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 The Embassy

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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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The Embassy Empty
PostSubject: The Embassy   The Embassy Icon_minitimeThu Jan 26, 2012 5:51 pm

Here's an experimental RP idea:

Several individuals, representing their own race, have been invited to a summit meeting on a mountain top. The purpose is to encourage a more peaceful understanding between said races. If you want in on this RP, you need to make sure that your OC is a race that hasn't already applied to this RP. But, subspecies is allowed. For example: If a person is using a human from felarya, then another person can use an offworlder human as long as you specify its origin. I will allow up to two characters at a time for each person. Any more than that, then you will have to ask me beforehand.

So yea! Have fun, and be fair. If your character wants to eat someone else, I don't wanna see one character automatically eat another for the sake of being hungry. If they are offended, then a conflict will be accepted. I will start when a good amount of people have posted their character bio and their first post.

Langsley and Smiley were the first to make it to the mountain top. The journey was brutal and the weather outside was horrifically cold with the snowstorm approaching. They quickly gain their entrance into the building and awaited for others to follow.

The embassy was a large steel fortress, armed with enough cannons and soldiers and mercenary magicians to fend off an entire army of giant predators. Inside, the hallway was lit with candle lights upon chandeliers. The stone floor had a red velvet rug that stretched to all the pathways of the building.

Langsley looked at a mechanical guard and gave a weary smile. "I don't suppose you gents serve any hot drinks in this facility?" he asked with a chuckle.

The guard pointed at the dining room where coffee, tea, and other hot beverages were being served for guests.

Smiley looked around and sighed. The only reason he and the professor came here was to learn more about Felayra... but for some reason, he felt that if wasn't careful, they won't get the chance to leave with such knowledge.
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Eternal Optimist
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The Embassy Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Embassy   The Embassy Icon_minitimeThu Jan 26, 2012 6:15 pm

(This seems like an excellent chance to flesh out my snow leopard nekos. I'm not about to pass it up. If you don't mind, I'd like to join using Taihaku.

Taihaku's Bio:
(Edid: Forgot to make a first post.)

Taihaku felt quite at home in the cold climate of the mountaintop. As her hood and tail blew in the chilly wind, she took a deep, dry breath and exhaled. She was always quite intrigued by the sight of her own breath. Focusing ahead, she spotted the fortress she'd been invited to and walked briskly in its direction.

When she approached the entrance to the facility, she took from her coat her invitation and presented it to the guard. After being led inside to the dining room as well, where she spotted two other people. Taihaku wasn't someone known for being especially social, however, so rather than go and speak to them, she simply walked to a place out of the way and stood there, waiting calmly and patiently.
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Chihiro Fujisaki
Temple scourge
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The Embassy Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Embassy   The Embassy Icon_minitimeThu Jan 26, 2012 10:02 pm


Elliot walked briskly up the mountain, heading to the summit. He wasn't at all winded, and he protected himself from the cold using his energy that so often came in handy. He was here for others like himself, humans from Earth, they were very few and most had a tough time adapting to the cruel nature of this world, being the absolute top of the food on Earth, and coming to Felarya involuntarily, it was understandable.

He walked to the entrance, presenting his invitation as he walked inside, liking the looks and style of the place, whoever built it definitely had class, and class was something he valued, it bred character. He saw two others and a neko, more interested in the neko immediately, other humans bored him so much, they were all the same, not matter what planet, he found himself the only interesting one.
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Seasoned adventurer
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The Embassy Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Embassy   The Embassy Icon_minitimeFri Jan 27, 2012 7:16 am

(Bio) Roxanne
Race: Giant Naga
Gender: Female
Hight: around 100 feet
Weight: Ladies do not disclose their weight, dear.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Skin color: Top half Anglo, bottom half Green and Yellow
Attire: A small bra covering her top.

Roxanne approached the meetinghouse, full of curiosity. "Ever since I heard about this, I was curious. A meeting between races? This is gonna be interesting." After DoTSM, Roxanne had taken a vegetarian's oath, but that probably lasted somewhere around three hours, and she was back to her old ways. Now, here she is, having been summuned to a diplomatic meeting, and having no idea the first thing about diplomacy.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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The Embassy Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Embassy   The Embassy Icon_minitimeFri Jan 27, 2012 7:28 am

The sentinel at the front gate stared at the giant naga and stood in front of her. "Halt." said the sentinel. "I'm sorry miss, but due to regulations, we will need to reduce your size in half before you enter the Embassy... could you please step to the side?" he said as he pointed to a large platform, marked with a large magic circle.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: The Embassy   The Embassy Icon_minitimeFri Jan 27, 2012 5:07 pm

Roxanne laughed. "Of couse. I have been smaller before. But stepping that way will be difficult. Mind if I slither?" she joked, as she moved onto the large platform.
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PostSubject: Re: The Embassy   The Embassy Icon_minitime

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