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 Redfield's Harem (W.I.P)

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Tasty morsel

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Redfield's Harem (W.I.P) Empty
PostSubject: Redfield's Harem (W.I.P)   Redfield's Harem (W.I.P) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 02, 2013 4:34 am

(Character is Still a W.I.P will be updated at a later date.)

Name: Diana
Age: Nineteen
Gender: Female
Species: Fairies

Height: Varies
Weight: Varies depending on Size.
Body Figure: Hourglass
Cup Size: C

Eye Colour: Emerald Green
Skin Colour: Caucasian
Hair Colour: Pink, with Dark Purple at the tips.
Hair Style: Short, Layered bob

Wings: Diana's wings are the standard span depending on size. Her wings are delicate, pointed to the ground when not in use, they are similar in appearance to the wings of a wasp.

Other Defining Features: Diana's ears pointed like an elves. Her lips are a light pink colour.


Abilities: Like other fairies, Diana possess's the standard size changing abilities. Diana possess some magic that allows her to change hair colour at will. She can summon a paint brush and paint out of thin air, though they always seem to come out the size of pencils. Diana can paint with her feet and considers herself to be adept at sewing. Diana has a beutiful singing voice, she claims that when she sings the birds stop to listen to her. She can use this Siren-like voice to lure in unsuspecting Prey.



- Painting
- Singing
- Archery
- Eating other Fairies (When she can Catch them.)
- Reading and Writing


- Male Neko's (The fur get's stuck in her teeth, oddly she has no dislike for female Neko's.)
- The Dark
- Caves
- Bugs

Predation: Normal

Interesting Tid Bits:

- In Roman mythology Diana is the goddess of the woodlands, the moon, hunting, wild animals and Chastity.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

Posts : 1474
Join date : 2011-12-06
Age : 36
Location : Fantasy Land ^_^

Redfield's Harem (W.I.P) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Redfield's Harem (W.I.P)   Redfield's Harem (W.I.P) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 02, 2013 11:03 am

Okay read through you bio and have a few things to say, please don't take them as negative but as me trying to help you okay? First off: Your bio doesn't fit the current template. Now while the Forum isn't against the idea of original bios it does encourage usesage of the ones Oldman40k made here https://felarya.forumotion.com/t1728-creating-basic-character-information-boxes-for-all-species?highlight=Info+Boxes. A few reasons why: It helps to fit your OC in the wiki, if they ever get put in not that I'm saying doing this will guarantee you 100% wiki entry if you use the template. Your character has to earn that in Karbo's eyes. Next it sorta helps us to better understand your OC and it's abilities. Kinda like how you wrote:
Quote :
Height: Varies
That won't fly around here. ^^; People prefer to know HOW big, small and regular sized she is. There's three fields in the bio and I think you'll find once you get the hang of it this is really fun to play with and vary. Laughing

Oh there's also the fact you added all sorts of things about the character but didn't say much about HER! like Backstorywise or such. Roots, Origins ANYTHING! It helps trust me. I liek to wirte the bare minimum for a intro and save the backstory for RPs and stuff but sometimes a character needs a godo story. Like Tarynn's tale of her curse, Anna's misfortune and even the origin story in Crisis's bio tells us about her. Okay I hope that helped and didn't sound TOO hyper critical. ^_^;; Also Welcome to the Forums since I didn't greet/ meet ya before.
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