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 Revy, Slug Girl

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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 5:57 am

Name: Revy
Age: 18
Species: Slug Girl
Height: 90 to 95' Feet, Never been measured although other Slug girls ask why is she a bit taller.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blood Red
Skin color: Asian Complexion
Likes: Humans, Talking with them, Treasures, and Fashion
Dislikes: People telling her what to eat, Rain for some reason, and People who tell her shes Cute (Denial)
Favourite Food: Loves PadMaws's other plants, small Animals, and when she is too sleepy to control herself a Neko/Elve or two

Revy was the victim of a unfortunate Experiment, when she was 16 she was a Recruit in her city's Royal Guard they her Commanding officer ordered her to go though a Dimensional Hole that was appealed at the city's gate, sadly she never came back to the world she knew. she woke up in a swamp, looking at what was a human body before is now a Weird slimy body. she was Fascinated at first, Then Scared. She pinched her skin repeatedly seeing if she was in a dream, much to her dismay it hurt, she then started smacking her head on the ground, still it hurt. then a Little tiny man walked by her, she thought he was about 2 inches high, and said to him "Why are you so small" he turned to her and yelled in fear " You're the one who is tall Now leave me alone and don't eat me freak" Her stomach Growling, her Hunger arise when he said that, she then attempted to slither away as fast as she was able to, much to her dismay she was slow moving, she spotted what seemed to be a Plant with a small bulge on a tree (Podmaw) she grabbed it out and attempted to eat it, She scarfed the plant whole, little did she know the plant had a live human Traped inside, she liked the taste of it and started eating the rest of them, little did she know she was eating her once own kind, Besides that she deiced only to eat that plant and any small animals she was able to catch besides humans. Some slug girls Tell her she is a bit taller then them, although this may or may not be true.

With red hair and a Asian Complexion she is a cute and sexy Slug girl and some people say, She is hot blooded fast to be angered more when other slug girls or even Naga's say she should eat Humans and not plants, although she eats Podmaw's and loves them when they are ripe (Just fed) Little did she know those plants are Man eaters little does she care though, She has been open minded since she arrived still convinced its a dream and shes in a deep sleep of sorts. but under neath her Deep Wild side, she's Cute Sexy, and Shy. some say she has more human friends than that of her own species although they also say she hides her true Self under her Tough Hot blooded act. She has been known randomly vanish when it starts to rain. She still wears clothing, as much as she can, although her slime tends to ruin a lot of the ones she makes.

Feeding Habits
She loves eating Plants mainly Podmaw's that have become Fat (Just Fed) Although blindly not knowing what's making the podmaws taste so good she also has been know to eat small Animals that get stuck in her slime, mainly because they provide more food then other things, although when she is sleepy her slightly tags over and unwilling sometimes Scarfs down a Neko or Elve that walks into her slime, though somehow never harms a human.

Tell me what you think, I'm open to changes, ideas,

((Revised the whole idea Razz )))

((REvised again took GT's and Stabs words and made it more of her trying to adapt)))

Last edited by Bandothegunslinger on Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:06 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Revised again)
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 6:44 am

The immortality. This destroys one of the main aspects of Felarya, which is its great amount of danger. If he's immortal, he has nothing to worry about. He can just stroll through the jungle not worrying about anything. Part of the appeal of Felarya is to see humans surmount impossible odds through cleverness, preparation, etc. The inability to die removes all kind of tension since we know he'll be fine no matter what. I didn't find his personality all that interesting, really. Just a typical grumpy old man who's shunned for not being a human, and count on his immortality to loot for treasure. Granted, that last part is pretty clever, using something supernatural to your own advantage, but it's not saying much.
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 7:01 am

Sean Okotami wrote:
The immortality. This destroys one of the main aspects of Felarya, which is its great amount of danger. If he's immortal, he has nothing to worry about. He can just stroll through the jungle not worrying about anything. Part of the appeal of Felarya is to see humans surmount impossible odds through cleverness, preparation, etc. The inability to die removes all kind of tension since we know he'll be fine no matter what. I didn't find his personality all that interesting, really. Just a typical grumpy old man who's shunned for not being a human, and count on his immortality to loot for treasure. Granted, that last part is pretty clever, using something supernatural to your own advantage, but it's not saying much.
I Was mainly trying to create a Charictor that well is besides the three others who are friends with Preditors that can help the storyline along, mainly a supporting charictor that works with the storyline

(Although just because he is immortal does not mean he will feel the pain, and i'm sure as hell he'd do his best to avoid it, because he still gets digested, and that means his body is nothing but bones afterwords, although he does revive it'd take him at least a year to do so, its like your slowly building a building it takes time, if he was shot, he'd just wake up and knock out the bullet but in this case his body is in so many mini microbits of peices, i based his immortality off of the way RIN from RIN Daughters of Minsumii was, like when she was killed by going though a jet engine, and it took her 20 years to revive, so if i was him, i'd avoid getting consummed just like anyone else, because of the pain, and the time it will take for him to revive*Its the same thing as being killed, when he revives it will hurt just like if he removed a bullet, it hurts Razz*

But yeah i see what your saying,
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PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 7:25 am

I agree the regeneration removes the vital element of danger from Felarya. It's always fun to play with, but in the end playing a game with infinite lives gets pretty tired. Also, I think you should take a while to read through the wiki (it never hurts) and find a new place for your character to live, preferably a city.

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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 8:44 am

I Rewrote the idea, lets see your ideas this time
I Kinda though about what races, went in and out of Possiblitys and came up with that, and that looks very good from my point of view (Although i wish i was a artist)
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Revy, Slug Girl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 9:14 am

Hmm, Bando... strange, I'd say your first language is English, but that location thing makes me wonder if it isn't French or Jap.

Either way, let me tell you... this Revy is way too strange. You say her commanding officer at the age of... 16? Context, please.

I'll also say that... a 95' tall slug girl isn't very likely to be able to experiment with guns much. Think about that, first. Second, yes, it's too fast an adaptation- and there's some things I don't see making much sense. If she's hot blooded, how comes it she resigned herself to eating people so quickly? Maybe they should've made her angry first, you did state she gets angry quickly.

The fear of thunderstorms might've been best not mentioned if it'll come out of the blue. You could've used it later without telling first; we like surprises.

This might be a good counterpart to Anna. If only that woman had adapted this fast. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 9:28 am

You might have noticed that I'm not much for giving detailed analysis, but I try to help. Don't be disappointed by the short response. ^^

With Revy being transformed into a predator I would like to see her struggle more with her new life, rather than adjust quickly. It's just my humble opinion but I believe an emotional, mental, and physical struggle against her new instincts would make her much more interesting.

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Tasty morsel

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Revy, Slug Girl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 9:36 am

Stabs wrote:
Hmm, Bando... strange, I'd say your first language is English, but that location thing makes me wonder if it isn't French or Jap.

Either way, let me tell you... this Revy is way too strange. You say her commanding officer at the age of... 16? Context, please.

I'll also say that... a 95' tall slug girl isn't very likely to be able to experiment with guns much. Think about that, first. Second, yes, it's too fast an adaptation- and there's some things I don't see making much sense. If she's hot blooded, how comes it she resigned herself to eating people so quickly? Maybe they should've made her angry first, you did state she gets angry quickly.

The fear of thunderstorms might've been best not mentioned if it'll come out of the blue. You could've used it later without telling first; we like surprises.

This might be a good counterpart to Anna. If only that woman had adapted this fast. Very Happy

I just revised it to what you and GT said, also ... Razz Bando is Japanese, Toronto Canada is in Canada and Sapporo is in japan, i make a Lot of work trips between toronto and Sapporo.
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Black Aquila
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PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 4:26 pm

Someone else beat me to a Human turned Slug Girl character!!!

Well then, time for critiques!

First, general bit of advice, run you stuff through a word processing document and use its spelling and grammar check.
I'm far from being a good speller myself, but it greatly improves someones opinion of your work when they can actually understand what you were trying to say.
Your English grammar and composition also need work...

Second, "Cute" and "Sexy" are not personality traits.
You mention this twice in the "Personality" section, even thought it fit better in some sort of "Appearance" section and, even then, it should fall more into a "Show, don't Tell" context.

Also... who are these people who are constantly talking about her?
You mention friends and other giant predators, but give no real clue as to who these people are or how they came to know of Revy.
Really, this is just a Character Biography, so you do have the option of stating this traits as fact instead of as rumors and gossip.
It's far more important to convey who she really is before you go into what other people think about her.

I do like her inadvertent human consumption through Podmaws, however, as it does provide some fuel for drama later if she discovers what makes these plants "Ripe".

As an ending note, you might want to spend some time thinking about her... well, her genitalia.
A couple of years ago, some poor sap trying to create his own race of Slug Girls made the mistake of asking how exactly they reproduce.
After some discussion, it was generally agreed that most Slug Girls are, in fact, Hermaphrodites...

So... yeah, don't know how exactly you'll want to handle that...

I personally would suggest her simply being a species of Slug Girl that uses a different means of reproduction then normal, but it's up to you.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 5:00 pm

Quote :
After some discussion, it was generally agreed that most Slug Girls are, in fact, Hermaphrodites...

This line needs some explanation.

This doesn't mean that slug girls have penises, at least not in the sense we tend to think of.

Unlike Nagas, mermaids, Dridders, and most other giant hybrids, a Slug girl's reproductive organs are not on her human half. The human torso just transitions to the slug part, there's no visible vagina. Both a male and female set of reproductive organs are found in the underside of a slug girl's tail. When they reproduce, they just twine their tails together and it kind of...happens. You don't ever actually see their reproductive organs.
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Black Aquila
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Revy, Slug Girl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 5:14 pm

rcs619 wrote:
Quote :
After some discussion, it was generally agreed that most Slug Girls are, in fact, Hermaphrodites...

This line needs some explanation.

This doesn't mean that slug girls have penises, at least not in the sense we tend to think of.

Unlike Nagas, mermaids, Dridders, and most other giant hybrids, a Slug girl's reproductive organs are not on her human half. The human torso just transitions to the slug part, there's no visible vagina. Both a male and female set of reproductive organs are found in the underside of a slug girl's tail. When they reproduce, they just twine their tails together and it kind of...happens. You don't ever actually see their reproductive organs.

I was a bit confused, seeing as Fish had a Slug Girl character whose catchphrase was "I have a penis"...
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 5:22 pm

rcs619 wrote:
Quote :
After some discussion, it was generally agreed that most Slug Girls are, in fact, Hermaphrodites...

This line needs some explanation.

This doesn't mean that slug girls have penises, at least not in the sense we tend to think of.

Unlike Nagas, mermaids, Dridders, and most other giant hybrids, a Slug girl's reproductive organs are not on her human half. The human torso just transitions to the slug part, there's no visible vagina. Both a male and female set of reproductive organs are found in the underside of a slug girl's tail. When they reproduce, they just twine their tails together and it kind of...happens. You don't ever actually see their reproductive organs.



The word Slug in my mind Says everything on how they reproduce

Reason i use rumors and Gossip is because it gives the feeling of Mistery, plus i haven't decied on her firends and finding who Owns that Person,

Last edited by Bandothegunslinger on Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Black Aquila
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Revy, Slug Girl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 5:25 pm

Bandothegunslinger wrote:


The word Slug in my mind Says everything on how they reproduce

Wait... what?
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Tasty morsel

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Revy, Slug Girl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 5:27 pm

Black Aquila wrote:
Bandothegunslinger wrote:


The word Slug in my mind Says everything on how they reproduce

Wait... what?

Slugs in real life are Hermaitdites, so when you said "How they reproduced" I just lawled
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Black Aquila
valiant swordman
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Revy, Slug Girl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 5:33 pm

Bandothegunslinger wrote:
Slugs in real life are Hermaitdites, so when you said "How they reproduced" I just lawled
Well Karbo was originally of the opinion that they reproduced like Harpies, using the males of other species to reproduce.
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Felarya cartographer
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Revy, Slug Girl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 5:37 pm

Quote :

I was a bit confused, seeing as Fish had a Slug Girl character whose catchphrase was "I have a penis"...

It was mainly meant to be a joke, since technically, she DOES have male genetalia. Just a bit of silly fun.

Quote :
Well Karbo was originally of the opinion that they reproduced like Harpies, using the males of other species to reproduce.

Yep, but then the forum had a lengthy discussion and decided that we'd rather have slug girls just be hermaphridites like real slugs.
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 5:52 pm

rcs619 wrote:
Quote :

I was a bit confused, seeing as Fish had a Slug Girl character whose catchphrase was "I have a penis"...

It was mainly meant to be a joke, since technically, she DOES have male genetalia. Just a bit of silly fun.

Quote :
Well Karbo was originally of the opinion that they reproduced like Harpies, using the males of other species to reproduce.

Yep, but then the forum had a lengthy discussion and decided that we'd rather have slug girls just be hermaphridites like real slugs.

Ummmmmm Bad Harpie..... I just got this Picture in my head of a harpie that seems to say "Perverted Bird" lawls

Anyways just fixing it up a bit more will post the newly edited version most on the 15th, due to the fact that the interent, Cable and phone lines are cutting in and out in my area ...... and that folks is why you don't switch networks to the FASTEST Carrier, because then they are the MOST UNRELIABLE Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Revy, Slug Girl   Revy, Slug Girl Icon_minitime

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