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 Tiny Guild in Negav

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Location : Someplace north Tonorian Hive, south of the Chordoni Waterfall, east of the Kuwuni bridge, and west of the Lataran Temple

Tiny Guild in Negav Empty
PostSubject: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 10:36 pm

As we all know, there are a fair amount of tinies in Negav. So I was wondering if there might be a guild with only tinies in it. The guild would do things like spying, assassination, and other jobs requiring stealth. They would work for politician and criminals alike. In exchange for their services, guild members would receive a certain amount of protection from the Tiny pet/slave/food trade, special equipment, and supplies. The Guild would also be a way for some families of tinies to strike back at Nekos, Humans, and Inus that have killed and/or kidnapped their family members. As long as the tiny in question can afford it that is.

Technical matters of the Guild:

Joining: While some candidates are sought out by the guild, a Tiny can just as easily contact the guild itself and try to join. Joining the guild is purely optional, and there is no risk of being targeted by anyone for refusing to join the Guild. However, there are at least three requirements for joining.

1) You have to be a natural born tiny of some sort. Doesn't matter if you are a Tomthumb or a Neera, you just have to have been born as a tiny.

2) You need to be proficient at sneaking around without being noticed by the likes Humans, Nekos, or Inus. The better you are with sneaking, the higher your chance of getting a high reward job.

3) You can not be afraid of dealing with Humans, Nekos, and/or Inus who would probably kill you without a moments thought.

Optional requirements: These requirements, along with the first three, normally help a Tiny go very far in the guild.

1) Being in good standing with a giant sized person with access to information, like say being the friend of a maid who works in a well known politicians house.

2) Being a spell caster, it doesn't matter if the Tiny is gifted or not.

3) Knowing how to use herbs to create potions and poisons is .

4) Knowing how to speak properly, read between the lines, and pick up on social cues.

5) Know how to lead, and know how to help teach skills that will be useful for guild members to know.

Guild Contacts: The where, who and how to contact the guild. And expected payment.

There are a few methods for contacting the guild. The most common is leaving small messages in certain areas, taverns and inns. Members of the guild regularly check these spots for messages about possible jobs or applicants. Certain clients who purchase the Guild's services on a regular basis are given a special trinkets that look perfectly normal, but can be used to instantly contact the guild at any time. Sometimes, if the guild is interested in convincing a Tiny to join their ranks, a higher ranked member will meet with that Tiny and offer them a job.

The expected payment varies with the client, what the job is, how long it will take, and how high risk the job is. As a rule, assassinations tend to cost more since it involves killing someone without alerting anyone, and removing any evidence that could be traced back to the guild. The cost of spying and gaining information depends on how much information is needed, how long the job is expected to last, and how much security the place has. For example, a mansion guarded by people, spells, and mechanical traps costs far more then a mansion that is just guarded by people. Normally the payment involves special magical items that are used to help the higher level guild members, supplies like food and clothes for the guild members and their immediate family, and protection for members of the guild from the Tiny pet/food/slave trade.

Guild Methods: How the Guild normally completes the jobs given to it.

The guild relies more on a Tiny's stealth then a spell caster's magic. Spying, both political and otherwise, normally involves a Tiny hiding somewhere in the target's house recording what is being said and done with small recording devices and/or magic or, if the level of security is very high, simple pencil and paper. These jobs normally last longer as the tiny in question stays for as long as possible without arousing suspicion to gain as much information as possible.

Assassinations are done normally done at night while the target is sleeping. The preferred methods are slitting the targets throat in their sleep, poison, fires, gas leaks, or any other method that avoids a confrontation with the target. Of course, the method of assassination is purely up to the assassin, unless the client has made a special request on how to kill the target, and that request is a viable option. All the guild cares about in that respect is that the job is done right, and no-one can link the job to them.

Guild Policies: How the guild treats it's members, treats those who betray secrets of their employers and/or guild itself, and how it treats it's clients.

The guild treats any and all members as family, making sure that even the newest recruit is taken care of. Of course, higher ranking members get better housing, items, and treatment on the whole, newcomers can still expect food, water, clothing, and safety. Those members who have family are expected to live with their family and keep their family as oblivious to their membership as possible. This is a security measure to help keep the Guild hidden. However, those guild members without family and/or friends are allowed to take up residence in the guild itself. Members are expected to do their job to the best of their abilities, and the jobs tend to vary according to the skill set the Tiny has. While all the members of the guild are good at sneaking around, some are more specialized with magic and fighting, while others are better at speaking with prospective clients, and others still excel at making sure the guild remains habitable and fully stocked.

The guild has a set of rules that all members must follow. These rules are normally the same rules you would find in any other guild. No stealing from each other, no murdering other guild members, et cetera. The severity of the punishments vary with the severity of the crime. However, the two most important rules are these.

1) No giving away any Guild secrets, like the location of the guild itself, how many members are in it, magical strength, et cetera.

Breaking this rule normally results in immediate termination of the person who gave away the secrets and assassination of the person who learned the secrets. Of course, the punishment is less severe depending on the situation. If it is a new member who accidentally let something slip, or was bragging to his/her friends about their new job, then they are given a severe warning and a lesser punishment, like cleaning the guild toilets. If the member who gave the secrets away broke under torture, then the member is discharged from normal service and is given tasks that do not require them to leave the guild's headquarters. Finally, how the guild deals with the person who gained the secrets depends on how much they know and how dangerous they are. Death only comes to those who willingly give away sensitive information and have been a member long enough to know that they can not do that.

2) No giving away a client and/or potential client's information. This includes name, race, sex, age, where they live, or social status

Those who hire the guild can be certain of at least one thing. Their identity and the fact that they hired the guild will always be kept a secret. The guild prides itself on the fact that it's customers can hire them with total anonymity. Breaking this rule normally means being thrown out of the guild. Again, the severity of breaking this rule changes with the circumstances under which it was broken. Those who are lower ranking don't have the information in order to break this rule. And those members who break it under torture are given the same punishment as those who break the first rule when under torture.

How the guild treat's it's clients

Along with remaining anonymous, the clients of the guild can be sure of a few things. First and foremost is this: If the guild accepts a job from someone, and later receives a job that involves their current employer, then that job will be refused until such a time when they finish their current job. In simple terms, if they're working for a certain politician, and they receive a job request that requires them to spy on that politician, then they refuse it until their current job is done. And if you are one of the special client's that have the trinket to contact the guild at any time, then the guild refuses to accept any job that directly involves you. while this removes some job options, especially when a vote is coming up, it raises the guild's reputation as a reliable group.

Next, the guild never gives away any sensitive information that they gain about their current employer and their special clients. Even if the guild is given the job of spying on their former employer, they do not reveal any sensitive information that does not directly deal with what they were employed to find out.

Finally, the guild is willing to work for anyone, be the person a Human, Inu, Tiny, or even Neko. The reason for this is purely for their reputation, as many Tinies dislike the idea of working for a Neko. However, it is known among the Neko community that the guild tends to do a less then thorough job when hired by a Neko then when hired by anyone else.

And last but not least,

How the Guild deals with clients who decide to screw with it, either through trickery and attacking guild members, or by withholding payment

When someone refuses to pay the guild, that person will first receive a series of reminders and warnings. The guild will send out reminders to those who do not pay on time, normally waiting three days after the time when the payment was originally due. If they do not receive the payment within the next week, they send out another reminder. In total, they will send out three reminders. After that they send out a warning, normally attached with a small, harmless, but annoying booby-trap that is set somewhere in the house. If another week goes by with no payment, the guild will do some research on the former client''s state of affairs. If they find that the former client is unable to pay, they offer a chance to make the price more reasonable. If the former client is able to pay and is just trying to avoid it, then they continue to send out up to three more warnings, with worse and worse traps set every time. If, by this time, the payment has not been received then the guild will steal what it feels it is rightly owed. Afterwords, any jobs the client offers will be refused for a time. If this happens more then once, then the guild will refuse to do any job for that particular client ever again.

If a client chooses to attack one or more of the Guild's members then the Guild immediately terminates the contract, and refuses to do business with that client ever again. Unsurprisingly, most of the potential clients who end up on the list of banned clients in this way are Nekos. If the attack on the guild was bad enough, then sometimes the guild will assassinate the offending client. If a person captures and tortures a member of the guild for information, then the guild will, again, refuse to do jobs for that person. Unless the member in question was captured while spying on said person. Then the guild simply rescues the trapped member, and destroys any files the person has that contains any information they gained.

I would like to hear any thoughts, criticisms, and ideas you might have on this Guild idea. Also please note, I sort of came up with 90% of this information off the top of my head just now, so it may or may not be the best stuff ever. sweatdrop I would also like to thank Gabriel115, Zephyr102 and Sparkythechu for helping me flesh this little idea for Tinies out. You three were a good help with this. Very Happy And finally, sorry it's such a long post. sweatdrop

EDIT: Ilceren made a very good point. It would be hard to keep a guild hidden if you allow the family of every member to live there, and is counterintuitive to a secretive Guild.

Last edited by Darth_Nergal on Sat Jul 21, 2012 4:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Tiny Guild in Negav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 9:05 am

Darth_Nergal wrote:
Normally the payment involves special magical items that are used to help the higher level guild members, supplies like food and clothes for the guild members and their immediate family, and protection for members of the guild from the Tiny pet/food/slave trade.
The magical item payment would be pretty convenient... but it will also be quite obvious to find out who uses the services of the guild when a normal-sized human asks for the making of tiny magical items. Only stupid clients would accept that kind of payment. And as I've already said here, the black market is not an organization, no one is able to control what can be sold and what can't, because the one and only purpose of the black market is exactly to do that, sell and buy without a control. The "protection from the Tiny trade" thing is practically impossible. You can have agreements with certain black merchants, a minority, and even so, they can't be trusted even if they're honest. Since, how are they supposed to know a certain tiny is protected by the guild? They're too small to be distinguished by facial features, and just asking the name would be pretty stupid.

Darth_Nergal wrote:
The preferred methods are slitting the targets throat in their sleep, poison, fires, gas leaks, or any other method that avoids a confrontation with the target.
Heh, you try to slit the throat of a giant naga.

Darth_Nergal wrote:
Guild Policies: How the guild treats it's members, treats those who betray secrets of their employers and/or guild itself, and how it treats it's clients.

The guild treats any and all members as family, making sure that even the newest recruit is taken care of. Of course, higher ranking members get better housing, items, and treatment on the whole, newcomers can still expect food, water, clothing, safety and shelter for themselves and, sometimes, their immediate family. Members are expected to do their job to the best of their abilities, though the jobs vary according to the skill set the Tiny has. While all the members of the guild are good at sneaking around, some are more specialized with magic and fighting, while others are better at speaking with prospective clients, and others still excel at making sure the guild remains habitable and fully stocked.
Well, first off, tinies are good at remaining hidden, but that trait also makes them good at finding out hidden things too. You could say that the guild is hidden EVEN from other tinies and it would be believable... but when it acts as a household, and even member's families are allowed... it becomes VERY hard to keep the word from spreading. Besides, what would the families think of the guild's activities? They would most surely not like it one bit to find out that a person of their family is a member of the guild, and even less to have to sleep/live at the guild. A good number of them would reject the guild member, and probably not keep shut. I would suggest keeping the families oblivious and avoid as much as possible having housing in the guild, or else it would be quite difficult for members to make an excuse to their families or friends. Of course, if a member has no family nor friends, it would be ideal.

Darth_Nergal wrote:
First and foremost is this: If the guild accepts a job from someone, and later receives a job that involves their current employer, then that job will be refused until such a time when they finish their current job. In simple terms, if they're working for a certain politician, and they receive a job request that requires them to spy on that politician, then they refuse it until their current job is done. And if you are one of the special client's that have the trinket to contact the guild at any time, then the guild refuses to accept any job that directly involves you.
This breaks the second absolute guild rule. If they refuse a job, the other part then knows for sure that the objective of his mission is a client. I say that instead of that, the guild should accept it. However, the guild doesn't carry out until the time is right, or even goes as far as to notify the objective so that person can provide false intel and such. The reward for the guild will be the client's fee and they'll probably receive later an assassination mission from the objective to the former client.

Darth_Nergal wrote:
If a person captures and tortures a member of the guild for information, then the guild will, again, refuse to do jobs for that person.
And subjects him/her to the information leak treatment.

As a side comment, I don't personally like tinies having such as big and moral-lacking guild, but I guess that if humans have some, why not tinies?

Last edited by Ilceren on Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Tiny Guild in Negav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 10:03 am

Hmmm not bad ideas..... but there definitely needs to be an initiation that's universal to all new members.

I think it should be that small groups of new members should be sent out to steal underpants from a target, usually a neko.
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Location : Someplace north Tonorian Hive, south of the Chordoni Waterfall, east of the Kuwuni bridge, and west of the Lataran Temple

Tiny Guild in Negav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 9:59 pm

Ilceren wrote:
The magical item payment would be pretty convenient... but it will also be quite obvious to find out who uses the services of the guild when a normal-sized human asks for the making of tiny magical items. Only stupid clients would accept that kind of payment. And as I've already said here, the black market is not an organization, no one is able to control what can be sold and what can't, because the one and only purpose of the black market is exactly to do that, sell and buy without a control. The "protection from the Tiny trade" thing is practically impossible. You can have agreements with certain black merchants, a minority, and even so, they can't be trusted even if they're honest. Since, how are they supposed to know a certain tiny is protected by the guild? They're too small to be distinguished by facial features, and just asking the name would be pretty stupid.

Well, if the person using the magic item has enough money, questions like that tend to remain silent. The only people who would pay with the magic item route would be the very very rich. Now I don't know the state of Negav, but if it's like most fantasy places, then requests like that woud not be questioned. While the Black Market is not an organization, I am fairly certain that the guild could strike up certain deals with black market merchants, and I'm equally certain that there are some criminal groups with varying power. A city like Negav without at least one small thieve's guild who does work in the black market, not control but work in, wouldn't be very believable. sweatdrop As the merchants themselves work on the opposite side of the law, I wouldn't be surprised if they might require the services every so often from a guild like this. I was figuring some kind of special mark might fix that. Nothing big, but a symbol of sorts. It would have to be virtually meaningless to the normal person, like say a religious tattoo with a certain passage on it, but would mean something to those with the knowledge.

Ilceren wrote:
Heh, you try to slit the throat of a giant naga.

Depends, is the Naga awake, or in a sleep that's been "aided" by some substance to keep them asleep? Razz I'm looking at the anatomy of where the carotid arteries are on a Human. It doesn't seem like you would need that long of a sword to reach them. At the very least, a longsword would be needed for a Tiny, maybe larger. If not then I can always change it to something else. I'm sure a properly trained Tiny would have other ways to kill a Human then just poison, and I'm also certain that not all Tinies are nice and sweet, and some are just as sick and twisted as a few Humans. They don't even need to make a full cut around the neck. Cut open the carotid arteries wide enough and not only will the person lose blood in the brain, but their heart will help to pump the blood out as well. It's not the nicest way to go, but not every Assassin is a clean professional.

Ilceren wrote:
Well, first off, tinies are good at remaining hidden, but that trait also makes them good at finding out hidden things too. You could say that the guild is hidden EVEN from other tinies and it would be believable... but when it acts as a household, and even member's families are allowed... it becomes VERY hard to keep the word from spreading. Besides, what would the families think of the guild's activities? They would most surely not like it one bit to find out that a person of their family is a member of the guild, and even less to have to sleep/live at the guild. A good number of them would reject the guild member, and probably not keep shut. I would suggest keeping the families oblivious and avoid as much as possible having housing in the guild, or else it would be quite difficult for members to make an excuse to their families or friends. Of course, if a member has no family nor friends, it would be ideal.

Yeah, I was questioning the addition of family members. I mean, the guild can certainly take care of it's own, but I was worried that adding family to the mix would be a bit much. I think I'll remove that bit after thinking it through. ^_^ I'll keep the supplies thing though. The members could always claim they "work" at some job. >.>

Ilceren wrote:
This breaks the second absolute guild rule. If they refuse a job, the other part then knows for sure that the objective of his mission is a client. I say that instead of that, the guild should accept it. However, the guild doesn't carry out until the time is right, or even goes as far as to notify the objective so that person can provide false intel and such. The reward for the guild will be the client's fee and they'll probably receive later an assassination mission from the objective to the former client.

Well, the Guild is allowed to accept or decline any and all jobs. They wouldn't accept every job offered to them, and I already figured they wouldn't. No matter how big a guild is, most guilds don't accept every job offer because it would take too much man power. And also, it is totally impossible to keep all information secret. People aren't dumb, and some would eventually figure out who is working for who, even if the guild accepted every job. The second rule refers to guild members actually giving away client information. Sure, a person might be able to suspect what's going on, but without a lot of proof on their side they can't do anything about it. If they try to go to the guild for proof, the guild can just say that they refused the job on the grounds of it being too dangerous or something. Also, accusing someone of hiring the guild on the grounds that you were unable to hire the guild means you were trying to spy on or assassinate someone. Since most people who would need that kind of job done are in positions of power, making a statement like that would be tantamount to suicide, be it literal or political.

Ilceren wrote:
And subjects him/her to the information leak treatment.

Yeah, I need to think of a good way to plug information leaks like that...I could always have it so the guild assassinates them, but that would become very difficult very fast if the leak is someone high on the political food chain in Negav. Assassination would have to be the very last resort. I'm happy to take some ideas though.

Ilceren wrote:
As a side comment, I don't personally like tinies having such as big and moral-lacking guild, but I guess that if humans have some, why not tinies?

Lol, not all Tinies are cute and sweet. Razz They are no different then anyone else in Felarya. There are both good and evil Tinies. ^_^

Grave wrote:
Hmmm not bad ideas..... but there definitely needs to be an initiation that's universal to all new members. I think it should be that small groups of new members should be sent out to steal underpants from a target, usually a neko.

XD Well, I like the idea of an initiation. Though I don't think it will be thievery, After all, the Guild doesn't really have a use for thieves since most valuable items are too bit for a Tiny to easily carry out. Razz Plus I think it might attract some unwanted attention if they go around stealing Neko underpants. I mean, would you trust a guild that has their new members steal underwear as the initiation test with a job like gathering sensitive and scandalous information on your rival? Razz
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Veteran knight
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Tiny Guild in Negav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 10:47 pm

Darth_Nergal wrote:

Ilceren wrote:
Heh, you try to slit the throat of a giant naga.

Depends, is the Naga awake, or in a sleep that's been "aided" by some substance to keep them asleep? Razz I'm looking at the anatomy of where the carotid arteries are on a Human. It doesn't seem like you would need that long of a sword to reach them. At the very least, a longsword would be needed for a Tiny, maybe larger. If not then I can always change it to something else. I'm sure a properly trained Tiny would have other ways to kill a Human then just poison, and I'm also certain that not all Tinies are nice and sweet, and some are just as sick and twisted as a few Humans. They don't even need to make a full cut around the neck. Cut open the carotid arteries wide enough and not only will the person lose blood in the brain, but their heart will help to pump the blood out as well. It's not the nicest way to go, but not every Assassin is a clean professional.

Man, they're three inches tall at best, a few centimeters of Epidermis to us is to them pretty thick, not too mention the weapons wont be as effective when they're proportioned to the size of the three-inch wielder, i don't think assassination using a slit-to-the throat would work very well, not to mention the body would jerk and twitch from the nerves being alerted, which means a possibility of the tiny falling off.
And you need a dose of those substances to properly affect the whole body, again, think of their size, their hands are REALLY small, you sure they'll be able to get enough poison to give a good enough dose to them?
Also, their access to the city would be REALLY limited to the sewer system and the buildings connected, as those hundreds of pairs of feet walking around the streets would be pretty dangerous.

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Location : Someplace north Tonorian Hive, south of the Chordoni Waterfall, east of the Kuwuni bridge, and west of the Lataran Temple

Tiny Guild in Negav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 11:42 pm

hhhat09 wrote:

Man, they're three inches tall at best, a few centimeters of Epidermis to us is to them pretty thick, not too mention the weapons wont be as effective when they're proportioned to the size of the three-inch wielder, i don't think assassination using a slit-to-the throat would work very well, not to mention the body would jerk and twitch from the nerves being alerted, which means a possibility of the tiny falling off.
And you need a dose of those substances to properly affect the whole body, again, think of their size, their hands are REALLY small, you sure they'll be able to get enough poison to give a good enough dose to them?
Also, their access to the city would be REALLY limited to the sewer system and the buildings connected, as those hundreds of pairs of feet walking around the streets would be pretty dangerous.

Hmmm...Yeah, I'll have to come up with a better method for them to assassinate people. Poison can still work, as certain poisons can be very effective in even small dosages. However, I need to think of a method a Tiny could kill a sleeping Human without any poison involved. Poison is good and all, but I'd like to try and get some variety in their methods. I'd be happy to hear a suggestion. Very Happy

Well, the Guild itself would have had to have been around for a pretty long time for it to work in the way I described. If you look at the jobs I describe it taking, the jobs are from those who have power in Negav. In order to get such jobs, the Guild would have had to exist long enough for them to gain a good enough reputation that prospective clients wouldn't worry about the fact that they are hiring a bunch of Tinies to do political psying and/or assassinations. Not to mention it would take time for the Guild to set up places where people can leave messages about possible jobs. As such, I'm pretty sure the guild would have created their own pathways in addition to those already available. Also, to quote the Wiki:

Felarya Wiki wrote:
Urban legends claim that tomthumbs have dug a vast network of subterranean chambers and passageways which extends under most of the city. Some paranoid humans claim that this enables the tinies to enter any home or building and spy on the human world. It has also been claimed that some tomthumbs offer their services as tiny assassins, carrying drops of potent poison unseen into humans’ homes.

The Guild could easily make use of those chambers and passageways. The Guild would also lend to the "Some paranoid humans claim that this enables the tinies to enter any home or building and spy on the human world. It has also been claimed that some tomthumbs offer their services as tiny assassins, carrying drops of potent poison unseen into humans’ homes." rumor.

Felarya Wiki wrote:
There is also a popular trend among humans to employ tomthumbs to deliver love messages to their sweethearts. For some reason, using a tomthumb messenger is considered particularly romantic.

Not to mention that the Guild could make good use of whatever paths the Tomthumb messengers use. The guild could easily reach throughout the whole city. Especially if the Guild divided Negav up into sections and controlled those sections separately. Like have an East section of the Guild in charge of all jobs in the Eastern part of the city, and a West section of the Guild for all the jobs found in the western part. All the sections would have to report back to the main headquarters of the Guild, but each part would be in charge of their own little section. This would make it easier for members, as it wouldn't mean a Tiny has to trek from one end of the city to another.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Tiny Guild in Negav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 7:20 am

Darth_Nergal wrote:
XD Well, I like the idea of an initiation. Though I don't think it will be thievery, After all, the Guild doesn't really have a use for thieves since most valuable items are too bit for a Tiny to easily carry out. Razz Plus I think it might attract some unwanted attention if they go around stealing Neko underpants. I mean, would you trust a guild that has their new members steal underwear as the initiation test with a job like gathering sensitive and scandalous information on your rival? Razz

Of course I would! Everyone knows that underpants leads to profit...... don't they? I mean you don't want to just go kill someone as an initiation for no good reason. Besides, if they do their job correctly no one is supposed to know that it's the guild recruits stealing the underpants, or that the underpants were stolen at all. Belonging to a neko is supposed to add a little danger to the "test". Look at it from a standpoint of both a test and a way of hazing new members. They aren't constantly stealing underpants, like I said this would be groups of new members, so it wouldn't happen very often and each new member only has to succeed once.

And as a bonus if any group member were caught their silence would be insured by he neko in probably rather short order.
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Tiny Guild in Negav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 3:50 pm

Well, this is quite detailed. Try not to get bogged down with details, Nergal- they tend to do more harm than good. We can all figure out a way to kill a guy who's 120 feet tall. Poison in the ear a la Hamlet, or a sword that's as sharp as it's tiny to the neck- the possibilities are endless.

But if you'll let me, try to focus a bit more on the guild's objectives. So far this is more of a thieves' than a tinies' guild, and it's kinda giving 'em bad rep. How about giving the guild a little more focus on fighting tiny slavery and stuff than in being paid killers? They could be more like La Resistance than like the Garrote.
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Tiny Guild in Negav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 5:35 pm

Stabs wrote:
Well, this is quite detailed. Try not to get bogged down with details, Nergal- they tend to do more harm than good. We can all figure out a way to kill a guy who's 120 feet tall. Poison in the ear a la Hamlet, or a sword that's as sharp as it's tiny to the neck- the possibilities are endless.

But if you'll let me, try to focus a bit more on the guild's objectives. So far this is more of a thieves' than a tinies' guild, and it's kinda giving 'em bad rep. How about giving the guild a little more focus on fighting tiny slavery and stuff than in being paid killers? They could be more like La Resistance than like the Garrote.

Well, most of the details in this concern how the Guild is run as a whole. The kind of stuff that needs to remain the same in the stories it's used no matter what so Guild remains believable. In all honesty, the rest of the Guild can be up to the writer, if they choose to use it. The examples I use in the descriptions, particularly with assassination, are just that, examples. I want most of the Guild to be open for the writer. Only the core mechanics of the Guild, like the stuff the Guild is founded on, how it runs, certain rules, ect. are fixed. I think I might even add that there is no "standard" initiation test. That the tests are created by the person doing the actual testing, and the only thing every test has in common with each other is that it has the tiny sneaking around some place dangerous, and that the tiny has to meet with some Human sized being. :3

I never actually intended it to be a Guild fighting a war on the tiny slave trade. It's history will have to do with Nekos attacking Tinies, but it won't be focused on fighting the Tiny Slave Trade.
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PostSubject: Re: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2012 2:32 pm

After our discussion of the history of the guild, I actually had an idea for a story about a guild operation against the Tiny slave trade, fleshing out some of their non-paid (read: doing it for the betterment of Tinies as a whole) activities. 3-5 guild members, probably Tomthumbs and Neeras, have to bring down a Neko operating in a village outside Negav. She's a key member of the black market concerned with nabbing large numbers of Tinies and selling them as snacks or slaves. The party engages in unconventional warfare, recruiting and training Efrii, telling them that they will lead the charge into the village of the kingpin. While this is technically true, the party mostly means to use the warriors as distractions to take attention away from the residence of the kingpin, reasoning that their sacrifice will cripple the Tiny trade for a long time. The warrior-like Efrii aren't told what their purpose is, but they largely don't care, and get rather hyped up waiting for an opportunity to put their new training to use.

Of course, I like to think such a guild might have members like these, operating like Special Forces to train guerrillas. Any thoughts?
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2012 2:46 pm

This isn't a criticism of the idea itself, but more of the layout. For crying out loud, that first post is HUGE. I know detail is important, I tend to worry a lot about minor things, but this is ridiculous. Do you seriously expect people to read and assimilate all that information one go? That's a high level of sadly misplaced confidence.

What you should do is lay it out like a funnel. First make a post that talk about the general stuff we need to know about the guild, such as how it came to be, what you'd mostly find there, and what it's mostly about. If you are lucky enough to get feedback, then you can get into more specifics and keep going like that. Even then, it's best not go too much into detail. There's a difference between being informative and rambling. You want to be concise, explaining a lot without ending up like a wall of text, otherwise you'll only overwhelm the readers.
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Tiny Guild in Negav Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2012 9:44 pm

Shady Knight wrote:
This isn't a criticism of the idea itself, but more of the layout. For crying out loud, that first post is HUGE. I know detail is important, I tend to worry a lot about minor things, but this is ridiculous. Do you seriously expect people to read and assimilate all that information one go? That's a high level of sadly misplaced confidence.

What you should do is lay it out like a funnel. First make a post that talk about the general stuff we need to know about the guild, such as how it came to be, what you'd mostly find there, and what it's mostly about. If you are lucky enough to get feedback, then you can get into more specifics and keep going like that. Even then, it's best not go too much into detail. There's a difference between being informative and rambling. You want to be concise, explaining a lot without ending up like a wall of text, otherwise you'll only overwhelm the readers.

Ohhh, I see what you meant now. I thought you were going on a totally different thing there. sweatdrop Sorry about that. I agree with you, it is too big of a post. sweatdrop In all honesty, I don't expect anyone to read it all. I would like to split it up into smaller posts, but there's a small problem. I have no idea how to link a single, specific post in a thread like this. sweatdrop I know it's possible since a lot of people have done it, I just don't know how. Think you could tell me? sweatdrop
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeThu Aug 02, 2012 6:06 am

I don't mean link to different posts, I mean you write the beginning, click on the send button, and then wait for feedback. After a while, you make a new post, and then you get into more specifics. Rinse and repeat from there.
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PostSubject: Re: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeThu Aug 02, 2012 5:19 pm

Well Shady, I think he has been developing a bit with some people, so he kinda got feedback and ended up making that huge post. But well, Shady has a point too.
Also, to get the link for a post, copy the link of your adress bar just as you post it. That links directly to that post.

Edit: For example, this is the link for my post. I had to edit my post because I had to post it in order to get the link. There are also some HTML tags that can be used for link construction, but they are a bit hard to understand at first. And not even sure if they can be used in this forum.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2012 5:15 am

Mhh great idea here ^^
Tinies have some obvious advantages and abilities that big race don't have and it makes sense they would form such a group. Maybe being employed at first by regular thieve guilds and then splintering and regrouping themselves into that current one. I like the idea, it's really interesting Smile
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeTue Oct 16, 2012 12:55 pm

I love this idea to. Some much story potentional. I love tineis.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Tiny Guild in Negav   Tiny Guild in Negav Icon_minitimeTue Oct 16, 2012 8:50 pm

Rauwolfia would be a great canidate for the guild, she is the same thing as Nina, but... She not using her skills like a shadow dance should, she's working in a strip club -chuckles- woo easy way to get information
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