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Veteran knight
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Judgement Empty
PostSubject: Judgement   Judgement Icon_minitimeWed Mar 26, 2008 12:46 pm

I’ve been wondering this after looking at the Felaryan religions topic. How are people judged in Felarya after they die and go to the afterlife?

I realize that most of the morals and rules that our earth based religions teach us are pretty laughable to some in Felarya. Talking about “Thou shall not kill” to a Naga would probably cause her to chuckle before she proceeds to eat you. What's good and what's bad in Felarya seems to be highly blurred (at least to me) and so interesting to think about what does it take for a person to go to hell or to heaven after they die in Felarya. I believe Felaryan afterlife may be based on some Karma like system.
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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Judgement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Judgement   Judgement Icon_minitimeWed Mar 26, 2008 1:00 pm

I think it depends on morals. If you kill just because it's fun or you have no good reason, you go in Hell. If it was an accident, or it was, say, shorten's one suffering (Death would be imminent, but extremely painful) then you in Heaven. Depends on if it was justified or not. Justified = good
Not justified = bad
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Judgement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Judgement   Judgement Icon_minitimeWed Mar 26, 2008 1:02 pm

Since the existance of hell is apparently widely known in Felarya, I think it'd be best to leave it all up to mystery as to just what gets you in and out.

If you define some guidelines, then it makes it more likely that everyone would start acting a certain way, which of course, just doesn't work for such a massive universe.
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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Judgement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Judgement   Judgement Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2008 6:28 pm

Well I personnaly don't really believe in good or bad as an absolute... Most of the time good or bad are a question of point of view. They exist of course, but I wouldn't base a whole system of judgement on it ^^;
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Judgement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Judgement   Judgement Icon_minitime

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