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PostSubject: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeMon Oct 29, 2012 12:16 pm

So! I've teamed up with Zephyr and we've gone what I think is above and beyond creating the background and settings for a very serious and possibly quite long yet super fun and interesting RP.

Here's the basic premise: It's 17 years in the future from 'present time' in Felarya. Demechrelle reawoke two years prior to the beginning of the RP. She has used her power to not only seal away the Guardians who locked her in sleep, but also to create what has become known as the Dark Moon which appears in the sky over Felarya every night, casting it's eerie purple glow over the entire land. The moon seems to have a great affect of the powers and attitudes of creatures of darkness like wandering nightmares and darkness elementals, granting them increased abilities, and they run rampant at night. It is said that the power of the moon gives Demechrelle the ability to not only control these creatures at will, but also to access the dreamscape freely, corrupting any she meets there with her dark power and turning them into wandering nightmares themselves. If that weren't enough, necromancy also seems to work under the dark moon's light, resulting in the rampaging of numerous undead creatures all over Felarya, and to top it all off, its influence nullifies the effect of the Isolon Eye. All these factors have forced Felarya's entire population - sentient beings and wildlife alike - to become nocturnal, having to be awake to defend themselves and eachother.

Well? Interested yet? ;D I'm not going to tell you people the goal of the RP just yet, because it's more fun that way. I'll be co-GMing it with Zephyr, and needless to say, it's going to be somewhat grim here. We're looking for 5-7 players to join in. Please make the effort to be able to post frequently if you join. ^_^
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Saen Kel
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeMon Oct 29, 2012 12:56 pm

I want in! XD not sure who I should use though! XD
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeMon Oct 29, 2012 12:59 pm

Oh! I forgot to mention, players can choose to make up new characters, or used aged 'future' versions of existing OCs. Keep in mind that if you do the latter, you have to change them a bit - 17 years doesn't keep people exactly the same, okay? They don't necessarily have to do a heel-face-turn, but if that's what you want it's okay, too. ^_^
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Saen Kel
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeMon Oct 29, 2012 1:01 pm

I figured ^^ actually XD hahahaha it shall be fun! X3 I'll edit this post when I decided! It will be either Constance or Saen definitely XD

actually i think Daara is the only one who would work but not sure if you are okay with her =o here is what she will be like in 17 years.

name: Daara Spade
species: human
skin: grey
hair: long and white
appearance: still wears an explorer clothes with her wide brimmed wizard hat. shadows have developed under her eyes.

history: 15 years ago she was a happy illusionist joker. One day though she joked around with the wrong person, the wrong predator I should say. It was hell bent on eating her and the only way the mage survived, was her magic cottage sacrificing itself. It was only then she realized the cottage was her mother the whole time. The loss made her far more serious and choose her words more carefully. She stopped studying magic for gags and more to better herself. She didn't hang around people still much unless she could learn more. Now with this strange moon allowing necromancy perhaps she could find a way to bring her mother back. (character goal don't actually plan on having her learn it just her personal goal)

powers and skills

Daara's illusions have gotten much better and able to use more freely in dangerous situations. Such as making it appear as if there were 5 of her. These illusions have no scent however, and can't effect the environment. She can shrink herself and those willing to 3inches tall and revert them back to thier original height after. She can also make light to aid her seeing in the dark.

Malijak is still her traveling companion as well. Besides growing to 7 feet tall from living in Miragia forest with Daara he is the same. Protecting her with his life.

personality: She is much quieter now, retains her curiosity and thrist for knowledge. Her constant Heehee~ Is gone now though when she finds something really funny she tends to fall over laughing. She still doesn't understands others much and tries not to talk till she is sure how they will react as a result. Her fear of giant preds is even greater especially fairies. Even having one as an ally she will watch them carefully for the inevitable betrayal.

Is this cool? She isn't too OP is she? =(

Last edited by Saen Kel on Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:43 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeMon Oct 29, 2012 1:04 pm

I would like to join, if i may. I would probably be using Bale unless new character inspiration occurs.

Name: Bale
Species: Neko
Height: 6'2"
Fur Color: light brown with small streaks of rust red
Skin Color: tan, but it has an odd shifting look
Hair Color: dark brown with small streaks of rust red
Eye Color: yellow green
Other Characteristics: He has a bifurcated tongue.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeMon Oct 29, 2012 1:11 pm

Bale! You're the next contestant on the Price Is Death! Come on Doooooooooown!! XD *dee-da da-dee dee-doo doo-da! Dee-da doo-dee doo-dee doo-da!*
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeMon Oct 29, 2012 2:37 pm

Seems very creative. Obviously you're already aware of what a deviation this is from the existing Felarya canon setting, so I'll trust you know what you're doing and that this is likely going to be viewed as an "alternate timeline" RP.
That said, I'm willing to try it. I think I'll just toss in a future version of Persephone - as I do have some ideas for what's to happen in the future regarding her "story", here's some changes I'd like to declare:
Persephone has a daughter now, although I won't be including her directly.
Persephone left Felarya in the meantime, but has returned better equipped than before - I'll of course be wary of going anywhere near Mary Sue territory, but it'll be necessary to make her at least a little more powerful if she's to stand a chance here. This includes having a new spaceship at her disposal, more specifically a small shuttle/dropship (a la Samus's ship), and a larger craft in orbit to which the shuttle travels.

I also have a couple questions:
How likely do you estimate it is for characters to be dying in here? Much more than usual?
I take it people are nocturnal because it's safe to sleep during the day without Freddychrelle messing around in your dreams?
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeMon Oct 29, 2012 3:14 pm

Yes, of course it's an 'alternate timeline' RP. And thank you for the compliment.

It wasn't necessary to tell us those details, but it's nice to know you already have some ideas in mind.

It is very likely that characters will be killed if they are not careful. This is a serious RP and you're not going to be getting any special favours from Zephyr or I. ;D

Yes. The idea is that her power hasn't been fully restored, so during the daytime she does not have the power that she does during the night. For all creatures, the daytime is altogether safer for sleep.
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Saen Kel
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeMon Oct 29, 2012 3:18 pm

Wait you didn't need my details? =( awww Now I feel bad! X<
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeMon Oct 29, 2012 7:51 pm

May I just say this is PERFECT for me.

>New rp? Check.

>Great people in it? Check.

>Great premise? Check.

So thats pretty awesome already, but I have a proposal for you Nyaha. Feel free to reject it of course, you're the boss. Are you familiar with my char of Mortis? I think this is the perfect opportunity to use him because:

1: The time period means that I can make minor adjustments to him

2: He is an abomination himself! If you didn't know, his soul is conjoined with that of a demon's, becoming one. AKA an abomination capable of using dark magic.

That means that the purple moon will make him more powerful, BUT, because he is a creature of darkness, he will have to fight his insanity and the mind control of the antagonist. He could be potentially turned against his allies, or perhaps just break and go completely insane!

What do you think? Am I in?
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Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeMon Oct 29, 2012 8:37 pm

Ohh, I HAVE to join this one, with Nergal no less. Especially since waking up Demechrelle was on his list of things to do! Very Happy

https://felarya.forumotion.com/t3275p15-my-characters#107651 There we go, how does that sound for an OC?
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 10:36 am

We have our five, but we might want to wait just a bit more. We've both been bouncing ideas off of one another on how to make this "fun" for all of you. Expect plenty of "fun" in the near future. I've never co-GMd with anyone, so this should be interesting.
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The Ultimate
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 11:06 am

If I join, may I use a my Storm Sprite character? She is a vegan so don't worry.
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 11:14 am

Hey, as far as I know, you're free to use pred characters of any type.

Heh, Nyaha chose me for this grimdark RP on account of my apparent tendency towards grimdark, but I might not be able to keep it up, you see. I'm going to counseling for my depression now, which is what spawned my 'Riot in the Underground' RP. I'll certainly try though.
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The Ultimate
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 11:18 am

Zephyr102 wrote:
Hey, as far as I know, you're free to use pred characters of any type.

Heh, Nyaha chose me for this grimdark RP on account of my apparent tendency towards grimdark, but I might not be able to keep it up, you see. I'm going to counseling for my depression now, which is what spawned my 'Riot in the Underground' RP. I'll certainly try though.
Ah, I see. Well, I best think how my character would be like after 17 years, I thinks it's gonna be interesting. :-)
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The Ultimate
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 11:35 am

Here's my character! If too over powered let me know. It's just after 17 years I think she would have improved her attacks and becoming more stronger.
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 11:46 am

I guess I'm in then? Great. ^^ Mortis will still be his same old self but with a few adjustments. Is it neccessary to list a bio? Beause bear in mind that my old Mortis bio is OLD. I never got around to altering it fully.

Here are the important things you might want to know:

>Can use dark magic, often he uses it in creative ways.

>His dark power is powered by emotions, mostly rage. If he is in pain, or he is really angry, his spells are much more potent. Likewise, if he is calm and composed, they are much less powerful.

>He is exceptionally strong willed, except when his mind is clouded by rage and pride. When that happens he is prone to giving in to his monstrous side. Demachrelle would be able to control him easily while he is enraged.

>Using his power eats away at his lifeforce. Using too much energy too fast can lead to dizzyness, confusion, passing out and even death.

>As I said, he is an abomination. His soul is neither human nor demon, a horrific cross between the two. This fusion of such unlikely souls is what causes his mental instability.

>Thanks to the demonic side of him, he can devour the soul of a fallen foe. Doing so imbues him with much strength, but also causes him to lose his grip on reality and attack everything in sight.

>Finally, as an evil abomination, he is weak against magic of a holy nature. An angel for example is his worst nightmare. He fears angels more than he fears his own death.

One las thing. I was serious about him being open to Demachrelles influence while he is enraged. I hereby give my official consent to use mind control on Mortis whenever he is in an enraged state. If he can manage to calm down, then he may be able to resist. Until then, he is free to use as Demachrelle sees fit.
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Saen Kel
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 12:06 pm

Name: Minare
Species: Shakala
Age: 21
Height: 6’1
Hair color: white
Eye color: bright blue
Skin: Dark tan

Minare is born of the tribe of Shakala of Lamina. Like most Shakala she is very focused on combat. Ever since she was small she has been determined to become the best by any means. This lead her to be on rather bad terms, not because they disliked her but she saw them all as hurtles to surpass. For example she will often during hunts insist on getting the kill. If a fellow hunter has the best shot, she will get in the way even if it means the prey in question will get away. Those who have a skills far beyond her own or different skill sets she will often try to become their student and learn all she can before moving on.

One day she encountered a scorpiasïs (not sure how big they are wiki didn’t say this one is not very large if they are giant sized like 10ft tall) while with several of her fellow tribe members all young like her. Having numbers they decided to try and kill it for food. The battle didn’t go as well as they planned only Minare managed to survive and that was mostly due to luck. When she returned they blamed her for the failure and lost allies (which was completely true) Minare couldn’t bear the shame and guilt, choosing to exile herself and take to wandering Felarya alone. She swore never to return until she master all combat and make up for her failure.

Minare’s main weapon is a Maquahuitl like weapon. It looks like paddle with sharp stones from her home in the side. She always a knife as well incase her main weapon is ineffective or taken from her. As a trophy and reminder the took one of the Scorpiasis’ claw and wears it as gauntlet and shield. She still has her natural hair as a weapon as well. In her travels she has learned a little bit of magic in her journey to master combat. She magic is based on boost her physical prowess. She gathers the energy that would normally be expelled in a magical attack (like producing flame, or shooting lightning from your hands) and focuses it inward. This allows her to hit people with much greater force than normal at cost to her speed. Another side effect is if she used it for too long or tries to lift something extremely heavy, after she turns it off her muscles can be damaged leaving her weak or immobile for sometime. When the spell is active her skin turns black leaving her hair still white.

Personality: Extremely competitive with people with power. She respects people of great power than herself but hardly ever become close friends treating them as teachers until she feels she has surpassed them. She only dislikes those who brag or feel like they waste their potential. Nearly everything is business with her so she hardly lets anyone get close to her emotionally, and cares nothing for weak people viewing them as wastes of flesh.

Last edited by Saen Kel on Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:13 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 3:27 pm

Yes Mort, I know I'd love to have you on board. ^.^ I suppose a full bio isn't necessary, I trust you to know what you're doing. Your character seems balanced enough to me, so you have my okay.

Nergal, I don't like your character. To me, he is cliché and far too overpowered. I'd suggest removing his poisons, and limiting him to three, maybe four specific mind powers. His offensive capability in particular is far too great. As a psionic, I also don't think he should have such advanced hand-to-hand combat abilities, either. Those are just the main things, but if you want more feedback, you need only ask. For this RP, I'd really like it if you either tone his abilities back a LOT and give him some physical weaknesses, or just go with a different character altogether.

Yes, you are able to use preds of any type, however I question how responsible it would be of us as GMs to allow a character that can create light in a world of dark to be used. Seems like it might make things too easy for you. ^^; Though feel free to convince me otherwise!

Zeph, I didn't just choose you for the grimdark factor, but also because I like you as a person and I think you're smart and you really seem to know what you're doing. I'm also new to co-GMing, and I think it'll be a great experience, too. I hope at least having someone else to GM will help me avoid glorifying my own characters overly much as I seem to do with my own RPs (I think that's what keeps killing them), and maybe it'll provide opportunities for the two of us to play as players while the other GMs a specific event, perhaps. ^.^

Saen, I would very much prefer you stick to only one character, yes. I'm flattered you chose to make her one of the species I invented. ^.^ Now the Feedback: I don't think that, as a mountain shakala, her bettering herself through any means necessary would be enough to put her on bad terms with the rest of the tribe. In fact, I think she would probably even be looked up to by them, though you would do well to omit that from the bio to avoid mary-sueness. I do like the fact that she exiled herself out of shame; while the tribe would likely berate her for failure, they wouldn't be so hasty as to cast out one of their own, so what you said makes sense. I like her magic ability - not too powerful but useful even so, however I don't see why it necessarily has to have an element related to it. I also don't understand why her skin would turn black. Her personality seems pretty balanced. All in all a decent job. :3
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 3:28 pm

Maquahuitl? Wow that sure is an exotic weapon you have there. ^^ I don't think I have ever seen an OC that weilds a Maquahuitl before.

Mortis' weapon is a sword made from blackened steel. It has red runes engraved along the length of the blade, enchanting it with increased durability. It is hardy enough to stand up to anything, even a lightsaber, if one existed. Ha, imagine a lightsaber in Felarya? OP or what? XD Get swallowed? No problem! Just slice your way out with ease!

Take a look at my signature. That is Darth Nihlus. With his lightsaber and mastery of the dark side of the force, I think he would be just a liiiittle bit too OP in Felarya don't you think? :p
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The Ultimate
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 3:36 pm

Nyaha, I wasn't really gonna have her create light for the RP, I guess only her attacks could create a little light but only momentarily. I am also sure that my character couldn't come up with an idea like that anyway because she is kinda stupid. Pretty please Gms?
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 3:37 pm

Well, I think the dense magical energy could be a good dampener for the force, pseudo-scientifically-speaking. ;3 And if, perhaps, stomach juices made lightsabers short out?

Well I guess if her magic isn't focused on the creation of light, and lightning attacks wouldn't last that long anyway, I guess it's not as bad as I thought. I'm okay with it if Zephyr is. ^.^
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 3:39 pm

May I lend my thoughts to this "light" issue? It seems to me that there is an easy compromise here. How about this:

When the purple moon is out. the land is cast into an 'Unnatural' darkness. This darkness absorbs light sources, so that no matter how bright a light may be normally, it cannot shine very brightly, as the darkness absorbs the light that is being given off.

How about that?
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 3:43 pm

I'd love that idea if I didn't plan for one of my other ideas, Mistron Ehrs and her lake, to be able to thrive in the darkness with the assistance of Ehrs' light magic. :/ I'll give it some further discussion with Zephyr, though.
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PostSubject: Re: Grimdark RP Preparation Thread   Grimdark RP Preparation Thread Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 3:45 pm

Also damn you Nyaha! I suppose you are correct. Most lightsabers short out when submerged in water. But unless the stomach in question was full to the brim with acid I reckon a lightsaber would still function.

I wonder if the legendary stomach walls of Crisis could stand up to a lightsaber? There are materials than can resist lightsabers, such as Mandalorian Iron. Come to think of it, there are creatures that have hides so thick, that lightsabers cannot damage them! I guess the legendary stomach of Crisis could stand up to a lightsaber after all! Geez. I bet you could detonate a nuke in her belly and it would do nothing but make her a little gassy. XD

Ok I'm done being a nerd now. When are we planning to start? Very Happy

P.S Its your call. You are the Co-GM after all.

Last edited by Mortis on Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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