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 Relaxing on the Torpaline coast

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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 1:15 am

Ok so this rp is set on the Torpaline Coast, basicly it's about relaxing on the beach, but it may not be that simple ^^
No killing characters without permission and no eating without permission.


Will let out a relaxed sigh followed by a short yawn, she shook her head slightly, mmming to herself as she stripped down to her undergarments. The naga found a rock or two to pin her clothing to the ground so that they did not blow away, she sighed looking across the beach, lips pursed. Will let out a small sigh, she shifted her tail around in the sand, she curled up, resting on the coils, she sighed, enjoying the feel of the sun beating down on the back of her human half.

Last edited by Kitten on Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:07 am; edited 2 times in total
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 1:54 am

(Hmm mind if I join in on this RP of yours? Character I'll use is my own naga (not giant type). Her Bio is right below in the spoilers if you are okay with her joining in.)

Salafeta Bio:
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 1:56 am

(Of course go right ahead, will isn't giant sized either, her character bio is on the topic linked in my signature)
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 2:22 am

(Thanks ^_^)

Salafeta or Sala as she preferred finally exited the tree line and found herself out on the beach. She had figured she had been couped up in her home long enough creating her potions and studying other new Alchemical ideas that her skin was starting to grow whiter then normal. So yes a trip to the beach was definitely in order. Once on the beach she noticed another female naga with Pink top scales and Yellow bottom scales had also come to the beach as well for somewhat similar reasons. Noticing that the area was fairly closed off from some sea based creatures with larger rocks a little ways out to sea. And that the forest behind them was dense enough to make most larger predators to cause some sort of noise before they could get to the beach.

"Hello there! Mind if I join you?" Sala asked moving towards the other Naga angling towards a large warm looking rock. She tried to be as pleasant as possible as she neared the rock and the other Naga. Sala was wearing her Maroon-Red T-shirt that had the wording "Too Tasty To Eat" on the front in white letters and was torn in several places and had a frayed bottom portion and barely anything left of her sleeves. Her Red hair was laid loose against her back down to her shoulder blades with a few strands of blond thrown in. Around her waist she had her belt with two pouches filled with whatever was in them at the time and several containers for various colored liquids.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 2:31 am

Will looked up, she adjusted her glasses as she looked up at the naga, she pursed her lips nodding slowly "yeah of course you ay join me." Will moved into a more comfortable position, sticking out her forked tongue slightly, looking over the naga before her with much interest. Will adjusted her glasses slightly to look at the wording on the girl's clothing a small smile creeping on her face, she stretched slightly. Will shifted about her coils moving closer to Sala well I'm Will and you seem too tasty to eat" she says a smile on her face indicating that she was joking. Will wet her lips slightly, she looked about, folding her arms, tilting her head slightly "sooo may I have the pleasure of your name?"
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 3:03 am

Sala smiled at the other nagas joke she had heard that line previously though always got a different reaction from just about everyone and allowed herself a short laugh she liked it when people tended to have a decent sense of humor.

"My name is Salafeta or Sala for short. And it is a pleasure to meet you Will. Are you from around these parts? I haven't seen you around here before and I'm kinda curious, I try to learn the names of those living around me." Sala asked coiling her tail around the rock and immediately feeling the warmth from the rock seeping into her body.

It wasn't so much that she needed to be kept warm as much as it just felt good to feel the heat seeping into her tail muscles. Removing her shirt Sala rolled it up and placed it into her belt pouch, after all they were both girls and Sala was not as stringent about being clothed around others when she was trying to relax. Removing her belt from around her waist she placed it on a part of her tail closest to her human half and laid down on on her stomach looking at Will letting her stomach get some much needed attention of the sun first as she continued to converse with Will.

"I myself live around this area" Sala smiled. She was willing to be friendly for now but information on her home was reserved for those she knew she could trust.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 3:12 am

Will mmmed slightly, laying down, resting her head at the foot of the rock so she would look up at the other naga girl, she folded her arms slightly. Will let out a small sigh, her hands resting upon her stomach "I live in, well the edge of the city Ur-Sagol, so I don't come from around here, it took me a whule to get here." Will giggled musicly, her tail moving from side to side in the sand, she let a small yawn escape her lips. Will looked down at her bra, before looking up to watch as Sala seemed to strip off. she rolled her eyes slightly. The naga giggled again, she mmmed, letting her tongue wet her lips "so you out her on your own, what about your partner aren't they with you?"

Standing by the forest, watching the pair with little interest, the hooded elf girl Jane stood in the shade, she would only attempt to go out, should the nagas disperse, or perhaps she would try for a distant part of the beach away from the pair. By her feet, unnoitced by the elf girl it seemed a young teenage girl around 3 inches tall moved across the sand, seemingly unaware of the naga's. The barefoot girl Delta hummed a soft tune to herself, however she did spy the nagas and the moment she did, she moved to hide behind a small rock, she swallowed nervously waiting incase either one had spotted her.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 4:15 am

"Hm well I haven't been to Ur'Sagol but I've heard of it. Quite the trip you made and a dangerous one assuming you took a more coastal route rather then going through the jungle. And my friend is around here somewhere though she comes and goes as she pleases. Probably out stalking some group of adventurers. Never could get her to stay still for long haha." Laughed merrily and shook her head thinking of her friend who she met several years ago.

Sala tried to ignore when Will licked her lips, but took note of it, after all it never hurt one to be attentive of those around you. And though cannibalism wasn't something new to Felarya and Sala had witnessed some on acts of it when another giant predator did it to their own, it still disturbed Sala to think that another of her own kind might go to such levels. However if Will was hungry Sala did have a few snacks put away that she could share if needed she wasn't to stringy about sharing tinnies she had enough of the things around where she lived she could afford to share a few. And she had already had her fill of the things to keep her good for the day though as ever she made sure she had room just in case she ever saw an elf. Plus it helped that Sala figured with her tail being much longer then the other nagas and her own natural immunity to poison she had a good chance of subduing her if it came down to it (not including her potions on her belt). But Sala was in no mood for fighting wanting only to enjoy the rock she was on and some friendly conversation with another Naga both rare commodities for her.

Sala had not yet noticed the elf in the woods nor the tiny hiding behind the rocks just yet, more concerned with the possibility of larger more dangerous predators.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 4:31 am

Will retained the grin upon her face, she smiled innocently, letting a soft sigh escaping her lips she rubbed her hands togethor looking up at the girl. Will mmmed softly to herself, her ears twitching ever so slightly, she looked around before laying back down, shaking her head slightly. Will let out a slightly relieved sigh "phew thought I had spotted or rather sensed something, must have been my imagination."

Jane decided she was not going to be afraid for much longer, she was going to go out and take a lay down in the sun. Jane moved forward from the shade her hood falling down as she moved to lay on the sand, legs folded a relaxed smile upon her face. Delta in the meantime remained quiet, stll and unmoving waiting for an opportunity to leave.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 8:45 am

(I'd like to join in too! NAGA BEACH PARTY!

Beryl's bio:
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 8:47 am

(Sure but there's realy no reason to ask, just g for it ^^)
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 8:52 am


Suddenly, something rushed past Jane, Sala, and Will, and went right up to the water. "The sea!!" the naga, Beryl, exclaimed. "It's so beautiful!! The sparkling water~ The soft sand~ The shining sun~ The blue sky and the fluffy white clouds that are in it~ It's all just so amazing!!" Her body gyrated side to side in awe as she spoke with a very fluttry, musical voice. The black beret-wearing, brown-haired girl was simply astounded by the amazing natural canvas set out before her. She then turned to the nagas resting on their rock. "Don't you agree?" she asked them.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeSun Dec 25, 2011 3:51 am

"We all tend to let our imaginations get the best of us sometimes." Sala replied to Will

She was about to turn her head towards the forest when suddenly something rushed by them Sala only caught a glimpse of the Naga as she rushed by to stand by the sea. She was impressed at how fast this new comer seemed to move and how easily she was excited, it was kind of funny and sorta cute in a way like watching a child seeing something unfamiliar and new to them. Sala also missed the elf that was walking onto the beach with the arrival of this new Naga her attention now mostly directed away from the forest and towards the

"Yes it is a beautiful sight. What's your name? Mine is Salafeta or Sala for short." Sala asked with a polite enough smile as she moved around on her rock to get a better look at the her rather then craning her head to see her.
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeSun Dec 25, 2011 8:30 am

Will blinked slightly, sitting up, she slithered around the rock, she giggled softly to herself watching the naga play in the water "and I'm Will." The naga woman smiled innocently, stretching about, rolling her eyes, finding the new naga woman to be something of a wierdo. Delta used this time to move quickly away from the rock and the pair of naga's, running as fast as she could manage. Jane sat up, the elf girls ears twitching slightly as she watched the naga in the water, humming softly to herself, proping herself up by her arms.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeMon Dec 26, 2011 9:45 am

(Removed for revising.)

Last edited by Nyaha on Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeMon Dec 26, 2011 10:59 am

(Nyaha she took her shirt off silly XP)
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeMon Dec 26, 2011 3:11 pm

walkingbyself wrote:
(Nyaha she took her shirt off silly XP)
(Oh, crud! O.o Okay then, forget my last post, let me revise.)

Beryl clasped her hands together near her cheek and smiled a very warm, sincere smile. "I'm Beryl, with a "y"," she said. "Nice to meet you both!" Beryl's brown eyes then opened and caught sight of the elf girl sitting and watching her. She held her pose and stared at Jane, not entirely sure what to do. It was usually Beryl that watched other people, not the other way around, and the situation seemed to make her a tad bit uncomfortable.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeWed Jan 18, 2012 1:56 pm

(Kitten!! Don't forget this RP!!! >.<)
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeWed Jan 18, 2012 4:45 pm

(Yes Kitten do not forget this rp. I would like to join it if thats ok. ^^ If yes I'll be controling two chars. One is innocent and sweet. The other... not so much. XD )
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeWed Jan 18, 2012 6:28 pm

(ya same here, is like to join too, ill be using my charact
er dex)
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeWed Jan 18, 2012 6:30 pm

(i may join as well, utilizing Cast, bio in description.)
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeWed Jan 18, 2012 10:05 pm

(I have not forgotten this rp I'm waiting for walkngbyself to post)
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeThu Jan 19, 2012 12:14 pm

(What about your elf girl? X3 Beryl's noticed her, silly!)
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeThu Jan 19, 2012 12:42 pm

Beryl clasped her hands together near her cheek and smiled a very warm, sincere smile. "I'm Beryl, with a "y"," she said. "Nice to meet you both!" Beryl's brown eyes then opened and caught sight of the elf girl sitting and watching her. She held her pose and stared at Jane, not entirely sure what to do. It was usually Beryl that watched other people, not the other way around, and the situation seemed to make her a tad bit uncomfortable.

"Beryl hmm? Thats a nice name." Sala smiled then looked at Beryl puzzled as she seemed to be staring at something behind them. Turning around fearing to see a giant pred or something behind them Sala was about ready to grab at her potions she had placed on her tail when she spotted the elf and no giant. Spotting the elf Sala hissed narrowing her eye's. She hated elves with a passion after having been put through 20 years of hell as something lower then a slave or pet to an elf that was a genius in alchemy. But lacked anything similar to a heart or soul in his treatment of her. And having found nothing but hate and contempt from elfs Sala had decided that she wouldn't treat them any differently then she had been treated. Without further thought she uncoiled herself rapidly from the rock and bolted straight for the elf intent on coiling her in her long tail and restraining her movements.
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Chihiro Fujisaki
Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxing on the Torpaline coast   Relaxing on the Torpaline coast Icon_minitimeThu Jan 19, 2012 4:03 pm

YAY I am going to join to, here is my character since I assume you will approve, though I will post my introducing till you officially say it is okay Very Happy

Name: Elliot Weston
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'0
Weight: 174 lbs
Eye Color: Violet
Hair Color: Violet
Skin Tone: Tanned
Attire: Black clothing, military boots, black leather pants, a black sleeveless t-shirt with a leather black overcoat with long sleeves.

Personality: Cunning and intelligent he is a master at manipulating others, he is not a violent man, he prefers to negotiate although he is quite intimidating when he wishes to be. He is very empathetic, feeling the emotions of others was always a nasty side effect of his abilities which made him unable to ignore the suffering of his kind on Felarya. He views predators as humans, nekos as well as refuses to refer to them as predators or prey, calling everything even down a Neera a "Person." He is not perfect though, he is quick to anger and used to getting his way, although very capable he likes to send others to do this dirty work, having quite the low pain tolerance and tends to whine over small cuts. A leader of men he knows how to rally support of others, and his vast knowledge of literature and strategy allow him to escape predatory encounters without having to fight them. He also has a terrible temper and is prone to entering into shouting matches, and loses control very quickly, he is also quite defensive of himself, taking criticism quite hard.

Skills/Powers: While not adept at physical combat or good with a gun he is a very powerful psychic, unable to read minds or teleport like some of his brethren he is more combat oriented, able to channel his energy into physical object, such as swords, fists, projectiles, ect He can expand them to any size as well, but it takes more energy to do so, which can tire him out quickly. Can also create a protective shield, and expand it to destroy things entrapping him. His hobby is poisons, carrying many on him at all times, ranging from sedatives to vials than kill by smelling them. He also has a very powerful ability he used in key situations, but he has yet to have to use it, so he has not revealed it.

Backstory (Altered): A native of Felarya he owns a home in Negav though he is almost never there. Since he was 12 he had ran away from home in a small village and been what he calls "A Native of the Wild." He ran from his home due to the villages refusal to listen to him, that he had abilities he could use to help protect them, in frustration he demonstrated his power, and killed 3 people, immediately running from the town. He has read countless books and developed knowledge well beyond his years. He knows very well how the planet works and how to avoid predators and deal with them if need be. He has never had to fight any predator before, simply because he knows how to deal with them. He has however killed many slavers, having a beef with them ever since they captured and sold a Neko he had as company, who had more or less become his lover, sadly they had killed her before he got there, and responded with rage, slaughtering them all. He know wandering the planet, trying to find a new sense of adventure, new people, creatures and places he has not been, he has very little interest in materialistic treasure, he is more spiritual in that sense, Felarya, being his treasure.
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