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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Chance   Chance Icon_minitimeSun Mar 04, 2012 10:09 am

The squamataur sleeps.

A light drizzle was beginning to fall in a blurry curtain over the flooded forests and the soggy clouds only let a glimpse of the sun through a brief break, but the sight of a lukewarm mud pool, it seemed, was impossible to resist. And for so long he had bathed and frolicked and played that comfort won over and what started as rest turned into a nap. Now the great predator lied in this watery bed, huddled and partially submerged. Heavy, drawn-out breathing as he snored away, ignoring the cold rain droplets hitting his bulk in increasing numbers. It didn't look like he'd wake up any time soon.

Just what the naga was hoping for.

She slithered down the muddy slope, her remarkably long tail pushing the grey and brown scum with a disgusting squelch. Quietly, ever so quietly she moved, certainly doing her best to not be noticed…but one quick look at her was enough to bring that to question. While everything around was either grey or brown or dark green or some combination of those, the naga herself was of tanned skin, or what some would identify as mocha. Eyes of a green so brilliant they might as well glow peered from brown, wet hair, watching the world with excitement and perhaps desire. And if that wasn't enough, her lengthy snake half was adorned by what seemed to be skull-like patterns, bright gold over shiny charcoal. Coupled with her rather impressive bust, there was nothing about this snake-blood that didn't scream "Look at me" for an observer.

And yet it was this naga that had followed the squamataur's tracks for quite a while, never once spotted. And still unnoticed she was when she stopped right in front of him.

So this was the guy. Vivian had told her a few things about him that one time but…wow, she didn't think she was so right! What a HUNK! Sure, he was covered in mud – or did that just make it better? – but she still could clearly see every part of his body. Hmmm, he looked so big and tough! Perhaps something of a paunch, but oh so muscled! Those strong arms and claws, that coat of scales like a knight out to save his princess! And those scars, oh my, those scars….he sure looked hardy….maybe that meant he had a lot of energy….Gosh she was getting so worked up! Shame he wasn't a bit more handsome though, that would've been perfect. But either way, she had hit the jackpot! It was so rare to find good males nowadays…and lil' Kaiten was off-limits, much to her chagrin. Now she could have some fun!

..But Vivian had warned her, hadn't she? Said the lug was….troubled. Worked up in the head, maybe? That she should be careful around him, Could get dangerous. Even Relina was telling her not to do it, or that they go together at least. They were worrying too much. She knew to look after herself! And it's not like she wanted to brag but…Vivian wasn't that imaginative as she thought. If eye-candy here had problems, then he just needs to vent some steam, right? And she was ALL about venting... how could he resist hot stuff like her, anyway?

She just needed to show him

Excitedly, almost gingerly, the naga slipped into the mud pool and approached the squamataur, smiling all the way. His head was resting on a clump of scummy weeds, and she watched as he breathed with his mouth open, snoring loudly. Was that…was that blood in there? No, it would be darker if that was the case. So…drool? How curious…but that wasn't important.

He sure was deeply asleep. Little he knew he'd be waking into something beyond his wildest dreams…

She put her hands on both sides of his face gently enough, as one handling a newborn, and then lowered her own until they were mere inches from one another.

She pushed her thumbs, slightly puckering up his lips.

Then she put hers in them.

Slowly, oh so slowly… She was going to make it last

Except it didn't.

"BLEAGH!!!" The naga practically screeched as she pushed herself away from the squamataur and fell on the mud, splashing and thrashing and writhing in place. Her mouth! HER MOUTH!! It tasted of rot and filth and blood and disease and maggots and vomit! It tasted of open graves and infected wounds! Of the vilest things that have existed and will ever exist! What in the five realms of Hell had that guy eaten?? Her mouth!!! It was like-like he had been eating SHIT!!! URGH!!!

And then Grendel woke up.

He was on his feet in the blink of an eye, using knuckles and claws to stand up quicker, causing a great sloshing splash. He snarled, he whipped his tail in the air, looked everywhere with hateful eyes. What was that? Was he being attacked? Who had the guts to challenge him??

And what he saw was the crazed naga scrambling upwards that slope, completely slathered in mud and gravel, still writhing and convulsing in repulsion, retching and gargling and gagging as she escaped. She turned to give Grendel a truly strange stare, between disgusted and a forced smile, and he noticed that her mouth was dribbling with sludge, as if she had tried to eat the mud around her.

"I-I think I'm leaving now!" She yelled with a gurgling voice, turning her head just briefly to spit " Just don't forget to wash your mouth, okay sug'? *burp* AUGH, WATER! WATER!!"

And with that, the flailing mess of a snake-blood was lost in the rainy, foggy horizon

Once again Grendel was left alone, standing still in the calm pool and staring in sheer confusion

What the hell…?
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Chance   Chance Icon_minitimeSun Mar 04, 2012 11:10 am

Okay I blame you for making my sides hurt that was good hehe XD I needed a good read thank you Slimetoad. Heh way to go Grendel haha score one for the big bloke with an attitude. That was priceless and would probably leave many wondering what just happened if they saw a Naga sliding off for no reason what so ever while eating mud hah. +1 Thanks Slimetoad Laughing
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Chance   Chance Icon_minitimeSun Mar 04, 2012 11:14 am

What did I just read scratch
That had to be the biggest cock-blocker on this forum yet, Razz
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Chance   Chance Icon_minitimeSun Mar 04, 2012 11:26 am


Took me a surprisingly long time to make this, too, for whatever reason. Oh that procrastination..
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Chance   Chance Icon_minitimeSun Mar 04, 2012 12:05 pm

lol, poor Malika! Razz

I was like "Don't, don't DON'T!" Laughing
That was great, had me cringing and chuckling at all the right places. I love how she called him 'Sug anyways... That's so like her.
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PostSubject: Re: Chance   Chance Icon_minitime

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