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 Xanna my creation!

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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Xanna my creation!   Xanna my creation! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2011 11:47 am

Name: Xanna

Height: 6'4''

Age: 24

Hair color: Reddish brown

Eye color: Green( and red when in ragged.)

weight: 178.lbs

Race: Human/lava elemental hybrid

Special features: Eyes glow when in darkness.

Quick back story.

Xanna was created in a lab using human DNA and a spirit of a Lava elemental.At the lab there was a protest with the workers saying he was a living being and should be treated as one.Not everyone agreed on this and fighting broke out between the workers and scientist and works over Xanna's freedom.During the fighting Xanna managed to sneak out before anyone got to him.After this the orphanage found him and took him in not knowing what he truly was.He went to train for the Isolon fist where he stayed until a team mate and best friend of Xanna was killed by a fairy.This changed his view on the world seeing that not every battle can be won.He left the Isolon fist and stared going on working at the Adventures guild as a cook and at an Inn as a bartender.


Xanna still has a little battle hardened warrior even though it has been a while since he left the Isolon fist.Though he tries to keep to himself most of the time when he is around people he doesn't know.Although when he is around people he considers friends he is very open with even if is a little on the shy side.Aside from these facts if he feels his friends are threatened he considers that person an enemy an will attack them in a berserk like state.If he gets like this his friends will have to stop him from hurting the person he has marked a threat or hurting himself as his will challenge something even though he won't win.Other than that he has a soft spot for children and hates to see them hurt.This because he was an orphan.He also has a soft spot for the ladies ^^ being a guy and all.As a child he would play with the cats in the orphanage and thus has a soft spot for nekos and hates to get in fights with them.When he was young the other children shunned him so he spent most of the time with the adults.Most of the time this was with Greda the cook of the orphanage.She was a mother figure to Xanna and because of the years of spending time with he had a interest in cooking.Over he years in the orphanage he learned a lot about cooking and many people now think of him as a good cook all around.Though from this rough life it led him to be slightly depressed and lots of drinking to follow.Lastly, over the yeas of being in the orphanage, he developed arachnophobia since the orphanage lack the funds to hire exterminators and had a nasty spider problem. One day he was sleeping and woke up to find hundreds of them crawling all over him, thus creating his fear.Xanna is a bit of a show off from what his fiends say,and is known to use his fire abilities whenever possible.This has gotten him in trouble a few times and has led to many many bar fights.Though he is willing to learn and often ask mages known for fire magic for advise.Xanna in general is a kind person as long as you don't piss him off.


Xanna uses a battle axe he had custom made for his days of fighting.It is a large axe at a size of 6' making it almost as large as him!When he is ether running low on time or just doesn't want to be late from something he will light the blades on fire making them even more deadly.He has been known to fall from high places so he had a grappling hook feature installed so he could shoot the top part of the axe out and let it dig into a wall or something so he could get out of some tight situations.This came in handy a lot as he is known to get eaten.


Xanna being part Lava elemental he can do anything they can do like control fire and heal himself using lava.But being part human as well makes it where he can't be harmed by water unless he is in his elemental form where these attacks can hurt him very badly.


Xanna wears a dark green hooded jacket so he can blend into the forest if he was to leave the city.He wears tan cargo pants because he likes all the pockets and needs to be prepared for just about any situation.He has small plate armor on his shoulders, elbows, and legs.He uses these so he doesn't have to wear big bulky armor and can be protected and stealthy at the same time.In another set of clothes that look like these he had chain mail put in under the layers of his cloths for added protection.But these he only uses when he knows he needs them.And lastly he hates to wear any type of suit of tuxedo and swears that quote" I would rather die in a nagas mouth than a suit!"So don't even try to put one on him.


Xanna has his normal human form which is what he uses on his day to day and can blend into the crowds very easy.But if a battle is going bad and I mean very bad like he is almost certain he won't walk out of it he changes into his elemental form which kinda looks like a deamonish lava elemental.In this form he has no skin and is nothing but lava,lava rock, and fire.He also changes into this form when near lava or other lava elementals. In this form he is weak to water and ice attacks as well as any magic that can be used to extinguish fire.He uses this form very rarely as it leaves him more vulnerable.

And there is a better looks at Xanna.

(Now please don't judge me to bad this is my second attempt and I am still new to writing.But at the same time please tell me if I left anything out of if I did something wrong.)
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Black Aquila
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
Black Aquila

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Xanna my creation! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xanna my creation!   Xanna my creation! Icon_minitimeThu Aug 11, 2011 1:12 pm

Ok, first, spaces between sentences!

I'm sorry for snapping, but it is very hard to read when everything is running together like that.
Sticking with grammar for now, it needs a lot of work.
Not only could it use a pass through a text editor, but the composition needs some spit and polish.
The sentences are mostly disjointed, singular statements of facts that normally begin with "Xanna this" or "Xanna that" and don't really have any flow between them.
Still, that's a skill that most people need to work on and you have mentioned that you're new to this.

Now, on to the character himself...
His back-story is... actually pretty decent, if a bit cliche.
He's a humanoid weapon developed in a lab, who got out and was reared in an orphanage.
I especially like how you took the time to tie in a lot of his personality traits with his upbringing.

But... there is a HUGE problem with this character, his "Lava Elemental" parentage...
Elementals in Felarya are spirits that form a physical body out of their "element".
While they do apparently hybridize with Fairies, it's generally considered that's more magical then genetic in nature.
Really, I don't see how it is possible to splice Human and Elemental D.N.A.

Though, if you want to keep the "Fire Monster" angle of Xanna's profile, I do have a pretty easy solution.
Simply replace his "Lava Elemental" origins with a more flesh-and-blood Fire Creature, like the Salamanders from the Wiki.
That way, he can have his innate Flame powers and probably a monstrous form, but people won't question them because they come from something that has D.N.A. you could splice with.

Finally, I has a few questions I'd like to ask.
Like, where was Xanna created and/or raised anyways?
If he was created on Felarya, then it begets questions of who created him and why they haven't bothered to track him down?
As well, if the orphanage he was raised in is on Felarya, why does his fondness for Nekos come from playing with cats when he could have easily just interacted with a member of that race in the first place?

Anyways, I hope this has been helpful!
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Tasty morsel

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Join date : 2011-08-07
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Xanna my creation! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xanna my creation!   Xanna my creation! Icon_minitimeThu Aug 11, 2011 3:41 pm

ok I get what your saying and that you.I know I am knew and I am going to find and editor.Thank you for pointing some of these things out and I am planing to show them later in the story. As far as what you suggested him being a hybrid with I think it is reasonable and I will make that change very soon.
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PostSubject: Re: Xanna my creation!   Xanna my creation! Icon_minitime

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