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 Pokemon trading idea

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4 posters

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Location : Someplace north Tonorian Hive, south of the Chordoni Waterfall, east of the Kuwuni bridge, and west of the Lataran Temple

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PostSubject: Pokemon trading idea   Pokemon trading idea Icon_minitimeTue Nov 27, 2012 2:39 pm

Ok, I have a small idea that could be kind of nice for anyone here who plays pokemon. Now, we have a lot of people on this forum from a lot of different nations, and I'm sure that a few of them play Pokemon. I'm sure those that play pokemon also know how difficult it is to find/capture/breed a shiny pokemon. So what if we used and abused the Masuda Method to breed shinies? For those that don't know what that is, it is trading someone for an international pokemon, basically a pokemon from a game that was made in a different nation, then breeding it with your own pokemon to hatch a shiny.

We would be trading dittos mostly, and we could also request certain natures for anyone who is into EV training. To help out with trading we can just share and use our friend codes.

Now, I am currently in the process of finding out if an international pokemon is still considered international if it goes through a sort of middle man. The reason for this is to help those who have difficulty getting online with their DS. For example, due to the type of internet security I have, I can only get online at places that have free Wi-Fi. This makes my time online very limited, which makes it difficult to trade with someone on the other side of the world who is in a different time zone. My idea is to use a middle man who is willing and able to trade with both myself and the person on the other side of the world. Of course, the middle man would end up being given a pokemon of their choice for the trade and it would be up to them if they do it, but it would greatly help with being able to get the pokemon.

Now, I'm not sure how well this will work, and I'm really not sure how the Mods/Karbo will like this idea since it has nothing to do with...well...anything on the forum. So if they want me to scrap it, I will.
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PostSubject: Re: Pokemon trading idea   Pokemon trading idea Icon_minitimeTue Nov 27, 2012 3:16 pm

Green lights, kid. Happy trading.
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Posts : 1175
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Age : 33
Location : Someplace north Tonorian Hive, south of the Chordoni Waterfall, east of the Kuwuni bridge, and west of the Lataran Temple

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PostSubject: Re: Pokemon trading idea   Pokemon trading idea Icon_minitimeTue Nov 27, 2012 4:42 pm

Yay. Very Happy Thanks Stabs. :3
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Age : 33
Location : Someplace north Tonorian Hive, south of the Chordoni Waterfall, east of the Kuwuni bridge, and west of the Lataran Temple

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PostSubject: Re: Pokemon trading idea   Pokemon trading idea Icon_minitimeWed Nov 28, 2012 9:16 am

Derp, I totally forgot. Heh heh, I posted this thread, but I didn't tell you how we would contact each other. Basically, if you have/want a pokemon just post your name, the pokemon in question, any details about it (like nature, level, ect.), and if you are offering or looking. I will be doing my best to get on every day and update the list of who has what, then you guys can set up the trade through notes. :3 I will have to be notified if/when you have traded, that way I can remove you or, if you have multiple pokemon offerings, the offered pokemon.
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PostSubject: Re: Pokemon trading idea   Pokemon trading idea Icon_minitimeThu Dec 06, 2012 11:23 am

I can hook people up with a large number of Pokemon, due to having several games I keep pulling from, going all the way back to Gen 3. If you need something, let me know. Also, I wouldn't be against setting up some battles too. If anyone's interested, let me know. I tend to use novelty teams, and stay away from most legends. Currently, I'm making a fairly fun sandstorm team. Tough to make work, awesome when it does.

tl;dr I can help with a lot of older Pokemon, a decent number of newer, and have Pokemon ranging from USA to Japan, due to having a copy of Japanese Heart Gold on a flash cart, and like to battle with fun, non-srsbsns teams.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Pokemon trading idea   Pokemon trading idea Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2012 4:29 pm

I have trouble connecting to nintendo wi fi, otherwise I'd volunteer to trade my feebas. I have a box or two full 'of 'em but no shinies yet Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Pokemon trading idea   Pokemon trading idea Icon_minitime

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