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 I'm BAAAAAAAA~CK, Felarya!!!!

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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

Posts : 85
Join date : 2011-04-15
Age : 33

I'm BAAAAAAAA~CK, Felarya!!!! Empty
PostSubject: I'm BAAAAAAAA~CK, Felarya!!!!   I'm BAAAAAAAA~CK, Felarya!!!! Icon_minitimeWed Nov 30, 2011 1:18 pm

Yessireebob, Starfox XYZ chapter 3 is done, so it's time for me to start the first of many Felaryan shorts that serve as little appetizers between my bigger, longer stories to keep folks satiated until I finally get around to starting a successor to Silver Scales.

Here's a list of stories I can go with that will all be included in this collection...

A story about a Neko and an Inu helping each other survive in the marshlands after a fairy swarm wipes out their villages,

A story about a giant Mantoid who meets a Samurai, who has survived in Felarya for well over 500 years and becomes said Samurai's pupil (though, for what purpose, you won't see until then),

A story about a bio weapon that resembles a sort of "Pheonix Harpy", who's powers increase explosively upon their arrival in Felarya,

A story about an android who lands in the Tundra when a spaceship he served aboard was whisked away to Felarya. The crew have all been wiped out, so he must find a new purpose in his "life".

There's still a few entries besides that, but at the moment I wish not to disclose the details.

Anywaaaaaaay... Imma gonna start drawing in a few hours, but what story do you guys find most appealing? What you you like to see first?

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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Join date : 2010-09-13
Age : 36

I'm BAAAAAAAA~CK, Felarya!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I'm BAAAAAAAA~CK, Felarya!!!!   I'm BAAAAAAAA~CK, Felarya!!!! Icon_minitimeWed Nov 30, 2011 3:03 pm

Glad to hear you're back to business! I'm pretty sure whatever you're planning will be just as entertaining as SS was, or even more Very Happy

Gotta say the first two stories sound interesting, but i'm more intrigued about the story of the android. It definitely isn't something you'd see often in Felarya, and i'm really curious as to what would come out of it
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I'm BAAAAAAAA~CK, Felarya!!!!
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