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 Yoshigawa Takamoto

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No back story = good story
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9.5/10 its okay
Yoshigawa Takamoto Vote_lcap0%Yoshigawa Takamoto Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Im an edgy 16 year old and i like the old story
Yoshigawa Takamoto Vote_lcap0%Yoshigawa Takamoto Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
its still shit
Yoshigawa Takamoto Vote_lcap0%Yoshigawa Takamoto Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Who the fuck is spacesamurai????
Yoshigawa Takamoto Vote_lcap100%Yoshigawa Takamoto Vote_rcap
 100% [ 1 ]
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Yoshigawa Takamoto   Yoshigawa Takamoto Icon_minitimeMon Jun 20, 2011 7:11 pm

I wrote this Bio for rp's and i plan a story. comments and critiques please.

Name: (full) Yoshigawa Rōnin/Yojimbo Taro Takamoto, (short) Yoshigawa Takamoto

Species: Human

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 6"

Hair Colour: Black (hair style) long but swept back in a topknot. (Facial hair) Thin black goatee.

Eye Colour: Brown

Other Visual Characteristics:
Has a mechanical left arm, multiple scares all over.

Abilities & Skills:
Trained in Samurai codes and ethics including philosophies, art, literature and manners, Bushidō code and kendo/kenjutsu. Skilled with the grappling hook embedded in his left mechanical arm.

Equipment & Clothing:  

(Weapons) Carries a daishō pair of uchigatana (a katana with a wakizashi) worn on a belt-like sash (obi). Katana length 68 cm, Wakizashi length 48 cm, two double-edged tantō (dagger/really short sword) length 30 cm concealed on his lower back and a coil gun in his mechanical arm which fires a grappling hook. Katana folded seven times and made with advanced mix of steel, stronger and lighter.

(Armour) Full O-yoroi (samurai armour) made out of an unknown mix metals, stronger and lighter then regular steel.

(Clothing) A silk hitatare in a shade of deep green, underneath wears a loincloth (fundoshi, the style usually worn under armour.) White socks called tabi and a pair of wooden clogs (Geta.) A belt (obi) wrapped around his waist and tied in the front carried a daishō on his left side. Wears a straw hat when not armoured .

(Equipment) Folding fan, compass, rice rations, fishing rod, and his trusty bottles of sake.

Melancholy, likes to be alone enjoying his surroundings. Cherishes his friends and never betrays them, likes to give people a second chance if they wrong him; but if they betray his trust again he will show no mercy.

From a futuristic (sorta steampunk/cyberpunk) version of feudal era Japan on an alternate version of earth. Takamoto was born into the Yoshigawa clan by the name of Taro, his father Yoshigawa Terumoto was leader of the clan and a feudal lord. He had two younger brothers and one baby sister. Being born the son of a feudal lord he was put into samurai training so he could serve his father and eventually lead the clan. His sensei was Takakage.

On the day before his coming of age ceremony (when he turns 14) him, his parents and his siblings were flying over neo-edo in their family airship when there was an explosion, his mother covered him as the airship fell from the sky. The pilot tried to recover the airship and land it in neo-edo airport. The airship crash landed, he a horrible jolt of pain in his left arm and blacked out. When he awoke in the hospital he was bandaged head to toe, he found out from a nurse that he had been in a coma for over a week and that he was the lone survivor of the crash. And if this wasn’t enough he discover to his horror that his left arm was missing, replaced with a mechanical prosthetic. The doctor told him what had happened, his mother had shielded him from most of the flames but when the ship crashed a bulkhead collapsed, pinning his. They had to amputate it to remove him from the wreckage.

Weeks went by and when he was mostly recovered he was visited by a messenger boy from his clan who informed him that while he was in a comma the clan had fought over who gains leadership as his condition was unknown. He demanded to know why they would do such a thing as he is the rightful heir to the clan now that he was 14 and a man, with which the messenger stated that although he is 14 he never had the coming of age ceremony and was thus technically not yet allowed to rule. The messenger continued saying that in his absence a new leader had taken over the clan, his uncle Ieyasu was now head of the Yoshigawa clan. At this point Takamoto (Taro) was out of bed and walking towards the messenger, he grabbed the message out of his hands and read it, confirming what the messenger had stated and that he was to swear fealty to his uncle or be declared an rōnin and exiled from the Yoshigawa clan. He slumped back onto the bed at a loss for words on what had happened. The messenger added that he will be back in a week for his answer and that he had brought some new clothes for him.

After the messenger left he wept over the death of his family and the loss of his inheritance. Unsure of what to do he got dressed in the hitatare the messenger left for him and went for a walk through the city. It started to rain so he stopped at a bar and in his depression got drunk and got in a fight wit ha group of thugs. He would have been beaten to death by the five thugs until a man with a sword came and stopped them. It was his sensei Takakage who had scared them off, he asked Takakage what he was doing outside of the clan house. He told him that he had left the Yoshimoto clan, and that the reason to this is because Ieyasu was the one who caused the explosion on the airship so he could take over the clan. And that after hearing this he ran from Ieyasu because he was too old to battle someone so powerful.

Takamoto (Taro) enraged by what his uncle had done punched the side of a building with his left fist and howled. He swore that he would get revenge and so Takakage continued training him at an old friend’s dojo. He also preformed the coming of age ceremony for him where Taro was bestowed the name Takamoto (Taka from Takakage and moto from Terumoto) He trained for 11 years and during these 11 years he also did many ‘side jobs’ to gain money and experience, such as being a bodyguard for hire. With the money he bought a stronger arm with some special features such as the coil gun launcher. On the eve of his family’s murder and the day before his birthday he came home to fine the doors broken in, and several dead bodies on the floor one of them was his Sensei. He looked at one of the other bodies and saw the Yoshigawa family crest on his hitatare. He grabbed his father’s sword which Takakage had taken from the house, put on his finest clothes, and his father’s armour (which he had stolen from the house) and left the dojo one last time to exact his revenge.

--- In the interest of time I’m going to leave the details of the battle out---

He finds out that his uncle had taken over the clan so he could use its funds to create a dimensional portal so he could extend his reach of power over the universe. Takamoto ruins his plans by stabbing the crystal that powers the gate while it’s turned on causing the wormhole to become unstable and sucks Takamoto, Ieyasu and several other men into the portal before it collapses and explodes. They wake up on Felarya.

----- The story still hasn’t been written I don’t know what happens next but he’s been in Felarya for sometime and is now living in a tavern in Negav, it is unknown if Ieyasu is alive since he ran off into the jungle as soon as he came too.---------------------------------

What I striked out I didn't delete cause I no longer have access to all my original files... And of course the reason I edited it cause I think its too much of the typical edgy teen who turns into a baddass revenge story and.... fuck it im probobly gonna just not even write a backstory and make him a mysterious wanderer dude.

Lets hope I actually get something written instead of leaving this poor guy in development hell

Last edited by space_samurai on Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:46 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I made a few changes here and there because i have no idea what i was thinking when i wrote this)
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Yoshigawa Takamoto   Yoshigawa Takamoto Icon_minitimeTue Jun 21, 2011 12:31 pm

A very nice character, but as I've said, the Japanese terminology is a little confusing. But all in all, very nice work. ^.^

Lavender. ;3 Heehee!
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Black Aquila
valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Yoshigawa Takamoto   Yoshigawa Takamoto Icon_minitimeThu Jun 23, 2011 1:28 pm

space_samurai wrote:
Skilled with the grappling hook embedded in his left mechanical arm.
Grappling hooks FOR THE WIN!!!

It looks good SS, but you might want to rework the last paragraph or two currently in the Back-story, and straighten out the use of the main character's name so that before he becomes "Takamoto" he is refered to as "Taro".
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Yoshigawa Takamoto   Yoshigawa Takamoto Icon_minitimeSat Aug 24, 2013 7:47 pm

made a few changes, open for any and all suggestions... I really would like to get this project off the ground so anything is helpful
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PostSubject: Re: Yoshigawa Takamoto   Yoshigawa Takamoto Icon_minitime

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