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 Sparky's ideas from the edge of sanity

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Sparky's ideas from the edge of sanity Empty
PostSubject: Sparky's ideas from the edge of sanity   Sparky's ideas from the edge of sanity Icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2011 7:43 am

A place for some of my ideas.
Vomitose Venom Weed

Physical discription- A small sea-weed like plant, roughly 3 to 5 inches long, which commonly grows into small balls. Has a blue and red coloring.

Location- Vomitose Venom Weed can normally be found growing at the edge of large clear rivers. Most of the large rivers in Felarya have small pockets growing at several spots, though they are rare. Fully regrows in roughly one week.

Origin- Originally discovered by it's namesake, Dr. Victor von Vomitose, who liked the aliteration. Not a native of Felarya, it has grown rapidly after being introduced.

Uses- A highly medicinal plant. Dispite the name, it is harmless to eat or touch, though neither is advised. Also commonly used for its famous trait of inducing vomiting in small quantities. Five grams would incapacitate a full grown giant predator in thirty seconds to five minutes due to constant vomiting for approximately two to three hours.

Rarity- Uncommon to rare, depending on the area.
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PostSubject: Re: Sparky's ideas from the edge of sanity   Sparky's ideas from the edge of sanity Icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2011 8:24 am

Quote :
Vomitose Venom Weed

Also known as the "Get out of stomach free card."

I'm not sure, but I don't think it's physically possible for 5 grams of a plant to have that kind of effect.
Anyway, I find this to be far, far too convenient.
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Location : The End of All That Ever Was or Ever Will Be

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PostSubject: Re: Sparky's ideas from the edge of sanity   Sparky's ideas from the edge of sanity Icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2011 8:55 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
Quote :
Vomitose Venom Weed

Also known as the "Get out of stomach free card."

I'm not sure, but I don't think it's physically possible for 5 grams of a plant to have that kind of effect.
Anyway, I find this to be far, far too convenient.

Well, I will agree it is very useful and is cheap. The main problem with getting it is that it grows in patches roughly one foot in diameter and it only keeps any usefull effect for about 36 hours unless preserved through a complex, little know method.
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Join date : 2007-12-16
Age : 31
Location : The Country of Kangaroos and Criminal Scum

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PostSubject: Re: Sparky's ideas from the edge of sanity   Sparky's ideas from the edge of sanity Icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2011 9:15 am

It's not just that, it's not possible for something to have that effect at that dose.
If it's 5 grams of the plant, then there must be less than 5 grams of the vomit inducing substance.
Even if you're using the deadliest poison in existence, you still need a lot due to the sheer size of the predator. Far more than 5 grams.
In addition to that, this stuff induces vomiting. The thing about vomit inducing plants is that they are well, vomit inducing.
Vomiting is a defensive reflex of the body designed to rid it of whatever is causing the vomiting, which is exactly what would happen. This plant would be vomited up. There's no way it could cause vomiting for hours.
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PostSubject: Re: Sparky's ideas from the edge of sanity   Sparky's ideas from the edge of sanity Icon_minitime

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