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Join date : 2009-10-15
Age : 34
Location : The Coil, Miragia

Labyrinth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Labyrinth   Labyrinth - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 17, 2012 3:54 pm

"I myself was about to go on stage in another world, and then as I walked forward, I suddenly found myself falling. My only regret is that there was nobody to view my performance of surprise and terror as I fell. That was truly disappointing. And then, I found myself here. Frightened and not wanting to draw attention to myself for a change, I used this cloak made of a magical fabric from the world I originate from to conceal myself."

Nodding, she looked cluelessly at the man's eyes, squeezing her brain for something else to say. She tried for an instant to concentrate on their other partner instead, but it just wouldn't happen. She couldn't think of a way to focus on anyone.

Looking around, she started taking note of the items in the room. There was a metallic chandelier on the ceiling, probably brass or bronze, and the remainders of what had once been an armoire on the far end. A broad window lay to their left, on a ledge, a large red shield resting on the wall. Despite its age, its colors were only dimmed by the layer of grayish dust, below which was a picture of a griffon.
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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Labyrinth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Labyrinth   Labyrinth - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 17, 2012 3:57 pm

Sensing Zoltan's discomfort, Minnacchio looked around the room for something else to talk about. His eyes were drawn to the shield decorating the wall, and he walked over to it, tucking his mask away under his cloak. "A fine artifact," he said aloud, taking the item off the wall. "I feel like I've seen so many in the plays I've been in." He turned his head and looked at Zoltan. "Do you have any interest in the theatre?" he asked, trying to spark a conversation.
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Veteran knight
Veteran knight

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Labyrinth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Labyrinth   Labyrinth - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 20, 2012 12:42 pm

Takamoto silently walked about the room, examining its contents, the remains of armour, the chandelier. He came to a stop at the window, peering out. "This place...reminds me of a castle." He turned his head to the side to glance at them. "it probably came here the same way we did." He turned his attention back to the window. "...Lucky for you two I've been on this...world ...for quite a few years now." At least he assumed he was on felarya, the sky looked similar, but with dimensional anomolys who knows.
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Posts : 1875
Join date : 2009-10-15
Age : 34
Location : The Coil, Miragia

Labyrinth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Labyrinth   Labyrinth - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 17, 2012 7:15 am

space_samurai wrote:
At least he assumed he was on felarya

OOC: This is my cue for rape time to begin, Spacey.


The shield, other than the dust, seemed to have withstood the passage of time perfectly, despite being made of painted wood with a black iron handle.

"A fine artifact, I feel like I've seen so many in the plays I've been in."

"Oh..." Zoltan looked down, trying to get her head to stop spinning. The whole thing was unreal.

"Do you have any interest in the theatre?"

Seemed like as good an idea as any.

"Ehm... yes." she began. "Well, not really. I remember I went to see a play with my dad when I was... seven, but not much about it. And we went to see a play at school when I was twelve, but it wasn't really my thing. I remember that... I thought it'd be fun to act, though..." she continued, slowly.

"This place...reminds me of a castle."

Feeling his eyes pointed at her, she looked back at him. "Castle" wasn't exactly the word she'd use; if anything, this thing was more like a "level". Otherwise there'd be some sort of sense to its architectural design.

"it probably came here the same way we did."

"Ah..." she continued. "So... it doesn't belong either?"

"...Lucky for you two I've been on this...world ...for quite a few years now."

"Whaaa...?" she gasped, stunned. "Tell us about it then!"


Interestingly enough, the bees seemed not to want him to say anything. The buzzing heralded a small swarm threatening to pour in through the door any minute now; she quickly gasped, and turned towards the remainders of the armoire. The wet, ancient wood squelched in her hand, but she somehow managed to lift the largest piece. It started to split in her hand.

"Help...! Grab the other end, we... can block the door with this!" she cried to no one in particular.


As this scene would be pretty mechanical, you can either opt to help her block the door with the rotten board, or you can try to find another way to keep the swarm away. You get to work on what the bees do next post.

If you choose to help her board up the door...

If you choose to ignore her plan...
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PostSubject: Re: Labyrinth   Labyrinth - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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