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 one piece : the felaryan grand line .

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Naga food

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Join date : 2011-04-29

one piece : the felaryan grand line . Empty
PostSubject: one piece : the felaryan grand line .   one piece : the felaryan grand line . Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 9:58 am

I liked the felarya universe and the one piece straw hat pirates so I got the idea to mix the two
but I though that later in the story of one piece universe no one in felarya would stand a chance
so I though of simply making a little "excuse" to the one piece characters enter in felarya without their full potential
discuss your suggestions here and in my vacations I will post at least 10 chapters of the story.
every 5 chapters will be a day in the history and if anyone is interested I think I can fit any characters in my history
IF they aren't a powerhouse capable of destroying anything with the mere thought of it
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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one piece : the felaryan grand line . Empty
PostSubject: Re: one piece : the felaryan grand line .   one piece : the felaryan grand line . Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 10:00 pm

good luck with your story pal Very Happy

oh have you considered the Straw Hats becoming friends with any of the Felarya predator cast yet?
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Naga food

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Join date : 2011-04-29

one piece : the felaryan grand line . Empty
PostSubject: Re: one piece : the felaryan grand line .   one piece : the felaryan grand line . Icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2011 8:58 am

Solomon wrote:
good luck with your story pal Very Happy

oh have you considered the Straw Hats becoming friends with any of the Felarya predator cast yet?

Yeah I though that they will make almost all predators they friends but I need the permission from their users so I will make another history that is almost completely original to gain skill on my writing or just make then only meet predators that I will create as the history goes on.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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one piece : the felaryan grand line . Empty
PostSubject: Re: one piece : the felaryan grand line .   one piece : the felaryan grand line . Icon_minitimeThu May 19, 2011 10:06 am

Ehhh, in general, crossovers (especially anime crossovers) generally don't work that well. It can be difficult to make characters from one setting mesh with another stting that doesn't share its same rules and norms. Not to mention a DBZ-esque combat show like One Piece, where all the characters have wierd (often overpowered) supernatural abilities.

It also seems like you're thinking about dragging in canon characters as well, which opens up a whole new can of worms.

It may be best to make a Felarya story from the ground up, with your own characters, instead of trying to bring in a whole other setting (especially an anime setting) and trying to force it to fit.
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Naga food

Posts : 43
Join date : 2011-04-29

one piece : the felaryan grand line . Empty
PostSubject: Re: one piece : the felaryan grand line .   one piece : the felaryan grand line . Icon_minitimeThu May 19, 2011 10:43 am

rcs619 wrote:
Ehhh, in general, crossovers (especially anime crossovers) generally don't work that well. It can be difficult to make characters from one setting mesh with another stting that doesn't share its same rules and norms. Not to mention a DBZ-esque combat show like One Piece, where all the characters have wierd (often overpowered) supernatural abilities.

It also seems like you're thinking about dragging in canon characters as well, which opens up a whole new can of worms.

It may be best to make a Felarya story from the ground up, with your own characters, instead of trying to bring in a whole other setting (especially an anime setting) and trying to force it to fit.

I already though about that right now I'm trying to find a good drawing program so I can draw histories of my own characters so that would be better and would simply make a better history . But anyway thanks for the suggestion and I plan to put almost every case of joke imaginable but I can't write well and I can't draw well with paint program so any suggestion will be welcome .
And how much they are powerful depends from which episode you use them like Luffy in episode 2 would stand no chance against Crisis but from episode 490 wouldn't even bother wasting his time on her (or simply use third gear and be done with it)
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one piece : the felaryan grand line . Empty
PostSubject: Re: one piece : the felaryan grand line .   one piece : the felaryan grand line . Icon_minitime

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