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 SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers

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PostSubject: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitimeMon Mar 12, 2012 12:33 pm

Here is my first character.  You'll be seeing her a lot.  *giggle*

Name: Julie Ultimus

Gender: Female

Species: Viera, a rabbit-like race from the Final Fantasy series

Skin/Fur Color: pale and bright

Hair: long and naturally blond with a high ponytail

Eye Color: cobalt blue

Birthplace: Alara (A world that no longer exists. Nobody knows what happened to Alara, exactly, but all that remains now are 5 different shard worlds.)

Weight and Height: Unknown, as she's never measured herself

Age: Unknown, as nobody knows of her past

Equipment: Julie wears a white bow in her hair that changes colors depending on certain conditions. She also wears at least a white bikini at all times. Usually, Julie wears bright, rainbow-colored robes. Whatever other equipment she has is usually what she finds on her adventures. Otherwise, she made it herself, got it as a gift, or summoned it as Bound Equipment.

Abilities: Julie can magically go between worlds through portals that she can create at almost any time. She can control which world she appears in, but she can't determine exactly where she appears in that world. She can also transform into any anime-style female character for one hour. Her transformations mimic the character perfectly, even down to the DNA of the character. Julie can also cast many spells, learning new ones almost instantly. She can also weaken her magic intentionally through Diminished Casting or increase its potency through Augmented Casting.

Limitations:  Sometimes Julie transforms without her consent, affecting her race for 2 hours, at least.  Julie can't transform during that time or if she is unable to cast spells.  Julie also requires a special resource in her body called mana to cast spells. If she uses too much mana over a period of time, she grows tired or may even fall unconscious. Her mana recovers over time, but she can use Diminished Casting to use less mana. Her Augmented Casting makes her use more mana. She can cast spells through Blood Magic, but that takes some of her life force instead of mana. Also, while using Blood Magic, most healing effects do almost nothing. Her magic modes cause symbols to appear on the backs of her hands, allowing others to see them.

Bio: Julie is a young, adventurous girl who travels to other worlds in an attempt to find out about her past. As of yet, nothing she did bore fruit. Not even the gods of the many worlds she's been to know of her history. All she knows is her birthplace. She's just now starting to learn of her powers. She's always looking out for the best solution to any problem she faces, turning to violence only as a last resort. She also tends to end up in quicksand. Usually, this happens willingly, as she loves it, which she tries to hide from others at times. However, she usually fails to do so.

Quote: "I've spent much of my life searching for answers that I may wish I didn't find. However, it would be better for me to know the bad things than for me not to know anything at all."

Last edited by SpectrumGirl on Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:46 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitimeMon Mar 12, 2012 1:40 pm

uh.....there's already a species that's like that,
and wat
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PostSubject: Re: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitimeMon Mar 12, 2012 1:56 pm

hhhat09 wrote:
uh.....there's already a species that's like that,
I wasn't aware that there were rabbit demi-hybrids in Felarya. I'm pretty sure there isn't.
hhhat09 wrote:
and wat
An understandable response.

Quote :
Here is my first character, based off of me! *giggle*
This is often a bad idea if you're intending to create a serious character.
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SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Empty
PostSubject: Re: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitimeMon Mar 12, 2012 2:00 pm

Anime-Junkie wrote:
hhhat09 wrote:
uh.....there's already a species that's like that,
I wasn't aware that there were rabbit demi-hybrids in Felarya. I'm pretty sure there isn't.



Not canon, no. But there has been one proposed.

Also, self-inserts are a bad idea, just like AJ said. You should listen to him, he's Australian.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitimeMon Mar 12, 2012 3:11 pm

The others are right, if nothing else, self-inserts are very difficult to work with. I started off by giving my first character many of my own characteristics and it's taken me 5 years to make him into a well-balanced, respectable character. It's not entirely impossible to pull off, but it's probably something best left for when you've gained more experience.
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SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Empty
PostSubject: Re: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitimeMon Mar 12, 2012 8:39 pm

There isn't enough character posted to judge yet, unless someone believe that because of the inspiration drawn from herself, blonde hair, blue eyes, a color-changing ribbon, fair skin or a love of quicksand have become inadvisable.

Which goes for you too, SpectrumGirl. I'd have recommended you to wait until you had more of your character written out, using a .txt document on your hard drive, a word googledoc, or sending private messages to yourself in the forum if everything else was somehow out of reach. Frankly, posting characters bit by bit is in general a bad idea. You only get to make the first impression once: use it wisely.

As for self-inserts, it'll save everyone time if you read this. I know I said there's not enough to judge, but we might as well get it over with now that we're at it.

Anime-Junkie wrote:
hhhat09 wrote:
and wat
An understandable response.
An unfortunate one as well. Hat, that kind of comment is useless, impolite, and in this occassion, premature, as I explained before.
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PostSubject: Re: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitimeMon Mar 12, 2012 11:08 pm

I don't like to argue stabs, but a LOT of people say "wat" (or like minded responses) here on this forum. A LOT. Unless you intend to regulate literally everyone who says it...well I'm sure I don't need to explain.

Also, I don't need to beat a dead horse, but honestly, if you didn't say it was based off you, you probably wouldn't have gotten the negative response from it. Don't ask don't tell right? Just make the character well thought out, and have appropriate kinks, quirks, and an overall personality (that makes sense with their personal history).
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitimeTue Mar 13, 2012 9:00 am

Archmage_Bael wrote:
I don't like to argue stabs, but a LOT of people say "wat" (or like minded responses) here on this forum. A LOT. Unless you intend to regulate literally everyone who says it...well I'm sure I don't need to explain.
Well, maybe not everyone on the forum, but as far as feedback on work goes, it's a little inappropriate, right?
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitimeTue Mar 13, 2012 9:05 am

Why do i always say the stupid things?
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Roaming thug
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SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Empty
PostSubject: Re: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitimeTue Mar 13, 2012 2:28 pm

Very well. Go ahead and close this topic, then. I'll put my character up later.

Last edited by SpectrumGirl on Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Empty
PostSubject: Re: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitimeTue Mar 13, 2012 2:53 pm

SpectrumGirl wrote:
Very well. Go ahead and close this topic, then. I'll put my character up later.

Better use (i.e., edit) this same thread when you do that. If you intend to do it fairly soon, I'll leave the thread unlocked so that you can edit the opening post.
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Felarya cartographer
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SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Empty
PostSubject: Re: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2012 9:21 pm

FalconJudge wrote:
Anime-Junkie wrote:
hhhat09 wrote:
uh.....there's already a species that's like that,
I wasn't aware that there were rabbit demi-hybrids in Felarya. I'm pretty sure there isn't.



Not canon, no. But there has been one proposed.

Also, self-inserts are a bad idea, just like AJ said. You should listen to him, he's Australian.

I hate to add even more spam to this poor girl's bio page, but why does being a Australian make you all knowing? o.O Don't get me wrong. Ausies are great actors/ pretty decent people.
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SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Empty
PostSubject: Re: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitimeWed Mar 21, 2012 5:55 am

@jedi-explorer: That is a joke.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitimeWed Mar 21, 2012 5:57 am

jedi-explorer wrote:
I hate to add even more spam to this poor girl's bio page, but why does being a Australian make you all knowing? o.O Don't get me wrong. Ausies are great actors/ pretty decent people.

That was a joke... (EDI reference? XD) *gah! of course Stabs beat me to it :p*

But in all seriousness, you really SHOULD listen to AJ, he gives good feedback! And he knows what he's talking about.

As for the character, I agree with AJ that self inserts are nine times out of ten a very bad idea, especially for a 'main' character.
That being said, you didn't specify what part of her was based on you, so it's not entirely clear if this is a self-insert or not yet. Try to make up her likes and dislike, her outlook on life, her attitude, her morality and even her political views and try to make them at least MOSTLY different from yours. You want to give her a life of her own, that's when a character becomes really interesting! Smile
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitimeSun Feb 01, 2015 3:42 pm

I'm sorry if I'm breaking any rules here, but I'm back.  And Julie has been reworked from the ground up!

Name:  Julie Ultimus

Gender:  Female

Species:  Viera, a rabbit-like race from the Final Fantasy series

Skin/Fur Color:  pale and bright

Hair:  long and naturally blond with a high ponytail

Eye Color:  cobalt blue

Birthplace:  Alara (A world that no longer exists. Nobody knows what happened to Alara, exactly, but all that remains now are 5 different shard worlds.)

Weight and Height:  Unknown, as she's never measured herself

Age:  Immortal, but unknown, as nobody knows of her past

Equipment:  Julie sometimes wears a white bow in her hair that changes colors depending on certain conditions.  She also wears at least a bikini at almost all times, usually white.  Usually, when she isn't cosplaying, Julie wears bright clothes, usually colored to give the appearance of a rainbow.  Whatever other equipment she has is usually what she finds on her adventures.  Otherwise, she made it herself, got it as a gift, or summoned it as Bound Equipment.

Abilities:  Julie can magically go between worlds through portals that she can create at almost any time.  She can control which world she appears in, but she can't determine exactly where she appears in that world.  She can also sense auras.  Julie can also cast many spells, learning new ones almost instantly.  She has mastered the use of metamagic, opening up a bunch of possibilities.  She can sense auras naturally, allowing her to sense others and various aspects about them.  She can also breathe in any sinky substance, like quicksand, no matter how deep she is in it.  She can also use her ponytail similarly to having a third hand.

Limitations:  Julie requires a special resource in her body called mana to cast spells.  If she uses too much mana over a period of time, she grows tired or may even fall unconscious.  Her mana recovers over time, but she can use the Diminished Casting metamagic to use less mana while making her spells weaker.  Her Augmented Casting makes her use more mana, but makes her spells more potent.  She can cast spells through Blood Magic, but that takes some of her life force instead of mana.  Also, while using Blood Magic, most healing effects do almost nothing.

Bio:  Julie is a young, adventurous girl who travels to other worlds in an attempt to find out about her past.  As of yet, nothing she did bore fruit.  Not even the gods of the many worlds she's been to know of her history.  All she knows is her birthplace.  She's just now starting to learn of her powers.  She's always looking out for the best solution to any problem she faces, turning to violence only as a last resort.  Something Julie loves to do is cosplay.  She also tends to end up getting messy or stuck in quicksand.  Usually, this happens willingly, as she loves it, which she tries to hide from others at times.  However, she usually fails to do so.

Quote: "I've spent much of my life searching for answers that I may wish I didn't find.  However, it would be better for me to know the bad things than for me not to know anything at all."

SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Juile_in_harem_outfit_by_j_greene-d9d7t4b

Picture by J-Greene on DeviantArt.

Last edited by SpectrumGirl on Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:52 pm; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : new pic of Julie)
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Bandur Khan
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PostSubject: Re: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitimeSun Feb 01, 2015 10:32 pm

I see... WOW! Respect! You are pretty... how can I say that? Stable at the Things You like a Lot! Just like me... This is something I can really admire! Someone who goes her or his Way!
So where will I see her a Lot in the Future? Perhaps in one of my RPs? Would be great - because any other Co-Gamer around here tends to go extinct or to evaporate after a few Days...  
(Anyone, who feels addressed: Think about it.)
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PostSubject: Re: SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers   SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers Icon_minitime

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SpectrumGirl's Planeswalkers
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