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 Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders

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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeFri Feb 18, 2011 6:42 pm

Going by the wiki, Bolas dridders are described as being able to jump from branch to branch with great agility. That sound like they'd be based off jumping spiders, mixed with the kind of spider that hide above its preys and catch them by dropping a web on it.

However, in the event that Nikita's species does become canon, we'd have about two categories of jumping dridders. It may be stiff from me, but I think, if rewriting is too much, to try to look for a way for the two species to be more distinct, outside of one being bigger than the other.

Also, a bit personal, but I don't know if the part where Bolas Dridders can partially control their silk has ever been used in-story yet, which would make it a bit superfluous if you ask me. Also, the wiki put them as 80 ft tall. So, is that their final scale, or did we just forget to scale them up along the rest? Because I think they used to be about as tall as the other predator species.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 12:00 pm

No I didn't have Jumping Spiders in mind when I created the Bolas Dridder. I was thinking more of a mix of the Net-casting Spider and the Bolas.

As far as I know, I'm the only one to use Bolas Dridders in a story so far and Alestor's control of his webbing was limited to improving his accuracy and snaring prey.

No I haven't increased their size on the wikki yet. I'll do so this morning as you're correct. They are about average size for a predator.

Actually my Jumping Spider Dridders (called "Jumpers") are unique in that they only have human heads. And they live on the slopes of the Bach. They're rather small.

EDIT: I've been reminded Ciel is a Bolas Dridder. My apologies.

Last edited by Zoekin-3 on Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 12:08 pm

Isn't Ciel a Bolas Dridder too? Also, I did write a Bolas Dridder on a few occasion. The jumping spider dridder part... that's just confusing. Is that Nikita's species? Because she clearly has humans arms and a human torso.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 12:12 pm

Oops So she is. I noticed that when I updated the Bolas entry on the wikki. I haven't read any of her stories yet though. Looks like I have some homework to do.

Well I wrote the story about the Jumpers a long time before Tora044 introduced his character so no-they aren't the same race.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 12:16 pm

Well he's pretty much refering to Nikita as a Jumping Dridder, and so far it seems that she won in the end, since I think that people will refer to her when a Jumping Dridder is mentioned. Personally, I prefer Nikita's appearance, since it's closer to the established base of a Dridder, spider abdomen and lower limbs, human torso and upper limbs. I have this notion that if you're going to alter their appearance radically, it may as well be something completely detached, since in my eyes, a sub-species need to be something familiar and easy to recognize.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 12:20 pm

I don't understand what you mean by "won in the end." We're not in competition with each other. I'm sure that there is room in Felarya for both versions should I decide to write about them again.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 12:27 pm

Well... not trying to make a "popularity contest" analogy, but I think Nikita got the more popular recognition, so when someone refers to a Jumping Dridder, they'll usually compare it to Nikita's general traits, just like Crisis is often used as a base for the typical Felaryan Naga. So, if you refer to your jumpers as jumping dridders, with Nikita being popular consciousness' concept of a jumping dridder, then the general reading public will either think that you are trying to rip-off Tora, which isn't the case but they don't know that, or won't believe that they're jumping dridders, since they look so radically different from the norm.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 12:32 pm

Well I only mentioned the Jumpers in passing while Tora set out to make his Dridder a main character and I couldn't be happier for his success. It's true that his Dridder fits the norm better than mine but I was trying to think outside of the box and I was inspired by an artwork I found online that I thought was cute.

^_^ I like the idea of weird stuff in Felarya. But back onto subject-no I didn't have Jumping Spiders in mind when I developed the Bolas Dridder. I envisioned them swinging through the trees like Tarzan on silk ropes not leaping about.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 12:38 pm

Well then I guess you should ask Karbo to change the part of being able to leap from branch to branch with great agility, for swinging from branch to branch using web lines. That would help distinguish the two species better.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 12:42 pm

I really don't see how there is any confusion between the two species. Lots of spiders jump after all. It's just that the Jumping Dridders are better at it.

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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 12:51 pm

Well, people will usually associate a key trait to a single creature, and while that may not be the case in real life, it does keep it more streamlined in a fictional universe. The wiki saying that they leap from branch to branch with great agility can be perceived as being some of the best jumpers of the dridder race, and can be wrongfully interpreted as being based on jumping spiders.

And then you said that you envisioned them swinging on silk ropes like Spiderman, so I thought that their description in the wiki was a mistake.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 12:53 pm

Nothing to stop both species leaping limb to limb I guess. But I'll ask Karbo when he returns.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 1:04 pm

Well, like I said, it's not bad by itself, but it's good to see that one sup-specie is best known for a trait, and when another sub-specie have a trait very similar, it makes one or the other look more generic. I am aware that Tora's jumping dridders are pretty small among giants, but personally, I think you could see the bolas dridders as Tora's jumping dridder, but much larger, with the habit of fishing preys using nets and lassos thrown in the mix.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 1:22 pm

Just because they sometimes move the same way? I'm sure they are a lot more different than that. In anycase as I said I will discuss it when Karbo returns from his rest
I don't want to cause trouble for him

Last edited by Zoekin-3 on Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 1:29 pm

Alright. I admit, I'm pretty stiff when it comes to writing and making creature concepts, because I think making sure they're very distrinct is best. I also think that their skills at jumping was a mistake, since you said that you view them as web swinging.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 1:33 pm

I'm sure it will sort itself out in time.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 2:59 pm

Most spiders are good jumpers. They have an installed hydraulic system after all, and are capable of multiplying the factor of pressure from resting levels to several folds greater when moving. There is nothing about other hunting dridders that would make them unable to perform similar jumps to a comparatively sized jumping dridder as things stand now in all honesty.

Jumping spiders know how to use their rear two pairs of legs to make them jump farther than a normal spider, but I've never seen mention that a jumper's body is significantly different internally to other spiders in regards to their locomotion. A sapient dridder would probably be able to figure out how to jump in that way on their own if they wished.

I don't personally see any reason to change the entry, as a bolas is inherently different in its ability set than a jumper. A bolas dridder would be able to move easily enough as described. The entry doesn't say anything about power or distance, but agility - and both the bolas and the jumper would have that to great extent. The larger bolas just wouldn't be able to jump physically as far or as high as the Jumper due to their size constraints and lesser defined mechanics.

The real advantage of the jumping spider over other spiders is its ability to learn, to differentiate color, its great eyesight, and a well developed bimodal breathing set. A sapient creature with human characteristics can do the first two without instinctual knowledge.

Right now, the defining traits of the two as I read it are that:
The bolas uses its silk mace to capture prey. It is also able to actively manipulate its silk moreso than other dridders after 'deploying'.
The jumper actively chases prey down and subdues it. It is able of jumping farther and higher than other dridders by a combination of specialized power and their smaller size. Comparatively, Jumpers have a lot less of a skillset than the Bolas currently; especially since I haven't seen anything on a natural keenness for eyesight that makes them superior to others - but perhaps they have it? Able to see in different spectrums?
Both actively use drag lines for safety. Both are agile. Both use stealth to get near their prey.

The differentiation between a lot of spider sects is lost due to the sapience of a dridder.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 3:02 pm

aethernavale wrote:
Most spiders are good jumpers. They have an installed hydraulic system after all, and are capable of multiplying the factor of pressure from resting levels to several folds greater when moving. There is nothing about other hunting dridders that would make them unable to perform similar jumps to a comparatively sized jumping dridder as things stand now in all honesty.

Jumping spiders know how to use their rear two pairs of legs to make them jump farther than a normal spider, but I've never seen mention that a jumper's body is significantly different internally to other spiders in regards to their locomotion. A sapient dridder would probably be able to figure out how to jump in that way on their own if they wished.

I don't personally see any reason to change the entry, as a bolas is inherently different in its ability set than a jumper. A bolas dridder would be able to move easily enough as described. The entry doesn't say anything about power or distance, but agility - and both the bolas and the jumper would have that to great extent. The larger bolas just wouldn't be able to jump physically as far or as high as the Jumper due to their size constraints and lesser defined mechanics.

The real advantage of the jumping spider over other spiders is its ability to learn, to differentiate color, its great eyesight, and a well developed bimodal breathing set. A sapient creature with human characteristics can do the first two without instinctual knowledge.

Right now, the defining traits of the two as I read it are that:
The bolas uses its silk mace to capture prey. It is also able to actively manipulate its silk moreso than other dridders after 'deploying'.
The jumper actively chases prey down and subdues it. It is able of jumping farther and higher than other dridders by a combination of specialized power and their smaller size. Comparatively, Jumpers have a lot less of a skillset than the Bolas currently; especially since I haven't seen anything on a natural keenness for eyesight that makes them superior to others - but perhaps they have it? Able to see in different spectrums?
Both actively use drag lines for safety. Both are agile. Both use stealth to get near their prey.

The differentiation between a lot of spider sects is lost due to the sapience of a dridder.

That pretty much sums it all up in a nutshell.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 3:07 pm

I guess so, but the mention of Bolas as highly agile leapers kind of undermine the jumping part of Jumping Dridders. It translates as being able to do Spiderman wall jumps and all, and I guessed clearing up some stuff would help in the long run.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 3:10 pm

I see it more as an area where the two types of Dridders skills cross over. I don't really have a problem with it at all.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 3:18 pm

That's just how I work, but when I read jumping dridder, I expect that their main trait is being incredible jumpers. When I read that another species of dridders are also skilled jumpers, it makes one look less impressive in that department.

If Jumpers were designed around that trait, such as having some abilities, like the good eye sight, and aren't affected as much by high falls, and if Bolas used their jumping skills mostly to get to another hiding spot quicker, and it's really just to assist their skill at "fishing" their preys, then I guess it would help distinguish them, since for the former, it's main trait is jumping, and the latter, the jumping is actually secondary to its main trait.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 4:18 pm

I'm sure that people will always think of Jumping Dridders first whenever jumping is mentioned.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 8:26 pm

well sense jumping spiders actively hunt down their food, they might also have a good bit more endurance than other dridders.
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 8:27 pm

I can see them being a little hyper-active
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 10:15 pm

Ah sorry for the late response had to register again as I couldn't log in with my original account. Just could not figure out what my password was. XD

I admit I did miss the part about Bolas Dridders jumping from tree to tree. Though I thought of them more as the orb weaver variety of dridders, whereas jumping dridders are more of the hunting type.

Looks like I need to write up a jumping dridder bio to clear up some questions. Some characteristics I plan on giving them is being smaller than other dridders of course, but definitely heightened eye sight , and being able to leap to the ground from high up with no problems (Granted if they land on their feet. XD), and normally being a bit more timid than other dridders.

Jumping wise: extremely powerful jumpers, due to their size and compact body, very good agility as well, though not sure if it would be any better than bolas dridders.

I'll have to brainstorm more on what other characteristics they might have... scratch

But I'll start on a detailed bio soon.

Last edited by Tora044 on Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders   Bolas Dridders and Jumping Dridders Icon_minitime

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