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 Kittens small Ideas

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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Kittens small Ideas   Kittens small Ideas Icon_minitimeTue Feb 14, 2012 1:59 am

Jhang Long
Size: 14 inches Long
Threat Level: Low

A Jhang Long is essentialy an eel with legs, an eels body and an eels head but legs like like that of a lizard and clawed feet for climbing. Under it's front legs, wings slide out while in the air so it can essentially fly for a short period of time before having to land. It has a long forked tongue about a metre long in total, with small barbs like that of a sting ray, with venom that causes total paralysis in it's prey. There have been reports of domesticated Jhang Long's with Tinies and neera alike using them for transport. The Jhang Long is most commonly found in the city of Ur-Sagol.

Size: 5 inches long
Threat Level: Low

Contrary to how it may sound, the Dragonfly is not actually a dragonfly like those commonly found. The Felaryan Dragonfly, appears to be a synthetic construct, it's main body is made of a week, malleable metal. It appears to have evolved a form of sensor that helps it detact nearby threats. where it's head should be, is infact replaced by what appears to be a camera lens, there are genrally two different coloured lense tints, the males have a light blue coloured lens, while the females have a light green lens.

Size: Five Foot

The Cartographers are an ancient race, wise and noble. There are very few of them and are rarely seen by people, they live solitary lives. A Cartographer may be on their own and they know all there is to know about the region they inhabit. For example a Cartographer who inhabitated the Negav region would know all there is to know about the area, it's history and the culture of the people who inhabit the location. They are Expetionally hard to locate and even harder to talk to, they only talk to the ones they deem worthy of learning the knowledge. It is said that there is a Cartographer for each region of Felarya and they have been around for a very long time, perhaps even longer than people think. It is believed that the Cartograhers are tied into the land where they live and several are believed to have vanished for some unknown reason.

A Cartographer is a creature which resembles a jellyfish, it's coloured a mix of blue and purple. They do not seem able to communicate with other sentient species, through speech. A Cartographer communicates with other species by touching their forehead and sending telepathic messages to the resipitant. They float through the air as easily as it would where it in the ocean, it is unknown how or what they feed on, one theory is that a Cartographer sustains itself on the magic in the felaryan air.


These are just some ideas I came up with, othing too fancy.
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