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 My charaters bio's and other stuff

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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: My charaters bio's and other stuff   My charaters bio's and other stuff Icon_minitimeMon Feb 21, 2011 4:44 pm

This is wear the Info on My Oc's and things related to my stories are going to go. to start off im goning to post a Updated version of Mac's bio. Unlike the original verison this one is 1475 words long and is Much neatter. though i did leave some things out on purpose as to not spoil the story that is currently being written., so without further a due here is Mac's Bio.

Name: Mac Nickolie Demitri
Blood type: AB+
Age: 295 years (looks 34 by human standerds)
Sex: Male
Military Occupation: Advance recon sniper/ Heavy assualt trooper/ Super Soldier
Rank: Command Sargent Major
Nationality: United Soveit States of Vossia(USSV)
Callsign: "Repear"
Race: Endorian
Height: 10ft6in
Status: MIA Presumed KIA ( by the USSV)
Wieght: 700 pounds(not fully geared) 2 tons(fully armed and armored)
Skin color: suntan(on exosed body)white (under the armor)
Hair color: Sunblonde
Eye color: Icy bule

Appearance: tall, muscular, piercing stare, cammo clothed ,always wears a bonnie and bandanna or helment, has tough body armor(titianum,irdium,tugstun alloy), glowing scars (color depends on what caused the scar) , carries 2 combat knifes one on each shoulder. 1 machete that is on his left thigh. 1 katana(by his worlds standereds) running parralle with his Backpack and radio. He has a heroic face, a strong jaw, a thick neck, a Strong chest, poweful legs, strong arms and very broad shoulders. He has a orange scar runing across temple, green scar on left check, white scar running diangley across left eyebrow across the brige of nose and ends right bleow the right eye. A blue scar running across the lower check down to the chest, a electric bule scar runing down from the back to his neck down to the heels of both feet.Mac has many other scars on the rest of his body from 200 years of war and 50 years in Felarya. His Body Armour is lined with dents gashs and scrapes from 50 years of surviving in Felarya, also with damage from him coming into Felarya and damage that occured from the battle that ended with him ariving into felarya. Has a 50 cal assault rifle, a 59 cal pistol and a SR-M200 AER 200 cal. Has a Oversized armoured back pack, A armoured radio above that back pack.

Personality: A loving but careful guy who enjoys the joys of life. Cheerful but very harddend due to his time in the war. Mac is cold to a compelete stranger but only to men due to events that occured during the war. Mac is a gentelman with women,even to nagas! Mac gets sad when asked about his past Because of Painful memories of Lost friends and Horrors beyond reckoning. Mac Doesnt like liars at all. He is Funny at times but only around friends or Miltia troopers. Very curious about the new land he has called Home for the past 50 years. Mac is very fearsome if his pals are endangered for he had lost so many before and will do what ever it takes to protect his remining friends. Mac can somties be very protective of friends. He is extremly scared of spiders to the point that a small one will make him freak out if he sees it due to a experinace on Endor.
He completly loves blondes and red heads no matter who or what they are so long as they are of good heart in his eyes. Mac Is very afraid of hell because of a near death experince in felarya with a Tonorion so he is uneasy about all insects and insectoids. He is Somtimes naive' but only when it comes to somthing he doesn't know about. He absolutely Loves to explore, thats what gets him and pocco in sticky situations sometimes. Spends time cleaning and reapairing his stuff beacuse he never knows when it could be needed.
He Enjoys hunting creatures of the forest But is cautious around kensha beasts due to the Fact he nearly died by a Pair of them on his first night in Felarya. Mac loves to do challenges and dares, but only if they are not stupied ones(like cutting down the giant tree,smoking infront of anna,ext..). He loves beer but loves voka even more. Mac Loves stragey games espeacily war games. He distrusts subcusses most likely due to the fact that many want to have him as thier pet. Its hard to be friends with Mac due to the fact that he has lost many friends in the 200 years he was in the service before he arrived in felarya, what hit him hardest was the lost of his to-be wife. He Vistits scinence centers to repair, refit, and replace his equipment predomintaly his 200 cal. He medates when he can to try to put his mind to peace and put him in a clam mood before he does something strenuous. He Works out in most of his free time to keep his strenght and practies with his knife, machatte, and katanna skills alot. He is Extremely distrustful of Mercs due to the fact that some people want to get their hands on the technology his has (I.E. his 2.00 cal and his Armour) and thus had sent Mercs to either kill Mac and steal the Items he had or break into his underground home to steal the items. He loves to paint and he paints with exceptional skill. He hates Vishmitals with a passion due to the fact it them who tried to kill him and his freind Pocco 48 years ago inside Negav city, which also caused Mac's Violent Exit from the city.

Background: Mac grew up in the wonderfuly beutifal city of Lovel. His father was a Retired Military General who had Been know to fight on the front lines with the troops and a Sterling carear record. His Mother was a Renowed artist and Sniper, also a personal friend of the Premier. He grew up with 3 brothers and 2 sisters of age range of 20-100. He meet his best pal pocco at age 15. He became a execpentialy talented artist and was enrolled in The Lovel prestigous art College. where he work dilegntly until graduation. But sadly on the day of Graduation the Cossian goverment lauched a Suprised Nuclear attack at the city and destoryed 90% of the city. Mac, Pocco and a few others surivied the Attack but the rest of Mac's family did not surivie the attack. He and pocco were slipted up during the confusion and chaos cause by the suprise attack. Thinking he had lost everything mac vowed vengence and signed up for the Military. After 5 years of intensive trianing Mac become a front line trooper. After particpationin operation SATURN and operation OVERLORD. Mac was selected tgo become a super Soldier, The augemtation process was extremly painful and mac was sidlined for 2 years for recovery.Shortly after Mac was assigned to a speacial forces division. One day the division was under heavy emeny attack and Broken Arrow was issued, The ensuring massive saturation airstrike wide out the enemy but also the rest of the Division leaving Mac as the sole surivoir.
A incident in the polar region a few years later would leave Mac shaken and disturbe. It was another 26 years before he was reunited with pocco. But as fate would have it Mac was agian deployed in Operation Uppercut and for the first time the soldier fought against Overwhelming Numbers. Fast forward a few years of back and forwth battles and Mac was Deployed in the Decisisive Mission, Operation Woffen. During the intervening years Mac fell in love with a Leuitenit name Melisa. They were considering to marry and thus leave the service when during one operation, It ended badly and Melisa died in Mac's arms just outside of an emeny city. Something inside of Mac snaped and Something else, sinister appread and took over, when Mac came to he was surround by Death, destruction and Horror, he later found out that he had destoryed the city and killed all of its inhabinets. this fact nearly lead Mac to suicide but it left him in a deep depression for many years. Mac was caputered during One mission and was transported to a camp in Cossia.
He spent 9 months being interogated and tortured by them until one day a raid on the camp provided him and 300 other prisoners to escape. It was one week before Mac and the others were recoverd by advanceing friendly forces. Many years later in the last battle of the war. Mac and Pocco led a Group of 50 men into enemy lines, Mac and pocco were spearted from the rest of the unit and after 2 hours of continuos fight they were going to be overwhelmed, but in a twist of fate a nuclear hand grenade was primed and thrown, the gernade landed just 400 meters from the two and detnated. But before it detnated a Random portal opened below Mac and Pocco's feet, While the bulk of the desctrutive force was lost in the portal but enough got sucked through to damage the two and propel them on a shockwave into Felarya. 50 years and countless events later mac is in a semi-balance of peace in Felarya. But he is doing all he can to redeem his soul for the actions he had commited during the war. He has established a Militia In the Jungle and they are connected with Underground Tunnels runing up and down the contenite and with outposts in regions outside known Felarya.

Last edited by luke112 on Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:56 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Removed something Added somethings)
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PostSubject: Re: My charaters bio's and other stuff   My charaters bio's and other stuff Icon_minitimeWed Feb 23, 2011 1:28 pm

I am very much resisting an innate urge to scorn you, as I realize that you need help, not insults, to create a good character. So I'll list the one truly major thing wrong with this.

1 TON. I stopped reading at that.
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Friend of the Jotun
Friend of the Jotun

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PostSubject: Re: My charaters bio's and other stuff   My charaters bio's and other stuff Icon_minitimeWed Feb 23, 2011 1:40 pm

FalconJudge wrote:
I am very much resisting an innate urge to scorn you, as I realize that you need help, not insults, to create a good character. So I'll list the one truly major thing wrong with this.

1 TON. I stopped reading at that.

Well I got farther than that. I got to "nuclear hand grenades."

Anyways, I'd recommend having this editing before opening it for critique.
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: My charaters bio's and other stuff   My charaters bio's and other stuff Icon_minitimeWed Feb 23, 2011 2:03 pm

Yeah, I recommend before posting anything, you hand it to someone who has a good grasp of both Felarya and English. Listen to their advice. Also, reading the wiki is a very good idea, as well.

But yeeeeah, folks, I reeeally, reeeeeeally understand the frustration, but remember that we're supposed to make the forum seem more friendly to newbies. Yes, some users will try our patience now and then, but the very most you should do is point out flaws, explain why they are flaws, and tell them how to fix it. If someone doesn't comply or goes in a bad direction, then trying to scare them away isn't a fair option.

Just trust me on this; patience is a virtue.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: My charaters bio's and other stuff   My charaters bio's and other stuff Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 9:20 am

FalconJudge wrote:
I am very much resisting an innate urge to scorn you, as I realize that you need help, not insults, to create a good character. So I'll list the one truly major thing wrong with this.

1 TON. I stopped reading at that.
dont scorn man, the reason why he is One ton is because of the augmentations done to him, which inculde, the strenthing of the bones which inculded injecting chemicals to make them 9 times as dense as before and surgicaly graphing tungston and ruthemium to make them nearly unbreakable. also augments to increase muscle density by 12 fold giving him his super strenth. For the love of god hes a freaking supersoldier what the hell did you expect to see?
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PostSubject: Re: My charaters bio's and other stuff   My charaters bio's and other stuff Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 12:37 pm

You really need to send myb that PM Luke on what you have planed; while I may not agree with everything, I will try to help you make a plot that fits in with the setting containing most if not all of your key ideas.

Also you needs to be very careful about what you do to bones; bone marrow afterall produces red blood cells, adding materials to the bones may cause issues with that.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: My charaters bio's and other stuff   My charaters bio's and other stuff Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 8:51 pm

CauldronBorn24 wrote:
You really need to send myb that PM Luke on what you have planed; while I may not agree with everything, I will try to help you make a plot that fits in with the setting containing most if not all of your key ideas.

Also you needs to be very careful about what you do to bones; bone marrow afterall produces red blood cells, adding materials to the bones may cause issues with that.
ok i will after i get my computer fixed, and i agree with you about the bones, so i'll try the same aproach Dr.Hasly did with the Spartan-II's so the graphings should not execde 3% but i must go back and re-read my insperation material Dr.hasly's journal so i can double on that and then after that i will send the plot to you,
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: My charaters bio's and other stuff   My charaters bio's and other stuff Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 9:33 pm

I just went through the section of Halsey's Journal that talks about the augmentation process involving various things. Assuming you're going with the Halo universe's augmentations the Spartans with their armor on and genetic augmentations reach about 1350 lbs. (don't quote me on that).

However they can move quickly because of their genetic augmentations. There's quite a bit of information legitimizing that and I really don't want to go through all of it. Just know that I read in a magazine Bungie really did do their research - there was quite a bit about their "technologies".

That aside, I can say that if you want to scale his weight with power armor I wouldn't go beyond about 1300 lbs with equipment, and about 800-1000 lbs without it.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: My charaters bio's and other stuff   My charaters bio's and other stuff Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 9:46 pm

You know bagle i will seriously take that into consideration but the weight of Mac is probaly going to go down but at least 400 pounds without armour, but we must remember that by all mesures save for appreance he is not human and thus does not nessarly have the same limitations that a human of any type will have. but i agree with you that i may have setted his weight a little too high for his size. Though when the 21ft tall Nikolia makes his appreance dont say his weight may be a little to much....
but i geuss your right, I have been a bit confusing with my ideas and such and that because the papers in which i had wrote down all the key information that would have explianed everything were either lost, destoryed or left behinde in the mess of leaving New york and moveing down south. so it may be a long while before i can get the piecies of the puzzel back and post them online.
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