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 What can WE do?

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PostSubject: What can WE do?   What can WE do? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 9:59 am

[Keep in mind I'm writing this quick and dirty. I didn't go over a million drafts for this post, it's a spur of the moment thing]

The letter was a lot of suggestions for Karbo, which wound up, as we all know, stirring up another storm. I haven't been here for the last ones- I sure hope this is the last one, and I really, really hope that this storm isn't as bad as the one that would've happened if that letter hadn't been sent.

But that's only wishful thinking and leads nowhere.

My question now is "what can WE do to help now". I was part of that letter, good, I screwed things up good and I'm a bastard, a drama junkie trying to get a high, and because of me Felarya's going to explode. Or I was just misguided. Or maybe I helped puncture an internal hemorrhagy before it got infected. Depends on who you ask- and personally I don't care. To quote the Chmmr: "WE WERE NOT READY. BUT THAT IS IN THE PAST NOW. WHAT IS DONE IS DONE."

If you ask me, and I know you won't, so I'll just say it, we have to do what is best. I have itchy fingers right now- whatever I can do to help, I will.

For starters, I believe we need to start understanding the position everywhere. Everyone just assumed all of those things we didn't like were a problem Felarya needed to get rid of- maybe it's not, maybe it's something we just didn't care to understand. We need to learn to be a little more understanding- not tolerant. Tolerating means that there's something wrong with someone else and you're going to put up with it. We need to understand and accept, not to tolerate.

There's other things I'd say, but they're harder to say right, so I'll keep them to myself for the time being until I have went over them properly. English is harder than it looks- and I have things to do right now. I just swung by a moment- and realized the worst had happened, so maybe I'm more shaken up than I think.

We'll see where does this lead- let's hope it leads somewhere good.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: What can WE do?   What can WE do? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 10:15 am

If you ask me....I sincerely don't know anymore. We've tried to help things out and now we're the bad guys for it. Everything has gone to hell
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PostSubject: Re: What can WE do?   What can WE do? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 10:23 am

Slimetoad wrote:
If you ask me....I sincerely don't know anymore. We've tried to help things out and now we're the bad guys for it. Everything has gone to hell

It took all of fifteen minutes for Karbo to find out a dozen ways in which we went wrong. We obviously missed.

I could say any of the things which I believe failed in our methods (We focused so much on how to deliver the message we forgot to check our facts, for instance, and we didn't properly discuss if all of our message was correct), but hindsight is so completely useless now. So I'm asking what can WE do NOW.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: What can WE do?   What can WE do? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 11:21 am

I say next time be wary of what you write.

A letter that only has a few people on it should not be recognized as "the entire community".

The fact that you didn't even send me any notice of the petition whatsoever really hurt.

And I'm sorry, but "we didn't have time" is a very lazy excuse. Once you sent it, you could've at least told me about it.

You can message me on DA, or on this forum.
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PostSubject: Re: What can WE do?   What can WE do? Icon_minitime

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