less dangerous because they are absolutely voracious eaters.  It's generally believed that they are all somewhat dimwitted, therefore sharp adventurers stand a good chance at being able to outsmart them.

Minor Race: Phix(es)
Danger Level:  Moderate
Size: 100 - 110 ft (30 - 33 m) upright

Phixes are very rare, giant feline-human hybrids that are believed to have originated at Gaieochos Island.  They are completely covered in fur, have paws instead of hands and feet, and have slightly longer arms in comparison to other humanoid creatures.  They also have very long hair on their heads but in some males the hair can resemble a mane.  While it can be said that Phixes are larger and more primitive versions of nekos, they are most certainly leaning more towards the feline end of the spectrum than the human end.  The generally wild look they have about them overwhelms any indication of sentience, though they are very much so. Phixes move about alternating between walking on all fours and walking upright.   Their longer arms provides them the benefit of reach and aids them in catching small prey, even with the drawback of having paws instead of hands.

Phixes tend to be either solitary creatures or live in small groups.  In their short history with mysterious origins, they have never been known to form great societies. They don't appear to get along with the Sphinxes of the region either.  Given the nature of Sphinxes, they most likely look down on the Phixes; perhaps seeing them as primitive beasts not far removed from the insufferable Harpies.  But the Phixes would adamantly disagree that they're anything like the crude Harpies.   Nevertheless, Sphinxes don't have very high opinions of their hybrid cousins, and a sure way to insult the Sphinxes is to suggest that they are indeed related to the Phixes.

Last edited by gt500x on Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:06 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Shady Knight
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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 20, 2011 2:18 pm

What kind of human-hybrids? Are they half-human, half-human? This doesn't say anything about what they look like.
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 20, 2011 5:43 pm

Thanks. I don't bother proofreading most times.

Iracal Island; Phenomenon: White Storms

At least once a year, Iracal Island and its surrounding islands are shaken by what is called a "White Storm." Many have likened the phenomenon to a tremendous luminous hurricane. When the storm rolls into the archipelago, high winds and thunder drown out all other sounds, including those of warning sirens. Blinding white light fills the entire sky and it becomes nearly impossible for a person to see even 2 meters in front of their hand. Those who possess innate magic may feel nautious during this mysterious phenomenon. The nature of the storm is debatable. Some scientists have theorized that the storm is a discharge caused by the build-up of irregular dimensional activity surrounding the archipelago. Only one thing is certain, White Storms hit hard and fast, but there are warning signs at least days before; the sound of thunder in a cloudless sky and the feeling of a static charge in the air are sure signs that the yearly White Storm is approaching.

Inu Culture: The Laiko Philosophy

Originating in the Arimas Piinu foothills on the western side of Iracal Island, the teachings of Riphean Laiko has spread far across Felarya over the course of a century. Inus living by Laiko’s philosophy can be found anywhere from large cities to small villages living in extremely modest homes or sometimes preferring to call the streets their home. Most will have themselves tattooed or wear a pendant to show their commitment to the lifestyle; these symbols all resemble a crescent moon surrounded by a ring of fire. Laiko’s values passed down through generations of Inus promote "breaking free from the shackles of the material world and strengthening spirituality through harmony with nature," or in other words, living happily in shameless poverty. This is a philosophy that most people would find difficult to live by, but many Inus have been born and raised into this culture. These “natural spirits” don’t even mind being seen completely naked in public as they preach to passersby against the erroneous pursuits of superficial beauty, wealth, power, and fame. In Negav, the lifestyle of Laiko Inus has caused some tensions to arise with Negav’s other inhabitants, including other Inus. Some of them have complained that the Laiko Inus are just barely a step above feral. Due to the overwhelming backlash, the Laikos have begun wearing clothes but they still maintain that they are firm believers in their way of life and are only wearing clothes to abide by the law of the land.

Nature as a Deity

The followers of Riphean Laiko believe that all of nature is inhabited by a singular spirit named Utalle who manifests herself in the sky; the sun being one of her eyes and the moon being the other. She also has a third eye that she rarely opens on special nights, according to their legend. All life must be dealt with respectfully because Utalle is all life; even the terrifying giant predators that have eaten loved ones are not to be hated.
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 04, 2011 10:06 pm

Shimmering Sea; Fauna: Crystal Coral
Danger level: Moderate
Size: 8 - 24 ft (2 - 7 m)

Crystal corals are marine organisms that have become well known for their larger than average size, pillar-like shape, and sparkling white polyps. Because they so favorably resemble a crystal formation, some sailors and marine biologists have called the gorgeous creatures “living crystals.” Aside from their appearance and the fact that they are almost triple the size of similar types of hard coral, there aren’t any special qualities to point to. If anything crystal corals could pose a greater danger to any human size creatures that get trapped by their polyps’ tentacles. Their stings also prove to be very painful nuisances to giant mermaids who happen to carelessly brush against them, mistaking them for crystal formations that are commonly found in the Shimmering Sea. Probably the most attractive aspect might be the potential for valuable, or more specifically, lucrative use. Most observers would agree that the skeletons of the crystal coral could make for excellent building and jewelry material if harvested.

(Also, I updated the idea for the city of Sitnalta-- it can be found just a few posts above. I think it's better than before but I could really use some suggestions for improvement.)

Shimmering Sea; Landmarks: The Four Earoh (pronounced Ee-ro-)

The Earoh are four colossal “living statues” that stand on islets at the outer edge of the archipelago of the Shimmering Sea; surrounding the archipelago to the north, east, south, and west. Each resembles an armor clad elven giantess and stands about 300 feet (91.4 meters) high. They are easily discernable due to the difference in weaponry that they hold in hand; the Earoh in the north holds a sword, the Earoh in the east holds a spear, the Earoh in the west holds a bow and arrow, and the Earoh in the south holds a shield. The origin and theoretical powers of these Four Earoh have been debated furiously amongst scientists and historians for centuries. The extensive research conducted by brave sea-faring archaeologists on the colossi has allegedly yielded many fantastic discoveries, but rarely has anyone returned safely from their expedition with substantial evidence. What that leaves the historical and scientific communities with is little more than eye-witness accounts or, as some would put it, rumors. Nearly all of these accounts place each of the Four Earoh at the edge of the thin field of unstable space-time that encapsulates the archipelago of the Shimmering Sea, lending to the belief among a few scientists that they are linked to the field somehow. Among the more incredible “discoveries” are the reports of auras emanating from the colossal Earoh, as well as tales of them moving and speaking when provoked. Because so few have experienced such phenomena, these reports of the Earoh being alive are typically dismissed as hallucinations possibly brought on by sea-sickness, or mere mirages. Natives of the “Shimmering Archipelago” and the outlying coasts of the mainland seem to have their own beliefs concerning the statues, and they are content with not having evidence to support them.

The Winged Centaurs of Helicon Island (vers 2.0)
Danger Level: Medium
Occurrence: Rare (Common on Helicon Island)

It is a fairly well-known fact that giant Centaurs are not very numerous across Felarya and that they tend to live only in certain areas, this likely contributes to us knowing so little about their culture and magical talents.  Few biologists dare go within observable range of the mighty predators because of the terrifying speeds at which they can run down a detected prey.  All that we know was gathered from research left behind by the brave souls who gave their lives in the name of science, souls to whom we owe our deepest gratitude.   They have followed the thunderous sounds of giant centaurs galloping across the Moyuk Hills and the Great Rocky Fields for many years, and have documented the predators' elemental magic affinities.   Powerful magics summoning rain, lightning, and wind are very rare but astounding spectacles to witness; sometimes all at once.  None of these magics are quite as incredible as the reported "wings of wind" that have given some centaurs the ability to fly.  The mission to learn more about these centaurs and their magical wings had led one particular team of scientists on a journey across the Shimmering Sea to Helicon Island where the majority of the flying centaurs were rumored to have originated; there was also a strong belief that the Helicon centaurs were the only members of their species that knew this intriguing magic.

Sailing to the island would have been near impossible for the team due to the maelstrom that surrounded it, but fortunately they had the resources to arrange a flight in a small plane from the Myrodia Coast to Helicon; fortune would apparently continue to be with the team the rest of their journey.  According to their logs, the flight was only a few kilometers from landing on the island when it was attacked by an air elemental called a Brizz.  The small plane was plummeting to the sea below when it was snagged from its freefall by a centauress flying with luminous wings of wind magic.  After capturing and then satisfying her hunger with the Brizz, she sought to satisfy her curiosity by examining the strange metal object that she had saved from a watery grave.  The team of scientists were taken to the centauress' home and privately interrogated; one of them credited not being eaten to her fascination with human technology and remarked about how surreal the experience was, "Rarely does a scientists expect to find himself under examination by the very subject that he seeks to understand."   Nevertheless, they were happy to be filling the predators ears instead of her stomach.  After they had fed the centauress' hungry mind with information, she returned the favor by inviting them into the world of the Helicon Centaurs, showing them around and detailing their history.

On that mysterious island, and even before it could be called an island, Centaurs had established a society with very strong values.  They shared a close relationship with an ancient civilization of Elven giantesses that once ruled the region and learned what it took to build a strong society.  Their education in magic led to the development of the luminous "wings of wind" that the Helicons are able to fly by.  They also learned to harvest minerals from the land and forge both weapons and armor suitable for the warrior culture that they would inherit after the disappearance of the Elven giantesses.   That warrior culture had a fiercely enforced code; "Honor was found entirely in the way a warrior fought and died, and had little to do with the actual cause that the warrior was fighting for. Showing cowardice in battle brought shame to all Helicons and was far worse than any death imaginable."   Under the orders of their highest authorities, twin centauresses by the names of Myrine and Pontu , they would even hunt and imprison one of their own if they were known to have fled a battle in fear.

Between the years 2600 BU and 145 BU, they could be found throughout Felarya acting either as mercenaries to hit a specific target or to simply join an army; it was not unthinkable that some of them could end up on opposite sides. The Helicons had no qualms about this as indicated by one of their most famous sayings, "There are no friends on the battle field."   They were even known to have been contracted by humans as guards or escorts.  Human clientele saw the Helicon Centaurs as extremely trustworthy warriors who could go for days without food and never give into the instinct to devour the humans they were commissioned to protect.  Liaisons were made available to nearly every major civilization during the height of the Helicon employment.  Presently, the Helicons rarely travel further west than the Myrodia Coast, instead they prefer to remain close to home and guard the island's many treasures accumulated over the centuries.

After absorbing all the information the centauress could divulge, the scientists were flown all the way back to the city of Negav where they shared the fantastic knowledge with their colleagues.  If it were not for the many people bearing witness to seeing the flying centauress land near the city, the scientists' story would most likely have been too incredible to believe.

Very Minor Race: Slodames
Danger Level: Low
Size: 100 - 110 ft (30 - 33 m) upright

Slodames can be summarized as a giant human-sloth hybrid species and though the name may hint at it, they are not all female.  Slodames will only be found in areas where there is relatively little danger of being preyed upon by similar-sized voracious creatures; areas such as Helicon Island. They have big sleepy eyes, furry hands and feet, and long sharp claws.  They spend most of their time hanging around in trees and sleeping. They are omnivores but don't get many opportunities to enjoy the taste of meat because they are simply too slow to actively hunt.  In fact, they are notoriously slow.   

One of the funniest spectacles a human can witness is being "chased down" by a Slodame.  There are tales of adventurers mocking and taunting a Slodame as she angrily inches her way towards them.  While it may very well be the funniest thing you ever see, tempting fate this way is highly discouraged.  There have been incidents when an especially daring adventurer allowed a Slodame to get just a little too close and the adventurer was swallowed whole and alive, albeit very slowly.  Due to their legendary speed-impairment, most other sentient predator species won't bother talking to Slodames; it simply takes them too much time to finish a sentence. It's something that most persons feel is either insanely frustrating or unbearably boring.  Not everyone fails to find a silver-lining however; provoking a Slodame to talk has often been suggested as a remedy for insomnia.

(Note:  If you've made it this far, thanks for reading!  I've got to give credit to /Fish/ who first came up with the idea that I based the Helicon Centaurs off of.)

Last edited by gt500x on Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 12, 2011 7:03 am

Edible Plants

Pomper-Prickle Peppers

Named after the botanist duo that first brought the peppers to Negav, the Pomper-Prickle Peppers are fruit that can be found in various places but are most abundant in Deeper Felarya. They typically have an oblong shape and range in size anywhere from the average size of a human foot to the length of an arm. The peppers stand out due to their purple color decorated by large pink dots. Their astonishingly sweet flavor has them ranked high in culinary potential. They've been eaten dried, fried, frozen, raw, and even liquefied. These purple and pink Pomper-Prickle Peppers are also very nutritious so adventurers in the wilderness are wise to keep an eye out for them, but be ware of their spicy sibling.

Prickle-Pomper Peppers

Very much like the Pomper-Prickle Peppers in size and shape, the Prickle-Pomper Peppers can be easily mistaken for its sweet counterpart, but that is likely to happen only once. Distinguished by their pink color decorated with large purple dots, the Prickle-Pomper Peppers have one of, if not the hottest flavor in all of Felarya. Those who have made the mistake of biting into this fruit have been known to pass out for an hour or two or lose all sensation in their mouths do to the overwhelming heat; but those are the fortunate ones. The less fortunate remained conscious and have reported feeling like their mouth was literally on fire for up to ten agonizing minutes, and no amount of water could ease their suffering. This led to the pepper's usefulness as an explosive being tested by some scientists who have also begun researching the pepper's medicial potential.

Though it would seem silly, and maybe even unthinkable, the pink and purple Prickle-Pomper Peppers are kept on display in bars of various cities for any patron daring enough to take the Prickle-Pomper Pepper challenge. This challenge typically involves two people who are liquored-up real good taking as many bites as they can before being rushed to the medical centers. But before they can even take the challenge they must first sign a waiver absolving the bar in the event that a tragedy occurs, and the participants must present a written will detailing the instructions for the disposition of their property, just as an added measure.

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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 10:37 pm

Deeper Felarya; Sub-zone: River Iden
Danger: Normal
Inhabitants: “Lots of weird looking shit.” (Said one shaken adventurer)

The River Iden is among the most mysterious waterways Deeper Felarya. It flows south to north in an area sparsely populated by normal sized trees and is notable for its deep red color likely caused by a high content of a particular mineral, but most paranoid adventurers would swear is blood. The odd smelling water is noticeably thicker and slower moving than normal water, and crawling with all kinds of slimy amphibians that have taken a liking to it. Naturally these creatures don’t rely primarily on sight to get by; in some ways they are like the life forms found in the Evernight Forest. One of the two most peculiar aspects of the river is what goes on at night though. As soon as the last trace of sunlight fades from the sky, the river “freezes over.” The cool, hardened surface becomes safe to walk or drive across. Any boats on the water at the time it freezes will be locked into place for the night; a good reason to not travel to the area by boat at all. Underneath the surface, the faint red glow of bio-luminous life forms can be seen swimming about. The second of the most peculiar aspects of the river is the elven village that appears on the normally void island in its midst.

Deeper Felarya; Sub-zone: Village of Riopse
Danger: Normal
Inhabitants: Lightseekers, Darkness Elementals

The Village of Riopse has intrigued explorers for years. Some historians believe it to be a very significant location from one of Felarya’s darkest eras. There aren’t many opportunities to discover the truths and treasures with the village only appearing on an island in the midst of the River Iden by night. When daylight comes the Village of Riopse goes… along with everyone that has entered it. Those who claim to have entered the elven village describe it as unbelievably eerie. Luminous orbs of various colors meander about in the foggy night and the cold chill in the air sends an uncomfortable tingling straight up the spines of all explorers who enter here. As eerie as it might be, it hasn’t proved to be eerie enough to deter them from seeking out the hidden treasures of this vacated village. Not even with the darkness elementals rumored to lurk here, waiting for explorers to drop their weapons and fill their hands with loot before they pounce on their greedy prey. There’s far too much to be discovered in Riopse to be scared off by a silly little %60 survival rate, and far too little time to discover it all in considering the sun will be shining its light before too long. The hardest part of the journey for explorers might be leaving the village with questions unanswered. Questions such as, where does the village vanish to every day? How much more treasure could there be left to claim? Then there is the fate of those explorers that remain in the village at sun-rise; what happens to them? But perhaps the biggest question of all to historians; is Riopse really the place where the “one hundred years of nightmares” began and is there anything here to prove it? The one thing that can’t be questioned is the Felaryan explorer’s will to get rich or get eaten trying.

(I'll see how many errors I made tomorrow. Ha ha ha haaaa fuck it. -.- Boku wa sugoku nemui su.. mo gaman dekinai. Mina oyasumi... )

Edit: Repost from flora thread...

Deeper Felarya; Flora: Tree of Knowledge

Maybe it's the product of over-active imaginations, people who have seen and photographed a Tree of Knowledge, or Tok Tree as they are sometimes called, are convinced it resembles a human brain... only greener, leafier, and tree-ier. The rare trees typically stand about 30 to 40 ft (9 to 12 m) tall and bear carrot-shaped fruit about the average length of a human forearm.

The Tok's fruit is highly sought after for its alleged power to grant clairvoyance and heighten senses or "awareness" in normal people, and double a psion's abilities-- all for up to three days. The tricky part is tolerating the fruits' astoundingly bitter taste which triggers a reflex in most people to spit it out immediately. And for those who think that eating more of the fruit will grant even more power, the negative effects of excessive consumption has been well documented. Over indulgence can make one inebriated, experience hallucinations, suffer short or long term mental ill-ness, and perhaps the most grotesque side effect; develop an enlarged head. Many cultures have had to taboo the use of the fruit because of the increasing use by thieves and its abuse by Tok addicts; somewhat unsurprisingly, the side-effects are also one of the reasons the Tok fruit is so highly sought after.
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2011 7:42 am

Must create a diversion so that no one will remember how bad my other ideas were.

Myths/Unexplained Phenomena: Defiler Clouds (also known as "Devil's Breath")

Vaguely described in legend as light devouring clouds that had once spread across Felarya, and plunged the world below into perpetual darkness. They were said to grow almost exponentially across the sky, swallowing the sun's light and producing a darkness with an unmistakably supernatural tinge. The resulting tide of darkness that flooded the world gave rise to malicious creatures unlike anything the world had ever seen, and the darkness elementals that already existed behaved almost as if they had been infected by something, or someone. It is said that in areas where the supernatural darkness was thickest, light was utterly suffocated; even the light of a burning fire could not been seen.

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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2011 12:09 pm

Alright, this one was a looong time coming. I've finally settled on their power though, so I now feel free to post the idea.

!*woa, I forgot to update this page with my version from DA > http://gt500x.deviantart.com/gallery/27587249#/d3rcbok *!

Minor Race: Kitsunes
Danger level: Moderate
Size: 110 - 115 ft (33 - 35 m)

Typically found in Deeper Felarya and most easily described as a human-fox hybrid, Kitsunes have a humanoid form with fox-like traits; such as fox ears, claws, a fox tail, and their bodies are almost completely covered in fur. Their arms are noticeably longer in proportion than that of other humanoids, likely developed for ease of movement on hand and foot. Much like the rare Phixes are to nekos, the Kitsunes can probably be considered the giant and more furry versions of inus. They are primarily solitary creatures and not very friendly, though they have been said to put on an inviting facade that would convince the unwary contrariwise.

Due to their slight frames, the average one or two-tailed kitsune doesn't possess much strength relative to other giants, nor does it specialize in any magic that's particularly effective. Kitsunes simply rely on their brilliance and cunning; tricking both prey and fellow predator species to make their way in life. The amusing thing about Kitsunes is that they have the intelligence to best most other creatures in strategy games or like challenges fairly, but they would rather cheat their way to victory. Everyone of them seems to be arrogant to a fault and will almost never turn down an opportunity to put their "superior intellect" to the test; thoroughly convinced that they can even run circles around a group of heavily armed humans or a pack of kensha beasts if they want to. One man claimed to have witnessed a kitsune talk an adventurer into letting her eat him. This pride and arrogance is likely a culture passed down by through their generations.

While there aren't many examples to point to, biologists have taken mythology into account and theorized that Kitsunes can grow one additional tail for every one hundred years that they live with nine tails likely being the maximum number of tails they can grow. Coinciding with the growth of each new tail is the supposed increase in the kitsune's capacity for use of psionic magic, the magic that they are currently presumed to be naturally inclined towards. Some poachers that have followed the research on Kitsunes have suggested that their tails are directly linked to this psionic magic, and that the power can be granted to those that cut them off and eat their meat. The drop in reported sightings of Kitsunes is likely to be linked with the poaching that has quietly been going on for years. Either the Kitsune's numbers have really been dropping or they have simply gone into hiding to avoid those greedy hunters seeking to make a major profit selling their tail meat to the wealthy.

Last edited by Heavenless-star on Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 14, 2012 8:17 am



Alright, it's been a while since I put forth any ideas and I've decided to get back at it a bit. Most of the ideas in this thread are pretty outdated by now I think so there's probably no need to read back, not saying you would actually want to though. Anyway I'm tossing this pretty UN-original idea out there just cause it came to mind; nothing more, nothing less. Please feel free to tell me why the idea won't work or simply what it's missing to make it better.

Iracal Island; Humans: The Tribe of Lost Ones

The battle that saw Torin City conquered by Harpies ended with the humans that refused to submit to Ourana either be eaten on the spot or exiled. Most of those who were put out of what was left of the city were initially believed to have been eaten by the predators of the wilderness, but it is now known that many of those humans have survived. The Tribe of Lost Ones is what they call themselves, but in the neighboring villages and cities of Iracal Island they are most commonly called barbarians.

The Tribe of Lost Ones are nomadic in that they constantly pick up and move but they have been known to return to past locations to settle. Their presence is one that all traveling humans and the like should be mindful of because they survive not only by hunting, but by ambushing the ill-prepared and robbing them blind. Like other tribes in Felarya that are fighting for survival, the Lost Ones are not above capturing travelers and using them as decoys to escape predators.

Of course, the tribe would like to avoid predators in the first place; the tons of stolen weapons and artifacts can only help them so much. It probably goes without saying but the Lost Ones know the wilderness very well and they are physically fit to a person, fit enough to outlast many predators in a chase even. Another approach they've taken is camouflaging their scents by following behind Kensha Beasts and covering themselves in the material (fur and/or other material) the canines leave behind. By doing this the tribe has often been able to fool predators into thinking they were not humans.

Still, even given all this it seems unlikely that this tribe of exiled men and women could have survived for as long as it has. It may just serve as a testament to the power human spirit and what they can accomplish with the will to survive, and plenty of good luck of course. On that note: Somah, the traditional God of fate and karma, is still worshipped as the primary deity by the Tribe of Lost Ones (or a slightly tweaked version of Somah that better fits the Lost One's way of life), unlike in Torin City where Somah has been usurped by King Torin and is barely acknowledged anymore outside of his "Fire mark" which is typically included in traditional artwork or where tribute is paid to the city's history somehow.

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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 22, 2012 8:11 am

Culture and Customs; Harpy Culture:


The Silver Tongued- Not long ago, tales began to spread among harpies like a wildfire. These words often whispered painted a picture of a human or humanoid creature who had talked his way out of being eaten by countless harpies and for the most part seemed uncatchable. That was until one particularly determined harpy came along and nearly managed to swallow the man in spite of his attempts to talk her out of it. What happened next is what terrifies all who hear the tales. The harpy found that her mouth went completely numb; she could neither taste nor feel anything inside. The man let himself out and escaped the harpy's sight while she yelled incomprehensible words at him. Later, her friends were shocked to find that the harpy's entire mouth had become shiny and metallic. No cure could be found for her condition and the affects never wore off. Worse yet, the man who caused it was likely still out there. The thought lurked in the back of the minds of many then and still does to this day; who's to say that the next human they try and eat won't curse them with the silver tongue.


Yrucrem Ronoh- A favorite pass time of harpies. The game is played by teams of five and is like soccer in some ways. There are two forwards, two gaurds, and one goal on each team. The object of the game is to score points by feeding the goal. The food, or Ikau, can be anything ranging from small animals to humans. Two forwards carry the ikau to the harpy playing goal who is being blocked by guards of the opposite team. Guards are allowed to join the offensive rush toward the goal but they take the risk of leaving the opposing teams goal "open." Dunks into the gaping mouth of the goal are popular ways for forwards to put the exclamation point on scoring a point. Needless to say, goal is the most fulfilling position to play. Players will often rotate positions so that no one goes hungry. The game has been played hundreds of times in the skies above the arena in Torin, many times involving a criminal or captured animal being used as the ikau.


Karamachy (War Dances)- While humans often reenact past battles through actors, harpies use dancers. Slow, graceful movements balanced with occasional burst of quick and sharp movements to the backdrop of wings beating like drums serve as an effective way to emotionally charge the scene being played out. Those chosen to play harpies are often ballerina-like in their movements while those that play the sphinxes, adorned in fur and wearing masks, aim more to exude auras of physical power and ferocity in their portrayals.

Last edited by Heavenless-star on Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:48 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Scrapped Yrucrem Ronoh cause it was too similar to Pixie Ball)
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 22, 2012 6:05 pm

Good stuff! I like the legend of The Silver Tongued... Sounds like a perfect story to tell fellow young harpies around a campfire at the harpy equivalent of summercamp Razz
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 22, 2012 7:16 pm

Thanks. I was conflicted over whether the legend felt awkward or not. It's simply because possessing a silver tongue should be considered a good thing among most people and associating it with a curse would feel wrong, I thought. Well, anyway, I most certainly appreciate the feedback. c:
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2012 10:53 am

I really like those Smile
The tribes of the lost ones really make sense I think and add more depth to the zone.
the silver tongued is an interesting legend, although when I first read I thought the harpy would be condemned to speak an exquisitely polite language for the rest of her life. imagine the horror XD
The Yrucrem Ronoh is an interesting one as well. it's a ruthless and predatory game and somehow I could very well see harpies play this ^^
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PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2012 6:37 pm

Karbo wrote:

the silver tongued is an interesting legend, although when I first read I thought the harpy would be condemned to speak an exquisitely polite language for the rest of her life. imagine the horror XD

The reason I didn't go that route, even though I was inclined to, was because a harpy speaking "politely" isn't likely to cause them to be looked down on by other harpies in MY opinion. They might get a few funny looks but I'm sure most harpies would assume they had a unique upbringing. Plus I came up with a few harpies that speak relatively "politely." So I chose to go the way I did with it and I think what I have is far from a perfect idea but it's better than no idea at all. ^^;;

Edit: I took a break from the drawing I was doing because this little exchange brought something to mind... xD

Rumors; Origin of Harpy Dialect:

A “rather strange man” who made wild claims to have lived among harpies, both friendly and unfriendly, in his homeland amused many Negavians with his “historical facts” concerning the predator species. Among the most interesting was his explanation of how the harpies’ peculiar insult-laden manner of speech came about. As he tells it, the harpies had developed a harsh and militaristic culture many years ago during the height of their conflict with the sphinxes. While not as organized as one would expect a military to be, the flock leaders drilled their respective flocks daily. There was rampant physical and verbal abuse back then meant to make the tough even tougher, and expose the weaklings for the “sphinx turds that they were.” Eventually, the insults spewed about so often simply became habitual and became a permanent part of the harpies’ speech mannerisms. While the young may find the harsh words shocking at first, most quickly develop the skin thick enough to brush them off and even start throwing insults around themselves. He went on to add that when dealing with harpies, becoming distraught over being verbally flamed is likely to a person laughed at and humiliated even more.

[Edit: Brought over from the harpy phrase book thread ...]

An observed conversation recorded by a famed biologist.

"Why haven't you croaked yet, you filthy old slut?"
= "Happy birthday mom!"

"What's it to ya runt?"
= "Oh sweetie, you remembered!"

"Either God has a terrible sense of humor or there isn't a creature in this world that can stomach the thought of eating your rotten smelling carcass."
= "It's good to see you again. I'm glad you're doing well."

"I've been having a lot of nightmares about your ugly mug."
= "I've missed you so."

"Why don't ya bring your **** pleasers over here so I can rip 'em off then!"
= "How about a kiss!"

"I'm sure I won't be the last person today to tell you how much of a whore you've become."
= "I can't believe how much you've grown. No one's going to recognize you."

"It's not like I give a inu's ass about what you think."
= "Thanks. You're too kind."

"Well, don't wear out your welcome."
= "Get settled in and stay for a while."

"Pfft. I got better things to do than stick around you losers and fight the urge to kill myself anyway."
= "I really wish I could but I have to fly."

"Fine. Get lost you sorry *** trap!"
= "Aww. I'm sorry to see you go so soon."

"**** off!"
= "Bye!"

"Go to Hell!"
= "Take care!"

( That was all the man recorded that day. He wasn't entirely sure what to make of the exchange though. He could only speculate on what was really being said. He does note before turning the page on this particular study that when not trying to actually insult a harpy, it's best to err on the safe side and avoid the use of the word "sphinx" completely. Unfortunately, the man never returned to Negav to share his observations in person and his notebook was the only trace of him found. Hopefully, he will turn up some day, alive and well. )

A collection of quotes and rumors...

"My god, if it's true that a naga has become addicted to eating smokers and can sniff one out from hundreds of miles away, then we are royally ******!" - an adventurer who has finall found the motivation to quit smoking.

Edit: thanks to Keroko for help with grammar editing.

"A realm of darkness where neither angels nor demons dare tread, this labyrinth of hopelessness is called the Evernight Forest. Each soul brave enough to venture there in belongs to Demechrelle, and the sleeping Queen of darkness renders a smile upon their arrival. " - Heseodorus

"Someone supposedly saw Vivian sprout legs and walk around when she thought she was alone. If that's true it could mean her naga form is actually just an illusion." o.o

"Every time a bell rings an angel gets a meal."

"There's a young warrioress out there by the name of Bia Terme who can supposedl out drink a giant! They call her the queen of beer and bar fights." xD

"My god, if it's true that a naga has become addicted to eating smokers and can sniff one out from hundreds of miles away, then we are royally ******!" - an adventurer who has finally found the motivation to quit smoking.

Yeah, Anna's realized that eating smokers can give her the nicotine fix she so desperately needs. xD

Last edited by Heavenless-star on Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:56 am; edited 3 times in total
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Shady Knight
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My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My post-rapture, left behind ideas    My post-rapture, left behind ideas  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2012 6:42 pm

So according to that man, every harpy had to become Gunnery Sergeant Hartman.
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