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 Felarya- Bowel of the Colossus- NEED YOUR HELP, GUYS!!!

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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Felarya- Bowel of the Colossus- NEED YOUR HELP, GUYS!!! Empty
PostSubject: Felarya- Bowel of the Colossus- NEED YOUR HELP, GUYS!!!   Felarya- Bowel of the Colossus- NEED YOUR HELP, GUYS!!! Icon_minitimeFri Nov 11, 2011 8:04 am

Here are the Felarya themed Colossus I have designed so far.

1st- Giant http://nickinamerica.deviantart.com/art/Felarya-Bowel-of-the-Colossus-1-Giant-265538237?q=gallery%3Anickinamerica%2F574964&qo=30

2nd- Slug Girl http://nickinamerica.deviantart.com/art/Felarya-Bowel-of-the-Colossus-2-Slug-Girl-265722922?q=gallery%3Anickinamerica%2F574964&qo=29

3rd- Chilotaur http://nickinamerica.deviantart.com/art/Felarya-Bowel-of-the-Colossus-3-Chilotaur-265924837?q=gallery%3Anickinamerica%2F574964&qo=27

4th- Centaur http://nickinamerica.deviantart.com/art/Felarya-Bowel-of-the-Colossus-4-Centaur-266157878?q=gallery%3Anickinamerica%2F574964&qo=26

5th- Harpy http://nickinamerica.deviantart.com/art/Felarya-Bowel-of-the-Colossus-5-Harpy-266363816?q=gallery%3Anickinamerica%2F574964&qo=24

6th- Razia http://nickinamerica.deviantart.com/art/Felarya-Bowel-of-the-Colossus-6-Razia-266557711?q=gallery%3Anickinamerica%2F574964&qo=15

7th- Jotun http://nickinamerica.deviantart.com/art/Felarya-Bowel-of-the-Colossus-7-Jotun-267161143?q=gallery%3Anickinamerica%2F574964&qo=12

8th- Chlaena http://nickinamerica.deviantart.com/art/Felarya-Bowel-of-the-colossus-8-Chlaena-267399379?q=gallery%3Anickinamerica%2F574964&qo=10

9th- Fairy http://nickinamerica.deviantart.com/art/Felarya-Bowel-of-the-Colossus-9-Fairy-267548466?q=gallery%3Anickinamerica%2F574964&qo=7

10th- Naga http://nickinamerica.deviantart.com/art/Felarya-Bowel-of-the-Colossus-10-Naga-267950782?q=gallery%3Anickinamerica%2F574964&qo=4

11th- Dridder http://nickinamerica.deviantart.com/art/Felarya-Bowel-of-the-Colossus-11-Dridder-268290567?q=gallery%3Anickinamerica%2F574964&qo=2

I still have five more to make. I know I want to feature a Dryad Colossus and a Mermaid Colossus, but I'm still having trouble deciding what the last three should be. I'm thinking MAYBE the last one could be a titan, and I want at least one more that flies, but I figured it'd be best if you guys just tell me what you'd want to see a colossus made out of based on what's been seen so far.

Here's races to choose from. Scorpisais, Demi-Chimeras, Mantoids, Squamataurs, Angels, Demons, Succubi, Sphinxes, and Gyspas.

What do you guys want to see?
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Felarya- Bowel of the Colossus- NEED YOUR HELP, GUYS!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya- Bowel of the Colossus- NEED YOUR HELP, GUYS!!!   Felarya- Bowel of the Colossus- NEED YOUR HELP, GUYS!!! Icon_minitimeFri Nov 11, 2011 11:36 am

Those...are really cool actually. Very Happy

Though the Fairy and the Naga could use some work.

The Chilotaur in particular is freaking awesome. That looks like an insane fight.

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