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 Leviathan Galaya

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PostSubject: Leviathan Galaya   Leviathan Galaya Icon_minitimeSun May 08, 2011 8:33 pm

Okay now before anyone freaks about my using the Leviathan Mermaids. I did ask permission to use them from their original creator MukatKiKaarn. Now I am trying to stay apart from his own Leviathan Calico while still sticking to what the wiki covered about them as well as some other bits of information he gave. Now this is not the finished product by far and I'll probably end up rewriting it several times during the course of writing the story. However I believe I am far enough along to share one of my main characters with everyone so without further ado I give you:

Species: Leviathan Mermaid
Name: Galaya
Sex: Female
Ag: 468
Length: 1317ft long (Factoid 225 ft bigger then USS Nimitz)
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Teal
Tail color: Teal with a touch of White every dozen or so feet
Personality: Generally friendly towards strangers and those she meets but highly protective of those who are under her protection.
General Location: Shimmering Sea: Myrodia Coast
Distinguishing Marks: Long scar starting at mid chest on her human half running down diagonally ending at mid-tail.
Likes: Sun bathing and generally being lazy while ensuring the safety of those around her.
Dislikes: Threats to her charges and the kraken called Krisya
Hates: Tsunami's and small enclosed space's; has an extremely bad case of claustrophobia

Picture drawn by http://greekmuscle.deviantart.com/]GreekMuscle.

Brief Bio (Under Constant Update):

Galaya is among one of the few Leviathan Mermaids living in Felarya and currently one of the even smaller amount of Leviathans living in the Shimmering Sea. However due to having gone through several centuries of a rather long and protracted conflict with a Kraken Caelia; Galaya has a tendency to a bit hostile on some occasions when dealing with Chlaenas. However she will never openly attack anyone or anything unless they have done something to endanger her friends and those she considers to be her charges, she rarely cares if someone tries to harm her as they would be dealt with by those closest to her. But will ensure that those who do attack her friends and charges are dealt with accordingly and for those that cause them harm. Had better pray they are able to live on land for she will not let them rest within the sea until she exacts revenge by letting them digest in her stomach.

The main reason for her hostility is that when she was younger she had to witness one of her close friends eaten by the Kraken Caelia Krisya and vowed revenge for the death of her friend. A vow that would last for many centuries and would last until both Galaya and Krisya were injured so severely that they booth found them selves upon deaths door step barely standing on the threshold between life and death. Emerging from the experience with the large scar now found starting from her stomach trailing down to the mid section of her tail, as well as a now tempered out respectful dislike of the Kraken Caelia Krisya.

Of course if she finds a stranded sailor floating out in the open waters she will help though not in a way most likely to be very reassuring to the person being rescued. However she rarely does so as she will instead rely on her charges to swim them to a nearby village. Or in the case of lone ships will have one or two of her charges escort the ship threw dangerous areas to a safer area. Of course that all depends on if she is in the area as she will mostly be found out in the deeper wider parts of the Shimmering Sea floating on her back enjoying the sun. As she will rarely come close to the shore unless she is supposed to meet Mark or it is her turn to watch over the Cubiculum Infantium as she and the few other Leviathans that also inhabit the Shimmering Sea will take turns every century or so protecting the large undersea seaweed bed turned makeshift nursery for any creature within the Shimmering Sea mermaid Chlaena whatever their species.

Galaya calls many within the Shimmering Sea her friends but when it comes to the affairs of humans Galaya will always turn to her friend Marcus Alexander Remnik Kukolov or Mark for short. Her friend since she was but a child with an affinity for the sea that borders on obsession. However being a friend of a large and somewhat legendary creature has given him and his ship a sort of honorary status among the mermaids who have stay near Galaya for protection.

As for her diet. Due to her massive size Galaya is forced to eat a lot. This is probably why anyone that actually sees her and doesn’t know anything about her will normally assume they are right on top of the menu. But they aren’t as Galaya will primarily live off of nothing but the extremely large schools of fish that reach the sizes of that of a blue whale within the Shimmering Sea. Those of which are only found near the very bottom of the sea. And it is only on these occasions you will ever catch Galaya or her charges without the other. As she will turn into one of the most voracious creatures under the water letting up anger or whatever may have been irking her loose and turning everything within her range into free game for her.

An interesting fact about Galaya is that she has an extremely bad case of claustrophobia and will at the thought of being trapped inside something will instantly loose her mind. Breaking out in tears and thrashing about screaming at the top of her lungs to be let out. If she ever has one of these episodes it is best to leave her be as it will take no fewer than eight days for her to calm down and even then she will still be very fragile and any mention of enclosed spaces will cause another episode. The result of one of these episodes will generally leave the area around her a torn apart mess as her size will cause damage to everything and anything. So far no one has ever successfully managed to calm her down from one of her episodes as the risk is generally more dangerous to their health then it is to walk blindfolded into the Jungle of Perils on a good day (for the adventurer).

The cause of her claustrophobia is that when she was only a child she was eaten by a giant merman and spent eight days inside his stomach thrashing around crying to be let out. The only reason she managed to live for so long is that no sooner then she get eaten then the merman was killed by a human battleship. So his digestive juices had not fully filled his stomach and left a large enough gap for her to survive off the water she had stored within her lungs and stomach. She was rescued later by the same humans that killed the merman after they had heard her cries and mistaken her as a girl trapped inside its dead body. They had cut open its stomach expecting to find a girl only to find her but it was already too late for them to put her back as they had already pulled her out entirely. The humans belonged to the city Coalno’ir and it was there she meet her long time friend Mark and after spending several months inside its harbor gained a sort of liking for the city and its somewhat reluctant inhabitants. That were afraid of her though no one at the time knew she was a Leviathan rather just a really large mermaid.

Last edited by walkingbyself on Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Leviathan Galaya   Leviathan Galaya Icon_minitimeSun May 08, 2011 11:45 pm

overall a good description, but I had trouble to understand some sentences. (on the other hand, english isn't my native language so this may not be a big deal)

i wonder...
how fast is she? How agile? Does she have natural enemies, considerating her size? Did someone ever try to hunt her down (when she was already grown up), you know like "the hunt for moby dick"? Is she able to breathe air (since she has a human top body) or is she bound to only breathe water? Does she have any special skills like magic or something?
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PostSubject: Re: Leviathan Galaya   Leviathan Galaya Icon_minitimeMon May 09, 2011 9:11 am

Amaroq wrote:
overall a good description, but I had trouble to understand some sentences. (on the other hand, english isn't my native language so this may not be a big deal)

i wonder...
how fast is she? How agile? Does she have natural enemies, considerating her size? Did someone ever try to hunt her down (when she was already grown up), you know like "the hunt for moby dick"? Is she able to breathe air (since she has a human top body) or is she bound to only breathe water? Does she have any special skills like magic or something?

Probably my mistyping them point them out and I will fix them.

As for your questions well lemme look over notes and what i got written so far.

How fast well I'm no marine biologist so for speed go with the wiki on speed best not to play around to much with established facts. Agility considering we have giant's in felarya and they don't move "sluggish" no pun intended. But rather move like a normal person to some degree with variances across the different species I'd say about as agile as your average mermaid though probably seems greater due to size.

Natural enemies yes there are. As there is always something out there in the sea that is always bigger and seeing as how I made one of her rivals/ enemies a kraken caelia which are simply so large and so expandable that they probably never feel "full" so yeah large caelia are at the moment current threats. But thanks for pointing that out give me something else to think about as well.

As for people hunting for her like the story "Moby Dick" well I do have one antagonist who is after her and since a botched attempt to capture her when she was little (twenty years old).

As for a method of breathing look upon the wiki for guidance but she breaths far more easily under water then she does above it as she will normally fill either her lungs or her stomach with water or both and simply regulate the water between them.

Skills wise... well I've been toying with the idea of her being able to use magic to a limited degree but with the aid of frostlite crystals (gt500x's creations) would be able to amplify her ability but so far I think that her sheer size and the schools of other mermaids and various other creatures around her would be enough to keep her safe from all but the most determined attacker/ predator.

Those answer your question?
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PostSubject: Re: Leviathan Galaya   Leviathan Galaya Icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2011 12:49 am

yup, thanks ^^

I'd like to see a drawing of her some day since i find her.
Does she have some kind of goals or dreams or is she just living her life?
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PostSubject: Re: Leviathan Galaya   Leviathan Galaya Icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2011 2:55 am

Quote :
How fast well I'm no marine biologist so for speed go with the wiki on speed best not to play around to much with established facts. Agility considering we have giant's in felarya and they don't move "sluggish" no pun intended. But rather move like a normal person to some degree with variances across the different species I'd say about as agile as your average mermaid though probably seems greater due to size.
I'd say she'd have great speed because of the raw power her size gives her, but she wouldn't be as agile.
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PostSubject: Re: Leviathan Galaya   Leviathan Galaya Icon_minitimeWed May 11, 2011 6:55 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
I'd say she'd have great speed because of the raw power her size gives her, but she wouldn't be as agile.

As I said I am no marine biologist. But you are probably right on both acounts but I always considered agility the ability to move about like how much it takes you to turn around or how quick you are to dodge or block a persons punch. But yeah with her size I highly doubt she would be able to turn on a dime or anywhere near as sharp a turn as a smaller mermaid would. Though they turn at the same rate the smaller would obviously complete their turn much more sooner then the larger would.

Much like a CVN and a DDG comparing turning radius I guess would be an acurate comparison though the CVN has better speed over time as well as distance but requires a large area to make a turn at top speed. While the DDG has better speed over short time with less distance while requireing half the same turnning area at top speed. Or if you wish to compare to cars a muscle car against a tuner ah the many comparisions. Is that close to what you were trying to point out Anime?

Amaroq wrote:
I'd like to see a drawing of her some day since i find her.
Does she have some kind of goals or dreams or is she just living her life?

Probably wont see any drawings of her until I improve my drawing ability or I ask one of my freinds who is good at drawing to draw her.

She is living her life as much as a 468 year old 1317 ft mermaid can.Which in my mind would be fairly easy what with several schools of smaller mermaids and other sea creatures living near her to help provide additional protection against the smaller dangers that would probably be outside her capability to protect against. Not to say there probably isnt something out there that would love to take a bite of her I just figure she wouldnt have to worry quite as much as another would.
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PostSubject: Re: Leviathan Galaya   Leviathan Galaya Icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2011 12:51 pm

Update! Added picture of Galaya finally after stalling forever. Picture was done by GreekMuscle.
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PostSubject: Re: Leviathan Galaya   Leviathan Galaya Icon_minitime

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