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 Raven's nest

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Tasty morsel

Posts : 4
Join date : 2013-03-09

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PostSubject: Raven's nest   Raven's nest Icon_minitimeMon Mar 11, 2013 6:57 pm

Lara was born in the Moyuk hills. Her Mother raised and nurtured her through her adolescence. Her father had been killed long ago in a fight with a naga. Her mother both taught her how to hunt and use a bow properly. Lara also developed a distaste of nagas not only due to finding out her father’s fate but her mother instilling her own prejudices into the young centaur. Lara left her mother’s domain and went to live life on her own. As a parting gift her mother gave her her father’s bow. A thick powerful bow made from a fallen branch of the giant tree. She humbly accepted the bow and left to live her own life.

Lara stands a towering 110 feet. Her coat is piebald, that is a black with white splatters. Hey body is toned yet not overly muscular. Her skin is heavily tanned from being in the sun all day and refusing to wear any clothing other than the strap of her quiver. Which fits snugly in her well shaped breasts. Hey eyes are a fiery hazel color and her hair is a lovely black. She stands tall and proud as one would if they were of noble birth. She sees herself as a symbol of strength, ready to lay her life on the line for any of her centaur brothers and sisters.
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Tasty morsel

Posts : 4
Join date : 2013-03-09

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PostSubject: Re: Raven's nest   Raven's nest Icon_minitimeMon Mar 11, 2013 6:58 pm

Raven was the youngest of seven harpies and at birth was already an outcast. Her feathers were black as she was the only one to inherit her mother’s recessive genes, while her brothers’ and sisters’ were all shades of brown and was the runt of the hatchlings. As she grew unlike her brothers and sisters who would fresh live meals Raven, would be given scraps and this would lead her to become more of a scavenger rather than a hunter as she grew up. When her family discovered she couldn't speak this only lead to her being further isolated. She was teased and tortured about it for years until one day she decided to leave. She lives on her own still eating mostly dead carcasses and fruit. She eats fruit almost at all times to keep her breath smelling sweet because one time a harpy had complained how horrible her breath had smelled.

Well her eyes I had them being a dark brown/black. Her hair would be mid long and wild as she doesn't take the time to groom it. Her as for her complexion I wanted her more pale but thinking about it now I would say a light tan.

Last edited by Raven. on Mon Mar 11, 2013 9:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Raven's nest   Raven's nest Icon_minitimeMon Mar 11, 2013 9:10 pm

You didn't really say outright what Raven was, but I am guessing by the description that she is a harpie? I think the fact that she doesn't speak is interesting, does she communicate using some kind of Harpie sign language? Because that can be really funny if it turns out Harpie sign language is as harsh as regular Harpie speech
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PostSubject: Re: Raven's nest   Raven's nest Icon_minitime

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