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 Negav - The Great Destruction

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Tasty morsel

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Negav - The Great Destruction Empty
PostSubject: Negav - The Great Destruction   Negav - The Great Destruction Icon_minitimeWed Mar 12, 2008 12:40 am

What happened? Where's the story? I need to know more about the Psi'ol mages and the Isolon Eye.
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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Negav - The Great Destruction Empty
PostSubject: Re: Negav - The Great Destruction   Negav - The Great Destruction Icon_minitimeWed Mar 12, 2008 9:33 am

Well there is really no stories written on that yet...

Basically the great destruction occured after Micolon's (Negav's former king ) plot against nagas failed and backfired very badly ( as described in the novel "Crisis and scarecrow ). A dark time for Negav followed, during which different groups took power. The one who had the last word in the end was the Psi'ol magiocrats.

I know this is vague but I haven't worked very much on that yet ^^;
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Negav - The Great Destruction   Negav - The Great Destruction Icon_minitimeWed Mar 12, 2008 9:43 am

Karbo wrote:
Well there is really no stories written on that yet...

Basically the great destruction occured after Micolon's (Negav's former king ) plot against nagas failed and backfired very badly ( as described in the novel "Crisis and scarecrow ). A dark time for Negav followed, during which different groups took power. The one who had the last word in the end was the Psi'ol magiocrats.

I know this is vague but I haven't worked very much on that yet ^^;

People tried to take power over a smoking crater?
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - The Great Destruction   Negav - The Great Destruction Icon_minitime

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Negav - The Great Destruction
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