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 Riot in the Underground

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Seasoned adventurer
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Riot in the Underground - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riot in the Underground   Riot in the Underground - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 29, 2012 6:49 pm

I apologize for my lateness in updating. The action itself should start picking up from here.


The Captain nodded at Lucius' suggestion, "When no other safe option is available, yes, it seems that will have to be how we go about this."

"Works for me." Grulsh smirked, effortlessly slinging his axe over his shoulder, "Good change a' pace from fightin' Nagas out in the jungle."

Armelle ignored the bloodlust in the Half-Orc's voice and continued on, "Lucius, Minacchi, Reisen, and Sumari, you'll take point." The human pointed to a ladder that would get the four on top of a one-story building. "It's all slums here, so the buildings will be easy to jump between. If you can't jump rooftop to rooftop, Sumari will break a window for you to jump into. The rest of us will take the streets for now. We have a more or less straight shot towards The Pit, but that might not mean a whole lot for us. Caius, I want you at the head of our group. For now, let's try to incapacitate the Cra-... these people."

The Neko battlemage walked forward, his hands oozing cold mist as he prepared to use his abilities. It proved wise to be at the ready, as a woman came running out from an alley, screaming like a banshee. She found her entire body painfully covered in a blast of frost, dropping her in a moment, though she continued to crawl forward. The Captain delivered a blow to the back of her head with the iron ball capping the other end of her halberd, knocking the assailant out.
Barely a second passed by when the sounds of more wails began to fill the air. More people began to swarm from the alleys and buildings, charging the Squad. There was about 4 seconds-worth of running between the 30 or so attackers and the Squad. These people seemed to be focused only on killing the intruders in the moment, but many of them were covered in blood and injuries and grime, their bodies previously emaciated from long periods of near-starvation. It wouldn't take much to put them down.
"Open fire!" Commanded Armelle, raising her halberd to waist-level, "Melee fighters, form a line!" Steel Blood, Grulsh, Sara, and Lydia fell in alongside their commander, weapons out, ready to meet the onslaught.
Kath opened up first, unleashing a spray of heavy rounds into the oncoming enemies, as the others followed suit, assisted by the battlemages' attacks.

Even as many of the attackers were cut down, more began to leap from other locations, coming for the closest available target. Everybody had at least two assailants to deal with personally, save for Jurin, who for now was ignored, though he might need to avoid being crushed underfoot.
"You three! Up onto the roof with me! We'll provide fire support." Sumari was climbing the ladder rapidly, taking the rungs two at a time. Reisen followed suit after downing a manwith a few bullet-shaped energy blasts.
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Saen Kel
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Riot in the Underground - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riot in the Underground   Riot in the Underground - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 29, 2012 7:23 pm

'Oh one of the perks of being small' Jurin thought as he set to his work. The little gem on his belt glowed slightly as it made him more agile. He dodged the feet and used his blade to start cutting thier heels. Due to the solution on his blade they should notice they were cut until they fell over from the injury he inflicted.
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Location : Someplace north Tonorian Hive, south of the Chordoni Waterfall, east of the Kuwuni bridge, and west of the Lataran Temple

Riot in the Underground - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riot in the Underground   Riot in the Underground - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 12:50 am

Lucius nodded and was about to take flight when the first woman ran screaming into the open. He watched as the Neko quickly downed the woman and chose to draw his Morningstar and sword. It turned out to be a good idea as a hoard of people charged at the small group. He grimaced to himself. "Just like zombies...and here I was hoping to avoid fighting things that act like undead." He swung his morningstar down onto the head of one of his attackers as hard as he could, not bothering about civilian casualties. At the same time he attempted to stab his second attacker in the gut with his sword. If successful, the blade would deal a painful jolt of electricity to his target. "I'm on my way up ma'am!"
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Eternal Optimist
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Riot in the Underground - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riot in the Underground   Riot in the Underground - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 11:57 am

Minnacchio, rather than resort to violence at this time, simply dance around the foes attempting to assault him, locking the rods under his cloak to keep control over his garment and prevent it from falling into the grip of an enemy. He made it swiftly to the ladder towards which he had been directed earlier and hopped up, landing three rungs up from the ground before beginning to climb, letting his cloak rods unlock.

"Minnacchio the Dazzling shan't have his performance rrruined by hecklers!" he exclaimed dramatically as he made his ascent.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Riot in the Underground - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riot in the Underground   Riot in the Underground - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 02, 2012 2:14 pm

Ivan fell in line next to the rest of the melee fighters, and despite his withered frame, was able to hold his own. He quickly drew a long thin blade and mostly used stabbing attack, rarely on the defensive. as he fought from time to time his blade would ever so slightly change shape, growing a spike here or there to tear at the enemy a little harder. Ivan mostly aimed for vital organs, attempting to end his fight as quickly as possible.
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Seasoned adventurer
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Riot in the Underground - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riot in the Underground   Riot in the Underground - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 06, 2012 5:47 pm

[As I am currently quite involved with Maelstrom of Darkness, I'll be putting this RP on hold. With any hope, it might be revived, but I'm not hugely optimistic.]
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PostSubject: Re: Riot in the Underground   Riot in the Underground - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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