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 Vincents Bio

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Naga food

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PostSubject: Vincents Bio    Vincents Bio  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 17, 2011 5:40 am

Name: Davis, Vincent

Age: 28

Hair color: Dark brown and short.

Eye color: Brown

Size: 6,4 ft/ Slim

Personality: Since he was a child he had the deep urge to help or stand in for those who weren't strong
enough to fight for themselves which brought him a lot of bruises until he found help in the
janitor of the orphanage he lived in.
Vincent always had one tick that once he gave a promise to someone he would do anything to
hold no matter what. He is strong minded guy who would go through hell and back for a friend
or now for his teammates. He had and still has an alcohol problem but he began to get it under
control over the past years. He still has nightmares of the day on which he lost the love of his
live and he still has an old photography of her.

Background: Vincent grew up in an orphanage at the age of three after his parents died in a car accident
but didn't get adopted. When he turned five, the janitor of the orphanage began to train him
in martial arts after he had to watch a group of bullies beating Vincent up.
When Vincent turned seventeen he decided to join the German army.
During his time there, began a relationship with Sarah a young woman who wanted to study
medicine in the army but while on a mission, died Sarah along with Vincents whole unit while he,
after a heavy fight with the attackers, survived barley and after his recovery, was
dishonorable dismissed.
Month passed and in his grief about her loss, he began to drink a lot until a Marine Corp officer
offered him a chance to begin a new life.
Now he is in the rank of a Sergeant with a team of four more under his command.

There last mission in which he had order to rescue a group of American civilians from a rebel
group changed everything when he and his team entered a fog which separated Vince from his
team and to make matters worse brought them all into an unknown world.

Last edited by strongkobayashi85 on Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Age : 28
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Vincents Bio  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vincents Bio    Vincents Bio  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 17, 2011 12:25 pm

I think that as far as character descriptions go this bio could see some heavy revisions and be better for them. What you have here is erratic and doesn't even flow well in a chronological order let alone a way in which we can gain some idea of a character persona. You seem to have foregone entirely the creation of segments regarding personality and instead have presented loose pieces of a background, none of which serve to explain his actual means of arriving in Felarya. On a positive note, you don't seem to have given any spectacular abilities that make the character unrealistic in that regard, but I'm left to think that the lack of overpowerdness comes by virtue of the fact that this character lacks a lot of things. If you want to see this idea going anywhere, I suggest that you invest some serious thought into improving the background and adding in some personality details.

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