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 Xecotia the timewalker

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Axel Hunter
Seasoned adventurer
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Axel Hunter

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Xecotia the timewalker Empty
PostSubject: Xecotia the timewalker   Xecotia the timewalker Icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2011 1:57 pm

Name: Xecotia
Species: Unknown (djin in theory)
Age: unknown
Sex: Male
Height: ? feet

Skin colour: Charcoal Black
Eye colour: Neon Green

Of the creatures and mysterious figures wandering in the Akaptor Desert, none seem as dangerous, mysterious, or wise, as Xecotia (zec-oh-tea-ah) the time-walker.
In ages past he was a young Akaptor noble who was always curious about the sands of time that surrounded him. It was natural for a noble to be able to bend the sand around them, yet forbidden to tamper with its time warping properties. Xecotia ignored their warnings and secretly started to experiment with the sand. Eventually he was caught during an experiment and was thrown into exile. After several years of wandering he stumbled upon a magnificent palace that seemed unaffected by the sands power. He settled in and was able to finish mastering control of the sands of time.
Using the Palace as a sort of museum he began to travel through time and collect anything he could from fossils of extinct creatures and plants to rare items and historical documents… his one rule was to never interfere with any major event in the timeline. His time-traveling came with a price, the sands made him immortal and invulnerable to harm via regeneration, yet mutated his body and mind until he became a soulless shell with nothing on his mind except to collect the past and kill those who seek his treasures.

Not much can be said about his appearance, since he's mummified head to foot in bandages. he wears braces and greaves and a "skirt" colored black and gold, which make up his armor. the only exposed part of his body is his right eye that is entirely a bright green color. the skin around it is black, so it is assumed thats what his entire skin is colored.

Xecotia has always believed that knowledge is true power, which makes him very intelligent about the ancient ways. He also sees knowledge as something good purely for its own sake, which makes him very protective of what should be revealed to the world or not.
Before he became the creature he is now he was curious and eager, willing to share his discoveries with the whole of Felarya as long as the knowledge he presented was used to benefit the world. He soon discovered however that many of the people he shared with wanted knowledge for selfish reasons. This discovery twisted his thinking, and thus he has lost his trust in others, and believes only he has the right to see what he has collected and cannot allow this information to reach the outside by any means possible.
His paranoia has made him frightened of leaving the desert and exploring the rest of Felarya, he would rather die than to abandon his museum.
He’s made it a personal goal to gain infinite knowledge, no matter what it takes.

While not physically very strong Xecotia is particularly fast, able to cover vast distances and scale steep slopes with ease.

He has a limited power to bend the sand to his will… unfortunately this ability isn’t powerful enough for efficient combat. Instead he uses this power to gather the sand into vials that he uses to time travel. He simply opens a vial and concentrated hard on when he wants to go before pouring the sand on him and disappearing into the timeline. This ability he uses to travel between the past and the present. This trick has been handy as an escape tactic on many occasions since he has seen what has occurred and knows how to avoid it

To hide his true body he mummified himself with wrappings made of an unknown living material. These are linked to his mental commands and can reshape themselves at his will. This allows him to split himself apart to dodge attacks and regenerate to counter-attack. these bandages can also stretch as well and can be used as some sort of tentacles which allows him to grab his enemies and can be used as whips with destructive effect (not very effective against heavy armor plating like a tank, but still damaging enough to snap something like a jetbike in two)
Some of these bandages hang off his back and are used as stilts, because the wrappings alone are resistant to the sands magic (if his body touches the sand he would be at the time magic’s mercy even with the bandages) that way he can walk across the desert without his body touching the sands.
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