Decided I'd submit a rougher draft for a character this time around. Warning, she's a villain, and OP in many terms.
Background: Hereith is a Marilith, a six armed snake demon. Eons ago, she was one of many demons called to fight the forces of Heaven in the myriad of wars that took place. After a particular battle, the paperwork determining her plane of existence went missing, and she was shifted to the Hell plane of Acheron and stripped of her previous ranks. Believing that this was merely a setback, she simply began to climb the ranks once more. This journey would be thwarted when she aspired for Menyssan's rank. Believing Menyssan to be a joke, she accepted her invitation to a chess game thinking a succubus. The first time, she was beaten handily, and has struggled to defeat the succubus once and for all ever since. Puzzled by Menyssan's resourcefulness, Hereith began to think that perhaps the answer lie in Felarya. It was not long before she was captured by one of her giant "cousins" and eaten. In order to defy her death, Hereith used her powers of illusion to eventually drive the naga insane while corrupting her soul and body from within. After breaking the naga's will, Hereith took over her body and became it's dominant soul. Despite this, traces of the giant naga's former life sometimes surfaces through Heretic's actions. Deeming this resistance costly, she began to send her private army to scour Felarya to find a body free from these instincts. Meanwhile, her own "Shinigami" are gathering an increased amount of souls as she prepares for war…
Physical description
Height: 130 Ft tall (Head to ground), 502 feet long
Sex: Female
Hair: Black, smooth, reaches down just past her human rear end
Eyes: Green with snake slits for pupils
Human skin: Tanned
Scales: Purple with a green jagged line running just above light brown Underscales
Hereith appears older than most giant size naga. Her long black hair is smoothly kept to maintain a sleek appearance. Her voluptuous figure is fully developed, and she has a leaner figure than most naga. Her demonic heritage actually lends her six arms as opposed to two, but she finds it easier to travel, deceive, and focus her attacks by only leaving two visible. In Acheron, she usually prefers to wear her ceremonial "Outfit", which consists of a thin piece of purple cloth with three rings tied to the bottom to cover her nether regions. Chains from her purple neck collar adorn her human midsection, and she wears various size bracers on her wrists and shoulders. Various earrings decorate her elven shaped ears, and she wears a circlet on her forehead. A simple purple band holds the top part of her hair in place.
Hereith's main focus is on her demonic strength which has been toned by her exercises. Being a war veteran, her melee combat skills are top notch. Her discipline also reduces the pain she feels from physical blows. Despite the fact that she is constantly bested by Menyssan, she possesses a firm grasp of strategy. She is an expert at disguising her true motivations, and can even feign death. What magic she knows is centered on Illusions, the least of which allow her to appear smaller than she actually is.
Since Hereith is no longer in her original body, she no longer has her demonic spell resistance. Her massive body not only requires more energy to function, but also makes her top speed slower than that of the average giant naga. Since she does not often function outside of the hells, Cold temperatures and Ice magic will slow her down even further.
Hereith prefers to follow demonic traditions to the letter-and it shows! Most people that meet her will tell you that she is quiet, angry, and driven. When she's not defending her own position, she usually occupies her free time with various exercises in demonic tactics. Being raised on tradition, she discriminates against other demons who try to liberate themselves from their conventional roles, and will try and destroy any angel given the chance. Despite her cruel nature to most other demons, she is rather generous to her allies. Not only does she afford them plenty of chances to redeem themselves, she tolerates their jokes, so long as they leave her traditions alone. Her enemies are another story, best summed up by this quote "Any enemy is worthless." She hates Felarya, and only goes there on occasion to suppress her body's urges…..Or so she says.
Hunting Habits
Hereith typically gorges herself on the spoils of Hell, be they lost souls, plucky heroes, or the occasional usurper. On Felarya, she often deceives other "greater" predators into making a friend. This friendship lasts about as long as Hereith's patience does, and when she sees an opening, Hereith will usually kill the foolhardy predator. While she will pick up and eat human sized prey the old fashioned way, she usually goes to great lengths to prevent herself from having to swallow prey the same size as herself, preferring to cut them down to size with her sword.
How to avoid being preyed upon
If you were foolish enough to challenge Hereith, you should have been prepared to face the consequences of defeat. Should you have fallen for her deception, something else in Felarya would likely have you in their stomach faster. Hereith shows no mercy, and expects none to be shown to her.
Hereith considers Menyssan the current obstacle to her objective of becoming general. The fact that Menyssan has no desire to rise through the ranks confounds her to no end. She also considers the many chess games she has lost to her a massive blow to her own personal pride. Menyssan claims to barely remember who she is, only referring to Hereith as "Hey, You".
Hereith is uncertain as to how she should actually feel about the noble ice succubus. Part of her thinks that Arale will never defeat Arsinoe on the mere virtue that a succubus is a succubus. Yet other parts of Hereith respect her drive to ascend to the frozen throne. The rest of her keeps a wary eye on the ice succubus as she is particularly vulnerable to her magic. Being occupied with Arsinoe, Arale hasn't socialized with the Marilith all that much.
Hereith believes that where Iridan has failed, she will eventually succeed. This has caused her to look down on the silver succubus, and this has caused her to lash out in kind. The two seem to carry a rivalry, yet Hereith cannot defeat Iridan in physical combat as she usually magnetizes her swords and turns them against her. Iridan seems to be biding her time, waiting for Hereith to fail so she can rub it in her face.
Wasn't sure I wanted to post this here, because I don't know how people would react. If you hadn't guessed, she's in an older (by the age where they can use magic) naga's body, which she's physically conditioned to her liking. She's very OP in her current incarnation because she's meant to be the penultimate villain of a story. She might seem flat and stale as a character because she's meant to be a traditional villain in both cartoony and real ways.