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 Giant Predator as a main character?

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Naga food

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Giant Predator as a main character? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Giant Predator as a main character?   Giant Predator as a main character? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 1:16 pm

Anyway, I think I got my answer to the original purpose of this discussion.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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Giant Predator as a main character? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Giant Predator as a main character?   Giant Predator as a main character? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 1:32 pm

BlackAion wrote:
Greyman wrote:
BlackAion wrote:
When I meant a powerful drug I meant a drug so powerful that only a small amount needs to be sniffed or swallowed . And when I mean small amount for Giant preds, I mean a liter or so of said powerful drug. This will most likely go with personal skills.

You do realize any drug that'll affect a predator THAT strongly with such a small amount would be absolutely lethal to a man or neko? Even the fumes would do them in.

When I meant powerful drug, I meant a powerful drug that induces memory-loss or gets her high or causes her to go to sleep or causes some sort of hypnosis trance and is also non-lethal unless to much is swallowed.

Furthermore, you exaggerate with the fumes...no offense.

I still have to ask...how?

Something that powerful in such low doses (you used a liter as an example) would need a lab, or some kind of professional chemical company to make. Even then, what is the intended use? Why would someone develop such a chemical? Something that strong would be absolutely lethal to any normal animal because they are so much smaller and lighter than the average giant hybrid. Unless it was meant to be lethal and is being re-purposed, but even then, weapons grade chemical agents are not going to get anyone "high" in low doses.

Delivering the chemical is another issue altogether. You're going to need a serious punch and a very long needle to get it into the pred's bloodstream. Since you're going to be shooting at something dozens of feet above your head, that's going to take something like a rocket-launcher, or some other firearm. That kind of delievery system also brings up further questions. How will you keep the chemical's container from being damaged by the forces involved in launch and impact? How will you ensure the needle doesn't just bend or snap off when it hits? What kind of system would you use to pump the chemical if successful contact is made?

Then you have to factor in reaction time. Some neurotoxins works within minutes (box jellyfish for example), but snakebites can take an hour or more to reach their debilitating or lethal stage, and an inebriating substance like alcohol or various narcotics can take a while to take effect too. This is even more of an issue since you are delivering it in such small doses to whatever part of the pred you happen to hit with the delivery gun. A chemical agent like this isn't going to do anything to save your life if it takes 10 minutes to reach its full effects.There is also the big issue that different preds will require different doses. A naga, dridder or mermaid is going to require a LOT more of the chemical than a giant elf or fairy. If you gave a naga the same dose you made for an elf, it probably wouldn't do anything due to the naga's much greater mass and much larger circulatory system.

I just think you focus too much of what you COULD do, instead of what someone could ACTUALLY do. Logistics matter, and simplicity isn't a bad thing, especially when it comes to weapons.
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Naga food

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Giant Predator as a main character? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Giant Predator as a main character?   Giant Predator as a main character? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 2:29 pm

rcs619 wrote:
Something that powerful in such low doses (you used a liter as an example) would need a lab, or some kind of professional chemical company to make. Even then, what is the intended use? Why would someone develop such a chemical? Something that strong would be absolutely lethal to any normal animal because they are so much smaller and lighter than the average giant hybrid. Unless it was meant to be lethal and is being re-purposed, but even then, weapons grade chemical agents are not going to get anyone "high" in low doses.

Like I said before it is was one of the personal skills of being a alchemist. In fact What I had in my mind was that the mage or archer stumbled across the powerful concoction sometime in the past. He/She was curious about it so he/she tested it on a rather large herbivorous beast by putting the concoction on some plants the creature ate. He/She watched it become erratic and walk in a drunken manner almost immediately and finally after a while went to sleep. He/She saw the implications it had on fleeing Giant preds, and started to make more of the concoction so he/she could have some everytime he/she was ever unlucky enough to encounter a Giant Pred or any other rather large beast out in the wilderness. The ingredients of said concoction are more or less easy to find.

rcs619 wrote:
Delivering the chemical is another issue altogether. You're going to need a serious punch and a very long needle to get it into the pred's bloodstream. Since you're going to be shooting at something dozens of feet above your head, that's going to take something like a rocket-launcher, or some other firearm. That kind of delievery system also brings up further questions. How will you keep the chemical's container from being damaged by the forces involved in launch and impact? How will you ensure the needle doesn't just bend or snap off when it hits? What kind of system would you use to pump the chemical if successful contact is made?

I was thinking on the lines of a liter or so-filled water bomb meant to be thrown directly into the mouth. No, Im not talking about after the giant pred picks him up. No. I'm talking about hiding somewhere high up in a tree while a member of the group tries to get her to talk so it can be thrown into her mouth. That can actually be done. Im sorry for being simple with my imagination no offense.
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Temple scourge
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Giant Predator as a main character? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Giant Predator as a main character?   Giant Predator as a main character? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 4:31 pm

The way I see it, you're just thinking on Felarya like it was a Dungeons and Dragons setting or some other stereotypical RPG where you can cut through endless hordes with four people classes. I think you got the idea already, but this doesn't work like that :B
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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Giant Predator as a main character? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Giant Predator as a main character?   Giant Predator as a main character? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 4:44 pm

BlackAion wrote:
rcs619 wrote:
Something that powerful in such low doses (you used a liter as an example) would need a lab, or some kind of professional chemical company to make. Even then, what is the intended use? Why would someone develop such a chemical? Something that strong would be absolutely lethal to any normal animal because they are so much smaller and lighter than the average giant hybrid. Unless it was meant to be lethal and is being re-purposed, but even then, weapons grade chemical agents are not going to get anyone "high" in low doses.

Like I said before it is was one of the personal skills of being a alchemist. In fact What I had in my mind was that the mage or archer stumbled across the powerful concoction sometime in the past. He/She was curious about it so he/she tested it on a rather large herbivorous beast by putting the concoction on some plants the creature ate. He/She watched it become erratic and walk in a drunken manner almost immediately and finally after a while went to sleep. He/She saw the implications it had on fleeing Giant preds, and started to make more of the concoction so he/she could have some everytime he/she was ever unlucky enough to encounter a Giant Pred or any other rather large beast out in the wilderness. The ingredients of said concoction are more or less easy to find.

rcs619 wrote:
Delivering the chemical is another issue altogether. You're going to need a serious punch and a very long needle to get it into the pred's bloodstream. Since you're going to be shooting at something dozens of feet above your head, that's going to take something like a rocket-launcher, or some other firearm. That kind of delievery system also brings up further questions. How will you keep the chemical's container from being damaged by the forces involved in launch and impact? How will you ensure the needle doesn't just bend or snap off when it hits? What kind of system would you use to pump the chemical if successful contact is made?

I was thinking on the lines of a liter or so-filled water bomb meant to be thrown directly into the mouth. No, Im not talking about after the giant pred picks him up. No. I'm talking about hiding somewhere high up in a tree while a member of the group tries to get her to talk so it can be thrown into her mouth. That can actually be done. Im sorry for being simple with my imagination no offense.

That...has to be the most mary-sue weapon idea I've ever heard of. If Im understanding this right, we have a...

- Chemical that can drug a 110+ foot tall, 100 ton or more person, and make them drunk, even when applied in doses as small as a LITER
- The effects are nearly instant, or so quick that the pred would not have time to grab up the people who tried to drug it
- The ingredients of it are not defined other than being "common or easy to find"

That...I don't even know, man. It's just not a good idea.

Also, the delivery system. So, you're going to climb over 120 FEET up a massive tree, to get equal to, or above the pred's head? Let's tack on another 40ft or so if you want to be out of grabbing range too. Then you're going to try and get the pred talking, and assuming it wants to talk, try and chunk this container into its mouth while its talking? That has to be the most unlikely, luck-based weapon system I have ever heard of. What if it fails? What if it misses? You're up a tree, shit out of luck.

Not to mention, this whole thing relies on knowing where a pred is beforehand and which way they are walking. Why wouldn't you just go around them? Or hide and wait for them to move on?
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Naga food

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Giant Predator as a main character? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Giant Predator as a main character?   Giant Predator as a main character? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 4:52 pm

It is kind of a Mary-Sue weapon idea Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing I should probably go back to the drawing board Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!
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Giant Predator as a main character? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Giant Predator as a main character?   Giant Predator as a main character? - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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