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 Shape shifting predators

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PostSubject: Re: Shape shifting predators   Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2008 2:37 pm

Well, I can think of a dozen ways to limit the power of a shape shifter. I'm actually pretty good at nerfing.

- Changing forms is tiring
-There are a limited number of times changing forms can be used in a lifetime
-Changing forms can only occur a certain number of times a day
-Can only assume a limited range of forms
-Is unable to control changes, or controlling is difficult
-Size or total mass can't be changed
-Although the physical form is changed, strength, toughness, and other attributes are unchanged
-The act of changing forms is time consuming
-Changing forms requires a catalyst to work (i.e. Turning into what you eat)
-Changing forms only works at certain times of the day
-Split personalities for each form
-Is largely prey (i.e. unusually tasty or something)

The last one is actually a generic balancer, and not shape shifter specific.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Shape shifting predators   Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2008 2:42 pm

Silent_eric wrote:

- Changing forms is tiring
-There are a limited number of times changing forms can be used in a lifetime
-Changing forms can only occur a certain number of times a day
-Can only assume a limited range of forms
[-b]Is unable to control changes, or controlling is difficult[/b]
-Size or total mass can't be changed
-Although the physical form is changed, strength, toughness, and other attributes are unchanged
-The act of changing forms is time consuming
-Changing forms requires a catalyst to work (i.e. Turning into what you eat)
-Changing forms only works at certain times of the day
-Split personalities for each form
-Is largely prey (i.e. unusually tasty or something)
Bolded the ones unlikely to be followed in an RP or story. A wonderful list set, regardless. You stated changing forms limited per day twice, however.
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PostSubject: Re: Shape shifting predators   Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2008 2:54 pm

No no, the first one is certain number of times a day, and the second is works at certain times of the day. Or it could be certain times a month, or a year, though that's stretching a bit. By mixing them creatively, a fairly unique shapeshifter should form.

For example; A typical werewolf would have
Can only assume a limited range of forms (two)
Is unable to control changes
Changing forms requires a catalyst to work (View of the full moon)
Changing forms only works at certain times of the day (Once again, full moon)
Split personalities for each form (Human and mindless beast)
As well as other, non shapeshifter related weaknesses like silver and such.
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PostSubject: Re: Shape shifting predators   Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2008 3:01 pm

Ok here's a final bio on the shapeshifter.

Shape shifters can have a total of three forms. They can be 100-120 ft tall. Shape Shifters can only change during the night. A Shape Shifter's form can vary from Giantesses, Centauresses, Nagas, Dryads, etc.
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PostSubject: Re: Shape shifting predators   Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2008 3:12 pm

And I'll venture to guess they're nocturnal? Seems like it needs a little bit more to me.

I just got a crazy idea, what if they were diurnal, and while they slept at night, their body slowly changes into a random new form. (Though the random changes while sleeping is the only important part, when they sleep or wake doesn't matter) So they wake up each morning as a different species. I can see it now.

Random shapeshifter wakes "Damn it all! Human again?!"
A neko traveler enters a village for the night, when the tribe wakes up, the neko is gone, but a giant hungry naga lies in the shattered hut where the traveler had slept.

But that's just my idea.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Shape shifting predators   Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2008 3:39 pm

mikeimp wrote:
Ok here's a final bio on the shapeshifter.

Shape shifters can have a total of three forms. They can be 100-120 ft tall. Shape Shifters can only change during the night. A Shape Shifter's form can vary from Giantesses, Centauresses, Nagas, Dryads, etc.

As it has been said in rumors: "35. Were-creatures on Felarya are oddly affected by its moons system since there is more than one, that their number sometimes vary, and they are all full and new at different times. Thus were-creatures are always at a half and half stage still retaining their sanity but getting some of the abilities of their were-forms and sometimes some funny and unwanted effects to go with it."

Even if it's a rumor we need to take care of this rumor Very Happy

Edit: The more we advance in that idea, less I'm not fond of the idea of a shape shifters races because it's as if we fusion three race of Felarya to create a "new race" but it's not a real race but just a copy/paste Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Shape shifting predators   Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2008 3:55 pm

Well, Karbo even said himself that the Shape Shifters were an original idea of mine...Or something like that :p
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PostSubject: Re: Shape shifting predators   Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2008 4:03 pm

Quote :
Shape shifters can have a total of three forms. They can be 100-120 ft tall. Shape Shifters can only change during the night. A Shape Shifter's form can vary from Giantesses, Centauresses, Nagas, Dryads, etc.

Hey! Now that's not Ryla's thing anymore!
I think a different catalyst is needed. Something.... unique.
I had it first! It's MY catalyst! MINE!! -jumps up and down- MINE MINE MINE MINE!!!!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Shape shifting predators   Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2008 4:07 pm

Actually, Ryla, If I remember, had her snake tail come off, revealing a mermaid tail. The Shape Shifters actually morph. But, whatever :p. Great minds think alike, right?
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Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shape shifting predators   Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2008 4:13 pm

mikeimp wrote:
Well, Karbo even said himself that the Shape Shifters were an original idea of mine...Or something like that :p

It can be original but how do you turn it, if you turn it like in classical manga, each time the creature change it's shape it becomes stronger or a necessity to change this shape to adapt to an environment or uncontroled change Question

Even if it can be an original idea but it will depend of the reason behind that. In clear the origin of the ability.
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PostSubject: Re: Shape shifting predators   Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2008 4:21 pm

The Shape Shifting predator can change at will. No strengths are given to each form, except each form has its own natural abilities. If it wants to swim, it will change into a swimming predator if it has that certain form. If it wants to run faster, it will form into something with speed, etc.
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PostSubject: Re: Shape shifting predators   Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2008 4:25 pm

mikeimp wrote:
The Shape Shifting predator can change at will. No strengths are given to each form, except each form has its own natural abilities. If it wants to swim, it will change into a swimming predator if it has that certain form. If it wants to run faster, it will form into something with speed, etc.

If you start on this base it's not very original sorry.
To be simple it's as if you mix all the creature in Felarya in one creature nothing more Sad

Go to this link and see the creature you want to create but it's more developped Very Happy
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Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shape shifting predators   Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 28, 2008 6:21 pm

How about this for your shapeshifters:

They take on the physical appearance of the creature, but that is it. A kind of advanced camouflage, if you may...

Never really understood that phrase... If you may... Why is it used like that?

Anyways, if you do try that, you will need to come up with the appearance when it isn't camouflaged...
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PostSubject: Re: Shape shifting predators   Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 28, 2008 6:34 pm

Meh, nvm lol. I'll just have the Shape Shifting or "morph" ability for my girlfriend's character: Rua. It doesn't have to be an actual race, just a unique ability that Rua has.
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PostSubject: Re: Shape shifting predators   Shape shifting predators - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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