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 My Little Naga: Felarya is Magic

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Newbie adventurer
Newbie adventurer

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Join date : 2009-04-02
Location : Magic Mountain

My Little Naga: Felarya is Magic Empty
PostSubject: My Little Naga: Felarya is Magic   My Little Naga: Felarya is Magic Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 6:17 am

The last crossover I will be doing for quite some time, and hopefully my best ever! It all started as an idea some people had on the Felarya ventrilo and it was soon a full fledged image in the minds of everyone. This is the final product of this idea: read it and enjoy for it was not easy to accomplish.

As always comments and critique are welcome!
And now without further adieu I present the story:

My Little Naga: Felarya is Magic CoverMylittlenaga-1

My Little Naga: Felarya is Magic

Far beneath the towering canopy of the Felaryain jungle life was going about its regular routine. The massive trees and thick shrubbery were soaking up sunlight to photosynthesize their food, small bugs and animals were scampering about the ground, and many types of colorful birds flew here and there between the trees. A colorful tiger stalked its way through the foliage in pursuit of a large rat creature, the silence of its hunt giving its prey no warning of the danger. Elsewhere a giant blue naga slithered through the trees, the massive girl certainly searching for live prey of her own. Thus was the way of Felarya, eat or be eaten. Not many creatures learned to adapt in such a harsh environment, especially those that came from other worlds through Felarya’s constant dimensional shifts. Here in this forest such a shift was about to occur, a large patch of dirt in a small clearing building up tension as realities began to collide.
There was a burst of light and a crackle of energy as spacetime itself ripped apart and sealed itself up again. Dirt went flying in every direction as the vortex of energy collapsed in upon itself leaving a trio of very colorful ponies standing flabbergasted in the clearing. They were about the size of a human and each had a very unique color scheme and appearance.

The first was a soft yellow from head to hoof, two light blue eyes covering a large portion of its face. The mane was long and pink, flowing over the top of the pony’s head with the tail acting in a similar manner. Two feathered wings were attached at the creature’s midsection and on its rear flank was a picture of three small pink butterflies.
The second pony was colored purple, its eyes a deep violet. This pony’s mane and tail were a deep blue, a pink and purple stripe running along their lengths. In the middle of its forehead was a small purple horn and on its flank was a picture of a large pink star with many smaller blue ones around it.

The third pony was colored a strong orange with deep green eyes. The mane was blonde and tied up on the end to make pigtails. The picture on its flank was that of three red apples and had no other defining features besides a brown cowboy hat resting on its head.
These three creatures seemed as surprised of their location as their location was of having them in it. They looked around and marveled at the size of the trees and the thickness of the foliage, and when they finally collected themselves enough to speak their voices identified them as female.

The orange one was first to speak and did so in a southern accent. “Well knock me down and call me an apple! Where in Equestria are we?”

The purple unicorn was next to speak; “I’m not sure Applejack, but I have the worst feeling we may not even be in Equestria anymore.”

“What do you mean?” the yellow pegasi asked nervously in a soft voice, “How could we travel someplace else?”

The orange one, now identified as Applejack, took a few steps forward to get a better look around. “What kind of spell were you using Twilight? Are ya saying we really could be someplace else entirely?”

The unicorn Twilight took a nervous glance around the clearing. “Well” she said sheepishly, “I’m not saying that’s entirely impossible…”

“Oh no!” the pegasi said in alarm, “What about the animals? Who will take care of them?”
Twilight turned to the panicked pony; “Now calm down Fluttershy, I didn’t say we were in another world or something.”

A large group of fat bees flew into the clearing with a few birds in pursuit. The birds kept teleporting into random locations and some of the bees were exploding. This spectacle of nature quickly flew overhead and disappeared into the jungle again.

“Uh Twilight” Applejack said turning to the unicorn, “I think we’re in another world.”

Twilight was holding her head with her hooves and shaking it back and forth. “That’s impossible! The spell was supposed to allow you to travel though the world and that’s all.”

Fluttershy was scratching the ground with her front hoof, “Twilight… There was an S after world on the page; you were probably too busy to read it so I understand.”

“We’re doomed!” Twilight said in despair, “I messed up and transported us to another world! And now without my books I’ll never be able to get us back!”

Applejack was looking around with concern in her eyes. “Now now Twilight, it can’t be that bad. Say… Is it just me or does something seem to be missing to yall?”

All three of them collectively jumped in alarm at the same time.


“Oh no” Twilight said in despair, “She was right there with us in the library. She had to come through with us!”

Applejack was walking around the clearing calling out. “Pinkie! Pinkie Pie where are ya?”
Twilight joined in, “Pinkie wherever you are come out this instant!”

“Um girls” Fluttershy said, “Girls…”

The other two stopped and turned around.

“What is it Fluttershy?” Twilight asked.

“Are you sure yelling is such a good idea” Fluttershy asked nervously, “I mean we are in a strange forest and who knows what could hear us.”

Applejack came to a halt and looked around with a newfound sense of dread. “Ya know she’s got a point Twilight, there could be extremely dangerous critters out there and we don’t even know it.”

“Dangerous creatures” Twilight said pointing with her hoof, “Like THAT!?”

All attention turned to where Twilight was pointing as a loud roar filled the air. A multicolored tiger almost as big as they were suddenly leapt out of the bushes and into the clearing with them, its sharp claws digging into the dirt as it landed heavily. It looked at them with a snarl and yowled.

All three ponies huddled together.

“D-D-Do something Twilight!” Applejack said in alarm.

The tiger leapt with paws outstretched and they all closed their eyes as if accepting their fate at the end of those wicked claws. But death never came, only the angered sounds of a hissing cat swiping the air. They opened their eyes.

Floating in the air a meter in front of where they stood the tiger hovered above the ground, the furious cat swiping the air with vicious attacks but unable to reach its targets. Twilight’s horn was glowing which meant she was using magic.

“Hooeee!” Applejack hollered in celebration, “Twilight you done saved our lives!”

Twilight looked at the tiger with a surprised look on her face. “I did? I did!” She swung her head side to side and did a little prance, “I saved us I saved us!”

Fluttershy was the only one that wasn’t celebrating. She was looking at the tiger and studying it closely. She finally spoke, “Twilight put the poor thing down!”

The others turned to her in shock. “What do you mean?” Twilight asked, “That thing almost killed us!”

“It didn’t mean to” Fluttershy said beating her wings and floating up to the tiger. “It was only defending its home.”

“Are you out of your little pony mind?!” Applejack demanded, “Get away from that critter Fluttershy!”

Twilight moved the tiger away from Fluttershy by moving her head to the side. “Applejack is right, its not one of your forest creatures that you can just walk up to and pat on the head.”

Fluttershy continued following the tiger even as Twilight moved it. The tiger was getting very angry now. “Come on Twilight put it down! Its just misunderstood is all.”

“Well she has handled more dangerous animals then a tiger before” Applejack said, “Maybe you should do as she says Twilight.”

Twilight let out a huge sigh, “Well alright. But one wrong move and I’ll do more then just lift it off the ground!”

Lowering her head Twilight gently set the tiger on the ground, Fluttershy landing right next to it. Twilight took a deep breath as her horn stopped glowing and the tiger was released for her magic. What would happen now?

“There there” Fluttershy said softly to the tiger, “We didn’t mean to scare you. We were just surprised to see you.”

Shockingly the tiger didn’t turn around and rip the pony to shreds, the only outcome that was feasible with such a dangerous animal. Instead it settled down and let Fluttershy put her hoof on her head, the calm beast nothing like the vicious animal they saw only moments before.

“Isn’t that better?” Fluttershy was saying softly, “Back on your feet again. I’m sorry we had to put you through that awful experience.”

Applejack and Twilight looked on in amazement.

“I swear on this year’s harvest” Applejack said, “That pony has a way with animals I aint never seen anywhere else.”

Twilight shook her head, “Well lucky for us she does otherwise we would be in deep trouble by now.”

They walked over to where Fluttershy was but as they approached the tiger growled. They froze and held their breaths.

“No no it’s ok” Fluttershy said, “They’re friends!”

The tiger calmed down again but stuck up its nose before turning its head away from Twilight. She was somewhat relived it did this.

Twilight kept one eye on the tiger. “So now that the tiger situation is resolved we should really keep looking for Pinkie Pie. Who knows what kind of trouble she’s gotten herself into by now.”

“Oh I got a great idea!” Fluttershy said happily, “I’ll ask this tiger if he’s seen her. She’s probably somewhere close by.” She turned to the tiger and it looked up at her. “Hey Mr. Tiger, have you seen our friend around here? She looks just like us but is pink and has a puffy mane.”

The tiger swiped its tail back and forth several times as if mulling it over. Finally it stood to its feet and turned to the jungle, curling its tail as if beckoning them to follow.

“I think he knows where she is” Fluttershy said happily, “And he’s going to show us!”

Twilight nodded her head. “Alright then girls, we’ve got to find her as quickly as possible so lets not waste another moment. Lead the way uhhh… Mr. Tiger.”

The tiger bound off into the jungle with the ponies in hot pursuit.

They galloped for what Twilight estimated at least a quarter mile, the thick foliage making it not only difficult to run, but judge distance as well. Everything was so different in this world; even the ground itself had a strange aura about it. At first she had guessed the aura was magical but quickly discarded it on account of it being impossible. The briskness of their pace also kept them from seeing too much of their surroundings for more then a few seconds, and although she heard lots of strange slurping and howling noises she never got to see what was making them.

The tiger came to a sudden stop and sniffed the air, the ponies almost crashing into him as they scrabbled at the ground to stop themselves.

“What’s he doing?” Twilight asked, “Did he lose a scent?”

Fluttershy had been flying next to the tiger and now lowered herself to the ground. “I don’t know, he might be smelling another animal.”

They sat there in tense silence as the tiger sniffed, none of them wanting to break its concentration. Suddenly their hearts jolted as a high pitched sound pierced the still air. Somewhere ahead of them laughter could be heard, loud clear laughter that chimed like a bell.


The three ponies rushed forward almost knocking the tiger over as they ran past. They galloped as fast as they could towards the sound despite the ferns slapping them in the face. Moments later they broke out of the bushes and into another clearing where a pink pony sat on the grass amidst a cloud of butterflies. The pony had light blue eyes and her mane was colored dark pink with curls and puffy bumps all over it. Her tail was the same except even more so, and the picture on her flank was that of two blue balloons and one yellow one.

All three ponies rushed over to her and dove on smothering her with hugs. The butterflies scattered in every direction like a prism exploding colored light.

“Pinkie!” Twilight said in relief, “We were so worried for you! Where have you been?”

Pinkie laughed in her chiming voice again, “You silly filly! I’ve been here the whole time! The better question is where have you three been?”

“Typical Pinkie” Applejack said with a mixture of relief and scorn, “Sometimes I wonder why we ever worry about you. I swear it’s impossible for you to get into trouble.”

They all stood back and let Pinkie get to her feet which she did by springing up on all fours. She stretched a bit before bouncing around them in a circle.

“So where do you suppose we are Twilight? It certainly doesn’t seem like Ponyville anymore. Did you see those pretty butterflies, weren’t they cool? I’ve been hearing strange noises in the forest what do you think they are? When I wa-”

“Pinkie please” Twilight said cutting her off; “Now that we’re all together again we can talk about how we move forward from here. Gather round ponies.” She waited as Pinkie stopped bouncing and came over before continuing. “We accidentally got transported to another world when I used that spell; the only thing is I don’t know how we are going to get back.” She looked around; “It’s clearly quite dangerous here, as much or more so then Everfree forest, so we’ll have to be on our guard at all times.”

“What about that tiger fellow?” Applejack asked, “Where did he get off to?”

They looked around and sure enough the tiger was nowhere to be found.

“I don’t know” Fluttershy said.

Twilight shook her head, “That’s not important right now. What’s important is finding a way back home. I suggest we search for somepony and hopefully they can take us to a nearby settlement. Hopefully they have a magic user there that can help me find a spell to take us home.”

“That sounds like a solid plan Twilight” Applejack said nodding, “Anypony have any objections?”

Pinkie and Fluttershy shook their heads.

“Excellent then” Twilight said, “Let’s get moving. I don’t like standing still in this place for too long.”

Pinkie Pie was jumping up and down again, her curly mane and tail bouncing. “Oh hey you girls! We can’t leave until I show you this cool stuff I found!”

“Do we have to come see now?” Twilight asked, “We’re kinda lost in a different world Pinkie.”

“No really it’s super cool!” Pinkie said bouncing, “Come on over here and I’ll show you!”

The other three reluctantly followed the bouncing pony over to there she indicated. A strange translucent goop was covering everything; it must have been thirty feet across! Twilight walked up to the edge of it where Pinkie was standing and the rest gathered around.

“Check it out” Pinkie said sticking her hoof in it, “Its super sticky!”

The goop stuck to her hoof and as she pulled it out a large string of it hung in the air. The other ponies gave looks of disgust.


Pinkie turned to them and gave a confused look. “Oh come on you guys it’s not that bad!”
She tried to pull her hoof out of the slime but couldn’t quite seem to get away; the further she pulled the tighter the tension of the slime got. This was apparently something she didn’t expect to happen.

“Whats the matter Pinkie?” Applejack asked, “You stuck or something?”

Pinkie continued tugging away, “Yeah I- might be… This didn’t- happen to me last time…”
Twilight walked over to where she was standing, “Hang on we’ll help you. Applejack a little help?”

“Sure thing” Applejack responded walking over to join her.

With the combined strength of three ponies they were able to pull Pinkie several feet away from the slime. Unfortunately for them the slime was still attached to Pinkie’s hoof, and the tension was very high.

“Why won’t it let go?” Twilight asked straining.

“How should I know?” Applejack replied, “Just keep pulling!”

The tension was too much; Pinkie Pie slipped out of their hooves and went flying back towards the slime. There was a sickening splat as she went full body into the goop where she barely managed to roll on her back before she sank in almost up to her neck.

“Guys…” Pinkie said, “I think I’m really stuck now.”

“Don’t worry” Twilight said calling over to her, “We’ll get you out of there!” She turned to the other two. “How do we get her out of there?”

Pinkie was able to move around a bit inside the goop and seemed to be enjoying it a bit. The cool ooze slowly formed in around her as she forced her legs to move and it felt really funny to have the runny stuff all over her.

Applejack looked from Pinkie to Twilight. “I got no idea, I aint seen something so gross and sticky before in my life. Do you reckon your magic could get her out?”

“I don’t know” Twilight said, “But I suppose I can try.”

They were interrupted by the sound of splintering wood and snapping tree branches. It sounded like something very large was coming in their direction. All four of them turned towards the sound.

“W-What do you reckon that is?” Applejack asked nervously.

Twilight gulped, “No idea. But it doesn’t sound good.”

Fluttershy was silent, cowering to the ground and covering her head with her legs.
Suddenly the clearing exploded with sound as a thirty foot tall wolf creature burst out of the trees. Leaves and wood splinters flew everywhere and showered down on the ponies below. It had matted brown fur and stood on six legs that ended in huge claws. Its head was dominated by a mouth full of sharp teeth and two glinting eyes sat above a large glistening nose. Two more of the creatures followed after the first and all three walked forward and looked down with hungering eyes at the ponies.

“They sure don’t l-look friendly” Applejack stuttered, “What do you s-suppose they want?”

Fluttershy was still cowering, “I wish I was invisible right now.”

Twilight took quick stock of the situation. The three wolf creatures were much bigger then they were but with their small size they could outmaneuver them if they ran, the only problem being Pinkie was stuck in the goop. They might be able to fight them off if she was able to use her magic but she would only be able to target one at a time due to their size. They were about the size of an ursa minor but even that was big. Suddenly she found a plan.

“Applejack, Fluttershy” she said in her business voice, “I got a plan but its going to be dangerous.” She turned to face them. “Applejack you distract one of those creatures and Fluttershy you fly around and distract another. I’ll take care of the last one with my magic and I can take them out one by one, at least hopefully. Do you think we can do that?”

The wolves were advancing on them and the two ponies stood up and nodded their heads.

“Only one way to find out” Applejack said, “And I don’t plan to go down without a fight.”

“Excellent” Twilight said, grim determination on her face, “Then let’s gets this over with.”

Applejack ran over to the right and shook her rump at the nearest beast. “Hey there big boy, I bet ya never tasted country pony before!”

The wolf took the bait and immediately came after her. She bolted off into the jungle with the creature in hot pursuit. Her small size allowed her to fit into places the larger creature couldn’t follow.

Fluttershy flew up to the second wolf. “Excuse me, I don’t mean to be a bother but I’m supposed to distract you. Would you mind chasing me for a while?”

The wolf snapped at her but caught nothing but air as she flew away. As quick as a wink she flew off into the jungle with the animal hot on her hooves, its neck straining to keep the pegasi in view at all times.

“Alright monster” Twilight said walking in the path of the remaining wolf, “Looks like it’s just you and me.”

The creature looked down at her with a hungry look in its eyes, its large toothy mouth dripping drool onto the ground below. It lunged with a snarl and swiped at the unicorn at its feet. Twilight was ready though, and concentrating with all her might she braced herself as if lifting a heavy load. Her horn lit up with bright glowing light and the wolf lifted several feet off the ground. It was clearly not expecting this as it started yelping in panic as soon as it felt its paws leave the dirt.

The strain of the task was clearly visible on Twilight’s face, the sweat of the strain trickling down her neck. She didn’t seem to know what to do with it now that she had if lifted either. Another plan had to be thought of, and it had to be thought of fast.
More crashing could be heard in the jungle as Fluttershy and Applejack returned with their own partners and this game Twilight an idea.

“Girls” she said straining, “Run at each other and dodge away! Quick!”

They wordlessly obeyed, running full gallop directly at each other, which just so happened to be underneath the third wolf. The two that were chasing them were too occupied with their targets to notice where they were going and once they were almost upon their prey Fluttershy and Applejack dodged to the sides. Being much too big to make such a maneuver the two wolves ran right into each other, their skulls cracking together with a painful noise. Upon hearing this Twilight let lose her magic spell and the third wolf fell onto the other two in a pile of writhing legs and flying fur.

Applejack and Fluttershy rejoined Twilight by Pinkie with a cheer.

“We done did it!” Applejack said rearing her front legs, “We actually beat those nasty critters!”

Fluttershy clapped her hooves together, “Yay!”

“I must admit girls” Twilight said happily, “I wasn’t quite sure that would work.”
Pinkie was the one to break the bad news, “Twilight you might want to take another look over there.”

They all looked over to the wolves and to their dismay found them all starting to get to their feet. Their expressions were the opposite of happy.

“Oh no” Twilight said, “What do we do now?”

Suddenly the multicolored tiger leapt out of the jungle with a yowl and landed between the ponies and the giant wolves. Both sides were equally surprised to see it although the ponies were even more surprised at the worried looks on the wolves faces.

“Mr. Tiger!” Fluttershy said, “You need to get out of here! It’s much too dangerous.”

The wolves had recovered from their shock and began advancing again. The tiger leapt forward and ran underneath the front wolf. What happened next not even Twilight was able to explain. The air around the tiger turned black and a huge wind whipped up, everything in the immediate area being pulled towards the spot he was last seen standing.

“What’s going on?” Applejack yelled over the wind.

“I have no idea” Twilight yelled back, “Just hold onto something!”

The three ponies grabbed hold of anything solid within reach, the power of the wind threatening to pull them into the swirling cloud of debris and fur where the tiger used to be. Pinkie Pie was still stuck in the ooze and even the powerful wind wasn’t enough to make it release her.

Dirt and chunks of grass flew past them and into the chaos, leaves and branches being torn off the trees and sucked into the whirlwind. Their grips were slipping and they had no idea what would happen to them should they lose it. They were just about to be pulled off the ground and into the air when the wind stopped as suddenly as it began. A calm came over the clearing as the remaining debris in the air gently fell to the ground.
The ponies got to their hooves.

“What in Ponyville was that?” Twilight asked.

They turned around to look for the wolves and tiger but found nothing but a large crater. Large quantities of leaves and branches as well as several collections of rocks were scattered everywhere. The animals were nowhere in sight.

“Mr. Tiger?” Fluttershy asked, “Where did he go?”

Applejack walked over and looked all around, “Where did any of the critters go? There aint a soul in sight anywhere!”

Pinkie Pie was now in a very awkward position due to the high wind was starting to get annoyed. “Girls, I’d like to come out now.”

They gathered around where Pinkie was now stuck.

“Sorry Pinkie” Twilight said, “We didn’t forget about you. Just got distracted is all.”
Pinkie smiled, “Its ok! I know you wouldn’t forget about me, it’s just getting really uncomfortable in here now.”

Twilight steadied herself and held her horn out. “I’m going to try and pull you out with magic, stand back everypony.”

Applejack and Fluttershy gave her several yards worth of room and she closed her eyes to concentrate. Her horn began glowing as Pinkie slowly began lifting into the air. The strain on Twilight’s face was apparent and despite her best efforts Pinkie wasn’t making that much progress. She leaned back and pulled harder.

“This… stuff… sure is… sticky…”

She made one final pull before losing her footing and flying backwards into Applejack, both ponies tumbling to the ground. They got to their hooves and Twilight looked disappointingly at Pinkie who was still stuck.

“I’m sorry Pinkie” she said, “That stuff is really sticky.”

More crashing could be heard in the forest coming their way, this time the breaking branches making it seem like a much bigger creature. Like three times as big.

“What now?” Twilight asked with exasperation, “I’ve had enough giant wolves for the next two years.”

Applejack was looking nervously in the direction of the sounds. “I don’t know Twilight, if I were to take a wild guess I’d say whatever is comin is bigger. As terrible as that sounds…”

The trees parted and an absolutely massive creature emerged from the jungle, one so big it was easily double the size of the wolves from before. It was at least seventy feet tall, the entire bottom half being that of a snake. Blue scales spotted with light blue with a baby blue underbelly. The upper half was hard to describe although obviously female, it was like if a pony were to stand on her hind legs and her hooves were replaced with a raccoon’s paws. Her face was set up in an odd way as well, her deep blue eyes set above a very strange nose. All of her skin was a pale blue and her mane hung down to her lower back and was the same color of her scales.

Upon seeing the creature the ponies were petrified with shock and awe, such a large and strange looking creature would never have entered their imaginations. In turn the look the creature was giving them was very similar.

“Oh my gosh!” the creature said, “What is this?” She noticed Pinkie stuck in the goop and her expression changed to one of concern. “Poor thing, how did you get in there?”

She bent over and her massive hand reached for Pinkie while the others looked on frozen in horror. Applejack was shaking Twilight in panic.

“What do we do? What do we do?”

The creature scooped Pinkie out of the ooze easily, her massive size and strength making the task as simple as a pony lifting a piece of fruit. She lifted Pinkie to her face and smiled.

“Oh you’re so cute!” she said, “Adorable even!”

Pinkie addressed the creature while trying to shake the goop off herself; “Hey thanks for getting me out of there but can you put me down now?”

This received another even more shocked reaction. “You can talk! I’m so sorry I had no idea!” She bent down and put Pinkie on the grass next to the others. “What are you? I’ve never seen anything like you before.”

“We’re ponies silly!” Pinkie said, now happily wiggling her non stuck body.

Now that Pinkie was safe the others recovered their voices.

Applejack was still very nervous, “The better question is: what in tarnation are you?”

The creature was taken aback that they didn’t know, but seeing how strange they were she couldn’t be entirely surprised. “I’m a naga” she said.

“Does that mean anything to you?” Fluttershy asked Twilight while poking her.

Twilight thought about it for a bit, “Well nagas are legendary creatures that are half human and half snake, but they’re just myths.”

“Well obviously not” Applejack retorted, “There’s one right here in front of us!”

“Which is the human half?” Pinkie asked.

Everyone gave her a disappointed look.

Applejack was the one to reprimand her, “Well I assume it’s the half that’s not snake.”

“So that’s what a human looks like?” Twilight asked in wonder.

The naga couldn’t hear everything they were saying and was still confused about what a pony was. She lowered herself closer to the ground.
“Where did you come from?”

“Give us a second” Twilight replied. She gathered everyone in a huddle and lowered her voice. “So what do we do?” she asked. “Should we trust this naga?”

Applejack looked up for a moment at the massive head staring down at them. “I reckon we should, she is the only talking creature we’ve run into so far. Not to mention the only one what hasn’t tried to make us dinner.”

“I dunno…” Fluttershy said, “She does seem awfully nice but she is pretty big.”

Twilight looked to the naga and back. “Dragons can seem nice to and they can talk, but they are still super dangerous.”

“Oh you silly fillies” Pinkie said, “Of course we can trust her! Just look at her squishy wishy face!” She turned around to the naga’s face and hopped up to it, “Hi there naga! I’m from Ponyville and my name is Pinkie Pie!”

The naga lifted her head slightly to get some space. “Uh hello then Pinkie Pie, I’ve never heard of a place called Ponyville before.”

“Everyone’s heard of Ponyville silly!” Pinkie said, “And call me Pinkie. What’s your name?”

“Well my name is Rin” the naga replied, “And I’ve really never heard of Ponyville before.”
Twilight pulled Pinkie back, “Are you sure this is a good idea? Your plans have always been a bit on the crazy side.”

“I’m sorry” Rin said apologetically, “I’m not making you nervous am I? I promise I’m not going to hurt you.”

Twilight stepped to the front of the group. “We don’t mean to be rude… Rin was it? But everything we’ve met that is your size usually isn’t very friendly.”

“Oh I understand” Rin replied, “I get that a lot. I don’t hurt small creatures ever, much less ones as cute as you.”

Fluttershy floated up above the others, “Say excuse me uhh… Rin… But did you see a tiger on the way here?”

“You can fly?” Rin said almost overloading with cuteness, “How adorable!” She recovered enough to answer the question. “But no I haven’t seen any tigers; I came here to find out what all the noise was.”

Applejack replied this time. “We were attacked by three big six legged wolf monsters while Pinkie were was stuck in that goop.” She gestured to the ooze, “We managed to fight them off with the help of a tiger that whipped up a huge wind. They all disappeared after that though and you can see the mess what was the aftermath.”

“Sounds like kensha beasts” Rin said clearly impressed, “I can’t believe you fought them off they are very dangerous.”

“Yeah well we had Twilight’s magic to help us out” Applejack said proudly, “Didn’t we Twilight?”

Twilight blushed, “Well…”

“So you can use magic?” Rin asked, “That’s impressive.” She looked from pony to pony, “Your name is Pinkie and yours is Twilight. What your other two’s names?”

Pinkie was more then happy to reply for them, “This is Fluttershy and over there is Applejack.”

“I see” Rin said, “Well its nice to meet you all. I must ask why you four are out here alone in such a dangerous forest, or why you are hanging around a slug girl trail.”

“Slug trail?” Pinkie asked in horror, “Gross! Ick!”

Pinkie started rolling around on the ground rubbing grass all over her body in attempts to get the slime off her. The others returned their attention to Rin.

“Well we accidentally got out here” Twilight said, “I was trying out a teleport spell but ended up transporting us to a different world instead of to another location in our own world. We don’t even know where we are right now.”

“You’re in a place called Felarya” Rin replied, “And here pretty much everything wants to eat creatures your size. You’re lucky to be alive right now really.”

Applejack gave Twilight a glare, “Nice work Twilight.”

“Applejack it wasn’t her fault” Fluttershy said, “She didn’t know this would happen.”
Twilight turned back to Rin. “So anyway we’re looking for someone who knows magic so we can get back home. You said you know magic yourself, can you help us?”

“Oh no I only know ice magic” Rin said sadly, “See?”

She held her left hand over the slime and a cold wind blew out across its surface, the entire trail of ooze freezing solid in seconds. Pinkie jumped up in surprise, her previous activity forgotten.

“Awesome! Twilight why can’t you do that?”

“I could if I wanted” Twilight said defensively, “I just never learned is all.”

Rin lowered herself back down closer to the ponies, “It’s not like it would help you much. The kind of magic you need is dimensional magic and I don’t know anyone who can use it.”

There was a collective moan of disappointment.

“Then how are we gunna get home?” Applejack said in despair, “Tree kickin starts next week!”

Seeing them so sad hurt Rin’s heart, she had to help them somehow. “Well I do know of a place where there is a portal. Supposedly you can go to whatever world you want by using it.”

“Really?!” Twilight asked in elation, “That could solve all our problems! Where is it?”

Rin looked downtrodden, “Well all I know for certain is that it’s in a city called Ur’Sagol. I’ve never been there myself but my friend knows how to get there.” She cheered up a bit, “I could take you to her if you want!”

“That would be great Rin” Twilight said, “And thanks for all your help so far. Let me just ask the others.”

“Sure thing” Rin said.

Twilight turned to the other ponies. “So what do you think girls, this sound like a plan?”
“Fine with me” Applejack said.

“If you think its best Twilight” Fluttershy said sheepishly.

Pinkie was a bit more energetic, “I say we should have left already!”

“Then it’s settled” Twilight said turning to Rin, “We would be happy to travel with you and meet your friend Rin.”

Rin smiled, “I’m glad to hear it!” She stood up to full height and looked down, a sudden awkwardness coming over her. “So do you want me to carry you?”

Twilight looked at the size on Rin’s hands. “I don’t think you’d be able to carry all of us, I’m sure we’ll be fine walking. It isn’t that far is it?”

“It shouldn’t be” Rin replied, “If you’re sure you want to walk keep close to me ok? I don’t want anything bad happening to you.”

Twilight nodded, “Sure thing. Just lead the way. We’re ready when you are.”

Rin slithered over to the edge of the forest and paused. “Come walk next to my tail ok?” She watched as the four ponies joined her at her side. “Stick close!”

With the ponies at her side the naga started off into the jungle, the thought of helping such cute creatures making her red with adoration. For the ponies they were finally going to meet someone who could help them get home, a walk in the jungle a simple price to pay to finally get back to Ponyville. Thus they started off: a naga and her ponies, traversing the dangers of Felarya with the magic of newfound friendship.

Rin slithered through the jungle as slowly as possible; she could understand how the tiny ponies wouldn’t want to be carried by a giantess like her as most humans didn’t like being picked up either. She looked down to the ponies walking on the ground at her hip, they were so strange and foreign but so cute. The jungle around them was still dangerous so she had to keep a close eye on them, despite not seeing any immediate danger she knew that predators of all shapes and sizes could be lurking between the huge trees.

The flying one named Fluttershy had decided to flutter next to her head, just so she could have someone to talk to she guessed. The other ponies seemed to be talking amongst themselves but they were too far down for Rin to hear them. They passed the time by talking about various animals that Fluttershy took care of, and it was interesting to Rin as she had never heard of any of them.

“So raccoons really have paws that look like human hands?” Rin was asking.

“Yes” Fluttershy replied in her soft voice, “And it lets them get into even more trouble then the other animals. They can open doors and untie ropes and even hide things in odd places.”

“Why do you like to take care of animals so much?” Rin said.

Fluttershy turned her head awa, “Well I just find them so cute and nice. Plus they really are defenseless most of the time and need someone to take care of them.”

“I know what you mean” Rin sighed, “I feel the same about humans.”

“You mean full humans?” Fluttershy asked, “Aren’t they big like you are?”

Rin shook her head, “No. Humans are about the size you are and are in constant danger in this world just like you would be. I grew up with humans so I feel very protective of them.”

“Oh I see” Fluttershy said, “I’m glad they have someone like you to protect them then. Is your cutie mark a human?”

“Cutie mark?” Rin asked confused.

Fluttershy showed Rin the butterfly marking on her flank. “A cutie mark is a picture every pony gets to show what she is best at. Mine is butterflies because I’m so good with animals.”

“Oh I have nothing like that” Rin said, “Nagas don’t get cutie marks.” She was silent a moment as if thinking. “I was meaning to ask you what those pictures were, don’t you all have them?”

Fluttershy nodded, “Oh yes! Everypony that find out what she is best at has one.” She turned to the other three walking below them, “Pinkie’s is balloons because she can make almost anypony happy.”

“She is pretty excited for being lost in a strange world” Rin commented.

“Applejack’s is apples because like her family she is meant to be on her farm growing and selling apples” Fluttershy continued, “And Twilight’s is a star because she is so good at magic.”

Rin looked down at Twilight and saw her talking with the other two ponies. “You said her magic is what brought you here and that she helped fight off the kensha beasts with magic. Is she really that good at it?”

“She’s the most powerful unicorn I’ve seen besides the princess” Fluttershy said, “She even made a pair of wings for one of my friends before.”

“And all I can do it make icicles” Rin said sadly.

“Why don’t you talk to her about magic?” Fluttershy suggested, “She probably wants to hear more about you anyway. She was pretty excited when she found out you were a naga.”

“Why’s that?” Rin asked.

“She’s always wanting to learn more” Fluttershy explained, “And since naga’s are myths she would want to learn as much about them as possible. The only reason she is down there is because she’s nervous around new ponies.”

“I see” Rin said.

“I know” Fluttershy said happily, “I’ll go ask her to come talk to you!”

Rin blushed and tired to stop her, “No no you don’t have to do that!”

It was too late, Fluttershy had already flown down and started talking with Twilight. As they talked Rin nervously wondered what Twilight’s answer would be, would she actually teach her magic in exchange for learning about nagas? The ponies came to a stop and Rin followed suit. She could see Twilight saying something but couldn’t hear it so she bent over.

“Sorry I forget you can’t hear me up there” Twilight said.

“It’s ok” Rin replied keeping her voice as steady as she could.

“Fluttershy says you want to talk to me about nagas and magic” Twilight continued, a touch of excitement in her voice, “Do you?”

Rin nodded, “If you don’t mind… Is it ok if I pick you up? That way we can keep moving.”

Twilight thought for a few seconds, “Ok” she finally said, “Just be careful.”

Rin slowly lowered her hand to the ground and let it come to a rest next to Twilight. Each finger was as long as a full grown pony and Twilight would easily fit in her palm. Twilight took a deep breath and put a hoof onto the soft flesh of Rin’s hand.

“You sure about this Twilight?” Applejack asked, “It doesn’t look that safe to me.”

Pinkie Pie poked Applejack on the side, “Don’t be a silly filly! She’ll be fine right Rin?”

“Oh yes” Rin said as Twilight climbed into her hand, “I promise not a hair on her will be harmed.” She watched as Twilight wobbled on her palm. “Why don’t you sit down Twilight? That way you won’t be able to fall off.”

Twilight sat down and made herself comfortable, “Good idea Rin.” She looked over the edge of her perch, “Keep up the spirit while I’m up there ok girls?”

“Sure thing Twilight” Applejack said, “You be safe now!”

“See you later!” Pinkie said.

Fluttershy smiled sweetly, “You two have a good talk ok?”

Rin lifted her hand and stood up again, making sure to go slow so that Twilight had a chance to adjust. She looked over to the ground far below and shuddered.

“Now I know how a bird feels” the unicorn said nervously, “But I suppose this isn’t high up for you at all.”

“No” Rin replied, “This is what I see everyday. Though being around humans for so long it’s made me wish I could see through their eyes for even a little while.”

They started moving again and Twilight watched as her friends kept pace with the giantess. Even with how slow Rin was going it was still a brisk trot to keep up.

“Well being down there isn’t as great as you think it is” Twilight said, “You’re lucky to be this big. You don’t have to worry about anything.”

Rin sighed, “Even I’m not safe all the time here. I have to use my ice magic to defend myself sometimes, that’s why I wanted to talk to you about magic.”

“Oh right” Twilight said, “I saw you freeze that goop earlier. That’s was pretty good.”

“But its only ice magic” Rin said sadly; “And I’m only good at it through instinct.”

Twilight thought for a moment. “Well I had trouble controlling my magic at first too. Instinct was the only time I could use it. I’m lucky enough to be taught by the most powerful unicorn ever and she taught me that magic comes from inside you. All you have to do it reach it and direct it to do what you want.”

“What do you mean?” Rin asked.

“Well look at that leaf there” Twilight said, “Watch this.”

Twilight closed her eyes and pointed her horn out at the jungle. The tip of her horn slowly began glowing blue and the light grew until it was the size of her head. An instant later a brilliant flash of blue lighting shot out and struck a large leaf, freezing it entirely in less then a second.

“Amazing!” Rin exclaimed, “How did you do that?”

Twilight shook her mane from her face, “I just concentrated. Why don’t you try?”

“Alright” Rin said closing her eyes, “I’ll give it a shot.”

Rin held out her hand and concentrated, she could feel something flowing up from her chest into her arm. Was this magic she was feeling?

“Now you’re doing it!” Twilight said.

It began collecting in her hand and Rin could feel the power building, she opened her eyes and saw a blue orb between her fingers. She was doing it!

Suddenly Fluttershy appeared in front of her with a panicked look on her face.
“Twilight! Pinkie’s gone!”

The blue orb dissipated instantly and both Rin and Twilight looked down in disbelief.

“What do you mean Pinkie’s gone?” Twilight said, “I saw her with you just moments ago!”

Sure enough down on the ground next to Rin only Applejack could be seen. Rin sat down on her tail and put her hand next to Applejack. Twilight immediately jumped off and Fluttershy flew down to join them.

“What happened to Pinkie?” Twilight demanded angrily.

“I don’t know!” Applejack said in a panic, “I swear on the farm she was right there next to us chasing a butterfly. Next thing we know we turn around and she’s up an gone!”

“Well she can’t have gone too far” Rin said, “I’m sure we can find her in no time.”

A scream pierced the air, and it came from the jungle somewhere close by.

“PINKIE!” Twilight yelled.

“Hang on Pinkie” Applejack called, “We’re comin for ya!”

The three ponies raced off into the jungle at full gallop, their heads hung low as they dodged logs and foliage. Rin was right behind them, doing her best to go beside them so they weren’t in danger of being crushed by her huge tail.

Rin and the ponies burst out of the jungle into a clearing to see Pinkie stuck in another slug girl trail, the sticky slime holding the panicked pony fast.

Towering above the pony was a massive slug girl, even bigger than Rin herself. She stood at least a hundred and twenty feet tall, her huge slug half bright yellow with brown spots. Her human half had crème skin and short curly coconut hair, her eyes a deep green. She was in the middle of plucking Pinkie from the slime when the others emerged from the jungle.

“Oh you’re soo cute!” the slug girl was saying, “Where did you come from?”

Rin was completely taken aback, “Lacey?! What are you doing here?”

The slug girl looked up and was shocked herself. “Rin? What are you doing around here? I thought you had to go off and do that stuff!”

Pinkie was struggling between Lacey’s massive fingers, “Put me down you big meanie!”

“You can talk?” Lacey asked in surprise.

Rin held out her hand, “Here give her to me.”

Lacey gently dropped Pinkie in Rin’s hand.

“I’m so sorry Rin” she apologized, “Is she yours?”

After taking Pinkie Pie and putting her safely on the ground Rin stood up again and faced Lacey. “None of them are mine Lacey; I just met them a few hours ago.”

Lacey looked down and saw the other ponies. “Oh my GOSH! There are more of them?!” She clasped her hands together and blushed, “They’re so adorable! What are they?”

“They’re called ponies” Rin replied, “They came to Felarya by accident and I’m trying to help them get home.”

Lacey crossed her arms, “Well they should have been here when all that dimension stuff was going on. I mean Felarya is known for that stuff.”

“I thought the place at Ur’Sagol would be able to get them home but I don’t know the way” Rin replied, “So right now I’m going to find my friend who does.”

“I know the way to Ur’Sagol” Lacey said beaming, “Why don’t you let me take them?”

Rin looked uneasy, “Well… I dunno…”

“Oh come on Rin!” Lacey said punching her shoulder, “I promise to keep them safe!”

Looking down at the ponies Rin thought about it long and hard. They were so tiny, barely the size of her finger. Would she humans with Lacey? She trusted Terra with them. Terra! Those humans were still at her house!

“Let’s ask them” Rin said finally.

Rin and Lacey lay down to the ground where the ponies were and propped themselves up with their elbows. The ponies looked and between the two giant faces.

“You know this umm… slug human Rin?” Twilight asked.

Rin nodded, “Everyone I’d like you to meet Lacey. She’s a slug girl I met before around here. Lacey I want you to meet my new friends Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy.”

“Hi everyone!” Lacey said waving, “Nice to meet you!”

“The pleasure’s all ours I’m sure” Applejack said snorting, “Glad to make your acquaintance.”

Twilight smiled weakly. “Now Applejack, lets not forget our manners for a giant- slug- girl…”

Pinkie Pie was still trying to get the last bit of slime off her flank as was hopping around in a circle.

“Hey that’s a pretty good dance you got there” Lacey said.

Pinkie came to a stop, “It’s not a dance. If it were a dance it would look like this.”
She jumped onto her hind legs and spun around several times, bowing over and reaching up and she twirled in a fancy loop before alternating between all four hooves in a spin. She leapt into the air and did a flip, landing squarely on her four hooves.

“THAT was a dance!” she said matter of factly.

Lacey was clearly impressed and held out her finger to Pinkie. “Pretty good moves for having no arms. Sorry about the slime earlier.”

Pinkie bumped her hoof against the giant finger, taking this as an acceptable apology.
“Aw it’s ok” she said blushing. Then she got very serious and shook her front hoof in the air, “Just don’t let it happen again!”

Lacey had to stop herself from laughing. “So cute!” she said under her breath.

“So what was it you two wanted” Twilight asked, “You both obviously came down here for something.”

“Well we might have a better plan to get you guys home” Rin replied. “You see Lacey knows how to get to Ur’Sagol and if you want she could take you there right away. That way you don’t have to wait any longer.”

“One sec” Twilight said. She pulled everyone into a huddle again. “So what do you think girls? Rin seems to trust this slug girl enough, and if we go with her we’ll be getting home faster.”

“I don’t like her any more then I like Rin” Applejack said, “But I trust your judgment Twilight and I’d like to have this whole mess over as soon as possible.”

Fluttershy hid under her mane. “I think she’s ok, she reminds me a lot of Rainbow Dash.”

“Well you know my answer!” Pinkie said. She turned to the slime trail on the ground, “Even though she is a bit icky.”

Twilight nodded in agreement, “Then it’s settled!”

The four ponies turned to face Rin and Lacey.

“We’ve decided to accept the offer” Twilight said, “We want to get home very badly as it’s been quite tiring for us.”

Lacey put her left hand on the ground, “Alright then climb aboard!”

The ponies looked at each other.

“Faster trip” Twilight said climbing into the giantess’s palm.

Applejack shrugged and followed her aboard, “I guess why not?”

“This is gunna be fun!” Pinkie said bouncing into the middle of Lacey’s hand.
Once settled into her palm they turned to Fluttershy.

“What about you Fluttershy?” Lacey asked.

“Thanks for the offer” Fluttershy said, “But I’ll fly.” She flapped her wings and rose into the air beside Lacey’s head.

“Neat trick” Lacey remarked.

With all four ponies safe and sound the two giantesses got back up to their full height, their massive bodies once again dwarfing all life around them. The ponies that hadn’t been picked up by Rin looked over the edge at the ground in awe.

Rin looked at the ponies with concern, “You sure you’re going to be ok?”

“Don’t worry” Twilight said, “Thanks to you we’ll be home in no time.”

Rin nodded, “Alright. It was nice to meet all of you and I learned a lot.”

“We did too” Twilight said, “You keep practicing magic for me and you’ll be a pro in no time.”

“I’ll try” Rin replied smiling.

Lacey turned and slowly began sliding away into the jungle, “See you around Rin! You take care of yourself now. Don’t worry about these ponies I’ll get them home safe!”

Rin waved, “Thank you Lacey! I’ll visit sometime again. Goodbye Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Applejack! Good luck!”

The ponies waved their hooves as Lacey continued forward.

“Nice meeting you!” Twilight said.

“Yeah you weren’t half bad!” Applejack yelled.

Pinkie almost squealed her farewell, “See you later alligator!”

“Take care of your humans!” Fluttershy called.

They continued waving until Lacey entered the trees and they could no longer see Rin. Wherever the naga went and whatever she did all four ponies had her well being close to their hearts, even when they got back home she would not be forgotten. The final leg of the journey was before them now, and with Lacey by their side it wouldn’t be long before they saw Ponyville again. Or would it?

Last edited by racemaster7 on Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:22 am; edited 1 time in total
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Newbie adventurer
Newbie adventurer

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Join date : 2009-04-02
Location : Magic Mountain

My Little Naga: Felarya is Magic Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Little Naga: Felarya is Magic   My Little Naga: Felarya is Magic Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 6:17 am

Lacey was scooting forward on her slime trail as fast as she could, her breathing coming in a steady rhythm as she went. It was still slow compared to Rin, even walking might have saved them time.

Applejack frowned, “For some reason I imagined that we’d be traveling faster.”

“Don’t be such a grouch Applejack” Twilight whispered, “She is a slug after all.”

“What’s that?” Lacey asked looking down to her hand.

“Oh nothing” Twilight replied, “We were just commenting on the beautiful scenery as we pass by.”

Lacey looked around and smiled, “Yes it is a pretty nice section of forest isn’t it?”

Fluttershy, who was flying next to Lacey’s head, let her mouth slip. “They think you’re going too slow.” No sooner had the words left her mouth did she clap her hooves over it, “Oops! Did I say that out loud?”

“You think I’m going too slow?” Lacey asked her passengers.
Immediately there was a chorus of responses.


“Uh uh!”

“I think we’re going speedy!”

Then silence…

“Yeah” Twilight said finally, “We’re just anxious to get home is all.”

“We’re sorry” Fluttershy apologized.

Lacey shook her head. “No its ok you guys, I’m used to people calling me slow. It doesn’t hurt my feelings.”

“Well thank goodness” Applejack said, “Because you are sure as slow as heck!” She let out a deep breath, “Phew! It feels so good to finally get that off my chest.”

Twilight gave her a disapproving look, “Applejack!”

“What?” Applejack said with a confused look, “She said it was ok.”

“So you ponies came from another world right Twilight?” Lacey asked.

“Um yes” Twilight replied.

“Well then” Lacey said, “I bet you’ve never ridden on the Lacey Express have you?”

Pinkie Pie tilted her head to the side, “What’s the Lacey express?”

“Once we reach that cliff” Lacey said smiling, “I’ll show you!”

“What cliff?” Twilight asked.

“This one!” Lacey said triumphantly.

All four ponies looked down and got immediate vertigo. Lacey was indeed sitting on the edge of a massive cliff, the trees around them still keeping their height for the most part with a slight drop off as they got further from the cliff. It was quite the sight to be sure, certainly not something any of the ponies expected to see in their lifetime.
“That’s quite the drop” Twilight commented.

“I hope we aint going down there” Applejack said, “I’d hate to be the pony to loose my hoofing and fall all that way.”

Lacey was pulling a large vine free from a nearby tree. “Well we are and aren’t, I’d call it more swinging over there.”

“You’ve got to me pulling my mane” Twilight said looking at the vine, “You can’t be serious.”

“I’m very serious” Lacey replied, “But before we go there need to be some safely precautions.” She lowered her hand to her cleavage, “You guys are going to have to sit in there for the next part of the trip.”

“Looks soft!” Pinkie remarked happily. She bounded off Lacey’s hand and landed in her cleavage, disappearing momentarily before reappearing with a smile on her face. “Come on in guys! There’s room for everyone!”

Twilight and Applejack looked unsure.

“Oh go on you two” Lacey said, “It’s just for a little bit.”

Twilight sighed, “Alright then. Come on Applejack.”

The two ponies jumped into Lacey’s cleavage with Pinkie Pie and found that there was, in fact, plenty of room. Lacey gave Fluttershy a look.

“Me too?” Fluttershy asked.

“It’s for the best” Lacey replied.

Fluttershy flew over and joined the others between the giant breasts.

“Alright then” Lacey said once they were all settled, “It looks like we’re ready to go!”
“As ready as we’ll ever be” Twilight muttered under her breath.

Lacey gripped the vine tightly between both hands and scooted to the edge. “Launch in three, two, one.”

With a final scoot Lacey went over the edge of the cliff, a wild yell bellowing from her lungs. The ponies in her cleavage yelled as well, but while Lacey’s was out of excitement theirs were out of panic. Applejack, who wasn’t fond of heights anyway, was doubly not prepared for the launch.

The wind whizzed past them as they swung, their breath being forced back into their lungs before they had the chance to properly exhale. Trees were nothing more then green blurs and the sky was merely a blue swirl above their heads that constantly changed location. The vine they were hanging onto was also getting shorter, and nobody wanted to think about what would happen when it ran out.

Just as the vine was reaching its end Lacey reached out and grabbed another one, the sudden jolt of gravity almost pulling the ponies from their traveling compartment. Thankfully the firm tissue surrounding them was enough to hold them firmly in place, as well as being soft enough to cushion their movement. As they got back into the swing of things they could swear they saw another human of some kind standing on one of the breaches they passed.

It was time to switch vines again, the leap from one to the next causing another jolt for Lacey’s small passengers. This vine proved to be the longest however, and soon they could see the ground again. The trees were getting closer to normal height as well, and although they had missed them all up in the canopy here close to the ground it might be another story.

The ground was meters below them now, and the vine was about to run out. Birds scattered into the air as Lacey smashed through a large bush, leaves and sticks flying everywhere. The ponies were forced to duck into her bust to avoid it. The sound of scraping dirt was next, and soon a cloud of it was being blasted into the air in front of the slug girl. Lacey was now sliding on the ground and coming to a rapid halt, her hands still clasped to the vine which was the only thing keeping her upright.

Lacey let go of the vine and was sent sprawling across the ground, rolling like a barrel over a dozen times before bursting through the jungle foliage and into a large open clearing on the edge of a cliff. She came to a sudden stop with a clang as she hit against something metal.

“Ow!” she said getting up and rubbing her head, “What the salt?”

There was groans and moans coming from between her breasts which reminded her of her passengers. She lowered her bust to the ground and pulled apart her breasts, a group of four very dizzy ponies falling out and onto the ground in a tangled heap.

“I’m sorry you guys” Lacey said apologetically, “Are you ok?”

The ponies slowly began getting to their feet; some of them taking it better then others. Applejack seemed to have gotten the worst of it and was having trouble staying on her feet for more then three seconds.

“I think…” Twilight said putting her hoof over her mouth, “So…”

Pinkie, who was currently walking lopsided in circles, had seemed to enjoy the trip most. “That was f-f-fun!” she stammered, “Lets do it a-again!”

“NO!” the other three yelled in unison.

“I mean” Twilight said, “I think we’ve had quite enough of that for today.”

“Or forever…” Applejack added falling over again.

Fluttershy was used to turbulence being able to fly herself and was the first to recover. She flew over to Lacey’s head, “What is this thing?”

Lacey was examining the giant metal thing she had bumped into and identified it as a giant chair of some sort, so giant in fact she could almost fit in it.

“Oh its just some chair thing that’s been here for a while” Lacey said, “What you guys want to see is over here.”

Lacey slid over to the cliff and gestured for the others to come. Twilight and Applejack had finally recovered enough to walk straight and hurried over to where Fluttershy had landed. They looked over the edge of the cliff and were blown away by what they saw.
Down below them was a huge city, stretching out as far as they could see. There were huge buildings towering over hundreds of interlacing streets, large spires poking up as if reaching for the sky, and a large wall wrapping all the way around its perimeter. The only downside was that the entire city was in complete ruin, trees and all manner of plant life growing between every nook and cranny.

“Phewee” Applejack whistled, “What a sight!”

“Must have been quite amazing when it was inhabited” Twilight said.

“Is that Ur’Sagol?” Fluttershy asked.

Lacey crossed her arms, “It sure is. The magnificent city of Ur’Sagol in all its ruined glory! Somewhere in the middle of that mess is supposed to be a big round stone that can take you anywhere you want.”

“And our ticket home” Twilight added. “Say, where’s Pinkie Pie?”

Pinkie’s voice called out from behind them, “Hey guys look what I found!”

They all turned around to see Pinkie standing by the base of the giant metal chair, a control panel of some kind now sticking out where she was hammering buttons with her hooves. There were lights of all colors coming from the panel and above the buttons there was a flat black surface that glinted in the sunlight.

They all rushed over.

“Get away from there Pinkie!” Twilight ordered, “Before you mess something up!”

“What is this contraption anyway?” Applejack asked, “Looks mighty dangerous if ya ask me.”
Lacey lowered herself down near the ponies. “Its some kind of char gadget I saw before, when you press those buttons things happen.”

“Things?” Fluttershy asked nervously, “What kind of things?”

The black surface suddenly came to life, a picture fading in slowly.

“Ooo!” Pinkie said excitedly, “What’s that?”

As the picture cleared up they could see the face of a male pony on the surface. He was yellow and had a brown mane that barely covered his forehead; his eyes were a light blue. Sticking out of his forehead was a yellow horn much like Twilight’s. He looked relieved and somewhat elated. A crackly voice came through from somewhere.

“Oh I’m so glad it’s you!” he was saying, “Do you remember me?”

It took a moment but Twilight finally recognized him. “Hey yeah! He’s that pony that we’ve seen around Ponyville! What’s his name again?”

“Colin if I recall” Applejack replied.

“If you can hear me” Colin continued, “Stay put! We’ll be there shortly.”

The screen went black and the ponies turned to each other.

“Do you know that yellow one?” Lacey asked, “He looked familiar.”

Twilight nodded, “Yeah we’ve met him once or twice. Really kinda crazy if you ask me.”
“He’s very nice though” Fluttershy added.

“But very crazy” Applejack finished, “Almost as much as Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie was watching her tail bob up and down as she shook her rump and upon hearing her name looked up, “Wha?”

“Nothing Pinkie” Twilight said with a sigh, “Carry on.”

Lacey was very curious now, “So what did he mean when he said we’ll be there shortly? Is he coming here?”

“Probably” Twilight replied, “He always shows up in the most unexpected places. If there’s a pony that can travel between worlds on a whim it’s probably him and his boss, I wouldn’t put it past him.”

Just as the last word left Twilight’s mouth a loud sound could be heard ringing in their ears. It was a strange sound, almost like water being pushed through a large space while simultaneously grinding masses of gears together. A small rectangular blue barn was slowly fading into existence next to the base of the chair. It was only a pony and a half tall and one pony wide with a door on its front that was as tall is the barn itself. The small thatched roof was brown and written in bold white letters along the top of each side were the words “POLICE BARN” with the words “Public Barn” in smaller font between them. After several moments the barn was completely faded in and the sound stopped.

“What in tarnation?” Applejack asked.

The others were completely bamboozled as well, everyone except for Pinkie at least. She ran over to the small barn and waited patiently.

“Stay away from there Pinkie!” Twilight said, “We don’t know what it is!”

“Oh don’t worry silly filly” Pinkie replied.

The door swung open and everyone held their breath, what would come out? Their question was answered when a tan pony walked out of the box and onto the grass, his brown mane short and scruffy and his blue eyes twinkling. On his flank you could see a small brown hourglass with orange sand filling up the top half.

“We seem to be in the right place” he called over his shoulder into the box, “Come on out.”

The yellow unicorn from the picture emerged from the box after the brown pony, the one Applejack had remembered as Colin, a pink brain now visible on his flank.

“Hey everyone!” he said smiling, “How’s it going for everypony?”

Pinkie Pie rushed over to him and gave him a huge hug, “Long time no see crazy daisy!”

“It’s good to see you too Pinkie” Colin said as his air was squeezed from his lungs, “And I see there are several others of you here as well.”

The other ponies gathered around him and the other pony.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this” Twilight said, “But boy am I glad to see you!”

“Who’s this strapping pony accompanying you?” Applejack asked.

“You mean whooves” the pony replied.

Applejack looked confused, “Pardon?”

“He means hooves” Colin said, “This is my friend Dr. Whooves. He owns this blue barn and without him I wouldn’t have been able to come pick you guys up.”

“You mean you’ve come to take us home?” Fluttershy asked excitedly.

“That’s right” Dr. Whooves said, “And we’ll be off to Ponyville as soon as you all are ready.”

Lacey had been ignored since the blue barn had showed up and was getting annoyed. “Wait just a second here! What am I? Caught neko?””

“Oh I’m so sorry” Twilight said, “Colin this is our slug girl friend-”

“Lacey” Colin finished.

“How did you know my name?” Lacey asked in surprise.

“I overheard it during the transmission earlier” Colin said, “The sound went both ways.”

Pinkie looked confused, “But we didn’t-”

“Uh-uh-uh” Colin said cutting her off, “Both ways.”

Dr. Whooves opened the door of the barn wider. “I think its time you ponies got to see your home again, file on in to the old girl and we’ll be off.”

They all gathered around the entrance.

“Good night” Applejack marveled, “It’s bigger on the inside then the outside!”

“Guess there was no avoiding that one” Colin said shrugging.

“Can’t be helped” Dr. Whooves replied.

“What are you two talking about?” Twilight asked.

“Oh nothing” Colin replied, “You ready to go?”

Lacey inched closer to the group and got down on her belly. “Aww I’m gunna miss you little guys!”

“Can’t say the same myself” Applejack muttered.

Twilight knocked her to the side with her flank, “We’ll miss you too Lacey.”

“Thanks for seeing us safely here” Fluttershy said, “It was nice meeting you.”

“Aw goodbye Fluttershy” Lacey replied.

Fluttershy and Applejack filed into the barn.

“I guess I’ll miss you a bit” Applejack said over her shoulder, “Just take care of yourself.”

Pinkie Pie trotted over to Lacey’s hand and held up a hoof. Lacey extended her finger and bumped it against Pinkie’s hoof.

“Oh yeah” Lacey said, “Awesome.”

“See you later alligator!” Pinkie said bouncing into the barn.

Dr. Whooves looked at Colin and Twilight, “I’ll see you two inside then.” He turned around and walked in after the others. “Now wait just a moment Pinkie” his voice sounded in alarm, “Leave those controls alone!”

Now only Twilight and Colin remained outside with Lacey.

“Well…” Twilight said, “I guess this is where we say goodbye.”

Lacey was a bit moist eyed, “Will I ever see you guys again? You’re all such fun!”
“I don’t believe so” Colin said, “At least not in the foreseeable future. Your own future is unforeseeable Lacey.”

“What do you mean?” Lacey asked.

Colin pulled a large brown box from out of the barn and sent it floating over to Lacey, his horn glowing a pale yellow. “I want you to have this” he said, “It’s for the best. Open it after we leave and when you do eat the contents right away ok?”

“Alright” Lacey said, “Thanks a lot… Colin!”

“What’s in the box?” Twilight asked.

“Something I made for her” Colin replied.

Dr. Whooves appeared from inside the barn again. “We might want to leave soon; I don’t know how much longer the poor girl can take this Pinkie Pie!”

“Alright then Twilight” Colin said, “Time for final goodbyes.”

“Goodbye Twilight” Lacey said, “Have fun ok?”

“You too” Twilight replied stepping into the barn after the doctor, “It was nice meeting you.”

“This will probably be my last time seeing you” Colin said sadly, “Lacey I want you to swear to me that you will eat the contents of that box as soon as I leave. Swear to me on mud.”

Lacey looked at the box and then to Colin. “Alright I swear on mud! It must be important, whatever’s in here.”

“More then you know” Colin replied, “And very tasty too. I’m sorry to have to do this to you again.”

“Mmmmm!” Lacey said licking her lips.

Colin disappeared inside the blue barn and the door closed after him leaving only Lacey left in the clearing with the big metal chair. The odd noise from before started up again and the blue barn slowly faded out of the clearing until it was completely gone, almost as if it had never been there at all. Lacey turned her attention to the box now, sitting up and lifting it to her face.

“I wonder what’s inside?” she asked aloud.

Pulling the top off she peered into the box, the sunlight illuminating a green and white rock and a piece of brown paper curled up like a scroll. There was a red display of numbers inside the box as well, counting down from fifteen.

“I guess I’m supposed to eat this then” Lacey said tossing the box into her mouth. “Mmm! This tastes really good!”

She swallowed the box and sighed, it was probably the best thing she had ever tasted in her life. Sitting back against the metal chair she looked up into the clear blue Felarya sky.

“Self destruct in 5…


Dear Princess Celestia,

Even after accidentally transporting myself and my friends to another world I was amazed to find myself still learning lessons about friendship. Even in other worlds there are those who put themselves in danger for others and are willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. I also discovered that no matter where you are, be it this world or another, when you need them most your friends are always there for you.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle
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