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 Professor Sidonis Langsley

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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Professor Sidonis Langsley Empty
PostSubject: Professor Sidonis Langsley   Professor Sidonis Langsley Icon_minitimeMon Aug 29, 2011 1:51 am

Age: 45

Height: 5' 11"

Species: Human

Occupation: Archeologist and Biologist

Gender: Male

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: White

Skin Color: White

History: Before Felarya, Sidonis spent much of his years studying archeology and biology. His dedication and intelligence made him the man he is today. He essentially lived a happy, normal childhood, yet as he grew up, he had learned to become very manipulative, which gave him quite a bit of influence within Central's government. After the final global war, he had help build Central's government, this gave him many respects from both the commoners and the officials. He had also planned the colonization that took place in Felarya, he led his men into the unknown to seek out adventure and new scientific knowledge that awaited him in Felarya. As a person with a mysterious background however, the officials had assigned 2 special people to watch him as he conducted his expedition in Felarya

Personality: Professor Langsley is somewhat of a eccentric. Most of the time he is very cheerful and has a happy-go-lucky attitude. In spite of all this, his views of morality are somewhat twisted. He does not acknowledge morality as a practical concept, but he does see it as a 'coward's excuse for not doing what is necessary'. To him, right and wrong means nothing, all that matters is knowledge and scientific truth. This doesn't mean that he enjoys cruelty nor does he like to take unnecessary risks. He does have value friendships, but never to the point where he would risk his life to save them. He sees friends as people who help him get rid of everyday boredoms and rarely trusts other people to get close.

Last edited by Beefnautz on Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:26 am; edited 4 times in total
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Professor Sidonis Langsley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Professor Sidonis Langsley   Professor Sidonis Langsley Icon_minitimeMon Aug 29, 2011 6:06 am

Hmn. Well, first and foremost, let me offer a bit of information.

No diseases work in Felarya.


It's been established that bacteria, viruses, and other diseases are not capable of operating in Felarya due to the soil/water/atmosphere, which essentially supercharges the immune system to an absurd level. Therefore, a good chunk of this character is already null and void. Going to Felarya, if anything, would impede his research even further.

There is also the fact that he 'no longer fears death'. He is not going to last long in Felarya. There are plenty of plants, animals, and other hazards more than willing to have a go at him, and a fair chunk of them won't swallow him whole only to vomit him up again. Being inedible is no help if you're torn apart and scattered over a few dozen yards of jungle. Not to mention all the snakes, spiders, insects, and other small animals that are venomous enough to kill with one nip.

However, the base concept of a scientist in Felarya for research isn't a bad one, you simply picked the wrong sub-category for it. A geneticist or biologist could be a better option, if you like. I would recommend taking the base idea (scientist in Felarya for research) and start over with that.

Do note, read the Felarya Wiki before trying to make a character/race/animal/anything. It definitely will help you.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Professor Sidonis Langsley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Professor Sidonis Langsley   Professor Sidonis Langsley Icon_minitimeMon Aug 29, 2011 8:10 am

MrNobody13 wrote:
Hmn. Well, first and foremost, let me offer a bit of information.

No diseases work in Felarya.

sweatdrop Ah, how could I forget that crucial fact? Well thank you for telling me this, I'll be sure to edit his bio, although I'll have to give some more thought into it XD

MrNobody13 wrote:

However, the base concept of a scientist in Felarya for research isn't a bad one, you simply picked the wrong sub-category for it. A geneticist or biologist could be a better option, if you like. I would recommend taking the base idea (scientist in Felarya for research) and start over with that.

Would you think its possible that he could be a scientist that works with toxins instead?

Last edited by Beefnautz on Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Professor Sidonis Langsley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Professor Sidonis Langsley   Professor Sidonis Langsley Icon_minitimeMon Aug 29, 2011 8:12 am

Quote :
Would you think its possible that he could be a scientist that works with toxins instead?
Yes. But it still begs the question of what he's doing here.

Last edited by Anime-Junkie on Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:35 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Yes. derp)
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Professor Sidonis Langsley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Professor Sidonis Langsley   Professor Sidonis Langsley Icon_minitimeMon Aug 29, 2011 2:25 pm

ah shoot XP... I could have just made the Xenophage a parasite instead of a bacteria then I wouldn't need to change his whole history XP. But I don't know, what do you guys think? Is he better off like this? or should I change it again to make the Xenophage a parasite?
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Professor Sidonis Langsley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Professor Sidonis Langsley   Professor Sidonis Langsley Icon_minitime

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