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 New personage: Desna

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Helpless prey

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New personage: Desna Empty
PostSubject: New personage: Desna   New personage: Desna Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2011 12:32 pm

Hello to all the good one I appear first: Hello I am dresete am new here but I go time seeing the wiki and me encouraged to take part. I draw comics and have thought my personage created personage.
It is a boy of a 8-year-old lad. (Though it will be growing as the time is happening) That was trained by his master, in another different world. One day his teacher decides to send Felarya in order that it improves and develops his capacities. (Though he does not say anything to him and it leaves him there with only a few telescopes and his axe that it uses as weapon.) Initially it is not very worried but to a little time meets Crisis. The poor person on having discovered that he eats human beings goes out fleeing throwing milk! This collision. It marks him enough and as it is happening the time is discovering Felarya's reality. Little by little it is improving enough and starts improving so much in survival as fight (It if, if it sees a predator this it does not hesitate to flee.) one day, he meets a known old man and seems that this it forces him to do dirty works due to the fact that it has a debt with. East asks him to extirpate to certain parts of the body the predators (Horns, tails, wings, etc ...) Without killing them, since it is not possible to deny, he accepts with Badly humor his work. The acquaintance. (Whose name is black market.) it gives him a few useless devices the sea of unlike but useful in his task. (Between them a table with form of chicken that allows him to fly, though this one crackles doing of a sensation of ridiculously.It manages to do works successfully but this transports certain bad reputation between the predators though this one conceals his personality (This one eager to end with this task since he feels remorses because it acts ma)
Good this is a small information that I can give on my personage. Answer if you like the idea and that suggestions you give him for his Felarya's stay. (this personage is of a comic that I draw with his own history and since you can to see goes away to train Felarya.It is a pleasure to write for you and I hope that you like.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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New personage: Desna Empty
PostSubject: Re: New personage: Desna   New personage: Desna Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2011 12:52 pm

You might want post this in the character thread instead. And put some spaces between the text, it would be much easier to read that way .c.
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Helpless prey

Posts : 26
Join date : 2011-11-10
Age : 30
Location : Spain. Castle and lion

New personage: Desna Empty
PostSubject: re rrite   New personage: Desna Icon_minitimeFri Nov 11, 2011 6:31 am

sorry i repeat:
Hello to all the good one I appear first: Hello I am dresete am new here but I go time seeing the wiki and me encouraged to take part. I draw comics and have thought my personage created personage.

It is a boy of a 8-year-old lad. (Though it will be growing as the time is happening) That was trained by his master, in another different world. One day his teacher decides to send Felarya in order that it improves and develops his capacities. (Though he does not say anything to him and it leaves him there with only a few telescopes and his axe that it uses as weapon.) Initially it is not very worried but to a little time meets Crisis. The poor person on having discovered that he eats human beings goes out fleeing throwing milk! This collision.

It marks him enough and as it is happening the time is discovering Felarya's reality. Little by little it is improving enough and starts improving so much in survival as fight (It if, if it sees a predator this it does not hesitate to flee.) one day, he meets a known old man and seems that this it forces him to do dirty works due to the fact that it has a debt with.

East asks him to extirpate to certain parts of the body the predators (Horns, tails, wings, etc ...) Without killing them, since it is not possible to deny, he accepts with Badly humor his work. The acquaintance. (Whose name is black market.)
it gives him a few useless devices the sea of unlike but useful in his task. (Between them a table with form of chicken that allows him to fly, though this one crackles doing of a sensation of ridiculously.
It manages to do works successfully but this transports certain bad reputation between the predators though this one conceals his personality (This one eager to end with this task since he feels remorses because it acts ma)

Good this is a small information that I can give on my personage. Answer if you like the idea and that suggestions you give him for his Felarya's stay. (this personage is of a comic that I draw with his own history and since you can to see goes away to train Felarya.It is a pleasure to write for you and I hope that you like.
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Helpless prey

Posts : 26
Join date : 2011-11-10
Age : 30
Location : Spain. Castle and lion

New personage: Desna Empty
PostSubject: characteristics and some story:   New personage: Desna Icon_minitimeFri Nov 11, 2011 1:12 pm

Characteristics of the personage:
It is something high, this one slightly rather fat but not for it it is awkward.

It has hair of chestnut-colored color. Of blue and greyish eyes. The boy is the sufficiently strong thing to defeat to a beast, but when it is a question of a predator it does not have possibility and goes out running hotfoot.
- he is charmed with the sweets (Of there his stoutness.)
- when it is alone sometimes it makes dance rare for boredom, the problem is that sometimes it plunders him in full task and is an object of laugh.

- there is the one who says that it is silly to any more not being able, others confirm that it is very intelligent.

- during the stage of extirpated it is repudiated and chased but when it stops doing it the pardon of the predators tries to be gained doing dirty works. (Though many of them he is left to devour XD.)

- after a time a predator decides to be looked as teacher in order that it teaches the own power and Felarya's technologies to him. (But not who queria to allow that some of his prominent figures it should turn into a temporary counselor. If nobody wants I remove this part of the history and list.)

- in certain moment there happens to him the musical one that be to have successful: " sexy ravenous predators want to eat you. " Together with a friend it organizes a casting to search the actresses. After a few difficult tests. One realizes and is the work so much successful that provokes a voracious appetite between the spectators. The poor person has to go out for legs if it does not want to finish in a stomach.

-To a few months it goes away of Felarya (it is not known like.) it does not return several years later. (Slightly more large, more stronger and I fill of histories to count to Crisis.)
Good this information is something that I have added to complete the personage.
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Helpless prey

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Join date : 2011-11-10
Age : 30
Location : Spain. Castle and lion

New personage: Desna Empty
PostSubject: Adding information:   New personage: Desna Icon_minitimeTue Nov 22, 2011 7:05 am

I have a picture by my character: http://desecot23.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4dwrmw (Is the boy)
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Helpless prey

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Join date : 2011-11-10
Age : 30
Location : Spain. Castle and lion

New personage: Desna Empty
PostSubject: adding information   New personage: Desna Icon_minitimeThu Nov 24, 2011 8:22 am

-Really, he is a good boy, he never do not to evil. (Killing cruelly, robbing the poor etc ...)
-Will do almost all kinds of favors to the best friends.
-It tends to be very patient.
-Even if someone appears to be serious, in the background is very tender and loving.
-At times it is very quiet ...
-It's greedy, it becomes so much greater level but is capable of. eating half a chocolate bar at a time. (While some weight loss fleeing the nagas.)
-... but when he was angry his anger in much worse than Anna.
-Because of some experiments they did when I was a child, has a very monstrous transformation. Fortunately there has to be some special and separate status is still master of himself.
-Until it becomes an adult has a lousy sense of humor. (Besides that his jokes are lousy.)
-Never, ever. I listen to the first. To attend you need to yell or repeat it three times.
Despite these shortcomings and have not yet named. Basically it is still a good boy.
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Helpless prey

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Age : 30
Location : Spain. Castle and lion

New personage: Desna Empty
PostSubject: error:   New personage: Desna Icon_minitimeThu Nov 24, 2011 8:24 am

Sorry: i said glutton no greed
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New personage: Desna Empty
PostSubject: Re: New personage: Desna   New personage: Desna Icon_minitime

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