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 Katrika and the Mage

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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Join date : 2011-03-28
Age : 43

Katrika and the Mage Empty
PostSubject: Katrika and the Mage   Katrika and the Mage Icon_minitimeTue May 29, 2012 8:25 pm

This is just a little story I made up in order to give an idea of how the character Trisha (she belongs to Ravana3k) survived her meeting with a naga named Katrika (she belongs to Zoekin).

I hope you all enjoy the story, here it is.

Katrika and the Mage

It all started as a regular day for everyone in the peaceful village of Safe Harbor, Sanix and his partner Trisha had spent the morning helping out around the village, and making sure everything at their house was in order.

Everything seemed calm and quiet around the village, until a seemingly mad man went running into the village seemingly out of nowhere, the people of the village did with the help of Trisha’s magic were able to calm the man down. The man looked like he was fairly old, around 60’s to 70’s in human terms, his hairs were grey and his skill was very pale, his hair was very short and almost gone on his head, his facial hairs seem to run all the way down to his feet however.
Later after the man was calmed down, he was taken to see the nurse in the village where he would be treated for a cut that was on his body, when Trisha along with Sanix came in to see the man, Trisha sat down next to the bed of the man and began to speak with him.

“Back away from me……their coming…” the man said, with a bit of panic in his tone.

“Calm down, it’s alright, no one here is going to hurt you sir” said Trisha, who was trying to calm the man down.
“They will they are bound to come for me” he said.

“Who is bound to come for you” she asked.

“The great ghost, that protect the artifact I saw, their after me because I saw it and wanted to misuse it” he yelled out.

“Ghosts, what ghosts and what artifact” she asked the man.

“An artifact of great un-foretold power, beyond that which many can think about” he explained.

“Sounds like an average artifact in Felarya to me” said Sanix.

“Hold on Sanix” she said as she whispered into the left ear of the old man, she then asked him a few things about the artifact, things which the old man then revealed from what he knew seemed to match an artifact Trisha had spent some of her life looking for.

After Trisha was given this information, she then went back to her house with Sanix, and the two spent long arguing hours over rather they should look for the artifact or not, mainly because the artifact was located around the Miragia forest. Which is a zone well known in Felarya for being very unpredictable, because of how unstable the dimensions are in that area next to the rest of Felarya along with all the unusual and dangerous creatures living in the forest? After the hours went by of arguing over the matter, the two of them agreed to go, but only if they had a giant predator escort, which would be someone Jade the giantess can rely on.

Morning came, and Trisha and Sanix went to see Jade, they asked their friend if she could find someone who would be willing to do the task of escorting the couple in Miragia forest. After they explained things to Jade, she for a moment closed her eyes to think this over, but in the end she knew what to do and she knew those two could take care of themselves.

After waiting a few hours, Jade returned with a male giant who stood about 130 feet tall, his name is Solomon and he is a giant whom Jade for the most part trusts, but only because of the fact he doesn’t see other races as food and because some of her friends like Jora trust him more or less.

“Solomon, I trust you to protect with your life if needed, to escort Sanix and Trisha to Miragia forest and back safely” Jade said to the giant.

“Don’t worry I’ll do my best to protect both of them” he said when he looked down, at the two mages whom he met but a year or two ago.

“That’s good, because if anything bad happens to them, I’ll personally make you regret it” she said with a serious look and tone in her voice, to the giant who clearly in spite of his size, feared the mighty giantess.

“I…I…I understand Jade” he said with a sweat drop on his face, he then looked down to the mages and opened up his right hand to offer them a ride.

“Are you sure we can trust him Jade” asked Sanix.

“Oh you can trust him, for the most part I can promise he won’t try to eat you two, if he does I’ll make sure he regrets it completely” she said to her two friends, as she had to put her faith in what Jora and her other giant friends told her about Solomon. True he did prove from time to time he was more than trustworthy, but when it comes to giant predators in Felarya regardless of what they say, it’s always risky to try and trust one you don’t fully trust yourself.
Solomon lifted the two human mages safely up to one of the pockets on his shirt he hand made a long time ago, with the two safely in his pocket they knew now that it was time to see if this giant really was as peaceful, and as trustful as he and others claimed for him to be.

Jade gave him a sharp glare and a nod, he nodded back to her and made way north for the Miragia forest where the artifact Trisha and Sanix were after was located. Throughout the journey the three were mostly calm and quite, every now and then a predator be it animal or person would be seen, but nothing really happened too much.
Although Sanix and Trisha did question exactly what was going on, from time to time. Later when it was around what would be 2:30 PM Solomon stopped so he, Sanix and Trisha could take a break they still had an hour walk ahead of them and it was lunch time. Solomon brought out a bag he carried with him, and took out of it two flint stones which he used to make a fire once he gathered some firewood. He took out meat from a giant animal he killed earlier that day, unlike most predators in Felarya Solomon actually hunts animals of giant size.

And he cooks his meat, making him truly different from most predators, though he cooks his food mainly due to the fact he was raised back on his home world to eat cooked foods he doesn’t really favor uncooked food whatsoever. Trisha and Sanix were to a point alright knowing the fact they didn’t have to watch or see anything get eaten whole and alive, though to a point they kept their distance from the fire fearing the possibility of burning in a giant flame though they could easily take care of the flames.
After the three of them got done eating their lunch they packed up, put out the fire and moved on with their quest to the forest. As time went by they soon arrived into the forest, at first things seemed alright but as they went deeper into the forest. Things began to get a bit weird as many odd things happened.

“Well this is where I make my leave” Trisha said as she ran off, heading for the area where she went to claim the artifact, however Solomon yelled to her as he tried to keep track of her.

“Trisha I think we should stick together, especially since this is Katrika’s territory” he tried to tell her, but she ran off without a care about what he said.

“Solomon, quick go get her before something happens to her” Sanix yelled to the giant.

“Don’t worry I’ll get her Sanix” he said as he went off to find the mage.
Meanwhile Trisha was running, she ran and ran and ran until she found the artifact she was looking for, it was fairly small about the size of a ring. Once Trisha got the artifact she then put it away on her person and looked around and only then realized that she was not with the safety of Solomon or Sanix anymore. She just now realized she was lost in the middle of the forest, lost and confused.

“Sanix, Solomon, where are you two” she yelled out into the forest.
Soon though some noise was heard in the bushes, she turned and took out her staff, and soon she for a moment was paused in fear at the site of the naga Katrika. Now Katrika was a younger naga who was from another world, she at this point in her life was use to hunting humans especially mages whom she favors eating the most.
Trisha began to try and use some magic to try and get Katrika’s attention off of her, but it failed to work. She then was in a state of horror as she was quickly grabbed by Katrika, Trisha tried to use her magic against the naga but it didn’t seem to work at all, she then tried to mention Jade but it was too late.

Katrika put Trisha into her mouth, and then she began to move her tongue around in her mouth, she separated Trisha from her magic staff and by accident swallowed it whole, she tossed and turned Trisha around in her mouth savoring Trisha’s taste enjoying her bodies unique magical taste. Trisha was trying her best to try and fight her way out of the dark, wet saliva covered mouth trying her best to try and escape, Katrika could tell what she was trying to do and just played around with her some, moving the poor mage from one side of her mouth to the other. Trisha cried and screamed as she was being tossed and turned around inside Katrika’s mouth, Kat on the other hand was enjoying the taste and struggles of this mage, only wondering why she had never taste found a better tasting mage before in her life. Katrika giggled as she tilted her head back and with pleasure swallowed her delicious prey.

“Nooooooooo……..this can’t be…..I’m being eaten” Trisha yelled out as she was sliding down throat of Katrika, she kicked around trying to move about in hopes of getting the naga to send her back up.
However she only just made sure she was going down, because no sooner had Katrika swallowed again this time with a lot of air, she swallowed again and again and again and with a loud plop Trisha landed in Katrika’s stomach. Oddly enough though Trisha didn’t feel any stomach acids and could breathe easily inside the stomach, she heard Katrika swallow in more air and could only wonder what was happening, Trisha then looked around inside Kat’s stomach to find her staff which hopefully wasn’t digested by any chance.

She then with a look of relief found her staff leaned back, up against the walls of Katrika’s and closed her eyes and focused being right next to Sanix, she focused very hard and as her staff glowed she smiled thinking her life would be safe and sound away from death. Until she heard a loud zap and spark noise and then with a look of shock on her face, she opened her eyes to see with a drop of saliva on her head. She was still inside Katrika’s stomach breathing she was surprised that her spell didn’t work, she could only wonder if this naga somehow was able to drain magic out of things.

Little did Trisha know Katrika can for a fact drain magic, her stomach fair to say is for a fact magic proof, as Trisha was in a state of shock from her discovery Katrika was patting her stomach and licking her lips in content with her filling meal, it seemed like this was the end for Trisha, until!

Solomon with Sanix in his pocket came into the clearing when the two thought they heard Trisha scream, they then saw Katrika with her eyes closed licking her lips and patting her stomach until she opened her eyes, and took a look at her good friend Solomon. Solomon and Katrika have been friends since she first arrived into Felarya and was back then a small naga, she trusted Solomon and saw him as a big strong protector of sorts. She opened her mouth and began to talk with Solomon once she saw him.

“Why hello there Solomon, what brings you around here Sol?” she asked her friend.

“Katrika, good to see you again Kat, but I’m busy looking for someone right now” he said to her.

“You mean we are looking for someone Solomon” said Sanix from his pocket.

“Oh look a hu…..oh is he a friend of yours Sol” asked the naga.

“Yes Sanix is a friend of mine Kat, anyway we’re looking for a human mage, I believe with pink hair she’s a um….friend of mine have you seen her around” he said to Katrika, but just as he mentioned a mage Katrika’s eyes widened as she looked down and put a hand on her stomach, she then had a look on her face which made it clear as to what she did.

“Um……how close of a friend is she” Katrika asked.

“KAT!! You ATE HER!!?” the giant yelled in shock and surprise to the naga.

“I………um…….kind’a did……..sorry she was just running around…..and was so tasty and…” she tried to explain to them until Sanix yelled at Katrika, calling her a few things but Solomon raised a hand to the angered mage.

“Katrika, dear…can you please spit out my friend Trisha the mage please” he said trying to keep a calm face.

“I don’t know…..I’m not fully sure how to do it…..” Katrika said to Solomon, as Trisha was struggling around in Katrika’s stomach, she forced herself to the front of Kat’s stomach to try and hear what was going on. The following is what she heard.

“Now Katrika, your my we’re both friends and you know our rules about eating friends of friends, and do you want Jade to be unhappy with both of us” he said to Katrika.

“I know our rules, and I’d hate to end a friend of a friend, as well as get Jade angry with us…..I’ll try to let her out……” the young naga said.

“You’re a big girl Kat, you can do come on…….do I need to remind you of the time you threw up a slug-girl…..which is a moment you told me about before you moved here to the forest” the giant said to Katrika, whom didn’t like to think of the time when she did for a fact throw up her lunch. That was a human size slug-girl, she threw up the slug-girl after she was told about the fact sometimes races eat their own kind if their small enough. Solomon once told her that sometimes, races eat each other if their the same size, which is normally not a pretty site at all.

After Trisha heard those words what came next was a surprise for her, she felt some kind of pulling force pulling her straight up, she was pulled and pulled and pulled up, until she looked like a bulge in Katrika’s throat. Pretty soon Trisha saw light coming bright, and then what happened next was something unexpected, Trisha went flying out of Katrika’s mouth and landed in Sanix ‘s arms while he was standing on Solomon’s hand.

Trisha was crying with tears of joy to see Sanix again, and was just overall glad to be alive with her partner she then looked behind herself and saw Katrika’s curious face. Trisha squeezed Sanix tightly when she saw Katrika’s face but she and Sanix were safely placed back into Solomon’s shirt pocket. Trisha was shivering in fear when she saw Kat’s face one last time before Solomon put his hand over her to cover her vision.

“Katrika thank you, but can you please stop staring at Trisha she’s scared to death of you Kat” he said to the young naga.

“Oh………sorry I just wanted to make sure…………she was alright…..I truly feel awful for eating a friend of a friend” she said, as she put her hands behind her back with a sad face.

“It’s alright Katrika, Trisha knew what would have happened, and she’s old enough…….anyway it’s alright since she’s alright, not too big of a deal” he said to the naga.

“Still I feel bad…….um…..miss Trisha I am deeply sorry for eating you….” She said as she moved close to Sol’s pocket, but he kept his hand over it so Trisha wouldn’t see Katrika.

“Good away…..please don’t eat me again” Trisha said, but only because she was scared.

“Trisha…..Kat said she’s sorry, she truly felt hurt to no content for what she did to you, and she’s apologizing for doing it, the most you can do is accept her apology” he said to the mage.

“It’s alright……..she has the right to hate a monster like me…….” Katrika said, as she decided to slither off into the forest, away from Trisha.

“Kat please don’t go…….we could use your help” he said to her.

“But…….but……I hurt Trisha and I’m sorry for it and…….she has the right to not be around me…” she said.

“Kat you’re a big girl, and we do need your help getting out of here, and we can keep this whole mess between the four of us….riiight” he said to Kat, as he glared down at Trisha and Sanix, he could keep a secret and Kat could, but he wasn’t fully sure about those two, for all he knew they would tell Jade about what happened and prevent him from ever having any rights to see his friends at Safe Harbor, ever again.

But then after moments went by, Katrika decided to help them out of the forest, as the hours rolled by Trisha finally calmed down around Katrika. However she was still very scared of the naga, both due to the fact Katrika ate her, and due to the fact Katrika can drain Trisha’s magic clean out of her. Soon once they were some miles away from Miragia, once here Katrika parted ways with Solomon, Sanix and Trisha. Katrika had a sad look on her face as she turned around to leave, however Trisha called over to her, and Trisha said she accepted Kat’s apology for what she did, but only because of the fact she didn’t want the young naga to feel fully bad, and because she knew Solomon wouldn’t be fully happy if she never did.

In the end Katrika was happy, and said goodbye to Solomon and his friends, or so he claimed them to be. Once Solomon got half way to the village of Safe Harbor at night, he looked at Trisha and said to her.

“I’m truly glad you accepted Kat’s apology, it really means a lot to her and me that you did Trisha, thanks to you Kat is now as happy as a fungoïd now” he said to Trisha as they continued onward, he only mentioned the word fungoïd because of the fact, he once read about the race and heard tales of a peaceful happy group of them somewhere in the far south.

He knew merely tales about the race, but never saw or met one before, even if he were to meet one it’d be hard for him to talk with one. Because of the fact their race is one of the few unable to talk, they speak with each other only using spores and bioluminescent lights on their bodies. Later on they made it safe and sound to the village and Solomon waved goodbye to Trisha, and Sanix as he left back to his cave. Trisha was at that moment very proud that she and Sanix recovered another artifact she had been searching for, for quite sometime now.

They went back to see the old man to thank him for the information they were given, however once they made it to the room he was left at and watched over, much to their great shock and surprise once they got to his room they saw that he was; GONE!

Well I hope you all enjoyed the story, I'll now give the credits.

Jade, Trisha, Sanix and Safe Harbor belong to Ravana3k.

Katrika belongs to Zoekin.

Felarya and most of its ideas belong to Karbo.

Thank you to everyone who helped create the world.
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