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Join date : 2012-04-27
Age : 40
Location : Smart predators don't reveal their positions

Decoy Empty
PostSubject: Decoy   Decoy Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2012 6:58 pm

I was thinking, with the technological magical advancement within the majour human cities, you'd think they would come up with back up decoy system to deploy when being pursued by large predators.

how it exactly work depends on who you are dealing with, some decoys could be magical illusions, some could be holographic projections projected out of a small dropable device. Some might just be robots without any sentience and woulden't think twice than following 'emergency predator procedure'

The main point is they look human, they act human enougth to fool predators. Random reaction AI to make them harder to detect, some just stand there screaming, some run. Some try to fight. Up to the point where the predator interacts with them and finds something is amiss. Never underestiamate what the fleeing humans can do with the extra time afforded to them because decoys slowed the predators down. The situration is made even better if there is more than one decoy.

Not that I generally want to see humans escaping that is, but I would of thought the concept would of crossed their minds at some point
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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Age : 34

Decoy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Decoy   Decoy Icon_minitimeFri Jul 06, 2012 9:03 am

They most likely do. It's just that no writer thought of that yet. Though you still can't bank on them because of the chance of malfunction, and it's really just a distraction. If you're running in a straight line with the giant on your tail and then you drop the decoy, s/he won't be fooled, unless s/he's that stupid. Conversely, if you're hiding and s/he's looking for you, then dropping the red herring would be effective.

Again, it's totally possible that Negav has that kind of trinket, but no writer to my knowledge ever thought of a device like that.
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