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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Jun   Jun Icon_minitimeSun Jun 19, 2011 12:39 pm

Name: Jun

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Height: 5ft

Hair: Short, boyish red hair

Eye Colour: Blood red

Clothing: On top of her head Jun wears a conical hat, she is barefoot, wrapped around her waist she has a brown belt she wears a light blue kimono that stops above her ankles though on certain angles keeps her feet hidden from view.

Weapons: Jun wields a pair of samurai swords, one for each hand these are attached to her waist the blades are made from kevlar but are silver in colour and incredibly light. On her back she carries a bow and several arrows if she wants to take an enemy out from afar. Her weapons can be concealed easily as they disappear as though they were cloaked.

Skills: Jun has near perfect aim hitting her target most of the time, though most of her arrows are blunt and merely designed for knocking the enemy of there feet, she has some designed to injure or to kill.

Personality: Jun is a fierce warrior, stubborn, she does have a good sense of humour and even a light hearted side, but in battle she is focused solely on the task at hand, surviving the battle intact.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Jun   Jun Icon_minitimeSun Jun 19, 2011 3:07 pm

Quote :
Jun wields a pair of samurai swords, one for each hand these are attached to her waist the blades are made from kevlar but are silver in colour and incredibly light.

Correct me if Im wrong, military-nuts of this community, but can you even make a blade out of kevlar? Isn't it a fabric?

Let's not even get into how impractical dual-wielding katanas are, much less fighting in a kimono.

Quote :
Her weapons can be concealed easily as they disappear as though they were cloaked

I don't get this part. Katanas aren't exactly small, and neither is a bow and a quiver of arrows. How are they concealed in a kimono? Short of magic, I just don't see how this can happen.

Quote :
Jun has near perfect aim hitting her target most of the time, though most of her arrows are blunt and merely designed for knocking the enemy of there feet

Arrows wouldn't back enough energy to knock someone off their feet. All they are is a tiny bit of metal strapped onto some wood. Most arrow wounds aren't even lethal (well, instantly lethal). That's why poisoned arrows have been used all over the world.

Can't really say much else, since there isn't much more to the bio. Personally, I think you were going in a better direction with Deimos. She had some style to her, and some consistancy. This character just seems like a mash-up of samurai-ish traits, with no real consistancy.
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Friend of the Jotun
Friend of the Jotun

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PostSubject: Re: Jun   Jun Icon_minitimeSun Jun 19, 2011 3:12 pm

Well, Kevlar is used to make many things besides bulletproof vests, but you're right in saying it can't be made into a sharp blade.

But maybe she's intending it to be a kevlar bokken?

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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Jun   Jun Icon_minitimeSun Jun 19, 2011 3:22 pm

Quote :
Let's not even get into how impractical dual-wielding katanas are, much less fighting in a kimono.

You can dual-wield, and there are schools that teach you how to use identical swords, I assume two katanas, but they're usually used in an assymmetrical fashion in which one is used primarily to strike, while the other is used primarily to parry. The style of dual-wielding you see in fiction is really for the sake of looking cool, much like pretty much all sword fighting to be exact.

I can't really say about fighting in a kimono. I would say that kendo could disprove this, if it was an actual martial art and not a sport derived from swordsmanship.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Jun   Jun Icon_minitimeSun Jun 19, 2011 3:26 pm

@ Sean: Yeah, I was referring to the movie-style dual-wielding. Attack/Defense dual-wielding is possible, such as the Rapier/Main Gauche combination, or a Katana and the smaller sword (forgot the name) that is often paired with it.

But yeah, when making a character, just start off with the basics and work your way up. What type of setting is he/she from. What are their cultures, norms, etc. Then work on the personality. What is he/she like? What are his/her hopes, dreams, fears, and so on?

THEN add on the clothes, gear and weapons on top of that.

It seems like, with this character, you chose the weapons and look of her first, and then built the rest around that.
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Jun   Jun Icon_minitimeSun Jun 19, 2011 3:35 pm

The short katana called a wakizashi, and there are some schools of dual-wielding that uses two long swords, though I presume that they are quite rare. The problem with the Hollywood dual-wielding is that using both offensively gives bigger opening to your opponent, as when you use one sword two-handed, your arms actually cover your chest.

But I digress.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Jun   Jun Icon_minitimeSun Jun 19, 2011 8:56 pm

Tesla wrote:

Eye Colour: Blood red
Only if she is albino.

Tesla wrote:

Weapons: Jun wields a pair of samurai swords, one for each hand these are attached to her waist the blades are made from kevlar but are silver in colour and incredibly light. On her back she carries a bow and several arrows if she wants to take an enemy out from afar. Her weapons can be concealed easily as they disappear as though they were cloaked.
Kevlar is a fabric. And has been said unless there is magic involved bows are quite difficult to conceal, I should know I have one in my room right now. Swords unless they are very short also are very difficult to conceal.

Tesla wrote:

Skills: Jun has near perfect aim hitting her target most of the time, though most of her arrows are blunt and merely designed for knocking the enemy of there feet, she has some designed to injure or to kill.
Even blunt arrows have piercing power, unless you plan on putting a block at the end of it. That said most arrows shot at someone were not immediately lethal, most people died from bleeding out, infection, or a poison tip. Now then looking at knocking someone down this is completely possible based on where you hit on the body, the distance you fire from, and the draw weight of the bow. And before anyone tells me newtons third law (for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction) while this remains true how the body reacts to being hit needs to be taken into account.

Telsa wrote:

Personality: Jun is a fierce warrior, stubborn, she does have a good sense of humour and even a light hearted side, but in battle she is focused solely on the task at hand, surviving the battle intact.
I would like to see the personality section fleshed out more, as well as a back story to go with this.

Honestly looking at this I agree with most of what Cliff (rcs619) has said.

Relevant personal experience (Larping for 5 years I know a thing or two about fighting)
Really long explanation on dual wielding:
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Jun   Jun Icon_minitimeMon Jun 20, 2011 7:49 pm

Tesla, the only advice i can give you is to do some research, as she appears to be a samurai so id suggest looking at these links

http://www.samurai-archives.com/cultcat.html (choose catagory on left)
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PostSubject: Re: Jun   Jun Icon_minitime

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