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 Yelkavic childhood

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Posts : 806
Join date : 2008-03-03
Age : 30
Location : Drama-Art errr I mean Deviantart

Yelkavic childhood Empty
PostSubject: Yelkavic childhood   Yelkavic childhood Icon_minitimeWed Mar 19, 2008 4:42 pm

Yelkavic wake up” said Yelkavic mother as she shook him in his bed "we don't want to wake up” said the 9 year old Yelkavic and his tail Stalin "Its a school day u have to get up” she added"

Reluntitly Yelkavic got up and got dress. Today would be his first time to a school since the "accident" had happened 3 years ago. After much talk and having pulled a few strings his mom and managed to get a school that would allow him to enter.

"Now remember Yelkavic do NOT eat anyone this time” she said "Yes mom" Said Yelkavic. "Same goes for u Stalin” she added. "Yes mam"said Stalin as he yawned. "know go or you'll miss the bus” she said as Yelkavic slithered to the bus stop.

He waited for what seems like hours when Bus #12 came. He slither don board. No sooner had he got on when all the kids started starring at him. He quietly got to the end of the bus and sat down. He heard kids whispering and he assumed it was about him. He was so into his thoughts that he didn’t hear the girl next to him. "HELLO U THERE" she yelled cause Yelkavic to snap back to reality. He observed the girl. She was about his age and was wearing blue jeans and a red t-shirt. But then he noticed the girls Ears. There were like cats ears. Then he saw a cat tail and what shocked him the most was the fact this girl had Wings.

"Hello my names Hannah” she said.” Mines Yelkavic and my Tail is Stalin” he said. She was about to say something when a dark shadow loomed ahead. "Hello freak” said the voice.

to be continuied.......................................

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