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 Apollo's Chariot

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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

Posts : 385
Join date : 2009-07-27
Age : 31
Location : The Pit

Apollo's Chariot Empty
PostSubject: Apollo's Chariot   Apollo's Chariot Icon_minitimeTue Nov 15, 2011 11:19 pm

Note: The central Macguffin of this story is a chariot that belonged to a god. One of the Guardians of Felarya (Mercreti, specifically) is involved, but her role is very minor. While the eponymous Chariot of Apollo is indeed quite powerful, its own godlike ability has deteriorated to the point where its power is within the realm of mortals, if a tiny bit higher up on the power scale than normal.

So, basically, I have an idea for a story. It's about a used car salesman named Walter Ray, from Texas, who unwittingly ends up in the middle of an ancient conspiracy by becoming the owner of a powerful artifact called Apollo's Chariot, the chariot that the Greek god Apollo supposedly used to carry the sun, in the form of a rusty old car. It soon becomes quite clear that a cult called the Order of Apollo want to get their hands on the chariot and make use of whatever power remains to control the world.

Walter soon makes himself home in Negav, becoming a salesman of various magical knick-knacks that adventurers might want, but the presence of the Chariot quickly attracts the attention of Mercreti. Though concerned about the Chariot, she recognizes that Ray lacks both the motive and the capability of restoring the Chariot to its full power. However, she also places a spell on the Chariot that would cause it to be destroyed if it were to ever leave Walter's possession for more than a day, preventing him from returning to Earth.

Things get even more complicated when the Order of Apollo establish a presence in Negav, forcing Walter to leave the city...
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